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la première partie de ce projet de fin d’étude traitera l’aspect théorique de la gestion des risques en général en premier lieu et la gestion des risques RH en particulier en deuxième lieu à travers la définition, la classification et finalement la mise en exergue des différents modèles d’analyse des risques. La deuxième partie de ce rapport se propose de contribuer à la mise en place d’une cartographie des risques RH au sein de l’ONCF. Dans ce travail, nous avons choisi d’analyser le processus RH à travers une démarche d’évaluation par les risques, cette démarche a l’avantage de cibler les risques RH importants, de les évaluer tenant compte de l’efficacité du dispositif de contrôle interne mis en place à travers un travail à double casquette de gestionnaire de risque et d’auditeur interne permettant de mettre l’accent sur les risques prioritaires à surveiller.
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Going through a global health crisis is never easy for companies, and even less so for SMEs. Although some sectors have been lucky enough to partially resume their activity under certain conditions, this is far from being the case for the B2B events sector, which is still at a standstill. This crisis has had repercussions on the financial cycle of the company. The objective of this thesis is to study the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on the need for financial resources of SMEs in the B2B events sector. First, I reviewed the literature on this topic. I took time to define what an SME is and what the B2B events sector is. I also described the VUCA environment, because it matches the environment we have to cope with during a global health crisis. This includes the operating cycle, the investment cycle and the financing cycle. I also addressed the financing solutions put in place by the state to help companies through this crisis. The pecking-order-theory has been explained too in order to understand the financing preferences of a company. The failure path of the firm has also been discussed to understand the bankruptcy process. Secondly, I conducted a series of interviews, which enabled me to clarify the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on the needs for financial resources of companies in the B2B events industry. With the aim of making the sample as representative as possible, I interviewed a certain number of people as possible from the B2B events sector: audio-visual companies, companies renting out rooms for all types of events (team-buildings, seminars, etc.), companies renting out equipment for events, brewers, caterers, as well as companies organizing events from A to Z. As a result of this research and these responses, we were able to compile a list of recommendations that could help the sector emerge from the trajectory of failure associated with the Covid-19 crisis and that could be used if we were to experience a similar crisis again.
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The objective of this master’s thesis is to identify the potential of blockchain technology for oper-ational risk management in high reliability organizations (HROs). The theory section examines why the pharmaceutical industry, which has not previously been regarded as an HRO, can be considered an HRO. Furthermore, a systematic literature review for the HRO areas healthcare and pharmaceutical is conducted to identify the blockchain applications for operational risk management there. In the empirical section, the operational risk of counterfeit drugs identified from the literature review and the potential of blockchain are discussed in the form of three expert interviews. For this purpose, the expert opinion is obtained from the Lead Counterfeit Protection from Bayer AG, the PharmaLedger Project Leader from Novartis AG, and the Supply Chain Excellence representative from MSD who is contributing to the EU-funded PharmaLedger project, too. The results of this work show that the HRO theory can be extended to the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, 52 blockchain applications for operational risk management in the HROs healthcare and pharmaceutical are identified in the literature review. The result of the empirical section is that the pharmaceutical industry is working on further blockchain solutions in addition to the blockchain applications for the operational risk of counterfeits drugs. Further research is needed to confirm the pharmaceutical industry as an HRO and to elaborate the potential of blockchain for operational risk management in other HROs.
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This research thesis aims at analyzing the key elements that enable successful forecasting projects in a company which operates within an interorganizational framework. More precisely, it is about identifying essential factors which influence the effectiveness and efficiency of the forecasting management process in a positive or negative way. The unexpected global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has shaken supply chains and highlights the need to address demand forecasting under uncertainty. Thus, to examine factors that are fundamental to accurate forecasting and those that drive forecasting project deliverables. Among others, methodical, technological and organizational factors will be identified in a literature review. Further a holistic single-case study is conducted to analyze the identified factors in an organizational environment. The findings will be interlinked to be then able to derive recommendations for action and to be able to identify further fields of research based on this thesis.
