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Crosscurrents Along the Colorado : The Impact of Government Policy on the Quechan Indians
ISBN: 0816541175 0816505586 Year: 2020 Publisher: University of Arizona Press

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When in 1893 the Quechan Indians of Fort Yuma, California, gave up tracts of fertile farmland in the Colorado River basin in return for Federal aid, they hardly could have anticipated the ensuing deterioration of their economic, political, and cultural self-determination. Their circumstances devolved as has often been the case with Federal Indian policy. This intriguing book, original published in 1981, considers the Quechans as a case history of the frequent discrepancy between benevolently phrased national intention and exploitative local action. The story of their changing life is traced through the anti-poverty programs of the 1960s and '70s—showing how the implementation of these programs was affected by features of community life that had evolved over preceding decades—and culminates in the Quechans’ forging a self-sustaining though fragile economy despite their status as Federal wards. This book is more than a product of archival research. Author Robert Bee attended Quechan public gatherings, canvassed the community, and conducted intensive interviews over a thirteen-year period to attain an intimate understanding of this people’s perseverance in the face of age-old frustration. In presenting their story, Bee focuses on the behavior and actions of individuals thrust into key decision-making roles to provide more than just abstract analysis. What emerges is not only a unique ethnohistorical approach to economic development, but a model history of a modern tribe.

Benefit Sharing in the Arctic : Extractive Industries and Arctic People
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book provides a first-of-its-kind review and analysis of benefit sharing frameworks between extractive industries and Indigenous and local communities in different parts of the Arctic. The authors describe a wealth of case studies in order to examine predominant practices, policies, arrangements, mechanisms and impact assessment methodologies. They also discuss possible ways to improve and advance existing benefit sharing regimes, in order to attain fair and equitable benefit sharing and support sustainable development. Among the topics covered in the book are corporate social responsibility and social license to operate, principles and methodologies of determining compensation, legal and informal frameworks of benefit sharing, community response to extractive activities, and global-to-local linkages that shape benefit sharing processes. The book will be of interest to academics, industry experts, legal specialists, policymakers, community members concerned with industrial activities, and anyone interested in sustainable development in the Arctic.

Acute and Chronic Changes in Neural Excitability During Physical Activity in Non-Pathological States
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Neural control of human motor output and how it is modified by alterations in physical activity levels is complex and multidimensional. The use of various experimental designs has vastly increased our knowledge of how the nervous system integrates descending, segmental, and ascending information to produce motor outputs, yet there is still much to learn. A more complete picture of the neurophysiology underlying the control of human motor outputs may prove useful in guiding rehabilitation programs aimed at reducing motor impairments following disease or injury. The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect original articles that explore neural excitability in various states. Studies examining neural excitability on a moment-to-moment basis (acute) or following prolonged periods of exercise or skill training and disuse (chronic) are encouraged. Original research studies using various experimental measures (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation, transmastoid electrical stimulation, single motor unit recordings, electroencephalography, and measures of spinal reflexes) in various states (e.g., fatigued, non-fatigued, and resting) during different types of motor outputs (tonic or dynamic) are encouraged. Experimental studies and literature reviews are welcome.

Acute and Chronic Changes in Neural Excitability During Physical Activity in Non-Pathological States
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Neural control of human motor output and how it is modified by alterations in physical activity levels is complex and multidimensional. The use of various experimental designs has vastly increased our knowledge of how the nervous system integrates descending, segmental, and ascending information to produce motor outputs, yet there is still much to learn. A more complete picture of the neurophysiology underlying the control of human motor outputs may prove useful in guiding rehabilitation programs aimed at reducing motor impairments following disease or injury. The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect original articles that explore neural excitability in various states. Studies examining neural excitability on a moment-to-moment basis (acute) or following prolonged periods of exercise or skill training and disuse (chronic) are encouraged. Original research studies using various experimental measures (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation, transmastoid electrical stimulation, single motor unit recordings, electroencephalography, and measures of spinal reflexes) in various states (e.g., fatigued, non-fatigued, and resting) during different types of motor outputs (tonic or dynamic) are encouraged. Experimental studies and literature reviews are welcome.

Benefit Sharing in the Arctic : Extractive Industries and Arctic People
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book provides a first-of-its-kind review and analysis of benefit sharing frameworks between extractive industries and Indigenous and local communities in different parts of the Arctic. The authors describe a wealth of case studies in order to examine predominant practices, policies, arrangements, mechanisms and impact assessment methodologies. They also discuss possible ways to improve and advance existing benefit sharing regimes, in order to attain fair and equitable benefit sharing and support sustainable development. Among the topics covered in the book are corporate social responsibility and social license to operate, principles and methodologies of determining compensation, legal and informal frameworks of benefit sharing, community response to extractive activities, and global-to-local linkages that shape benefit sharing processes. The book will be of interest to academics, industry experts, legal specialists, policymakers, community members concerned with industrial activities, and anyone interested in sustainable development in the Arctic.

