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Communication is an essential topic to be discussed in the context of hospital management, as it is the common thread connecting all actors within the complex system of healthcare. Indeed, health is dedicated to the care of people, by people. In this sense, all care, management, and support processes are interconnected through verbal and non-verbal mediation conducted by people, via technology or not. By organizing communication management into three main steps strategic, organizational, and institutional, J. Antônio Cirino helps to formalize knowledge regarding best practices and communication solutions. He suggests tools and concepts helping to diagnose the different scenarios and resources available in any type of setting to improve the communication strategy. "Management of Hospital Communication" is a strong contribution to the important topic of communication. Mr. Cirino's book connects the fundamental knowledge of communication sciences to the practical application in the health sector for hospital management and should be a valuable read to organizational leaders from around the globe. Ronald Lavater CEO - Chief Executive Officer IHF International Hospital Federation.
Hospitais --- Hospitais --- Administração. --- Comunicação.
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Malgrado ci separino due secoli dal tempo in cui visse il beato Stefano Bellesini, religioso e sacerdote agostiniano, la sua testimonianza risplende sempre attuale in un mondo afflitto da mali materiali e spirituali. Dare tutto per amore è stato il suo stile sin dalla giovinezza. Di nobili origini, non esita ad abbandonare gli agi per farsi religioso, avendo solo «da perdere». A Trento, nell’incombente soppressione degli ordini religiosi, in età napoleonica, le qualità di abile e amorevole pedagogo gli guadagnano la stima dell’autorità civile, che gli offre prospettive allettanti, costringendolo però di fatto a scegliere tra scuola e comunità. Agostiniano autentico, Bellesini opta per la fraternità, raggiungendo audacemente i confratelli – in clandestinità e senza documenti – nello Stato Pontificio. Uomo di preghiera, ricco di zelo per le anime, p. Bellesini risplende come modello per molti sacerdoti minacciati dall’individualismo, da condotte divisive o collusive col mondo. La vera santità parla sempre all’oggi perché riflette la perenne attualità di Cristo. Sulla scia del grande Agostino, queste pagine coniugano affetto e profondità, svelando il volto di un uomo felice di amare Dio e servire il prossimo.
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In this intellectual biography, the economic historian Michele Alacevich explores the development and trajectory of Albert O. Hirschman's approach to social-scientific questions. He traces the many strands of Hirschman's thought and their place in his multifaceted body of work, considering their limitations as well as their strengths.
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Née en novembre 1887 dans le Wisconsin, Georgia O'Keeffe étudie à l'Institut d'art de Cicago et à la Ligue des étudiants en art de New York. Figure incontournale du cercle d'Alfred Stieglitz, éminent photographe et galeriste new-yorkais dont elle sera la muse et la compagne, elle est au centre de l'effervescence de l'art américain au début du XXe siècle. Tout au long du siècle, elle dessine en pionnière une voie qui lui est propre, entre figuration et abstraction, modernisme et primitivisime, végétal et minéral, nature et architecture.Ses vues urbaines, ses fleurs, ses paysages hypnotiques - rives sylvestres du Lake George, plaines et canyons du Texas, panoramas désertiques du Nouveau-Mexique ... -, ses squelettes et os d'animaux, souvent en gros plans, forment des motifs récurrents qui s'inscrivent dans un courant biomorphique et subjectif en rupture avec l'abstraction géométrique. A travers cette monographie de référence, Citadelles & Mazenod invite ses lecteurs à célébrer l'originalité et la singularité d'une artiste visionnaire, en présentant un panorama iconographique d'une ampleur sans précédent.
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"In this autobiographical memoir, John W. O'Malley recounts how his life-story is unintelligible apart from his craft as an historian and from the passion his craft inspired. The narrative is the straightforward story of how a young man of modest background from a small town in Ohio achieved international eminence as a historian of the religious culture of modern Europe. In some detail, therefore, this book tells how four of the twelve monographs that O'Malley published during his career had field-changing influence: "Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome" (1979), "The First Jesuits" (1993), "Trent and All That" (2000), and "What Happened at Vatican II" (2008). The book is, however, much more than a tedious review of scholarship. It teaches the reader lessons in historical method and lessons in what good history does for us. They are lessons easy to digest because they are taught not by abstract principles, but by following a historian in action as he learns in fits and starts how to interpret the past in ways that do less injustice to it than other ways"--
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Özdamar, Emine Sevgi, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Sevgi Özdamar, Emine,
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Catalogue d'exposition consacré à la peintre américaine réunissant peintures, dessins et sculptures issus des principales collections américaines. La longévité de l'artiste lui a permis de traverser les grandes tendances de la peinture américaine : première peinture moderniste, recherche identitaire, peinture abstraite Hard Edge des années 1950.
O'Keeffe, Georgia --- Schilderkunst --- Verenigde Staten --- 20e eeuw --- Kunst --- Plastische opvoeding --- Georgia O'Keeffe --- Peinture
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Die Geschichte des nationalsozialistischen Skilaufs in Österreich beginnt nicht erst mit dem "Anschluss" im März 1938. Schon davor kann eine Hinwendung großer Teile des organisierten Skisports zum Nationalsozialismus nachgezeichnet werden. Eine zunehmende Ideologisierung des Sports führte zu einer Ausgrenzungspolitik im ÖSV, die in der Radikalität der NS-Diktatur seine Entsprechung fand.Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beleuchtet Machtstrukturen und Handlungsspielräume des österreichischen Skisports vor und während der NS-Diktatur und geht der Frage nach, inwieweit dieser zum Träger des nationalsozialistischen Unrechts-Systems werden konnte. Im Fokus stehen besonders die handelenden AkteurInnen, ihre individuellen Handlungs-, Beteiligungs- und Deutungsmuster. Dabei erzählt die Publikation sowohl die Geschichte der TäterInnen als auch der Opfer, der Ausgegrenzten und Verfolgten und befasst sich ebenso mit dem österreichischen Skisport in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit bis 1955 und wie dieser ungeachtet der NS-Verbrechen zu einer nationalen Sportart und seine Aktiven zu "HeldInnen" stilisiert werden konnte. The history of National Socialist skiing in Austria does not begin in March 1938; rather, the turn toward National Socialism in skiing can be traced to an even earlier date. Its increasing ideologization led to a policy of exclusion in the Austrian Skiing Association, which was mirrored in the radicality of the Nazi dictatorship. Andreas Praher sheds light on power structures and the scope of action in skiing before and during the Nazi period.
HISTORY / Europe / Germany. --- Austria. --- National Socialism. --- Skiing. --- Österreichs Skiverband --- History --- Austrian Ski Association. --- ÖSV
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