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Bankruptcy prediction models have been developed and studied for many years. They are indeed of major interest since bankruptcies are numerous and have negative effects on many people more or less close to the company going bankrupt. The interest of these models is therefore to predict bankruptcy on the basis of different indicators, most often financial, whose evolution could distinguish healthy companies from those that go bankrupt. Moreover, anticipating a bankruptcy could at best make it possible to avoid some of them and at worst to mitigate the negative effects of bankruptcy. The objective of this thesis is to investigate whether adding the variability of the different financial indicators often used within prediction models has an effect on the efficiency of the model. Given the importance that these models can have, it is interesting to investigate whether this can improve the results. In the first part of this work, the theoretical one, we first analysed the key concepts that are used throughout this research. Then, we have detailed what has already been done concerning bankruptcy prediction models and the study of variability by means of a literature review. We explain a major difference in vision between authors who try to predict bankruptcy and those who try to prevent it and finish by explaining the statistical model we use for this research. In the second part of this work, the practical one, we start by detailing all the choices we made to carry out this research within a detailed methodology. We then analyse the various results obtained with the help of our statistical analysis. This allows us to make comparisons and analyse the effect of adding variability within a bankruptcy prediction model.
variability --- prediciton --- bankruptcy --- failure --- ratios --- financial --- Belgium --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Gestion de l'entreprise & théorie des organisations
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In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) business world, organizations need more than ever to be responsive to unpredicted risk. While developing failure learning orientations, organizations are building the capacity to respond to various risk and their consequences. When mastered, failure learning can become a competitive advantage for organizations in competitive markets while risk management becomes part of the organizational culture. This paper focuses on failure learning orientations and on how to incorporate such orientations as a part of the organizational culture. Authors developed researches about failure learning orientation since the 70’s, trying notably to understand the causes of failure and their implications. More recently, the literature has started to focus on how to design these orientations in all organizational cultures (Cannon and Edmondson (2005), Wilson and Dobni (2020), Argote (2013), Cardon, Steven and Potter (2011), …). The approach followed in this thesis is a deductive one. It involves the collection of important findings from the existing literature on the topic and deducts a model on basis of it, which is later evaluated by field interviews. This model integrates a list of enablers that leaders of organizations should include in their organizational culture to offer a better response to failure and learn from it. In the literature, three main papers are identified as key sources for building a model on how to design a failure learning orientation. Based on those 3 papers but also on other very insightful papers in the literature, we have identified 5 important enablers to follow in order to design a failure learning orientation in the organization culture. Thanks to the field interviews, the five enablers have been reviewed and improved to become: organizational commitment to learning, creation of a safe environment (provide a positive response and end the blame game), encourage innovative initiatives, identify the causes of failure and analyze the causes of failure. This enablers, incorporated in a strategic order, are considered as the first step to the incorporation of a failure learning orientation in the organizational culture.
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As cities are growing, local governments are challenged to guarantee a good quality of life by taking action on climate mitigation and adaptation. Due to increased awareness among citizens, local governments commit to ambitious sustainability objectives. The concept of a smart sustainable city has emerged as an ideal for cities to aim for. It requires management control systems (MCS) to steer stakeholders’ behavior towards these objectives. The effectiveness of a MCS depends on one another, requiring to study MCS as a package and not in isolation as previous research has done. Especially the knowledge on MCS packages adopted by smart cities is very limited, and therefore, this research filled in this gap focusing on the smart environment dimension. The goal was to explore the MCS packages adopted for smart environment projects and how they integrate the concept of sustainability. After analyzing the existing literature, case studies were performed in two Belgian local governments, Liège and Hasselt. Using semi-structured interviews, different stakeholders were asked to identify the adopted MCS. The conceptual framework by Malmi and Brown (2008) was used as a guiding theory. As a result, the different MCS were identified for both cities, classified into the five groups of control systems. Also, the links between control systems and their role in implementing sustainability were identified. Based on these findings, it is concluded that both cities have adopted strong planning and administrative controls for their smart environment projects. Also, the culture helps to align employee’s behavior. The reward & compensation and cybernetic controls were weak, apart from budgeting. These insights allow a better understanding of the adopted MCS package by smart cities. Future research can use these insights to determine the effectiveness of systems based on the full package, facilitating the transition toward a smart sustainable city.
