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TheDynamics of Language and Inequality in Education : Social and Symbolic Boundaries in the Global South
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 178892696X 1788926951 1788926935 1788926943 Year: 2020 Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Multilingual Matters,

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This book contributes new perspectives from the Global South on the ways in which linguistic and discursive boundaries shape inequalities in educational contexts, ranging from Amazonian missions to Mongolian universities. Through critical ethnographic and sociolinguistic analysis, the chapters explore how such boundaries contribute to the geopolitics of colonialism, capitalism and myriad, interwoven, forms of social life that structure both oppression and resistance. Boundaries are examined across time and space as relational constructs that mark the terms upon which admission to groups, institutions, territories, or practices are granted. The studies further present alternative educational approaches that demonstrate the potential for agency and transgression, highlighting moments of boundary crossing that disrupt existing linguistic ideologies, language policies and curriculum structures. 

Éducation et territoire : inégalités ou diversité ?
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9791036202605 9791036202582 Year: 2020 Publisher: Lyon : ENS Éditions,

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Il a longtemps été considéré que l’échelle nationale était la seule compatible avec les objectifs d’égalité du système éducatif en France. Cette « indifférence » de l’école envers ses territoires est remise en cause depuis quarante ans. Les recherches sociologiques ont d’une part montré que l’uniformité nationale formelle pouvait s’accommoder de larges inégalités réelles de traitement des élèves. La décentralisation et les politiques d’éducation prioritaire initiées dans les années 1980 ont d’autre part amendé le pilotage strictement national de l’éducation. Ce débat est toujours d’actualité, comme le montrent par exemple le lancement de « cités éducatives » dans l’enseignement scolaire ou la différenciation des métropoles universitaires par les « politiques d’excellence ». Faut-il approfondir la diversité territoriale ou maintenir en priorité le cadre national ? Les tensions sont toujours présentes dès qu’il s’agit d’imaginer des décisions éducatives qui prennent leur source autant au niveau local qu’au niveau national. Afin de dresser un bilan des savoirs sur ces questions, ce huitième opus des Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson rassemble des chercheurs spécialistes de la relation entre l’éducation et ses territoires, de l’école rurale à l’université, ainsi que des responsables éducatifs, au niveau national et local, qui se sont particulièrement investis dans la dimension territoriale de l’éducation. It has long been held that only management at national level is compatible with the equality objectives of the education system in France. This “detachment” of schools from their territories has been called into question over the past forty years. Sociological research has shown, on the one hand, that national uniformity can handle considerable inequalities in the way students are treated. Decentralisation and the priority education policies introduced in the 1980s have, on the other hand, modified the strictly national management of education. This debate is still…

Eltern, Schule, Migrationsgesellschaft
ISBN: 3839450918 9783839450918 9783837650914 383765091X Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld

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Das Verhältnis von Eltern und Schule ist aktuell tief greifenden Veränderungen ausgesetzt. Ellen Kollender fragt nach der Rolle, die hierbei migrationsgesellschaftlichen Differenz- und Zugehörigkeitsordnungen zukommt: Wie werden Eltern in politischen Diskursen um Migration, Integration und Bildung positioniert? Welche Zuschreibungen erfahren vor allem türkisch-arabisch-muslimisch gelabelte Eltern in der Schule ihrer Kinder? Und welche Antworten entwickeln die Eltern hierauf? Mit Blick auf Berlin wird rekonstruiert, wie sich im Zuge des neoliberalen staatlichen Wandels rassistische Grenzziehungen verschleiern und neue Einfallstore für Diskriminierung von Eltern entstehen. Die Dispositivanalyse liefert Schlussfolgerungen für eine diskriminierungssensible Entwicklung von Schule als öffentlichem Raum. »Ellen Kollender begründet Rassismus im Zeitalter neoliberaler Staatlichkeit als einen Kontext für bildungsbezogene Fragestellungen und lenkt damit die sozialwissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit auf einen Kontext, der in deutschsprachigen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen nach wie vor viel zu selten dekonstruiert und reflektiert wird. Ein absolut lesenswertes Buch - im Wissenschaftskontext, wie auch für (angehende) Praktiker*innen und Entscheidungsträger*innen - und ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Schulentwicklung.« Lalitha Chamakalayil/ Oxana Ivanova-Chessex, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue, 19/5 (2020) »Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine wichtige Intervention für Debatten zu Elternarbeit an Schulen an der Schnittstelle von Migration, Rassismus und neoliberaler Aktivierungspolitik. Diskurse um Chancengleichheit in der Bildung, Integration und Diskriminierung werden auf eine theoretisch innovative und empirisch fundierte Weise fruchtbar gemacht.« Iris Glaser, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 4 (2020) »Die vorliegende Analyse [leistet] eine interessante Darstellung darüber, wie sich neoliberale und rassistische Logiken im konkreten Fall zweier Stadtteile zeigen können, und so sei die Lektüre insbesondere denjenigen empfohlen, die diese Blickrichtung nachvollziehen und in gesellschaftskritische Denkweisen eintauchen möchten.« Carola Mantel, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 42/2 (2020) O-Ton: »Es ist ein System differentieller Teilhabe entstanden« - Ellen Kollender im Gespräch bei Radio Corax am 19.08.2020. O-Ton: »Die neoliberale Schule« - ein Gastbeitrag von Ellen Kollender auf ZEIT online am 19.07.2020. »Struktureller Rassismus in der Schule? Die Abwehr dieses Vorwurfs dürfte in etwa so vehement sein, wie bei den Sicherheitskräften in Deutschland. Doch die diskursanalytische Studie der Bildungsforscherin Ellen Kollender über die Situation von ›als migrantisch positionierten Eltern‹ legt genau solche rassistischen Logiken nahe.« Christoph David Piorkowski, Der Tagesspiegel, 03.07.2020 »Das Buch geht subtilen Ausschlüssen von Eltern und ihren Kindern in Schule und Migrationsgesellschaft auf den Grund.« Oliver Neumann,, 20.04.2020 Besprochen in: InfoDienst Migration, 3 (2020) Tagesspiegel, 17.07.2020, Christoph David Piorkowski Tagesspiegel, 05.08.2020, Sybille Volkholz IDA-NRW, 3 (2020)

Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks
ISBN: 9089646515 9048523184 9789048523184 9789089646514 9789048524792 Year: 2020 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Project Muse,

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This definitive study investigates the variations in educational mobility of second-generation Turks in France, Austria and Sweden. The findings show that differences are most pronounced in the Austrian education system, can be seen clearly in France and are least pronounced in Sweden. Schnell underscores the importance of both individual characteristics and institutional ones, but the institutional arrangements of education systems are found to matter more for the outcome of this mobility process.

Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education
ISBN: 3030146251 3030146243 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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The Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education explores social justice elements across the global human continuum in the field of education and offers the skills and ways of thinking to achieve a more equitable, caring and fair world. Education is not the sole or even the primary answer to social justice as this would assume educators have control over the complexity of one’s nation/states and multi or transnational organizations, and especially the diversity by context of family life. What education does offer are the skills and ways of thinking to achieve a more equitable, caring, and fair world in pursuit of achieving the ends of social justice. The handbook will look at three major themes—Political Inequality, Educational Economic Inequality, and Cultural Inequality. Editorial Board Khalid Arar Kadir Beycioglu Fenwick English Aletha M. Harven John M. Heffron David John Matheson Marta Sánchez.

Reading, writing, and revolution : escuelitas and the emergence of a Mexican American identity in Texas
ISBN: 1477320938 1477320911 Year: 2020 Publisher: Austin : University of Texas Press,

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"From 1880 to 1940, ethnic Mexicans enrolled their children in both public schools and escuelitas (little schools)-"two contradictory educational traditions with mutually exclusive messages," Philis Barragán Goetz writes. Texas public school administrators believed that you could not live in the United States and be a citizen if you did not speak English and demonstrate a familiarity with the laws of the country. Mexican consuls and many upper class Mexican nationals, on the other hand, believed that "the residents of this Mexican colony had a responsibility to keep the true Mexico alive in the United States." Each side demanded that ethnic Mexicans choose the country to which they would belong, scoffing at the notion of anything in between. In this history of escuelitas in Texas, Barragán Goetz marshals deep archival and oral history research to show how, for many decades, numerous ethnic Mexicans did choose something in between, and how the escuelita model slowly transformed to meet the needs of Mexican Americans."

Diversifying STEM: multidisciplinary perspectives on race and gender
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1978805713 9781978805712 9781978805675 1978805675 9781978805682 1978805683 1978805691 Year: 2020 Publisher: New Brunswick (N.J.) Rutgers University Press

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2020 Choice​ Outstanding Academic Title Research frequently neglects the important ways that race and gender intersect within the complex structural dynamics of STEM. Diversifying STEM fills this void, bringing together a wide array of perspectives and the voices of a number of multidisciplinary scholars. The essays cover three main areas: the widely-held ideology that science and mathematics are “value-free,” which promotes pedagogies of colorblindness in the classroom as well as an avoidance of discussions around using mathematics and science to promote social justice; how male and female students of color experience the intersection of racist and sexist structures that lead to general underrepresentation and marginalization; and recognizing that although there are no quick fixes, there exists evidence-based research suggesting concrete ways of doing a better job of including individuals of color in STEM. As a whole this volume will allow practitioners, teachers, students, faculty, and professionals to reimagine STEM across a variety of educational paradigms, perspectives, and disciplines, which is critical in finding solutions that broaden the participation of historically underrepresented groups within the STEM disciplines.

