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Le territoire wallon compte énormément de châteaux. Cependant, un grand nombre de châteaux médiévaux sont en ruines et, bien souvent, les asbl qui en deviennent les gestionnaires, accompagnées de quelques bénévoles, sont les seules à prendre en main leur sauvegarde. Disposant de peu de moyens financiers, techniques et humains, et manquant souvent de renseignements quant aux procédures administratives propres à la demande de projets, la conservation de ces édifices s’exerce péniblement. Face à ces défaillances, le présent travail de fin d’études a pour objectif de mettre en place un dispositif qui puisse venir en aide à la gestion participative de ces monuments. En effet, nombreuses sont les chartes et conventions qui prônent une telle gestion du patrimoine. L’enjeu est donc maintenant d’enfin répondre à cette demande et de fournir un cadre nécessaire, mais pourtant encore manquant actuellement. A cet effet, différents acteurs gravitant autour de la sauvegarde des châteaux médiévaux ont été rencontrés lors d’entretiens semi-dirigés (différents services de la Région wallonne et asbl) dans le but de récolter la matière première nécessaire à l’établissement de l’outil collaboratif dont il est question. Ces entretiens, complétés par des recherches personnelles, ont permis de discerner les principaux points qui faisaient défaut. Ainsi, dans le but de fournir un outil pratique, collaboratif, dynamique et moderne, c’est vers une application mobile que s’est tournée cette étude. Cette application s’adresse à l’ensemble des protagonistes, que ce soient les asbl, les bénévoles et les professionnels du métier de la restauration ou les pouvoirs publics. Cet outil, nous l’espérons, contribuera à faciliter la réalisation de projets de restauration et de conservation intégrée, en favorisant le partage et les échanges parmi les différents sites et en proposant un cadre commun concernant les procédures à suivre. Wallonia has a lot of castles. However, a large number of medieval castles are in ruins and, very often, the non-profit organizations which become their managers, accompanied by a few volunteers, are the only ones to take charge of their safeguard. Having few financial, technical and human resources, and often lacking information as to the administrative procedures specific to the request for projects, the conservation of these edifices is painfully exercised. Faced with these shortcomings, the aim of this end-of-study work is to set up a system that can help the participative management of these monuments. Indeed, there are many charters and conventions which advocate such heritage management. The challenge now is to finally respond to this request and provide a necessary framework, but which is still missing today. To this end, various actors gravitating around the safeguarding of medieval castles were met during semi-directed interviews (different departments of Wallonia and asbl) in order to collect the raw material necessary for the establishment of the collaborative tool in question. These interviews, supplemented by personal research, made it possible to discern the main points that were missing. So, in order to provide a practical, collaborative, dynamic and modern tool, this study turned to a mobile application. This application is intended for all stakeholders, whether non-profit organizations, volunteers and professionals in the catering trade or public authorities. This tool, we hope, will help facilitate the implementation of restoration and integrated conservation projects, by promoting sharing and exchanges among the various sites and by proposing a common framework concerning the procedures to be followed.
Patrimoine --- Châteaux médiévaux --- Outil collaboratif --- Participation citoyenne --- Restauration --- Conservation intégrée --- Gestion participative --- Patrimony --- Medieval castles --- Collaborative tool --- Citizen participation --- Restoration --- Integrated conservation --- Participative management --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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Love it? Hate it? Or, just don’t care? How we feel about something dramatically affects how we interact with it. When we feel, we care. When we care, things happen. Companies that are thriving, not just surviving, are much more than a set of ruthlessly efficient and mechanistic processes – they are a social system operated by people for people. The quality of relationships, both inside and outside the organization is a far more important driver of sustainable success or failure than the quality of its control systems. The head is important, but it is the heart that matters most. If you want your customers to be brand ambassadors and your employees to brag about you to their friends, you need them to not just think you’re great – you need them to feel you’re great. You need them to love you – and for that, you need them to feel that you love them. For over a decade Marc Cox has been helping companies whose toxic cultures, miserable employees, and angry customers have all but destroyed them to rebuild their company spirit, discover the business case for love and build an organization that is wonderful to work for, brilliant to do business with and has the mindset of creating memorable employee and customer experiences. Underpinned by fresh insights and perspectives, robustly tested and refined by the real world experience of working with a wide range of companies and over 2,000 senior executives drawn from all parts of the world, and filled with fascinating and illustrative “love stories” the book will help you to make the business case for love. It will help you to find a more rewarding and invigorating way of working – both emotionally and financially. In short, it shows what happens when the love is put back into business.
Corporate culture. --- Management --- Consumer satisfaction. --- Employee participation. --- Customer satisfaction --- Satisfaction --- Brand loyalty --- Customer loyalty --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Employees' representation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Industrial relations --- Employee ownership --- Producer cooperatives --- Culture, Corporate --- Institutional culture --- Organizational culture --- Corporations --- Organizational behavior --- Business anthropology --- Sociological aspects --- Leadership. --- Motivation research (Marketing). --- Employees—Coaching of. --- Employee health promotion. --- Business. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Consumer Behavior. --- Coaching. --- Employee Health and Wellbeing. --- Popular Science in Business and Management. --- Trade --- Economics --- Commerce --- Industrial management --- Employee wellness programs --- Employees --- Health promotion in the workplace --- Occupational health promotion --- Workplace health promotion --- Worksite health promotion --- Health promotion --- Occupational health services --- Advertising --- Marketing research --- Motivation (Psychology) --- Research --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Psychological aspects --- Motivation research (Marketing)
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