smart --- city --- control --- management --- environment --- sustainable --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Stratégie & innovation
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Le médiateur d’entreprise a été introduit en droit belge en 2009 par l’article 13 de la loi relative à la continuité des entreprises. Par cette démarche, le législateur a voulu proposer une solution out-of-court et à coûts réduits aux difficultés rencontrées par de nombreuses entreprises. Cet article fut remplacé en 2017 par l’article XX.36 du Code de Droit Économique et apporte des précisions sur certains aspects de la mesure d’aide. Malheureusement, la méconnaissance de cette mesure s’est traduite par le faible succès qu’elle a rencontré. En effet, il existe très peu de littérature à ce sujet, et de nombreux entrepreneurs ignorent l'existence de cet instrument de redressement. Ce mémoire vise à donner de la visibilité à cette notion de médiation d’entreprise. Dans un premier temps, ce mémoire a pour but de définir et de décrire les aspects entourant le médiateur d’entreprise. Ensuite, le travail vise à identifier le rôle réel du médiateur d’entreprise à travers trois sous-questions de recherche : Quelles sont les missions du médiateur d’entreprise ? Quel est le profil du médiateur d’entreprise idéal ? Comment va évoluer cette mesure d’aide? Afin de répondre à ces questions, une étude qualitative auprès de sept médiateurs d’entreprise a été conduite. Les entretiens menés ont permis d’identifier les missions endossées par le médiateur d’entreprise. Il propose des solutions de redressements à l’entreprise sans pour autant se substituer aux dirigeants. Il ne peut en aucun cas prendre des décisions à la place de l’organe de gestion. Il mène les négociations avec les créanciers stratégiques de l’entreprise afin d’obtenir des accords amiables. Il permet également aux dirigeants de prendre conscience des lacunes de la gestion de leur entreprise et des outils dont ils disposent pour les corriger. Ce travail a permis de mettre en lumière le côté humain de la désignation du médiateur. En effet, une grande partie de leur mission est de se montrer à l’écoute des personnes qui se retrouvent en difficulté. Notre recherche a permis d’établir le profil du médiateur d’entreprise. Celui-ci est un spécialiste des solutions de redressement de l’entreprise. Il sait négocier et communiquer avec les différentes parties. Grâce à son indépendance et sa neutralité vis-à-vis du débiteur, il donne de la crédibilité à la procédure face à ses créanciers. Les avantages principaux de la désignation du médiateur, à savoir la confidentialité et la flexibilité, annoncent une augmentation des interventions, particulièrement depuis la vague d’entreprise en difficulté attendue à cause de la crise économique actuelle.
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L’objectif de ce travail est dans un premier temps de comprendre le fonctionnement d’un audit interne afin de comprendre en quoi une telle fonction pourrait être utile pour les PME et ensuite analyser les freins possible à cette implémentation. Pour cela nous avons réalisé une revue de la littérature existante dans ces deux domaines : l’audit interne et les PME. La deuxième partie de ce travail est la partie empirique, qui permet de confronter les informations récoltées à l’aide d’interviews avec la théorie présentée dans la première partie. Pour finir, nous avons proposé des recommandations pour l’instauration de cellule d’audit interne dans les PME afin que cela soit adapté à ces dernières.
Audit interne --- PME --- Management des risques --- Gouvernance --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Comptabilité & audit
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Le modèle des leviers de contrôle conceptualisé par Simons fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches lorsqu'il s'agit de combiner contrôle et stratégie. Cependant, peu d'études se sont intéressées à un environnement spécifique tel que l'industrie de la construction. Par conséquent, cette étude tente de comprendre l'utilisation des leviers de contrôle dans les entreprises de la construction afin de mettre en œuvre des stratégies et d'en assurer le contrôle. Premièrement, une recherche théorique présente les concepts clés nécessaires à la compréhension du sujet et qui serviront de base à la réalisation de la recherche de terrain. Ces concepts théoriques sont : le contrôle de gestion, le cadre des leviers de contrôle et les outils de performance stratégique. Deuxièmement, la recherche empirique consiste à observer l'utilisation et l'application de ces concepts dans des entreprises de la construction. Pour ce faire, cinq entreprises sont sélectionnées et des interviews sont réalisées avec des contrôleurs de gestion ou des directeurs financiers. Enfin, l'analyse et l'interprétation des résultats par rapport à la théorie nous permettent de répondre à la question initiale de la recherche.
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