A better future : the role of higher education for displaced and marginalized people
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1108655106 1108751733 1108752314 1108496881 9781108655101 1108738990 9781108496889 9781108738996 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Policy makers, advocates and scholars have long concentrated on the importance of equal access to primary and secondary education as a foundation for a democratic and just society. Despite the growing importance of higher and specialist education in an increasingly technological and skill-focused global market, tertiary education has attracted much less attention. And yet, universities and colleges are epicentres of egregious disparities in access, which impinge on traditionally marginalized communities, such as racial minorities, migrants, indigenous populations, and people with disabilities. By drawing attention to this issue and assembling first-rate material from scholars and policy makers across the globe, this book performs an invaluable service for those interested in understanding and fighting a highly significant violation of educational opportunity and social justice.


Education, Higher --- Students with social disabilities --- Refugees --- Educational equalization. --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Displaced persons --- Persons --- Aliens --- Deportees --- Exiles --- People with social disabilities --- Students with disabilities --- Aims and objectives. --- Education, Higher. --- Aims and objectives --- education policy. --- access to education. --- integration of the disabled. --- higher education. --- social integration. --- socially disadvantaged class. --- klasë shoqërore në pozita të pafavorshme --- socialno ogroženi sloj --- социјално загрозен слој --- hátrányos társadalmi helyzetű osztály --- grupa społecznie poszkodowanych --- социално онеправдана група --- categorie socială defavorizată --- categoria social desfavorecida --- klassi soċjalment żvantaġġata --- sociāli mazaizsargāta šķira --- socialt dårligt stillet gruppe --- sociaal achtergestelde groep --- socialiai pažeidžiama grupė --- categoria sociale svantaggiata --- socialt missgynnad grupp --- aicme atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste sóisialta --- catégorie sociale défavorisée --- socijalno zapostavljeni sloj --- Cuarto Mundo --- sozial benachteiligte Klasse --- sociálně znevýhodněná vrstva --- trieda najchudobnejších ľudí --- μειονεκτούσα κοινωνική κατηγορία --- социјално угрожени слој --- sotsiaalselt tõrjutud inimesed --- yhteiskunnan huono-osaiset --- maznodrošinātas personas --- tõrjutud inimesed --- classe social desfavorecida --- društveno ugrožena klasa --- țările lumii a patra --- fjerde verden --- sociálne znevýhodnená trieda --- socialt och ekonomiskt utslagna --- mazaizsargātas iedzīvotāju grupas --- štvrtý svet --- benachteiligte soziale Schicht --- ранливи групи --- třída nejchudších --- deprived persons --- socialt eftersatt klass --- sotsiaalselt tõrjutud grupp --- zemākais slānis --- Bota e Katërt --- klasë e poshtme --- kategori në pozita të pafavorshme --- μειονεκτούσα κοινωνική τάξη --- τέταρτος κόσμος --- sociálně znevýhodněná třída --- varguomenė --- de allra fattigaste --- znevýhodnené kategórie --- skurdžiai --- persona të privuar --- socialiai nuskriausta klasė --- neljas maailm --- žemiausiasis socialinis sluoksnis --- čtvrtý svět --- neljäs maailma --- legalsó osztály --- znevýhodněná společenská třída --- zanedbané osoby --- quarto mundo --- disadvantaged categories --- Fourth World --- ketvirtasis pasaulis --- clase social desfavorecida --- vierde wereld --- epäsuotuisassa asemassa olevat ryhmät --- социјално загрозени лица --- underclass --- classe sociale défavorisée --- benadeelde sociale klasse --- vierte Welt --- vargšai --- negyedik világ --- persoane private de posibilități materiale --- sosiaalisesti epäedullisessa asemassa oleva luokka --- benachteiligte soziale Gruppe --- köyhät --- classe sociale svantaggiata --- quart monde --- neturtingieji sluoksniai --- sociale integratie --- општествена интеграција --- integracja społeczna --- társadalmi beilleszkedés --- socialinė integracija --- социална интеграция --- integrazzjoni soċjali --- sociālā integrācija --- lánpháirtiú sóisialta --- društvena integracija --- друштвена интеграција --- integrare socială --- sosiaalinen integraatio --- integración social --- sotsiaalne integratsioon --- integração social --- integrim social --- κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση --- social