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100 fiches pour organiser sa veille sur internet
ISBN: 9782212677232 2212677235 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: Éditions Eyrolles,

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Rechercher sur Internet est désormais une des activités les plus communes, que ce soit dans notre vie professionnelle ou personnelle. Tout le monde pense, à tort, savoir chercher sur Internet : pour beaucoup, lancer une requête sur Google suffit amplement. Or la veille va plus loin qu'une simple recherche sur Internet. Elle consiste à collecter, analyser, trier, partager et enfin diffuser l'information. Internet constitue souvent le premier champ d'actions de la veille. Des outils existent pour automatiser ses recherches. Ce livre pratique se propose de faire découvrir (ou approfondir) le concept de veille au travers d'outils (libres ou non) présents gratuitement sur le Web, et de techniques pour gagner en efficacité face au trop-plein d'informations auquel nous sommes confrontés quotidiennement. Une nouvelle édition mise à jour pour tenir compte des derniers outils apparus. Elle propose 100 fiches claires et détaillées.


Internet --- Documentation --- Research Subjects --- Information Storage and Retrieval --- utilization --- internet --- documentatie --- recherche documentaire --- documentenonderzoek --- informatique documentaire --- numérique --- vyhledávání dokumentů --- dokumentarisk søgning --- пребарување документи --- iskanje dokumentov --- dokumentu izguve --- dokumentarische Recherche --- cercetare documentară --- document retrieval --- tiftix tad-dokumenti --- aineiston haku --- dokumentsökning --- wyszukiwanie dokumentów --- dokumentumok visszakeresése --- dokumentų paieška --- тражење докумената --- pretraživanje dokumenta --- búsqueda documental --- pesquisa documental --- dokumendiotsing --- tërheqje e dokumentit --- ricerca documentaria --- τεκμηριωτική έρευνα --- документално изследване --- vyhľadávanie dokumentov --- истражување документи --- documenten-onderzoek --- Wiederauffinden von Dokumenten --- investigación documental --- bibliográfiai kutatás --- Informationsretrieval --- библиографско истражување --- pronalaženje dokumenta --- Интернет --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- documentation --- aisghabháil doiciméad --- Idirlíon --- Internet - utilization

Droit des brevets d'invention
ISSN: 17802369 ISBN: 9782804441371 2804441377 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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À une époque où l’innovation est plus que jamais au cœur de l’économie européenne, cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’exposer de manière à la fois simple et complète le droit des brevets en Belgique. Parce qu’il n’y a pas de bonne compréhension sans mise en perspective, il aborde tout d’abord l’histoire de la monopolisation des inventions, les justifications philosophiques données à celle-ci et la nature du droit. Il explique ensuite les conditions de brevetabilité, détaille les inventions non brevetables, et expose les procédures de délivrance belge et européenne ainsi que la problématique des pertes de droit et de la restauration du brevet. Sont ensuite abordées la question du droit à l’invention et celle du dépôt de brevet par une personne non habilitée. Les droits et obligations du breveté sont analysés, ainsi que les contrats dont le brevet peut faire l’objet (en ce compris les modes alternatifs de valorisation et la problématique des licences FRAND). Enfin, une large partie de l’ouvrage est consacrée à la problématique de la contrefaçon et aux sanctions tant civiles que pénales qui y sont liées. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux avocats, aux juristes d’entreprise, aux conseils en brevets et aux entreprises, ainsi qu’aux étudiants, qui y trouveront un exposé accessible et à jour de cette matière à la fois complexe et essentielle. Il a l’avantage d’avoir été écrit par un avocat spécialisé et par un conseil en brevets, ce qui lui permet d’aborder la problématique de l’obtention et de la défense du brevet sous ses différents aspects


