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Intelligence collective : Agir et innover en équipe
Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris, France : Dunod,

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L'Intelligence collective est une manière innovante de travailler en équipe. C'est la clé pour des sessions de travail plus efficaces, plus participatives, plus créatives. Bien plus qu'un outil, l'intelligence collective est un savoir-faire et un savoir-être. Faites de chaque réunion, chaque projet, une occasion de la déployer ! Ce guide pratique présente les objectifs et la démarche pour agir ensemble, et donne des conseils, des repères et des exercices pour vos accompagner dans votre première expèrience d'intelligence collective. Alors, lancez-vous ! Julia Kalfon, Delphine Batton, Sylvie Courcelle Labroussen Juliette Hamelin, Sonia Kruskovic, Géraldine Rimbault, Victorira Willis Sept expertes, facilitatrices aux profils divers, ont écrit ce livre en intelligence collective et vous livrent l'essence de ce que vous devez savoir pour agir et innover ensemble.


Open learning.

Lessons for Education from COVID-19 A Policy Maker's Handbook for More Resilient Systems.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264458190 9264782036 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken long-accepted beliefs about education, showing that learning can occur anywhere, at any time, and that education systems are not too heavy to move. When surveyed in May 2020, only around one-fifth of OECD education systems aimed to reinstate the status quo. Policy makers must therefore maintain the momentum of collective emergency action to drive education into a new and better normal.

L@S'20 : proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale : August 12-14, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : Association for Computing Machinery,

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It is our great pleasure to present the Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, L@S 2020, held virtually on August 12-14, 2020.Learning at Scale investigates large-scale, technology-mediated learning environments. The conference was created by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), inspired by the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the accompanying shift in thinking about education. While the conference was originally inspired by the emergence of MOOCs, large-scale technology mediated learning environments are very diverse and the conference series is a venue for discussion of the highest quality research on how learning and teaching can be transformed by that diversity of environments. Intelligent tutoring systems, open learning courseware, learning games, citizen science communities, collaborative programming communities, community tutorial systems, and the countless informal communities of learners are all examples of learning at scale. These systems either depend upon large numbers of learners, or they are enriched through use of data generated by the previous use of many learners. They share a common purpose--to increase human potential--and a common infrastructure of data and computation to enable learning at scale.Investigations of learning at scale naturally bring together two different research communities. Learning scientists are drawn to these innovative environments to study established and emerging forms of knowledge production, transfer, modeling, and co-creation. Computer scientists are drawn to the field as a powerful site for the development and application of advanced computational techniques. At its very best, the Learning at Scale community supports the interdisciplinary investigation of these important sites of learning and human development.The goal of the Learning at Scale community is the understanding and enhancement of human learning. In emerging education technology genres, researchers often use a variety of proxy measures for learning, including measures of participation, persistence, completion, satisfaction, and activity. In the early stages of investigating a technological genre, it is entirely appropriate to begin lines of research by investigating these proxy outcomes. As lines of research mature, however, it is important for the community of researchers to hold each other to increasingly high standards and expectations for directly investigating thoughtfully constructed measures of learning. In the early days of research on MOOCs, many researchers documented correlations between measures of activity (videos watched, forums posted, clicks) and outcome proxies including participation, persistence, and completion. As learning at scale research matures, studies that document these kinds of correlations are giving way to studies of student learning that produce evidence of instructional techniques, technological infrastructures, learning habits, and experimental interventions that improve learning.In this year's call for papers, we solicited work in five areas of interest to grow our community whilst being inclusive to other work. Each area was represented by a community champion to answer questions about potential submissions and ensure high-quality reviewing in the area: Causal Inference at Scale (Champion: Thomas Staubitz) -- Studies that use digital learning environments with experimental designs to investigate factors that increase learning and refine theories by, for example, identifying sources of heterogeneity. Learning and Curriculum Analytics (Champion: Zach Pardos) -- Studies that analyze large educational datasets with data mining, ML, AI methods to advance our understanding of effective learning interactions and how to support learners. Qualitative Studies for/about L@S (Champion: Amy Ogan) -- Studies that take a qualitative or mixed-methods approach to understand learners' experiences and contextual factors in scaled or scalable learning environments to inform theory and/or design. Systems & Tools for Learning (Champion: Chinmay Kulkarni) -- Studies that build and evaluate novel systems or tools for learning with designs that are grounded in research on how learning works. Synthesis Papers (Champion: Ido Roll)-- Studies that evaluate, synthesize, and contextualize existing bodies of knowledge and research to support collaboration.The call for papers attracted submissions from all over the world, covering a broad range of topics from the theoretical to the pragmatic. We received submissions on a variety of topics including: novel assessments of learning, drawing on computational techniques for automated, peer, or human-assisted assessment; new methods for validating inferences about human learning from established measures, assessments, or proxies; experimental interventions in large-scale learning environments that show evidence of improved learning outcomes; domain independent interventions inspired by social psychology, behavioral economics, and related fields with the potential to benefit learners in diverse fields and disciplines; domain specific interventions inspired by discipline-based educational research that have the potential to advance teaching and learning of specific ideas, misconceptions, and theories within a field; tools or techniques for personalization and adaptation, based on log data, user modeling, or choice; usability studies and effectiveness studies of design elements for students or instructors; tools and pedagogy to promote community, support learning, or increase retention in atscale environments; new tools and techniques for learning at scale; best practices in the archiving and reuse of learner data in safe, ethical ways; fairness in student predictive models; challenges in learning at scale across the globe; exploration of affordable degrees at scale; innovations in platforms for supporting learning at scale; and platforms to broadly engage individuals of all ages in citizen science. In all topics, we encourage the use of best practices in open science, including pre-planning and preregistration as well as a particular focus on contexts and populations that have been historically not well served.Our keynote speaker, Katie Davis shared insights from her recently published book, co-authored with Dr. Cecilia Aragon, titled Writers in the Secret Garden: Fanfiction, Youth, and New Forms of Mentoring in a talk titled -- What My Little Pony Can Teach Us About Interest-Driven Learning. Our keynote panel with Candace Thille (moderator), Ellen Wagner, Stephanie Teasley, Sidney D'Mello explored the ethics of learning at scale. The addition of workshops was well received this year with eight contributions. We also had glimpses into emerging work as 39 contributors shared their work in progress (WiPs) and demonstrations of their work.The COVID-19 pandemic and global attention to Black Lives Matter in response to George Floyd's killing have laid bare the equity gaps in education and generational racial inequities. Learning at Scale strives to be part of the solution and we have much room to improve. The work of our community is needed now more than ever. We added a call for abstracts on the impact of COVID-19 on virtual learning to the 2020 program. We commit to doing more to being inclusive in our programs, in terms of presenters, participants and work presented.

