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Incest in Sweden, 1680-1940 : A history of forbidden relations
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lund, Sweden : Lund University Press,

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In early modern Sweden, if a man and his deceased wife´s sister were found guilty of engaging in sexual intercourse they would be sentenced to death by beheading. Today the same relationship is not even illegal. Covering the period 1680-1940, this book analyses both incest crimes and applications for dispensation to marry, revealing the norms underpinning Swedish society's shifting attitudes to incestuous relations and comparing them with developments in other European countries. It demonstrates that, even though the debate on incest has been dominated by religious, moral, and - in due course - medical notions, the values that actually determined the outcome of incest cases were frequently of quite a different character.-- Provided by publisher.



Incest in Sweden, 1680-1940 : A history of forbidden relations
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lund, Sweden : Lund University Press,

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In early modern Sweden, if a man and his deceased wife´s sister were found guilty of engaging in sexual intercourse they would be sentenced to death by beheading. Today the same relationship is not even illegal. Covering the period 1680-1940, this book analyses both incest crimes and applications for dispensation to marry, revealing the norms underpinning Swedish society's shifting attitudes to incestuous relations and comparing them with developments in other European countries. It demonstrates that, even though the debate on incest has been dominated by religious, moral, and - in due course - medical notions, the values that actually determined the outcome of incest cases were frequently of quite a different character.-- Provided by publisher.



L'inceste, scènes de famille
Authors: ---
ISSN: 24261203 ISBN: 9782848355696 2848355697 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : Éditions In Press,

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Comment penser la violence incestueuse ? Peut-on prévenir sa répétition ? Peut-on restaurer les liens familiaux ? L’inceste renvoie à l’impensable, à l’innommable, à l’indi­cible. C’est le symptôme d’une organisation familiale et sociale où règne la confusion entre générations, entre l’intime, le privé et le public. L’inceste confronte aussi les professionnels à la sidération et à l’angoisse alors que la pensée se trouble, et que le symbo­lique est défaillant. Le fil rouge de cet ouvrage est la déconstruction des scènes familiales de l’inceste dans une perspective clinique des liens de filiation et d’affiliation. Quel cadre pluriel pour un travail de différenciation et d’individuation chez les victimes et les auteurs d’inceste ? Quelle place occupe le juridique ? Différents dispositifs : psychothérapies de groupe, thérapie familiale, accompagne­ment éducatif institutionnel, médiations à la créativité tentent de libérer la parole … Comment restaurer les liens ? Comment aider ces femmes et ces hommes à se libérer de l’emprise d’une histoire de famille incestueuse ?

I figli di Eolo : il motivo mitico e letterario dell'incesto tra antico e moderno

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Incest in Sweden, 1680–1940 : a history of forbidden relations
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lund Lund University Press

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"Three hundred years ago in Sweden, if a man and his late wife’s sister had sex they ran the risk of being executed. The relationship was defined as an incestuous one, and reprieves were rare. Today, Swedish legislation is among the most liberal in the world. How can such a radical change be accounted for? The earliest prohibitions against incest came from the Bible, which is why biological kinship and kinship based on marriage were held to be equivalent. Consequently, incest prohibitions around 1700 covered many more relationship categories than exist today. Right up to the late nineteenth century, most incest crimes corresponded to voluntary unions between two adults who were not related by blood. Analysing both incest crimes and applications for dispensation to marry from 1680 to 1940, this book reveals the norms underpinning Swedish society’s shifting attitudes to incestuous relations, while considering developments in relation to other European countries. Making a remarkable contribution to social and legal history, 'Incest in Sweden' reveals that, while the debate on incest has historically been dominated by religious, moral and – in due course – medical notions, the values that actually determined the outcome of incest cases were frequently of a quite different character." -- Publisher..

Incest in Sweden, 1680–1940 : a history of forbidden relations
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lund Lund University Press

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"Three hundred years ago in Sweden, if a man and his late wife’s sister had sex they ran the risk of being executed. The relationship was defined as an incestuous one, and reprieves were rare. Today, Swedish legislation is among the most liberal in the world. How can such a radical change be accounted for? The earliest prohibitions against incest came from the Bible, which is why biological kinship and kinship based on marriage were held to be equivalent. Consequently, incest prohibitions around 1700 covered many more relationship categories than exist today. Right up to the late nineteenth century, most incest crimes corresponded to voluntary unions between two adults who were not related by blood. Analysing both incest crimes and applications for dispensation to marry from 1680 to 1940, this book reveals the norms underpinning Swedish society’s shifting attitudes to incestuous relations, while considering developments in relation to other European countries. Making a remarkable contribution to social and legal history, 'Incest in Sweden' reveals that, while the debate on incest has historically been dominated by religious, moral and – in due course – medical notions, the values that actually determined the outcome of incest cases were frequently of a quite different character." -- Publisher..