Patent laws and legislation --- Brevets d'invention --- Droit --- E-books --- BPB2006 --- brevet --- Belgique --- STRADALEX --- patents --- patent --- privattiva --- szabadalom --- Patent --- patentti --- patentë --- brevetto --- патент --- δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας --- patente --- octrooi --- patentas --- paitinn --- patentin myöntäminen --- registrering av patent --- patendi väljastamine --- issue of a patent --- patent på uppfinning --- vydanie patentu --- Patenterteilung --- brevet de invenție --- izgudrojuma patents --- verlening van een octrooi --- išradimo patentas --- патентиран пронајдок --- patentudstedelse --- регистрација на патент --- brevetto d'invenzione --- έκδοση διπλώματος ευρεσιτεχνίας --- délivrance de brevet --- patente de invención --- entrega de patente --- patente de invenção --- patenta izsniegšana --- zdokonalovací patent --- патентиран изум --- patentë për shpikje --- zlepšovací patent --- ochrana vynálezu --- ευρεσιτεχνία --- opfinderpatent --- издавање патент --- leiutispatent --- patent for invention --- patento išdavimas --- brevet d'invention --- průmyslový patent --- rilascio di brevetto --- patentierte Erfindung --- patent na vynález --- keksinnölle myönnetty patentti --- çështje patente --- meddelande av patent --- izdavanje patenta --- признавање на патент --- patentiranje --- Erfindungspatent --- dépôt de brevet --- szabadalmasított találmány --- ufficio centrale brevetti --- recherche et développement --- monopole --- investigación y desarrollo --- výzkum a vývoj --- istraživanje i razvoj --- Forschung und Entwicklung --- forskning och utveckling --- moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinė plėtra --- badania i rozwój --- riċerka u żvilupp --- onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- cercetare și dezvoltare --- tutkimus ja kehitys --- investigação e desenvolvimento --- raziskave in razvoj --- kutatás és fejlesztés --- forskning og udvikling --- истражување и развој --- ricerca e sviluppo --- výskum a vývoj --- изследване и развитие --- истраживање и развој --- έρευνα και ανάπτυξη --- kërkim dhe zhvillim --- research and development --- pētniecība un attīstība --- uurimis- ja arendustegevus --- I+D --- forskning og innovation --- R&D --- F&U --- kutatás-fejlesztés --- I&D --- moksliniai tyrimai ir plėtra --- investigación y desarrollo tecnológicos --- επιστημονική και τεχνική έρευνα --- IDT --- FuE --- K+F --- монопол --- monopoli --- monopólio --- monopoly --- Monopol --- monopolie --- monopol --- μονοπώλιο --- monopolju --- monopolio --- monopols --- monaplacht --- monopólium --- monopolija --- monopolio commerciale --- marknadsföringsmonopol --- markedsføringsmonopol --- obchodný monopol --- monopole commercial --- handelsmonopolie --- monopolio de comercialización --- markkinointimonopoli --- trading monopoly --- monopolio comercial --- prekybos monopolija --- μονοπώλιο εμπορίας --- obchodní monopol --- handelsmonopol --- монополска позиција --- posizione di monopolio --- tirdzniecības monopols --- marketingový monopol --- trgovački monopol --- monopólio de comercialização --- kaubandusmonopol --- εμπορικό μονοπώλιο --- monopole de commercialisation --- monopólio comercial --- monopol tregtar --- monopol marketingu --- monopolista --- rigidità monopolistica --- Handelsmonopol --- commercialiseringsmonopolie --- monopol comercial --- monopolio di commercializzazione --- legislazione antimonopolistica --- turumonopol --- монополска управа --- marketing monopoly --- monopolio assoluto --- kereskedelmi monopólium --- fixação monopolística dos preços --- kaupan monopoli --- taighde agus forbairt --- recherche et développement

Informatiegestuurde politie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 17845300 ISBN: 9789463711968 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oud-Turnhout 's-Hertogenbosch Gompel&Svacina