Critical Medical Anthropology : Perspectives in and from Latin America
ISBN: 1787355829 1787355837 Year: 2020 Publisher: University College London

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Critical Medical Anthropology presents inspiring work from scholars doing and engaging with ethnographic research in or from Latin America, addressing themes that are central to contemporary Critical Medical Anthropology (CMA). This includes issues of inequality, embodiment of history, indigeneity, non-communicable diseases, gendered violence, migration, substance abuse, reproductive politics and judicialisation, as these relate to health. The collection of ethnographically informed research, including original theoretical contributions, reconsiders the broader relevance of CMA perspectives for addressing current global healthcare challenges from and of Latin America. It includes work spanning four countries in Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala and Peru) as well as the trans-migratory contexts they connect and are defined by. By drawing on diverse social practices, it addresses challenges of central relevance to medical anthropology and global health, including reproduction and maternal health, sex work, rare and chronic diseases, the pharmaceutical industry and questions of agency, political economy, identity, ethnicity, and human rights. 'Critical Medical Anthropology offers thought-provoking interventions to understandings of health, illness and healthcare. It extends a legacy of critical anthropological research, inviting and stimulating south-north dialogue, while generating inspiring new thinking at the intersections of health, social justice, human rights and political economy.'- Ciara Kierans, University of Liverpool

Los morlacos y las redes sociales
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9978105778 9978104488 Year: 2020 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editorial Abya-Yala

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En conmemoración del Bicentenario de Independencia, la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana junto al Grupo de Investigación Gamelab-UPS y la dirección de Carrera de Comunicación -sede Cuenca- presenta la obra “Los morlacos y las redes sociales”, la cual es el resultado de investigación cualitativas y cuantitativas realizadas por estudiantes por estudiantes de segundo ciclo en la asignatura “Investigación de la Comunicación”. Los resultados demuestran que la ciudad de Cuenca y su población está inmersa en el uso de las redes sociales, denotando sus beneficios para la reactivación socieconómica y cultural posterior a la pandemia.

Cuando los instagrammers son los adultos
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9978105719 9978104704 Year: 2020 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editorial Abya-Yala

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En el marco de los temas relacionados al marketing, se encuentran varias estrategias que afectan la conducta de compra de los consumidores con la finalidad de informar o persuadir sobre los beneficios que brinda determinado producto o servicio. Las empresas ecuatorianas utilizan dichas estrategias para captar la atención de clientes actuales y potenciales, con la finalidad de generar: posicionamiento de mercado, top of mind, captación e incremento del market share, satisfacción de los clientes y por supuesto, mayores ventas de los bienes que ofrecen. Esta recopilación de artículos académicos, aborda diversas estrategias manejadas por las pymes ecuatorianas, con sus correspondientes respuestas de mercado en los consumidores, manejando temas tales como: neuromarketing, marketing digital, cultura de consumo y comportamiento de compra.

Patrimônio, povos do campo e memórias : diálogos com a cultura, a arte e a educação
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9786587108605 9786587108087 Year: 2020 Publisher: SciELO Books - EdUFERSA

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Esta obra é a culminância do projeto “Para além das fazendas em pedra e cal: um estudo sobre o Patrimônio Rural (Ambiental e Cultural) do Semiárido Nordestino”, financiado pelo Edital Universal MCTI/CNPq Nº 01/ 2016. Com o objetivo de problematizar a abrangência do conceito de patrimônio rural, esta proposta investigativa se inscreve nas ações do Grupo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Ensino de Sociologia e Ciências Humanas (UFERSA). O livro conta com os textos derivados de pesquisas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC/PICI-UFERSA) e TCCs do curso de Licenciatura Interdisciplinar em Educação do Campo (LEDOC/UFERSA), dissertações de mestrado vinculadas ao Programa Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições (PPGCTI/UFERSA) e ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS/UECE), bem como reflexões de convidados/as nacionais e internacionais que contribuíram ao longo da realização do projeto. Três eixos norteiam a obra: o primeiro, está mais diretamente relacionado às discussões que pensam o patrimônio nas suas interfaces com os aspectos da memória e identidade; o segundo, reflete sobre a articulação do patrimônio com a cultura e identidade dos povos do campo; o terceiro se detém sobre assuntos que tangenciam o tema do patrimônio e/ou das ruralidades, enfocando diferentes dimensões tais como a economia, a cultura e a arte.

Smartphones : Une enquête anthropologique
Year: 2020 Publisher: Genève Métis Presses

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En un peu plus d’une décennie, le smartphone a envahi le quotidien de centaines de millions de personnes à travers le monde, devenant très rapidement l’objet fétiche de nos sociétés globales et numérisées. Mais au-delà des enjeux économiques, éthiques ou écologiques immenses dont il est l’emblème, quelle place occupe-t-il dans la vie de ses propriétaires et quelles significations ces derniers lui accordent-ils? Sur la base d‘une enquête de terrain menée à Genève, Los Angeles et Tokyo, cet ouvrage aborde la dimension proprement anthropologique du smartphone. À travers six objets qui symbolisent autant de facettes de son usage — la laisse, la prothèse, le miroir, la baguette magique, le cocon et la coquille vide —, ce sont toutes les tensions et les ambivalences dont cet appareil est porteur qui, dans ces pages, se font jour. Par cette mise en perspective, Nicolas Nova souligne ainsi le rôle incontournable que le smartphone joue dans la reconfiguration de nos activités ordinaires et dans l’évolution de nos cultures matérielles.

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