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Considered as one of the main factors in erosion of the biodiversity, land take describes the global reduction in the proportion of land allocated to farming and forestry or to natural spaces. This work identifies the decisive economic and social factors in land take and its impact on the environment and agriculture. It suggests levers of action likely to limit its development and its negative effects.
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Considered as one of the main factors in erosion of the biodiversity, land take describes the global reduction in the proportion of land allocated to farming and forestry or to natural spaces. This work identifies the decisive economic and social factors in land take and its impact on the environment and agriculture. It suggests levers of action likely to limit its development and its negative effects.
Conservation of the environment --- land take --- biodiversity
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Considered as one of the main factors in erosion of the biodiversity, land take describes the global reduction in the proportion of land allocated to farming and forestry or to natural spaces. This work identifies the decisive economic and social factors in land take and its impact on the environment and agriculture. It suggests levers of action likely to limit its development and its negative effects.
Conservation of the environment --- land take --- biodiversity
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Echtzeit im Film. Wie lässt sich der Trend zu filmischer Echtzeit analytisch fassen? Wie der Echtzeit-Begriff für eine filmwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung heuristisch nutzbar machen? Der Band widmet sich einem Phänomen, das in der jüngeren Filmgeschichte eine Konjunktur erlebt. Im Kern handelt es sich um eine Konvergenz zweier Zeitebenen, die etwa in der Erzähltheorie als Übereinstimmung zwischen der Zeit der Präsentation des Films auf der Leinwand und der in der Fiktion ablaufenden Zeitdauer gefasst wird. Im vorliegenden Band erfährt der Begriff eine breitere Klassifikation, wird in zentrale Konzepte überführt und hinsichtlich seiner Wirkungspotenziale geprüft sowie historisch, kulturell und gattungstheoretisch kontextualisiert. Bereitgestellt werden soll der Filmwissenschaft dadurch ›Echtzeit‹ als eine fundierte Analysekategorie.
authenticity --- Authentizität --- Zeitraffung --- Zeitdehnung --- zeitdeckend --- slow cinema --- simultaneity --- diegetic time --- diegetische Zeit --- durational art --- Erzählzeit --- lange Einstellung --- live transmission --- live-Übertragung --- long take --- material time --- Materialzeit --- Plansequenz --- real time --- screen duration --- simulation --- Simulation
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Business training programs are typically offered for free. Charging for training provides potential benefits including financial sustainability, but little is known about how price affects the demand for training. This study conducted two experiments in Jamaica using the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak mechanism and take-it-or-leave-it offers to estimate the demand for training. Most entrepreneurs have a positive willingness to pay for training, but demand falls sharply as price increases: in the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak experiment, 76 percent of the entrepreneurs attend training when it is free, but only 43 percent attend when they are charged one-quarter of the cost, and only 11 percent when charged the full cost. Providing a credit option did not increase willingness to pay. Higher prices screen out poorer, older, and more risk-averse business owners, and those who expect to benefit less from training and have a low value of sales. However, charging a higher price increases attendance among those who pay, suggesting a psychological effect where paying for training makes firms value it more.
Africa Gender Policy --- Business Development Services --- Business Training --- Demand Elicitation --- Enterprise Development and Reform --- Entrepreneurship Education --- Female Entrepreneurs --- Gender Innovation Lab --- Pricing Services --- Skills Development and Labor Force Training --- Small and Medium Size Enterprises --- Take-Up
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Echtzeit im Film. Wie lässt sich der Trend zu filmischer Echtzeit analytisch fassen? Wie der Echtzeit-Begriff für eine filmwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung heuristisch nutzbar machen? Der Band widmet sich einem Phänomen, das in der jüngeren Filmgeschichte eine Konjunktur erlebt. Im Kern handelt es sich um eine Konvergenz zweier Zeitebenen, die etwa in der Erzähltheorie als Übereinstimmung zwischen der Zeit der Präsentation des Films auf der Leinwand und der in der Fiktion ablaufenden Zeitdauer gefasst wird. Im vorliegenden Band erfährt der Begriff eine breitere Klassifikation, wird in zentrale Konzepte überführt und hinsichtlich seiner Wirkungspotenziale geprüft sowie historisch, kulturell und gattungstheoretisch kontextualisiert. Bereitgestellt werden soll der Filmwissenschaft dadurch ›Echtzeit‹ als eine fundierte Analysekategorie.