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In het streven het politiewerk gerichter, effectiever en efficiënter te maken door een degelijke analyse van beschikbare informatie, wordt het ideaal van een ‘informatiegestuurde politie’ al enkele decennia nagestreefd in vele politieorganisaties. Het omzetten van dit ideaal naar de praktijk gaat echter niet zonder slag of stoot. De Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie Terroristische Aanslagen in België toont aan dat de informatiepositie van de Belgische geïntegreerde politie niet optimaal is. In Nederland werd anderzijds het ‘Criminaliteits Anticipatie Systeem’ (CAS) landelijk geïmplementeerd. Geavanceerde plannings- en voorspellingsmethoden helpen te voorspellen welke incidenten waar zullen plaatsvinden. De technologische omgeving waarin de politie functioneert, is grondig gewijzigd. De mogelijkheden om grote hoeveelheden ‘big data’ op te slaan en te analyseren zijn enorm toegenomen. Deze ontwikkeling werpt de vraag op in hoeverre het lukt om de politie om te vormen tot een hoogwaardige informatie- en kennisorganisatie. Welke beperkingen en voorwaarden doen zich daarbij voor? Hoe krijgen noties als ‘predictive policing’ of ‘policing of risks’ in de praktijk vorm? Wat zijn de morele en normatieve aspecten en vragen die deze ontwikkelingen bij de politie oproepen? De Cahiers Politiestudies verschijnen trimestrieel. Zij zijn onderworpen aan een internationale double blind peer review en worden samengesteld door de gasteditoren, de hoofdredacteur en de editorial board, i.s.m. de redactie.


Police --- Crime prevention --- Criminalité --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Prévention --- BPB2009 --- Comité P --- police --- enquêtecommissie --- истражен комитет --- kumitat ta' inkjesta --- vyšetrovací výbor --- tyrimo komitetas --- анкетна комисия --- tutkintavaliokunta --- uurimiskomisjon --- coiste fiosrúcháin --- comissão de inquérito --- komisja śledcza --- istražni odbor --- preiskovalni odbor --- commission d'enquête --- undersøgelsesudvalg --- komision hetimor --- committee of inquiry --- Untersuchungsausschuss --- commissione d'inchiesta --- undersökningskommitté --- izmeklēšanas komiteja --- comisie parlamentară de anchetă --- истражни одбор --- comisión de investigación --- vizsgálóbizottság --- vyšetřovací komise --- εξεταστική επιτροπή --- onderzoekscommissie --- Untersuchungsausschuß --- commissie van onderzoek --- εξεταστική των πραγμάτων επιτροπή --- coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach --- komise pro vyšetřování --- investigativní komise --- commission d'investigation --- comissão de investigação --- utredning --- izmeklēšanas komisija --- Enquete-Kommission --- tyrimo komisija --- commissione inquirente --- анкетна комисија --- commissione d'indagine --- policja --- pulizija --- politie --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- póilíní --- enquêtecommissie

Het verdachtenverhoor : een roadmap
ISBN: 9789049618308 Year: 2020 Publisher: Brugge : Vanden Broele,

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BPB2011 --- onderzoeksmethode --- politie --- Comité P --- policja --- police --- pulizija --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- méthode de recherche --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- research method --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- póilíní --- modh taighde --- BPB2011.

Big data en innovatieve methoden voor criminologisch onderzoek.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462361584 Year: 2020 Publisher: Den Haag : Boom criminologie,

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Big data en innovatieve methoden winnen aan belang in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit komt onder meer door de digitalisering van onze dagelijkse activiteiten en ontwikkelingen in het domein van artificiële intelligentie. Hoewel andere disciplines hiervan volop de vruchten plukken, blijven de criminologische en veiligheidswetenschappen, zowel onderzoeks- als onderwijsmatig, traditioneel wat achter. Onterecht, want de potentie is enorm. Met deze verzameling van beloftevolle en bruikbare methoden en technieken bieden we studenten, onderzoekers, professionals en beleidsmakers een toegankelijk overzicht van de mogelijkheden van big data en innovatieve onderzoeksmethoden. Hierbij gebruiken we voornamelijk voorbeelden uit de criminologische en veiligheidswetenschappen, maar de ideeën en methoden beperken zich niet tot deze domeinen en zijn bij uitbreiding relevant voor alle sociale wetenschappen.