integration --- začlenění do společnosti --- integrazione sociale --- socialna vključenost --- sociálna integrácia --- soziale Integration --- intégration sociale --- assimilação social --- sociální začlenění --- social delaktighet --- përfshirje sociale --- sociálna asimilácia --- integrim në shoqëri --- assimilazione sociale --- társadalmi asszimiláció --- opneming in de samenleving --- social insertion --- soziale Eingliederung --- social assimilation --- social integrering --- společenská asimilace --- asszimiláció --- susiliejimas su visuomene --- beolvadás --- szociális beilleszkedés --- κοινωνική αφομοίωση --- szociális integráció --- assimilation sociale --- vključevanje v družbo --- socialinis įtraukimas --- integração na sociedade --- åtgärder mot utanförskap --- integration i samhället --- integracija v družbo --- maatregelen tegen sociale uitsluiting --- asimilare socială --- lucha contra la marginación --- asimilim social --- integration i samfundet --- integrace do společnosti --- social inddragelse --- sociale acceptatie --- lutte contre l'exclusion --- καταπολέμηση του αποκλεισμού --- social inclusion --- Integration in die Gesellschaft --- интеграција во општеството --- tõrjutuse vältimine --- κοινωνική ένταξη --- ένταξη στο κοινωνικό σύνολο --- insertion sociale --- syrjäytymisen ehkäisy --- spoločenská asimilácia --- sociālā asimilācija --- společenská integrace --- assimilering --- intégration dans la société --- inserción social --- Verhinderung der Ausgrenzung --- assimilation --- social indslusning --- inclusão social --- sociální integrace --- spoločenská integrácia --- sociale gelijkstelling --- integración en la sociedad --- integrazione nella società --- társadalmi integráció --- inserção social --- integracija į visuomenę --- društvena asimilacija --- luta contra a exclusão --- sosiaalinen osallisuus --- włączenie do społeczeństwa --- inclusión social --- szociális asszimiláció --- bekæmpelse af marginalisering --- socialinė asimiliacija --- bekæmpelse af udelukkelse --- hyrje sociale --- ühiskonda integreerimine --- yhteiskuntaan integroituminen --- integration into society --- lotta contro l’esclusione sociale --- inclusione sociale --- integrácia do spoločnosti --- asimilación social --- inserimento sociale --- åtgärder mot marginalisering --- inclusion sociale --- enseñanza superior --- visokošolsko izobraževanje --- visokoškolsko obrazovanje --- vyššie vzdelávanie --- insegnamento superiore --- ardoideachas --- ανώτατη εκπαίδευση --- enseignement supérieur --- Hochschulausbildung --- aukštasis mokslas --- hoger onderwijs --- edukazzjoni għolja --- högre utbildning --- højere uddannelse --- високо образование --- augstākā izglītība --- ensino superior --- felsőoktatás --- висше образование --- korkeakouluopetus --- arsimi i lartë --- szkolnictwo wyższe --- високо образовање --- vysokoškolské vzdělání --- kõrgharidus --- învățământ superior --- accademia --- вишо образование --- instituto de ensino superior --- τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση --- insegnamento post-secondario --- institute of technology --- akademie --- grand ekol --- Hochschulinstitut --- istituto d'insegnamento superiore --- ανώτατο εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα --- Hochschule --- kõrgkool --- universitetsundervisning --- ανώτατη παιδεία --- vyšší vzdělání --- école supérieure --- arsim tretësor --- gran escuela --- enseñanza postsecundaria --- Elitehochschule („grande école) --- højere undervisning --- tertiary education --- vyšší odborná škola --- shkollë e lartë --- instelling voor hoger onderwijs --- instituto politécnico --- hogere vakschool --- ανώτατη σχολή --- technologijos institutas --- tertiair onderwijs --- universitetsuddannelse --- insegnamento di ciclo superiore --- Akademie --- tehniskā augstskola --- școală superioară --- scuola superiore --- akademi (læreanstalt) --- kolegija --- escola superior --- escuela técnica superior --- nástavba --- Technische Hochschule --- institut pro technologie --- escuela superior --- ινστιτούτο τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης --- hogeschool --- ανώτατη σχολή (grande école) --- treťostupňové vzdelávanie --- терцијарно образование --- învățământ terțiar --- enseignement postsecondaire --- institut de technologie --- universitetsinstitut --- instituto de tecnologia --- akadémiai képzés --- postgymnasial utbildning --- højere læreanstalt --- vysoké školství --- vysoká škola --- technologický inštitút --- πολυτεχνείο --- tehnikakõrgkool --- teknologisk institut --- enseignement