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This volume provides readers with the most updated scientific information on the efficacy and safety of medicines for children and adolescents. The book enriches the understanding of pediatric pharmacotherapy for health professionals, regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies and learned societies. It contains important information on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs. It summarizes the latest investigations on the effects of pharmacological treatments in relation to and dependent on age, gender, fat mass and disease status. Therefore and importantly, this volume reviews the latest data on how pharmacotherapy has to be adjusted and personalized in regards to stages of development and during the pediatric lifespan from neonate through adolescence. In addition, the topic of rare diseases and special challenges for pharmacotherapy will be included and will provide readers with the necessary knowledge to handle complex diseases and treatment strategies especially in relation to pharmacotherapy of rare and orphan diseases.
Pharmacology. --- Pediatrics. --- Pharmacology/Toxicology. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Drug effects --- Medical pharmacology --- Medical sciences --- Chemicals --- Chemotherapy --- Drugs --- Pharmacy --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Physiological effect --- Pediatric pharmacology. --- Pharmacology --- Effect of drugs on --- Quimioteràpia --- Pediatria --- Medicina --- Cirurgia infantil --- Dietoteràpia per a infants --- Ginecologia pediàtrica --- Hematologia pediàtrica --- Hepatologia pediàtrica --- Infants malalts --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Neonatologia --- Odontologia infantil --- Otorrinolaringologia pediàtrica --- Pediatria veterinària --- Perinatologia --- Pneumologia pediàtrica --- Puericultura --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Urologia pediàtrica --- Farmacologia pediàtrica --- Malalties dels infants --- Farmacoteràpia --- Immunoquimioteràpia --- Terapèutica medicamentosa --- Terapèutica per agents químics (Medicina) --- Tractament amb medicaments --- Tractament per agents químics (Medicina) --- Us terapèutic dels medicaments --- Terapèutica --- Administració de medicaments --- Antibiòtics --- Diürètics --- Fotoquimioteràpia --- Pirogens --- Psicofarmacologia --- Prescripció de medicaments --- Quimioteràpia del càncer --- Utilització de medicaments --- Farmacologia --- Medicaments
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In recent years, our understanding of the unified airway concept has become paramount in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of sinonasal, airway, and respiratory disorders. The relationship between sinonasal inflammatory disorders, such as chronic rhinosinusitis, and pulmonary disorders, such as asthma or cystic fibrosis, is being examined more closely than ever before. This volume comprehensively reviews and discusses the unified airway approach, and more closely examines the relationship between sinonasal inflammatory disorders and pulmonary disorders. The text is formatted as an easy to read reference with bulleted points and sample case studies that maximize the clinical value of the evidence and data described. In addition to exploring chronic rhinosinusitis in patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis, other topics include pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis, aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, chronic bronchiectasis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, immunodeficiencies, and the unified airway microbiome. Rhinologic Disease and Respiratory Disorders will be an invaluable guide for practicing otolaryngologists, allergists, pulmonologists, otolaryngologists-in-training, and rhinologists. .
Otorhinolaryngology. --- Allergy. --- Allergology. --- Allergic diseases --- Allergies --- Hypersensitivity --- Hypersensitivity, Immediate --- Immediate allergy --- Immediate hypersensitivity --- Immunologic diseases --- Immunoglobulin E --- Ear, nose, and throat diseases --- ENT diseases --- Otorhinolaryngology --- Medicine --- Otolaryngology. --- Malalties de l'aparell respiratori --- Al·lèrgia --- Otorrinolaringologia --- Otorinolaringologia --- Otolaringologia --- Medicina --- Foniatria --- Anestèsia en otorrinolaringologia --- Otologia --- Otorrinolaringologia pediàtrica --- Otorrinolaringologia quirúrgica --- Otorrinolaringologia geriàtrica --- Malalties de l'orella --- Al·lèrgies --- Processos al·lèrgics --- Resposta immunitària --- Al·lèrgia alimentària --- Al·lèrgia als medicaments --- Al·lèrgia en els infants --- Dermatitis atòpica --- Dermatitis de contacte --- Fotosensibilització (Biologia) --- Urticària --- Histamina --- Malalties respiratòries --- Malalties --- Asfíxia --- Catarro --- Diftèria --- Dispnea --- Infeccions respiratòries --- Malalties bronquials --- Malalties de l'aparell respiratori en els infants --- Malalties de la pleura --- Malalties del mediastí --- Malalties del tòrax
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This book is a practical, comprehensive look at safe sleep for infants, including safe sleep for infants with co-occurring medical conditions. Currently there is a dearth of resources on this topic for general pediatricians and other clinicians who provide health care to infants. The only evidence-based information about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths is published in policy statements and technical reports published by the American Academy of Paediatrics. However pediatricians, public health professionals, and others who provide health care, anticipatory guidance, and/or health education to parents often have difficulty translating the policy recommendations to practice. This book gives guidance and suggestions for clinicians for counseling parents and other caretakers of infants. It discusses common barriers to adherence, as well as approaches that are evidence-based or use behavior change theory. Chapters focus on important aspects of the sleep environment, evaluating commonly sold sleep products, and common sleep practices, including roomsharing and bedsharing. There is also a thorough discussion of SIDS pathophysiology, and a closing chapter on grief and counselling families after a loss. Each chapter follows an organizational structure, to promote consistency and ensure this remains a practical, easy-to-use tool. Chapters open with a clinical vignette and close with a discussion of frequently encountered questions, and clinical pearls and pitfalls. Infant Safe Sleep is a valuable resource for pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants as well as social workers, allied health professionals, public health practitioners, health educators, WIC nutritionists and child care providers. .