Criminology --- Big data --- BPB9999 --- Comité P --- Data sets, Large --- Large data sets --- Data sets --- Crime --- Social sciences --- Criminals --- Research&delete& --- Methodology --- Study and teaching --- BPB9999. --- Big data. --- Methodology. --- BPB2011 --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- criminologie --- Innovation --- innovation --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- criminología --- kryminologia --- kriminoloogia --- kriminologia --- kriminologi --- криминология --- coireolaíocht --- criminology --- kriminoloġija --- εγκληματολογία --- criminologia --- kriminologji --- kriminológia --- kriminologija --- криминологија --- Kriminologie --- kriminoloģija --- kriminologie --- криминалистика --- kriminální prevence --- kriminalistika --- kriminalisztika --- Kriminalistik --- пенологија --- penologie --- ricerca scientifica --- научно изследване --- научно истраживање --- investigación científica --- cercetare științifică --- tudományos kutatás --- kërkim shkencor --- vědecký výzkum --- zinātniskā pētniecība --- wissenschaftliche Forschung --- badania naukowe --- videnskabelig forskning --- научно истражување --- znanstvene raziskave --- teadusuuringud --- vedecký výskum --- znanstveno istraživanje --- scientific research --- επιστημονική έρευνα --- riċerka xjentifika --- moksliniai tyrimai --- vetenskaplig forskning --- investigação científica --- tieteellinen tutkimus --- recherche scientifique --- Седма рамковна програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- Програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- ФП7 --- znanstveni rad --- mokslo tiriamasis darbas --- taighde eolaíoch --- Research

Naar een herijking van de Belgische veiligheidarchitectuur : vaststellingen en aanbevelingen van de Parlementaire onderzoekzcommissie Terroristische aanslagen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789400011267 9400011261 Year: 2020 Publisher: Antwerpen: Intersentia,

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Dit boek analyseert de door de Parlementaire onderzoekscommissie Terroristische aanslagen gedane vaststellingen en geformuleerde aanbevelingen met betrekking tot de Belgische veiligheidsarchitectuur. Deze door de Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers na de terroristische aanslagen van 22 maart 2016 ingestelde onderzoekscommissie diende niet alleen na te gaan of er sprake was van disfuncties bij politie, inlichtingendiensten en justitie, maar moest zich ook buigen over het crisisbeheer op de dag van de aanslagen. Ook het proces van radicalisering en de wijze waarop ons land de afgelopen jaren aandacht had besteed aan deze problematiek behoorde tot haar opdracht. Aangezien de aanbevelingen van deze onderzoekscommissie de blauwdruk vormen voor een grondige herijking van de Belgische veiligheidsarchitectuur, kan het belang ervan moeilijk worden overschat. Dirk Van Daele is gewoon hoogleraar aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht en het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie van de KU Leuven. Hij doceert onder meer Juridische en gedragswetenschappelijke aspecten van politie, Internationale en Europese criminele politiek en International police and judicial cooperation. Lore Mergaerts is wetenschappelijk medewerker aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie van de KU Leuven. Zij bereidt een proefschrift voor over de positie van kwetsbare verdachten in de strafprocedure