Incest in Sweden, 1680–1940 : a history of forbidden relations
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lund Lund University Press

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"Three hundred years ago in Sweden, if a man and his late wife’s sister had sex they ran the risk of being executed. The relationship was defined as an incestuous one, and reprieves were rare. Today, Swedish legislation is among the most liberal in the world. How can such a radical change be accounted for? The earliest prohibitions against incest came from the Bible, which is why biological kinship and kinship based on marriage were held to be equivalent. Consequently, incest prohibitions around 1700 covered many more relationship categories than exist today. Right up to the late nineteenth century, most incest crimes corresponded to voluntary unions between two adults who were not related by blood. Analysing both incest crimes and applications for dispensation to marry from 1680 to 1940, this book reveals the norms underpinning Swedish society’s shifting attitudes to incestuous relations, while considering developments in relation to other European countries. Making a remarkable contribution to social and legal history, 'Incest in Sweden' reveals that, while the debate on incest has historically been dominated by religious, moral and – in due course – medical notions, the values that actually determined the outcome of incest cases were frequently of a quite different character." -- Publisher..

Les Amours entre frère et sœur : l'inceste adelphique du Moyen Âge au début du XIXe siècle
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2406095835 9782406095835 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: Classiques Garnier,

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L'inceste adelphique est non seulement un topos littéraire mais aussi un des parangons de l'amour parfait. Les relations amoureuses entre frère et soeur ont été l'objet, à la différence de l'inceste vertical, d'un processus d'idéalisation qui a commencé bien avant le XIXe siècle. Dans la plupart des récits de fondation - dont la Bible - le couple adelphique est en effet à l'origine de l'humanité, ce qui le rapproche du mythe de l'androgyne originel : une attraction naturelle, et non plus contre-nature unirait donc le frère et la soeur. Le rêve d'inceste qui se déploie dans la littérature vient dès lors défier les lois divines et humaines, pris dans une tension entre l'aspiration à un monde idéal et la force, intériorisée ou non, de l'interdit

Acerca de la familia en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo : crisis, incesto y parricidio
ISBN: 9788412021868 Year: 2020 Publisher: Madrid : Editorial Pliegos,

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Es un ensayo interdisciplinario sobre la representación de la crisis de la familia en el nuevo cine latinoamericano de la primera década de este Siglo. La representación cinematográfica de la crisis de la familia se analiza como una alegoría de la crisis política y cultural producida por la transición violenta desde una modernidad no cumplida a la nueva etapa del capitalismo globalizado que en la región se establece con el uso de la fuerza institucionalizada en términos de dictaduras militares, guerras sucias y luchas de liberación nacional debido a la falta de las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales o culturales necesarias para una transición pacífica como es el caso de los países altamente industrializados. Cada capítulo presenta diferentes aspectos de la tensión entre nuestro pasado reciente/trauma histórico y las relaciones de género, etnicidad o estrato social en el contexto de la crisis de la sociedad patriarcal, simbolizado en la representación de la familia, y que culmina en la mayoría de los casos en incesto o parricidio simbólico o real como un síntoma y gesto crítico que nos alerta de los cambios de la sociedad contemporánea invadida por el trauma que exige una negociación de los roles tradicionales en una nueva sociedad de corte postmoderno y globalizado.

Les liaisons interdites : Histoire de l’inceste au xixe siècle
ISSN: 12430269 ISBN: 9782859447762 2859447768 9791035104726 Year: 2020 Volume: 75 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne,

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L’inceste marque de sa monstruosité les consciences collectives. Cantonné dans la sphère du tabou et de l’infamie, nul ne peut le discuter, nul ne peut le pratiquer. Le phénomène existe pourtant sous différentes formes selon les sociétés dans lesquelles il est rencontré et pensé. En France, au xixe siècle, l’inceste a une histoire. Lorsqu’en 1791 les Constituants décident de le décriminaliser, la société française voit s’ouvrir un siècle de débats qui conduit à une requalification profonde du phénomène et de son imaginaire. L’étude croisée des discours entretenus par les élites souligne les étapes qui ont présidé à la construction de l’inceste criminel. À la fin du siècle, il n’est plus l’apanage des aristocrates décriés par les Lumières mais bien celui d’hommes pauvres, devenus les symboles d’une nouvelle dangerosité. La justice, par l’entrelacement de ses échelles et de ses acteurs, contribue également à fabriquer et à imposer progressivement ce masque sur le phénomène incestueux. Mais l’inceste n’est pas qu’un crime au xixe siècle. En tentant de pénétrer au cœur même des familles, cet ouvrage montre qu’il peut également être une sexualité consentie qui se pratique dans la clandestinité de certains foyers français. Réalité multiforme, interdit plus que tabou, l’inceste mérite en ce sens d’être replacé dans une histoire plus courte que l’intemporalité des anthropologues.

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