Infants --- Sudden infant death syndrome. --- Sleep. --- Cot death --- Crib death --- Infant sudden death --- SIDS (Disease) --- Sudden death in infants --- Sudden infant death --- Syndromes in children --- Sleep --- Death --- Pediatrics. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Obstetrics. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Obstetrics/Perinatology/Midwifery. --- Maternal-fetal medicine --- Medicine --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Mort sobtada --- Neonatologia --- Son --- Malalties neonatals --- Pediatria --- Medicina --- Cirurgia infantil --- Dietoteràpia per a infants --- Ginecologia pediàtrica --- Hematologia pediàtrica --- Hepatologia pediàtrica --- Infants malalts --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Otorrinolaringologia pediàtrica --- Pediatria veterinària --- Perinatologia --- Pneumologia pediàtrica --- Puericultura --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Urologia pediàtrica --- Farmacologia pediàtrica --- Malalties dels infants --- Malalties dels infants nadons --- Asfíxia neonatal --- Cervell --- Descans --- Ment i cos --- Psicofisiologia --- Fisiologia del son --- Insomni --- Trastorns del son --- Pediatria neonatal --- Cura postnatal --- Infants nadons --- Causes de la mort
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This volume focuses on adult craniopharyngiomas, offering various perspectives. The first part of the book provides an up-to-date overview of the pathogenesis and management of adult craniopharyngiomas, helping readers understand the pathogenesis and molecular pathways. It highlights the importance of animal models for addressing molecular keys and for developing targeted therapies. The second part deals with clinical management, detailing the latest results in the era of endoscopic surgery, including the major contribution of the extended nasal endoscopic approaches for suprasellar and retrochiasmatic tumors. The book also discusses the key aspects of these tumors and how to manage them. The last part of the book addresses the future therapies and recurrences after surgery and radiotherapy. This volume is of interest to neurosurgeons, endocrinologists, paediatricians, radiologists and oncologists.
Brain --- Cerebrum --- Mind --- Central nervous system --- Head --- Tumors --- Treatment. --- Craniopharyngioma. --- Craniopharyngioma, Adult --- Craniopharyngioma, Child --- Neoplasm, Rathke Cleft --- Neoplasm, Rathke's Cleft --- Rathke Cleft Neoplasm --- Rathke's Cleft Neoplasm --- Rathke's Pouch Tumor --- Craniopharyngioma, Adamantinous --- Craniopharyngioma, Papillary --- Rathke Pouch Tumor --- Adamantinous Craniopharyngioma --- Adamantinous Craniopharyngiomas --- Adult Craniopharyngioma --- Adult Craniopharyngiomas --- Child Craniopharyngioma --- Child Craniopharyngiomas --- Craniopharyngiomas --- Craniopharyngiomas, Adamantinous --- Craniopharyngiomas, Adult --- Craniopharyngiomas, Child --- Craniopharyngiomas, Papillary --- Neoplasm, Rathkes Cleft --- Papillary Craniopharyngioma --- Papillary Craniopharyngiomas --- Rathkes Cleft Neoplasm --- Rathkes Pouch Tumor --- Tumor, Rathke Pouch --- Tumor, Rathke's Pouch --- Neurosurgery. --- Endocrinology . --- Pediatrics. --- Radiology. --- Oncology . --- Endocrinology. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Oncology. --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Internal medicine --- Hormones --- Nerves --- Neurosurgery --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Surgery --- Tumors cerebrals --- Cirurgia endoscòpica --- Malalties dels infants --- Adults --- Pediatria --- Endocrinologia --- Oncologia --- Medicina --- Oncologia geriàtrica --- Oncologia pediàtrica --- Oncologia veterinària --- Càncer --- Infermeria oncològica --- Medicina interna --- Endocrinologia molecular --- Endocrinologia veterinària --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Glàndules endocrines --- Neuroendocrinologia --- Rejoveniment --- Organoteràpia --- Cirurgia infantil --- Dietoteràpia per a infants --- Ginecologia pediàtrica --- Hematologia pediàtrica --- Hepatologia pediàtrica --- Infants malalts --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Neonatologia --- Odontologia infantil --- Otorrinolaringologia pediàtrica --- Pediatria veterinària --- Perinatologia --- Pneumologia pediàtrica --- Puericultura --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Urologia pediàtrica --- Farmacologia pediàtrica --- Edat adulta --- Creixement --- Edat (Psicologia) --- Grups d'edat --- Maduresa (Psicologia) --- Persones de mitjana edat --- Malalties infantils --- Malalties de la infància --- Toxicologia pediàtrica --- Malalties de l'aparell respiratori en els infants --- Malalties infeccioses en els infants --- Urgències en pediatria --- Febre en els infants --- Cirurgia mínimament invasiva --- Endocirurgia --- Endoscòpia operativa --- Endoscòpia quirúrgica --- Endoscòpia terapèutica --- MIS (Cirurgia invasiva mínima) --- Operacions endoscòpiques --- Cirurgia operatòria --- Endoscòpia --- Microcirurgia --- Cirurgia laparoscòpica --- Càpsula endoscòpica --- Malalties cerebrals --- Meningioma
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