Criminology. Victimology --- Administrative law --- Belgium --- E-books --- Terrorisme --- Sécurité --- Droit --- Lutte contre --- BPB2004 --- terrorisme --- commission d'enquête --- Belgique --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- τρομοκρατία --- terroriżmu --- terorisms --- terrorismo --- terrorism --- terrorizmus --- terorizam --- terorismus --- terorizem --- тероризам --- Terrorismus --- terorism --- terorizmus --- terrorizëm --- тероризъм --- terorizmas --- terroryzm --- terrorismi --- καταστολή της τρομοκρατίας --- terrorismo nero --- Bekämpfung des Terrorismus --- terrorista szervezet --- lucha contra el terrorismo --- терористичка група --- répression du terrorisme --- eliminim i terrorizmit --- lucha antiterrorista --- terorizmo išnaikinimas --- bekæmpelse af terrorisme --- grupo terrorista --- terrorszervezet --- potlačování terorismu --- elimination of terrorism --- brigate rosse --- bekämpande av terrorism --- combate contra o terrorismo --- antiterorizam --- kamp mot terrorism --- lupta împotriva terorismului --- terroristacsoport --- terrorismo di Stato --- πάταξη της τρομοκρατίας --- bestrijding van het terrorisme --- repressão do terrorismo --- борба против тероризам --- boj proti terorismu --- terrorizmus elleni küzdelem --- lotta al terrorismo --- terrorismo rosso --- zničenie terorizmu --- strage di Stato --- represión del terrorismo --- borba protiv terorizma --- repressione del terrorismo --- euroterrorismo --- terrorismin torjunta --- lutte contre le terrorisme --- антитероризам --- terorisma apkarošana --- terrorismivastane võitlus --- banda armada --- истражен комитет --- kumitat ta' inkjesta --- vyšetrovací výbor --- tyrimo komitetas --- анкетна комисия --- tutkintavaliokunta --- uurimiskomisjon --- coiste fiosrúcháin --- comissão de inquérito --- komisja śledcza --- istražni odbor --- enquêtecommissie --- preiskovalni odbor --- undersøgelsesudvalg --- komision hetimor --- committee of inquiry --- Untersuchungsausschuss --- commissione d'inchiesta --- undersökningskommitté --- izmeklēšanas komiteja --- comisie parlamentară de anchetă --- истражни одбор --- comisión de investigación --- vizsgálóbizottság --- vyšetřovací komise --- εξεταστική επιτροπή --- onderzoekscommissie --- Untersuchungsausschuß --- commissie van onderzoek --- εξεταστική των πραγμάτων επιτροπή --- coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach --- komise pro vyšetřování --- investigativní komise --- commission d'investigation --- comissão de investigação --- utredning --- izmeklēšanas komisija --- Enquete-Kommission --- tyrimo komisija --- commissione inquirente --- анкетна комисија --- commissione d'indagine --- Terrorism --- Internal security --- Sûreté de l'État --- Law and legislation --- Prevention --- Government policy --- Prévention --- Politique gouvernementale --- Prevention. --- sceimhlitheoireacht --- commission d'enquête

Visual research methods : an introduction for library and information studies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781783304561 9781783304578 178330457X 1783304561 9781783304585 1783305142 1783304588 9781783305148 Year: 2020 Publisher: London : Facet Publishing,

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Visual research methods (VRM) comprise a collection of methods that incorporate visual elements such as maps, drawings, photographs, videos, as well as three-dimensional objects into the research process. In addition, VRM including photo-elicitation, photovoice, draw-and-write techniques, and cognitive mapping are being leveraged to great effect to explore information experiences to investigate some of the central questions in the field; expand theoretical discussions in LIS; and improve library services and spaces.
Visual Research Methods: An Introduction for Library and Information Studies is the first book to focus on visual methods in LIS, providing a comprehensive primer for students, educators, researchers and practitioners in the field. Contributed chapters in the book showcase examples of VRM in action and offer the insights, inspirations, and experiences of researchers and practitioners working with visual methods. Coverage includes:
an introduction to visual research methods including discussion of terminology
an overview of the literature on VRM in libraries
methodological framing including a discussion of theory, epistemology,
practical and ethical considerations for researchers embarking on VRM projects
chapters showcasing VRM in action including drawing techniques, photographic techniques, and mixed methods
six contributed chapters each showcasing the results of visual research methods, discussions of the techniques, and reflections on VRM for research in information studies.
This book will provide a strong methodological context for the adoption of visual research methods in LIS and feature examples of VRM 'in action.' It will prove to be a must-have reference for researchers, practitioners, instructors, and students who want to engage with visual research methods and to expand their methodological toolkit.