authenticity --- Authentizität --- Zeitraffung --- Zeitdehnung --- zeitdeckend --- slow cinema --- simultaneity --- diegetic time --- diegetische Zeit --- durational art --- Erzählzeit --- lange Einstellung --- live transmission --- live-Übertragung --- long take --- material time --- Materialzeit --- Plansequenz --- real time --- screen duration --- simulation --- Simulation
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Considers how research in psychology offers new perspectives on property law, and suggests avenues of reform Property law governs the acquisition, use and transfer of resources. It resolves competing claims to property, provides legal rules for transactions, affords protection to property from interference by the state, and determines remedies for injury to property rights. In seeking to accomplish these goals, the law of property is concerned with human cognition and behavior. How do we allocate property, both initially and over time, and what factors determine the perceived fairness of those distributions? What social and psychological forces underlie determinations that certain uses of property are reasonable? What remedies do property owners prefer? The Psychology of Property Law explains how assumptions about human judgement, decision-making and behavior have shaped different property rules and examines to what extent these assumptions are supported by the research. Employing key findings from psychology, the book considers whether property law’s goals could be achieved more successfully with different rules. In addition, the book highlights property laws and conflicts that offer productive areas for further behaviorally-informed research. The book critically addresses several topics from property law for which psychology has a great deal to contribute. These include ownership and possession, legal protections for residential and personal property, takings of property by the state, redistribution through property law, real estate transactions, discrimination in housing and land use, and remedies for injury to property.
Possessiveness. --- Property --- Acquisition of property. --- Things (Law) --- Possession (Law) --- Right of property. --- Property. --- Psychological aspects. --- Discrimination. --- Fair Housing Act. --- Lockean labor theory. --- Ownership. --- Possession. --- Preferences. --- Prejudice. --- Remedies. --- Schemas. --- Stereotype. --- Taxes. --- adaptation. --- adverse possession. --- anchoring. --- applied psychology. --- bailments. --- bankruptcy exemptions. --- behavioral law and economics. --- bounded rationality. --- bundle of rights. --- cognitive biases. --- cultural differences. --- debiasing. --- deception. --- dictator game. --- disparate impact. --- dual agency. --- eminent domain. --- endowment effect. --- expropriation. --- externalities. --- fair housing. --- family property. --- first possession. --- groupthink. --- homelessness. --- homes. --- homestead exemptions. --- identifiability effect. --- identity. --- implicit bias. --- in-kind redress. --- inequity aversion. --- injunctions. --- just compensation. --- legitimacy. --- liability rules. --- long-term tenants. --- mere ownership effect. --- monetary compensation. --- motivated reasoning. --- neighborhood associations. --- nudges. --- omission bias. --- optimism bias. --- overoptimism. --- ownership. --- participatory democracy. --- personal property. --- personhood theory. --- property rights. --- property rules. --- psychology-informed property law. --- quick take. --- redistribution. --- remedies. --- reparcellation. --- resource theory. --- self- help. --- self-serving bias. --- social norms. --- source dependence. --- sunk costs. --- takings. --- tenancy by the entirety. --- theories of private property. --- trespass. --- ultimatum game. --- undercompensation. --- well-being.
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This book summarizes the latest developments in the area of human factors test and evaluation methods for automated vehicles. Future vehicles will allow a transition of responsibility from the driver to the automated driving system and vice versa. Drivers will have the opportunity to use a wide variety of different driver assistance systems within the same vehicle. This coexistence of different automation levels creates new challenges in the design of the vehicle’s human–machine interface (HMI), which have to be accounted for by human factors experts, both in industrial design and in academia. This book brings together the latest developments, empirical evaluations and guidelines on various topics, such as the design and evaluation of interior as well as exterior HMIs for automated vehicles, and the assessment of the impact of automated vehicles on non-automated road users and driver state assessment (e.g., fatigue, motion sickness, fallback readiness) during automated driving.