Open(ing) education : theory and practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004422986 9789004422971 9789004424784 9789004422988 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden Boston : Brill | Sense,

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"There is no shortage of scholarly research that reflects the growing importance of open education, whether referring to issues surrounding access to education (formal, informal or postformal); different copyright licencing regimes (e.g. Creative Commons); alternative forms of educational delivery such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), or alternative pathways to learning, curriculum development and delivery and/or assessing and accrediting learning. So what can another publication add to our understanding of open education? It has become clear that thinking in terms of the binaries of 'open' versus 'closed' can no longer account and do justice to the wide range of possibilities and the varying factors that destabilise some definitions and practices. In Open(ing) Education: Theory and Practice, the authors therefore map 'open' as emerging from a dynamic network or ecology of often mutually constitutive factors resulting in a range of possibilities. The chapters in this book provide us with glimpses of open, opening, and opened, with none of these being permanent states of affairs, but rather contingent, serendipitous, often uncertain, and fluid. This book is unique not only with regard to its variety of approaches to mapping the various possibilities between open and closed but also with regard to the global spread of its many contributing authors".

Pedagogy in process : the letters to Guinea-Bissau
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1474268935 1474268943 9781474268936 1474268951 Year: 2020 Publisher: London, England : London, England : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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Pedagogy in Process presents a first-hand account of the most comprehensive attempt yet to put into practice Paulo Freire's theory of education within a real societal setting. When Guinea Bissau on the West African coast declared independence in 1973 the rate of illiteracy in its adult population was ninety percent. The new government faced the enormous task of educating its citizens. With Freire as collaborator and advisor the government launched a huge grass-roots literacy campaign and this book is Freire's memoir of that campaign. Those familiar with Freire's work will identify his ongoing insistence on the unity between theory and practice, mental and manual work, and past and present experience. This is essential reading for anyone interested Freire's revolutionary ideas on education and the transformative power they hold when applied to society and the classroom -- Back cover.