Library science --- Research --- Methodology. --- Information science --- Information visualization. --- Research. --- Methodology --- 930.25 --- 930.25 Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek --- Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek --- Qualitative methods in social research --- Didactic strategies --- library. --- information science. --- research method. --- Data visualization --- Visualization of information --- Visual analytics --- метод на истражување --- истраживачки метод --- metodă de cercetare --- mokslinių tyrimų metodas --- forskningsmetod --- metoda badawcza --- Forschungsmethode --- výskumná metóda --- méthode de recherche --- pētījumu metode --- metodu ta’ riċerka --- istraživačka metoda --- metodo di ricerca --- método de investigación --- metoda e kërkimit --- modh taighde --- ερευνητική μέθοδος --- raziskovalna metoda --- forskningsmetode --- uurimismeetod --- kutatási módszer --- tutkimusmenetelmä --- výzkumná metoda --- método de investigação --- изследователски метод --- onderzoeksmethode --- tyrimo metodas --- módszertan --- methodologie --- μεθοδολογία --- metodología --- vědecko-výzkumná metoda --- metodologija --- methodology --- metodologji --- metodoloogia --- metodológia --- metodologia --- méthodologie --- методологија --- metodologi --- Methodik --- informační věda --- επιστήμη των πληροφοριών --- informacja naukowa --- xjenza tal-informazzjoni --- informātika --- informationsvetenskap --- eolaíocht na faisnéise --- информационна наука --- ciencia de la información --- информатика --- informatika --- ciência da informação --- informacijska znanost --- Informationswissenschaft --- informatiewetenschap --- science de l'information --- informačná veda --- информациска наука --- știința informației --- scienze dell'informazione --- infoteadus --- információtudomány --- shkencë kompjuterike --- informationsvidenskab --- informatiikka --- documentalismo --- dokumentologji --- documentologie --- dokumentoloģija --- věda o informacích --- dokumentologija --- dokumentológia/náuka o informáciách --- teorie informace --- documentologia --- asiakirjojen hallinta --- documentology --- наука за информациите --- nauka o informacích --- kirjasto --- könyvtár --- leabharlann --- bibliotēka --- librerija --- biblioteka --- βιβλιοθήκη --- Bibliothek --- raamatukogu --- bibliothèque --- bibliotheek --- knižnica --- knihovna --- bibliotekë --- bibliotek --- bibliotecă --- knjižnica --- библиотека --- biblioteca --- studovna --- Bücherei --- hemeroteca --- čítárna --- читална --- Library research (Research on libraries) --- digital technology. --- qualitative analysis. --- kvalitativ analyse --- qualitative Analyse --- analizë cilësore --- anailís cháilíochtúil --- kvalitatiivne analüüs --- kokybinė analizė --- качествен анализ --- kvalitativ analys --- kvalitativní analýza --- kvalitatīvā analīze --- analyse qualitative --- kwalitatieve analyse --- analiza jakościowa --- kvalitatívna analýza --- квалитативна анализа --- análisis cualitativo --- análise qualitativa --- kvalitatiivinen analyysi --- minőségi elemzés --- ποιοτική ανάλυση --- kvalitativna analiza --- analiză calitativă --- analisi qualitativa --- analiżi kwalitattiva --- Qualitätskontrolle --- controlo de qualidade --- kvalitetskontroll --- minőség-ellenőrzés --- kwaliteitsonderzoek --- contrôle de qualité --- kwaliteitscontrole --- laadunvalvonta --- ποιοτικός έλεγχος --- control de calidad --- содржинска анализа --- kvalitetskontrol --- digitale Technologie --- teknoloġija diġitali --- digitalna tehnologija --- digitaalitekniikka --- tecnología digital --- digitale technologie --- technologie numérique --- tehnologie digitală --- digital teknologi --- teicneolaíocht dhigiteach --- digitální technologie --- teknologji dixhitale --- цифрова технология --- digital teknik --- digitálna technológia --- ψηφιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia digitale --- ciparu tehnoloģija --- digitaaltehnoloogia --- technologia cyfrowa --- skaitmeninė technologija --- tecnologia digital --- digitális technológia --- дигитална технологија --- Digitaltechnologie --- digitalteknik

