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Operator analysis : Hilbert Space Methods in complex analysis
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1108618588 1108621201 1108751296 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This book shows how operator theory interacts with function theory in one and several variables. The authors develop the theory in detail, leading the reader to the cutting edge of contemporary research. It starts with a treatment of the theory of bounded holomorphic functions on the unit disc. Model theory and the network realization formula are used to solve Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems, and the same techniques are shown to work on the bidisc, the symmetrized bidisc, and other domains. The techniques are powerful enough to prove the Julia-Carathéodory theorem on the bidisc, Lempert's theorem on invariant metrics in convex domains, the Oka extension theorem, and to generalize Loewner's matrix monotonicity results to several variables. In Part II, the book gives an introduction to non-commutative function theory, and shows how model theory and the network realization formula can be used to understand functions of non-commuting matrices.

Wigner-type theorems for Hilbert Grassmannians
ISBN: 1108848397 1108800327 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Wigner's theorem is a fundamental part of the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics. The theorem characterizes unitary and anti-unitary operators as symmetries of quantum mechanical systems, and is a key result when relating preserver problems to quantum mechanics. At the heart of this book is a geometric approach to Wigner-type theorems, unifying both classical and more recent results. Readers are initiated in a wide range of topics from geometric transformations of Grassmannians to lattices of closed subspaces, before moving on to a discussion of applications. An introduction to all the key aspects of the basic theory is included as are plenty of examples, making this book a useful resource for beginning graduate students and non-experts, as well as a helpful reference for specialist researchers.

The mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1470461463 Year: 2020 Publisher: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society,

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The normal matrix model with algebraic potential has gained a lot of attention recently, partially in virtue of its connection to several other topics as quadrature domains, inverse potential problems and the Laplacian growth. In this present paper the authors consider the normal matrix model with cubic plus linear potential. In order to regularize the model, they follow Elbau & Felder and introduce a cut-off. In the large size limit, the eigenvalues of the model accumulate uniformly within a certain domain Omega that they determine explicitly by finding the rational parametrization of its boundary. The authors also study in detail the mother body problem associated to Omega. It turns out that the mother body measure mu_* displays a novel phase transition that we call the mother body phase transition: although partial Omega evolves analytically, the mother body measure undergoes a "one-cut to three-cut" phase transition.

The mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781470441845 Year: 2020 Publisher: Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society,

Spectral Theory of Bounded Linear Operators
ISBN: 3030331490 3030331482 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser,

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This textbook introduces spectral theory for bounded linear operators by focusing on (i) the spectral theory and functional calculus for normal operators acting on Hilbert spaces; (ii) the Riesz-Dunford functional calculus for Banach-space operators; and (iii) the Fredholm theory in both Banach and Hilbert spaces. Detailed proofs of all theorems are included and presented with precision and clarity, especially for the spectral theorems, allowing students to thoroughly familiarize themselves with all the important concepts. Covering both basic and more advanced material, the five chapters and two appendices of this volume provide a modern treatment on spectral theory. Topics range from spectral results on the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators acting on Banach spaces to functional calculus for Hilbert and Banach-space operators, including Fredholm and multiplicity theories. Supplementary propositions and further notes are included as well, ensuring a wide range of topics in spectral theory are covered. Spectral Theory of Bounded Linear Operators is ideal for graduate students in mathematics, and will also appeal to a wider audience of statisticians, engineers, and physicists. Though it is mostly self-contained, a familiarity with functional analysis, especially operator theory, will be helpful.

