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Cent-cinquante ans après sa mort, Alexis de Tocqueville reste un mystère. Trop libéral pour la droite, trop aristocrate pour la gauche, il est un démocrate de raison et non de coeur. Son génie est d'avoir pensé la démocratie dans toutes ses dimensions, notamment sa face sombre - la tyrannie de la majorité et sa passion pour l'égalité - qui peut la faire basculer dans le despotisme. Voilà pourquoi il est d'une actualité saisissante au moment où les nations libres traversent une crise sans précédent depuis les années 1930. Nul mieux que lui n'a montré que la démocratie peut s'effondrer de l'intérieur, sous l'effet de l'individualisme, des émotions collectives et de la fascination pour la violence. Nul mieux que lui n'a souligné qu'elle dispose de formidables ressources pour relever les défi s nés des transformations du capitalisme, des régimes ou des idéologies qui entendent la détruire. Car Tocqueville est aussi un combattant de la liberté, qui a lutté pour l'abolition de l'esclavage, la réforme du système pénitentiaire et l'enracinement de la République. Un combattant de la liberté qui nous rappelle qu'elle dépend de l'engagement de chacun à la défendre.
Démocratie. --- Democracy --- Tocqueville, Alexis de --- Tocqueville, Alexis de, --- Pensée politique et sociale. --- Political and social views. --- Liberty --- Political and social views --- Tocqueville, Alexis de, - 1805-1859 - Political and social views --- Tocqueville, Alexis de, - 1805-1859 --- Démocratie.
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Le management met-il en péril la culture française ? La peur de voir le management mettre en péril la culture française met-elle en péril la prospérité économique du pays ? Ces questions soulèvent en France des oppositions si passionnées que le plus souvent elles provoquent moins un débat qu'une fracture qui rend l'argumentation rationnelle quasi impossible. L'auteur propose de dépasser ces polémiques en se plaçant sous le patronage d'Alexis de Tocqueville : parce que le développement du management pose la question de la relation entre la France et les États-Unis dont traite De la démocratie en Amérique ; parce que le développement du management en France est étroitement lié aux événements de 1968, ultime réplique des bouleversements analysés dans L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution ; parce que Tocqueville est autant un penseur de l'administration que des systèmes politiques et enfin ; parce que la façon dont le développement des grands systèmes administratifs est susceptible d'engendrer une crise dans la démocratie fait l'objet de ce que l'on pourrait appeler la troisième grande prophétie de Tocqueville.
Management --- Management --- Management --- Tocqueville, Alexis de, - 1805-1859
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"In this learned and wide-ranging book, Trevor Shelley engages the controversial topic of globalization through philosophical exegesis of great texts. This study illustrates and defends the idea that at the heart of the human world-in thinking, reflecting, and acting-is the antinomy of the universal and the particular. Various thinkers have emphasized one aspect of this tension over the other. Some thinkers such as Rousseau and Schmitt have defended pure particularity. Others such as Habermas have uncritically welcomed the intimations of the world state. Against these twin extremes of radical nationalism and antipolitical universalism, this book seeks to recover a middle or moderate position, that is, the liberal position. To that end, Shelley traces a tradition of French liberal political thinkers who attempt to take account of both sides of the antinomy: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent. As Shelley argues, each of these thinkers in his own way defends the integrity of political bodies, denies that the universal perspective is the only legitimate one, and recognizes that, without differences and distinctions across the political landscape, self-government and freedom of action are impossible"--
Political Science. --- Philosophy. --- Globalization --- Liberalism --- de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat --- de Tocqueville, Alexis --- Manent, Pierre --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Political science. --- Globalization. --- Liberalism.
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"In this learned and wide-ranging book, Trevor Shelley engages the controversial topic of globalization through philosophical exegesis of great texts. This study illustrates and defends the idea that at the heart of the human world-in thinking, reflecting, and acting-is the antinomy of the universal and the particular. Various thinkers have emphasized one aspect of this tension over the other. Some thinkers such as Rousseau and Schmitt have defended pure particularity. Others such as Habermas have uncritically welcomed the intimations of the world state. Against these twin extremes of radical nationalism and antipolitical universalism, this book seeks to recover a middle or moderate position, that is, the liberal position. To that end, Shelley traces a tradition of French liberal political thinkers who attempt to take account of both sides of the antinomy: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent. As Shelley argues, each of these thinkers in his own way defends the integrity of political bodies, denies that the universal perspective is the only legitimate one, and recognizes that, without differences and distinctions across the political landscape, self-government and freedom of action are impossible"--
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat --- de Tocqueville, Alexis --- Manent, Pierre --- de Secondat, Charles-Louis --- Montesquieu --- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat --- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat baron de --- Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat
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Alexis de Tocqueville’s work touched upon an exceptionally broad range of social scientific disciplines, from economics to religion, and from education to international affairs. His work consistently appeals to scholars dismayed by existing disciplinary silos. Tocqueville is also well-regarded for diagnosing both the promise and perils of democratic life. Consideration of his ideas provokes serious consideration of and engagement with contemporary trends as citizens in democratic countries cope with challenges posed by new technological, cultural, and political changes. However, attention to Tocqueville is uneven across disciplines, with political theorists paying him the most heed and economists the least. This volume focuses on political economy, trying to bridge this divide. This book collects essays by emerging scholars from a variety of disciplines—political science, economics, sociology, philosophy, and social thought—to examine Tocqueville’s thoughts on political and social economy and its contemporary relevance. The book is divided into two halves. The first half engages with the main currents of research on Tocqueville’s own thoughts regarding economic institutions, constitutionalism, liberalism, history, and education. The second half applies Tocqueville’s insights to diverse contemporary topics including international relations, citizenship, mass incarceration, and pedagogy. This volume will be of interest to scholars and students interested in Tocqueville, the history of political thought, and a variety of current policy issues.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, --- Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clérel de, --- Tokvilʹ, Alekseĭ de, --- De Tokvilʹ, Alekseĭ, --- Tokvilʹ, Aleksis de, --- De Tocqueville, Alexis, --- Tokuviru, Alexis, de, --- Toqueville, Alexis de, --- טוקוויל, אלכסיס דה --- توكڤيل، ألكسي دو، --- Tūkvīl, Āliksī dū, --- توکويل، آلکسى دو --- Clérel, Alexis Henri Charles de, --- Economic policy. --- Economics. --- Economic history. --- Political philosophy. --- Political theory. --- Political Economy/Economic Systems. --- History of Economic Thought/Methodology. --- Political Philosophy. --- Political Theory. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Political philosophy --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Economic man --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Political science --- Political science. --- Philosophy.
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