tertiaire --- trečiojo lygmens mokymas --- kolmannen asteen koulutus --- institut d'enseignement supérieur --- ensino pós-secundário --- escuela politécnica --- академско образование --- факултетско образование --- ΤΕΙ --- felsőfokú oktatási intézmény --- Gesamthochschule --- postsekundární vzdělání --- akadémia --- ανώτερη εκπαίδευση --- akademische Ausbildung --- ΑΕΙ --- instituto de enseñanza superior --- ΚΑΤΕΕ --- instelling voor technisch onderwijs --- institut tehnic superior --- grande école --- kolmanda taseme haridus --- academisch onderwijs --- Tertiärbereich --- teknillinen korkeakoulu --- универзитетско образование --- Hochschulwesen --- Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Ίδρυμα --- escola politécnica --- vyšší školství --- istituto tecnologico --- insegnamento di grado superiore --- παιδαγωγική ακαδημία --- academie --- institut i teknologjisë --- terciární vzdělání --- tercijarno obrazovanje --- Fachhochschule --- integrace postižených osob --- integracija osoba s invaliditetom --- ενσωμάτωση των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες --- soziale Integration der Behinderten --- integrering av funktionshindrade --- integrácia ľudí s postihnutím --- puudega inimeste integreerimine --- интеграција на лицата со посебни потреби --- invalīdu integrācija --- integrazzjoni tad-diżabbli --- integración de los discapacitados --- integração dos deficientes --- укључење инвалида у друштво --- socialno vključevanje invalidov --- vammaisten integrointi --- integration af handicappede --- fogyatékkal élők integrációja --- intégration des handicapés --- integrimi i personave me aftësi të kufizuar --- интегриране на инвалидите --- neįgaliųjų integravimas --- integrarea persoanelor cu dizabilități --- integrazione dei disabili --- integracja niepełnosprawnych --- lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumas --- integratie van gehandicapten --- општествена интеграција на лицата со посебни потреби --- integrace hendikepovaných osob --- integrácia hendikepovaných osôb --- integrering av handikappade --- integrácia invalidov --- integrace zdravotně postižených --- integrace postižených dětí --- integration of disabled persons --- sociálna integrácia postihnutých ľudí --- општествена интеграција на лицата со хендикеп --- integrace invalidních osob --- integracija hendikepiranih osoba --- integration of the handicapped --- integrim i personave me aftësi të kufizuara --- integrarea persoanelor cu handicap --- aċċess għall-edukazzjoni --- accesso all'istruzione --- prístup k vzdelávaniu --- toegang tot het onderwijs --- acesso à educação --- accès à l'éducation --- rochtain ar oideachas --- πρόσβαση στην εκπαίδευση --- švietimo prieinamumas --- Zugang zur Bildung --- достъп до образованието --- dostęp do oświaty --- dostop do izobraževanja --- dostupnost obrazovanja --- adgang til uddannelse --- hariduse kättesaadavus --- доступност образовања --- tillgång till utbildning --- akses në arsim --- пристап до образование --- přístup ke vzdělání --- acces la educație --- izglītības pieejamība --- acceso a la educación --- koulutukseen pääsy --- oktatásba való bejutás --- přístup ke vzdělávání --- вклученост во образовниот систем --- dostupnost vzdělání --- oktatáshoz való hozzáférés --- pristup obrazovanju --- инклузивно образование --- mokslo pasiekiamumas --- švietimo politika --- política educativa --- uddannelsespolitik --- politique de l'éducation --- politica învățământului --- образовна политика --- política da educação --- koulutuspolitiikka --- Bildungspolitik --- obrazovna politika --- образователна политика --- utbildningspolitik --- politika vzdelávania --- politika e arsimit --- polityka oświatowa --- politica dell'istruzione --- politika vzdělávání --- hariduspoliitika --- beartas oideachais --- izglītības politika --- onderwijsbeleid --- просветна политика --- politika tal-edukazzjoni --- oktatáspolitika --- izobraževalna politika --- εκπαιδευτική πολιτική --- prosvjetna politika --- politica dell'educazione --- educação nacional --- vzdělávací politika --- edukacja narodowa --- nemzeti oktatás --- éducation nationale --- kansallinen opetusjärjestelmä --- armonizzazione delle politiche dell'educazione --- nationales Bildungswesen --- политика за образование --- polityka edukacji --- κρατική εκπαίδευση --- pubblica istruzione --- ravvicinamento delle politiche dell'educazione --- educación nacional --- politica nazionale dell'educazione --- det nationale undervisningssystem --- system szkolnictwa

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