A Primer for a Secret Shortcut to PDEs of Mathematical Physics
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3030473333 3030473325 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser,

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This book presents a concise introduction to a unified Hilbert space approach to the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena which has been developed over recent years by Picard and his co-workers. The main focus is on time-dependent partial differential equations with a particular structure in the Hilbert space setting that ensures well-posedness and causality, two essential properties of any reasonable model in mathematical physics or engineering. As a unique feature, this powerful tool for tackling time-dependent partial differential equations is subsequently applied to many equations. By means of illustrative examples, from the straightforward to the more complex, the authors show that many of the classical models in mathematical physics as well as more recent models of novel materials and interactions are covered, or can be restructured to be covered, by this unified Hilbert space approach. The reader should require only a basic foundation in the theory of Hilbert spaces and operators therein. For convenience, however, some of the more technical background requirements are covered in detail in the appendix. The theory is kept as elementary as possible, making the material suitable for a senior undergraduate or master’s level course. In addition, researchers in a variety of fields whose work involves partial differential equations and applied operator theory will also greatly benefit from this approach to structuring their mathematical models in order that the general theory can be applied to ensure the essential properties of well-posedness and causality.

An Invitation to Unbounded Representations of *-Algebras on Hilbert Space
ISBN: 3030463664 3030463656 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This textbook provides an introduction to representations of general ∗-algebras by unbounded operators on Hilbert space, a topic that naturally arises in quantum mechanics but has so far only been properly treated in advanced monographs aimed at researchers. The book covers both the general theory of unbounded representation theory on Hilbert space as well as representations of important special classes of ∗-algebra, such as the Weyl algebra and enveloping algebras associated to unitary representations of Lie groups. A broad scope of topics are treated in book form for the first time, including group graded ∗-algebras, the transition probability of states, Archimedean quadratic modules, noncommutative Positivstellensätze, induced representations, well-behaved representations and representations on rigged modules. Making advanced material accessible to graduate students, this book will appeal to students and researchers interested in advanced functional analysis and mathematical physics, and with many exercises it can be used for courses on the representation theory of Lie groups and its application to quantum physics. A rich selection of material and bibliographic notes also make it a valuable reference.

Inverse spectral and scattering theory : an introduction
ISBN: 9811581991 9811581983 Year: 2020 Publisher: Springer Singapore

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The aim of this book is to provide basic knowledge of the inverse problems arising in various areas in mathematics, physics, engineering, and medical science. These practical problems boil down to the mathematical question in which one tries to recover the operator (coefficients) or the domain (manifolds) from spectral data. The characteristic properties of the operators in question are often reduced to those of Schrödinger operators. We start from the 1-dimensional theory to observe the main features of inverse spectral problems and then proceed to multi-dimensions. The first milestone is the Borg–Levinson theorem in the inverse Dirichlet problem in a bounded domain elucidating basic motivation of the inverse problem as well as the difference between 1-dimension and multi-dimension. The main theme is the inverse scattering, in which the spectral data is Heisenberg’s S-matrix defined through the observation of the asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions. Significant progress has been made in the past 30 years by using the Faddeev–Green function or the complex geometrical optics solution by Sylvester and Uhlmann, which made it possible to reconstruct the potential from the S-matrix of one fixed energy. One can also prove the equivalence of the knowledge of S-matrix and that of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for boundary value problems in bounded domains. We apply this idea also to the Dirac equation, the Maxwell equation, and discrete Schrödinger operators on perturbed lattices. Our final topic is the boundary control method introduced by Belishev and Kurylev, which is for the moment the only systematic method for the reconstruction of the Riemannian metric from the boundary observation, which we apply to the inverse scattering on non-compact manifolds. We stress that this book focuses on the lucid exposition of these problems and mathematical backgrounds by explaining the basic knowledge of functional analysis and spectral theory, omitting the technical details in order to make the book accessible to graduate students as an introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs) and functional analysis. .