History of engineering & technology --- virtual reality --- automated driving --- pedestrians --- decision making --- crossing --- eHMI --- eye-tracking --- attention distribution --- road safety --- driverless vehicles --- behavioural adaptation --- SAE L3 motorway chauffeur --- system usage --- acceptance --- attention --- secondary task --- highly automated driving --- HAD --- takeover --- conditional automation --- intelligent vehicles --- objective complexity --- subjective complexity --- familiarity --- cognitive assistance --- takeover quality --- standardized test procedure --- use cases --- test protocol --- Adaptive HMI --- automotive user interfaces --- driver behaviour --- automated vehicles --- automated driving systems --- HMI --- guidelines --- heuristic evaluation --- checklist --- expert evaluation --- human-machine interface --- mode awareness --- conditionally automated driving --- human–machine interface --- usability --- validity --- method development --- motion sickness --- methodology --- driving comfort --- multi-vehicle simulation --- mixed traffic --- measurement method --- SAE Level 2 --- SAE Level 3 --- human factors --- human machine interface --- controllability --- L3Pilot --- marking automated vehicles --- automated vehicles―human drivers interaction --- explicit communication --- external human-machine interface --- (automated) vehicle–pedestrian interaction --- implicit communication --- Wizard of Oz --- video --- setup comparison/method comparison --- partially automated driving --- non-driving related tasks --- take-over situations --- test protocol development --- user studies (simulator --- closed circuit) --- sleep --- sleep inertia --- HMI design --- external human–machine interface --- interface size --- legibility --- spatiotemporal displays --- sensory augmentation --- reliability display --- uncertainty encoding --- automotive hmi --- human-machine cooperation --- cooperative driver assistance --- state transparency display --- self-driving vehicles --- test methods --- evaluation --- user studies --- driver state --- discomfort --- psychophysiology --- heart-rate variability (HRV) --- skin conductance response (SCR) --- highly automated driving (HAD)
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The Special Issue “Assessment and Nonlinear Modeling of Wave, Tidal, and Wind Energy Converters and Turbines” contributes original research to stimulate the continuing progress of the offshore renewable energy (ORE) field, with a focus on state-of-the-art numerical approaches developed for the design and analysis of ORE devices. Particularly, this collection provides new methodologies, analytical/numerical tools, and theoretical methods that deal with engineering problems in the ORE field of wave, wind, and current structures. This Special Issue covers a wide range of multidisciplinary aspects, such as the 1) study of generalized interaction wake model systems with elm variation for offshore wind farms; 2) a flower pollination method based on global maximum power point tracking strategy for point-absorbing type wave energy converters; 3) performance optimization of a Kirsten–Boeing turbine using a metamodel based on neural networks coupled with CFD; 4) proposal of a novel semi-submersible floating wind turbine platform composed of inclined columns and multi-segmented mooring lines; 5) reduction of tower fatigue through blade back twist and active pitch-to-stall control strategy for a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine; 6) assessment of primary energy conversion of a closed-circuit OWC wave energy converter; 7) development and validation of a wave-to-wire model for two types of OWC wave energy converters; 8) assessment of a hydrokinetic energy converter based on vortex-induced angular oscillations of a cylinder; 9) application of wave-turbulence decomposition methods on a tidal energy site assessment; 10) parametric study for an oscillating water column wave energy conversion system installed on a breakwater; 11) optimal dimensions of a semisubmersible floating platform for a 10 MW wind turbine; 12) fatigue life assessment for power cables floating in offshore wind turbines.