Riqch'ariy : revista de historia y ciencias sociales
ISSN: 27098680 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cusco-Perú CCIHE, Centro Cusqueño de Investigaciones Históricas Enfoques

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Devoted to research and scholarship in historical research and social sciences.


history --- anthropology --- archeology --- sociology --- social sciences --- humanities --- Electronic journals --- Social Sciences --- Periodicals --- Peru‏ --- Cyber journals --- Cyber magazines --- Cyber periodicals --- Cyber serials --- E-journals --- Ejournals --- Electronic magazines --- Electronic periodicals --- Electronic serials --- Internet journals (Electronic publications) --- Internet magazines (Electronic publications) --- Internet periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Internet serials (Electronic publications) --- Online journals --- Online magazines --- Online periodicals --- Online serials --- Periodicals in machine-readable form --- Web journals (Electronic publications) --- Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Web serials (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web journals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web serials (Electronic publications) --- Electronic publications --- Bīr --- Dēmokratia tou Perou --- Gweriniaeth Periw --- Jumhūrī-i Pur --- Jumhūrīyat Bīr --- Lýðveldið Peru --- Pearu --- Peiri --- Periw --- Pérou --- Peru ka Fasojamana --- Perú Kiōng-hô-kok --- Peru Respublikası --- Perua Respubliko --- Peruánská republika --- Peruko Errepublika --- Perun tasavalta --- Peruo --- Peruu --- Peruu Vabariik --- Pheroo --- Piru --- Piruw --- Piruw Suyu --- Pobblaght ny Peroo --- Pur --- Republic of Peru --- República del Per --- Republica di u Per --- República do Per --- República Peruana --- Republiek van Peru --- Republik Peru --- Republika Peru --- Republikken Peru --- République du Pérou --- Rėspublika Peru --- South America --- History --- Social sciences --- Histoire --- Sciences sociales --- Historia --- Ciencias sociales --- Research --- Recherche --- Investigación --- Revistas de ciencias sociales --- Arqueología --- Arte e historia --- Biografía --- Cronología --- Diplomática --- Enfermedades e historia --- Epigrafía --- Genealogía --- Geografía histórica --- Heráldica --- Historia universal --- Historiadores --- Historiografía --- Lugares históricos --- Museos históricos --- Numismática --- Paleografía --- Sellos --- Sigilografía --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Historical research --- Humanidades --- Recreaciones históricas

Handboek gerechtelijk recht
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789400010451 9789400010468 Year: 2020 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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Het Gerechtelijk Wetboek werd ingevoerd bij de wet van 10 oktober 1967. De wetten die sinds 1967 de bepalingen van dit wetboek hebben gewijzigd, toegevoegd, vervangen of opgeheven, zijn bijna niet meer te tellen. Tevens heeft het Hof van Cassatie in talrijke arresten de juiste draagwijdte van verschillende bepalingen van het Gerechtelijk Wetboek vastgelegd of verfijnd. En sinds de wet van 21 maart 2014 tot hervorming van de gerechtelijke arrondissementen en de zogenaamde quick wins in de fameuze Potpourri-wetten van 2015 tot 2019 is het gerechtelijk recht meer dan ooit ingrijpend veranderd. Het Handboek Gerechtelijk recht beperkt zich niet tot een loutere beschrijving van de regelgeving. De auteurs van dit handboek hebben steeds de wetteksten aan een kritisch, maar constructief onderzoek onderworpen, waarbij ze steeds hebben gezocht naar afdoende antwoorden op concrete vragen die in de rechtspraktijk rijzen. Vragen waar andere boeken geen antwoord op weten.