Selected Papers from the 16th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2019)
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The first quantum revolution started in the early 20th century and gave us new rules that govern physical reality. Accordingly, many devices that changed dramatically our lifestyle, such as transistors, medical scanners and lasers, appeared in the market. This was the origin of quantum technology, which allows us to organize and control the components of a complex system governed by the laws of quantum physics. This is in sharp contrast to conventional technology, which can only be understood within the framework of classical mechanics. We are now in the middle of a second quantum revolution. Although quantum mechanics is nowadays a mature discipline, quantum engineering as a technology is now emerging in its own right. We are about to manipulate and sense individual particles, measuring and exploiting their quantum properties. This is bringing major technical advances in many different areas, including computing, sensors, simulations, cryptography and telecommunications. The present collection of selected papers is a clear demonstration of the tremendous vitality of the field. The issue is composed of contributions from world leading researchers in quantum optics and quantum information, and presents viewpoints, both theoretical and experimental, on a variety of modern problems.


entangled states --- two atoms --- two-modes --- cavity QED setup --- entanglement --- interference phenomenon --- superposition of quantum states --- quantum tomograms --- quantum optics --- nonclassicality --- quantum resource theories --- non-Gaussianity --- photon-number-resolving detectors --- multiport devices --- Fock states --- quantum tomography --- photon losses --- relativistic dynamics --- no-interaction theorem --- world line condition --- circular gauge --- Landau gauge --- arbitrary linear gauge --- stepwise variation --- center-of-orbit coordinates --- relative coordinates --- elliptic and hyperbolic solenoids --- angular momentum --- magnetic moment --- squeezing --- mutually unbiased bases --- group representations --- graphs --- quantum information --- E = mc2 from Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations --- one symmetry for quantum mechanics and special relativity --- coherent states --- harmonic oscillator --- SU(2) coherent states --- 2D coherent states --- resolution of the identity --- uncertainty principle --- isotropic harmonic oscillator --- anisotropic harmonic oscillator --- Sudarshan --- apology --- non-hermitian operators --- real spectrum --- nonlinear algebras --- nonclassical states --- bound entanglement --- entanglement witness --- Hilbert–Schmidt measure --- optimization algorithms --- probability representation --- quantizer–dequantizer --- qubit --- quantum suprematism --- n/a --- E = mc2 from Heisenberg's uncertainty relations --- Hilbert-Schmidt measure --- quantizer-dequantizer --- Research.

ISBN: 3039280635 3039280627 Year: 2020 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Inequalities appear in various fields of natural science and engineering. Classical inequalities are still being improved and/or generalized by many researchers. That is, inequalities have been actively studied by mathematicians. In this book, we selected the papers that were published as the Special Issue ‘’Inequalities’’ in the journal Mathematics (MDPI publisher). They were ordered by similar topics for readers’ convenience and to give new and interesting results in mathematical inequalities, such as the improvements in famous inequalities, the results of Frame theory, the coefficient inequalities of functions, and the kind of convex functions used for Hermite–Hadamard inequalities. The editor believes that the contents of this book will be useful to study the latest results for researchers of this field.


quantum estimates --- Montgomery identity --- power inequalities --- positive linear map --- Hilbert C*-module --- Hermite–Hadamard type inequality --- Steffensen’s inequality --- Hilbert space --- Hadamard fractional integrals --- K-dual --- adjointable operator --- analytic functions --- special means --- geometrically convex function --- h2)-convex --- proportional fractional derivative --- commutator --- quasi-convex --- Katugampola fractional integrals --- Euler-Maclaurin summation formula --- starlike functions --- strongly ?-convex functions --- g-frame --- interval-valued functions --- twice differentiable convex functions --- Taylor theorem --- exponential inequalities --- g-Bessel sequence --- Riemann–Liouville and Caputo proportional fractional initial value problem --- frame --- Fejér’s inequality --- weight function --- Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities --- Gronwall–Bellman inequality --- ?-variation --- Hölder’s inequality --- majorization inequality --- alternate dual frame --- half-discrete Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality --- parameter --- Power mean inequality --- Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals --- reverse inequality --- weaving frame operator --- Fink’s identity --- pseudo-inverse --- operator inequality --- Hermite-Hadamard inequality --- one-sided weighted Morrey space --- Green functions --- weaving K-frame --- operator Kantorovich inequality --- higher order convexity --- weaving frame --- (h1 --- one-sided weighted Campanato space --- Fekete-Szegö inequality --- convex functions --- refined inequality --- trigonometric inequalities --- one-sided singular integral

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