Doing Critical and Creative Research in Adult Education : Case Studies in Methodology and Theory
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004420754 9004420746 9004420738 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill Sense,

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Scholarship on adult education has fueled a high level of methodological creativity and innovation in order to tackle a diverse range of issues in a wide range of settings and locations in a critical and participatory manner. Adult education research is marked by the desire to do research differently and to conduct critical research with rather than about people which requires theoretical and methodological creativity. This entails a particular approach to how we seek to know the world in collaboration with people, to rupture hierarchical relations and to create new collaborative spaces of learning and research that encompass the diversity of people’s life experiences. Doing Critical and Creative Research in Adult Education brings together both leading and emerging scholars in adult education research in order to capture the vitality and complexity of contemporary adult education research. This includes contributions on biographical, narrative, embodied, arts and media-based and ethnographic methods alongside the critical use of quantitative and mixed methods. This distinctive and rich methodological contribution has a general relevance and usefulness for all researchers and students in the social science and humanities, which draws attention to the importance of critical and creative participatory learning processes in human life and learning.

Power and Possibility : Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004413324 9004413316 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill Sense,

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"Power has been a defining and constitutive theme of adult education scholarship for over a century and is a central concern of many of the most famous and influential thinkers in the field. Adult education has been particularly interested in how an analysis of power can be used to support transformative learning and democratic participation. In a fragile and interdependent world these questions are more important than ever. The aim of this collection is to offer an analysis of power and possibility in adult education which acknowledges, analyses and responds to the complexity and diversity that characterises contemporary education and society. Power and Possibility: Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World explores the topic of power and possibility theoretically, historically and practically through a range of perspectives and in relation to varied areas of interest within contemporary adult education. It is concerned with addressing how power works in and through adult education today by exploring what has changed in recent years and what is shaping and driving policy. Alongside this the book explores ways of theorising learning, power and transformation that builds and extends adult education philosophy. In particular it takes up the themes of diversity and solidarity exploring barriers and possibilities for change".

The new roadmap for creating online courses : an interactive workbook
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1108766897 1108805868 1108804195 1108720315 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Are you ready to create an online course, but do not know where to start? Do your online learners seem isolated and disengaged? Are your online courses effective enough for the current, competitive market? Whether you are an instructor, instructional designer, or part of a team, this interactive workbook will help you create effective online courses to engage your learners. Key features of the workbook include integrating cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of learning; explaining the central role of self-reflection, dialogue, and realistic application; the incorporation of themes, scenarios, and characters to provide relevant and meaningful learning experiences; and the use of semiotics for inclusion of diverse learners. As you journey through the course creation process in this workbook, you will expand your ideas and discover new possibilities for the students taking your online course.

Usages et appropriation des technologies éducatives en Afrique : quelques pistes de réflexion
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9956551058 9956551155 Year: 2020 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Project Muse,

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Ce livre veut faire etat de l'appropriation des technologies, dans divers contextes africains, par les enseignants et les apprenants de l'enseignement primaire, secondaire et universitaire. Pour ce faire, il presente les travaux de chercheurs de differents pays d'Afrique - Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger et Senegal. Surgissent de ces recherches plusieurs reflexions et questions qui interpellent tous ceux qui ont à coeur la comprehension du potentiel des technologies educatives. Quelles sont les representations sociales que les enseignants, les eleves et les etudiants ont des technologies ? Quelles sont les modalites administratives, pedagogiques et techniques à mettre en oeuvre pour la formation continue à distance des enseignants avec l'aide des technologies ? Comment soutenir l'acquisition des competences technopedagogiques ? Quelles sont les reelles potentialites des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour soutenir les reformes en education ? Les technologies sont-elles une source de motivation ou de demotivation, un levier pour les approches socioconstructivistes ? Cet ouvrage interessera toute personne qui souhaite mieux comprendre l'education en Afrique et plus particulierement la place que la technopedagogie est appelee à jouer dans l'Afrique du 21e siecle.

Evaluieren und Prüfen in DaF/DaZ.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3732992977 3732907287 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin Frank & Timme

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Consistent evaluation is an important prerequisite for quality assurance and continuous further development in the area of DaF/DaZ. With a focus on virtual learning, this volume deals with the evaluation of the Inverted Classroom Model for the training of teachers of German as a foreign language and specifically with language learning apps. A second focus is on the evaluation of exams and tests. In addition to the medical language examination and the qualification tests of future teachers, the focus here is on examiner qualifications. The critical discussion will present suggestions for solutions as well as new research approaches. This volume does justice to the claim that theory and practice are closely intertwined. Christina Maria Ersch studied German and Scandinavian Studies in Göttingen and German as a foreign language in Mainz, where she is a research assistant. She has been teaching German as a foreign language for several years, is a certified telc examiner and conducts advanced training courses in neurodidactics and action-oriented learning. Her research interests are, among other things, in general didactics with a focus on competence-oriented, digital learning and in intercultural communication.

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