Law of civil procedure --- gerechtelijk recht --- rechtbanken --- Belgium --- juridictiebevoegdheid --- rechterlijke organisatie --- potpourri-wetten --- Gerechtelijk recht ; België --- BPB2011 --- Belgique --- judicial inquiry --- procédure civile --- pravdni postopek --- processo civil --- borgerlig retspleje --- občianskoprávne konanie --- občanskoprávní řízení --- procedurë civile --- civil procedure --- Zivilprozess --- civilinis procesas --- civilprocess --- polgári eljárás --- procedură civilă --- πολιτική δικονομία --- грађански поступак --- tsiviilkohtumenetlus --- граѓанска постапка --- procedimiento civil --- procedura civile --- postępowanie cywilne --- tvistemålsförfarande --- proċedura ċivili --- riita-asioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- građanski postupak --- граждански процес --- burgerlijke rechtsvordering --- Zivilprozeß --- civilní proces --- civilní řízení --- tsiviilprotsess --- Derecho procesal civil --- diritto processuale civile --- parnični postupak --- парнична постапка --- polgári eljárásjog --- polgári perrendtartás --- enjuiciamiento civil --- извршна постапка --- tsiviilkohtumenetlusõigus --- вонпарнична постапка --- občanskoprávní proces --- droit de la procédure civile --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- interogatoriu --- investigación judicial --- inchiesta giudiziaria --- teisminis tyrimas --- судска истрага --- dochodzenie sądowe --- tiesas izmeklēšana --- rikostutkinta --- gerechtelijk onderzoek --- съдебно разследване --- bírósági vizsgálat --- rättslig undersökning --- soudní dokazování --- súdne dokazovanie --- stħarriġ ġudizzjarju --- sudska istraga --- gerichtliche Untersuchung --- retslig undersøgelse --- kohtulik juurdlus --- διεξαγωγή αποδείξεων --- inquérito judiciário --- enquête judiciaire --- hetim policor --- sodna preiskava --- werkbezoek van deskundigen --- истражна постапка на јавниот обвинител --- anchetă de poliție --- diligencias previas --- polisutredning --- policejní vyšetřování --- enquête de police --- police inquiry --- indagatoria --- deskundig onderzoek --- enquête --- rendőrségi nyomozás --- indagine di polizia --- προανάκριση --- inquérito policial --- κυρία ανάκριση --- politieonderzoek --- διενέργεια ανακρίσεων --- полициска истрага --- rendőrségi vizsgálat --- poliisitutkinta --- policijos tyrimas --- policajné dokazovanie --- politsei uurimistoimingud --- προκαταρκτική εξέταση --- polizeiliche Untersuchung --- учество во истрагата на правосудната полиција --- policijska istraga --- indagine giudiziaria --- actuaciones preliminares --- onderzoek van waarnemers --- δικαστική έρευνα --- pirmstiesas izmeklēšana --- organisation judiciaire --- lois du pot-pourri --- Procédure (droit) --- Justice --- Compétence (droit) --- Voies de recours --- Saisie --- Voies d'exécution --- Administration --- E-books --- 347.9 --- 347.9 Gerechtelijk privaatrecht. Burgerlijk procesrecht. Burgerlijke rechtsvordering. --- Gerechtelijk privaatrecht. Burgerlijk procesrecht. Burgerlijke rechtsvordering. --- Gerechtelijk privaatrecht. Burgerlijk procesrecht. Burgerlijke rechtsvordering --- nós imeachta sibhialta --- fiosrúchán breithiúnach --- procédure civile --- Procédure (droit) --- Compétence (droit) --- Voies d'exécution

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