History of engineering & technology --- off-shore wind farms (OSWFs) --- wake model --- wind turbine (WT) --- Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) --- wind power (WP) --- large-eddy simulation (LES) --- point-absorbing --- wave energy converter (WEC) --- maximum power point tracking (MPPT) --- flower pollination algorithm (FPA) --- power take-off (PTO) --- hill-climbing method --- Kirsten–Boeing --- vertical axis turbine --- optimization --- neural nets --- Tensorflow --- ANSYS CFX --- metamodeling --- FOWT --- multi-segmented mooring line --- inclined columns --- semi-submersible --- AFWT --- floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) --- pitch-to-stall --- blade back twist --- tower fore–aft moments --- negative damping --- blade flapwise moment --- tower axial fatigue life --- wave energy --- oscillating water column --- tank testing --- valves --- air compressibility --- air turbine --- wave-to-wire model --- energy harnessing --- energy converter --- flow-induced oscillations --- vortex-induced vibration --- flow–structure interaction --- hydrodynamics --- vortex shedding --- cylinder wake --- tidal energy --- site assessment --- wave-current interaction --- turbulence --- integral length scales --- wave-turbulence decomposition --- OWC --- wave power converting system --- parametric study --- caisson breakwater application --- floating offshore wind turbines --- frequency domain model --- semisubmersible platform --- 10 MW wind turbines --- large floating platform --- platform optimization --- wind energy --- floating offshore wind turbine --- dynamic analysis --- fatigue life assessment --- flexible power cables --- Daguragu / Kalkaringi / Wave Hill (Central NT SE52-08)
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This book summarizes the latest developments in the area of human factors test and evaluation methods for automated vehicles. Future vehicles will allow a transition of responsibility from the driver to the automated driving system and vice versa. Drivers will have the opportunity to use a wide variety of different driver assistance systems within the same vehicle. This coexistence of different automation levels creates new challenges in the design of the vehicle’s human–machine interface (HMI), which have to be accounted for by human factors experts, both in industrial design and in academia. This book brings together the latest developments, empirical evaluations and guidelines on various topics, such as the design and evaluation of interior as well as exterior HMIs for automated vehicles, and the assessment of the impact of automated vehicles on non-automated road users and driver state assessment (e.g., fatigue, motion sickness, fallback readiness) during automated driving.
virtual reality --- automated driving --- pedestrians --- decision making --- crossing --- eHMI --- eye-tracking --- attention distribution --- road safety --- driverless vehicles --- behavioural adaptation --- SAE L3 motorway chauffeur --- system usage --- acceptance --- attention --- secondary task --- highly automated driving --- HAD --- takeover --- conditional automation --- intelligent vehicles --- objective complexity --- subjective complexity --- familiarity --- cognitive assistance --- takeover quality --- standardized test procedure --- use cases --- test protocol --- Adaptive HMI --- automotive user interfaces --- driver behaviour --- automated vehicles --- automated driving systems --- HMI --- guidelines --- heuristic evaluation --- checklist --- expert evaluation --- human-machine interface --- mode awareness --- conditionally automated driving --- human–machine interface --- usability --- validity --- method development --- motion sickness --- methodology --- driving comfort --- multi-vehicle simulation --- mixed traffic --- measurement method --- SAE Level 2 --- SAE Level 3 --- human factors --- human machine interface --- controllability --- L3Pilot --- marking automated vehicles --- automated vehicles―human drivers interaction --- explicit communication --- external human-machine interface --- (automated) vehicle–pedestrian interaction --- implicit communication --- Wizard of Oz --- video --- setup comparison/method comparison --- partially automated driving --- non-driving related tasks --- take-over situations --- test protocol development --- user studies (simulator --- closed circuit) --- sleep --- sleep inertia --- HMI design --- external human–machine interface --- interface size --- legibility --- spatiotemporal displays --- sensory augmentation --- reliability display --- uncertainty encoding --- automotive hmi --- human-machine cooperation --- cooperative driver assistance --- state transparency display --- self-driving vehicles --- test methods --- evaluation --- user studies --- driver state --- discomfort --- psychophysiology --- heart-rate variability (HRV) --- skin conductance response (SCR) --- highly automated driving (HAD)
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