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Literature holds a privileged place in Deleuze’s works. Not only is it the art that most clearly reveals his aesthetics, but it also serves as the laboratory of his thought, the space where he experiments with concepts that become part of his ongoing philosophical project. In this brilliant analyses of Deleuze’s texts on Proust, Sacher-Masoch, Kafka, Carmelo Bene, Melville and Beckett, Pombo Nabais traces the development of Deleuze’s aesthetics across three distinct periods of his thought: the transcendental empiricism of Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense; the philosophy of Nature of Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus; and the philosophy of Spirit of The Fold, What Is Philosophy? and Essays Critical and Clinical. More than a simple account of Deleuze’s literary theory and aesthetics, this book offers a provocative and original reading of Deleuze’s entire philosophy, highlighting the question of modality (the actual, the virtual, the possible, the impossible and the incompossible), the problematic relationship between the event and the assemblage, and the unifying theme of the vitalism of nonorganic life.
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Deleuze ne nous invite pas à être « devant »l'image qui nous apparaît, mais « dans » l'image qui nous transforme. Sa pensée des arts visuels évince radicalement la transcendance, ayant rejeté tous les idéaux de vérité, liberté et justice. Critiquant les distances réflexives et médiatrices de la représentation, Deleuze privilégie la pure présence de ce qui est image, ainsi que la propagation directe des vibrations qu'elle véhicule. Davantage que dans les domaines musicaux et littéraires, il semble que le philosophe ait développé pour les arts visuels une pensée allant à contre-courant de la définition la plus courante du médium qui leur est associé, selon laquelle l'image est la copie d'un substrat originaire ou la trace d'un référent. Cet ouvrage questionne ce paradoxe, en approchant la pensée deleuzienne de l'image selon des perspectives multiples et en la resituant parmi d'autres théories contemporaines de l'image, afin de mieux en dégager sa singularité.
Aesthetics --- Arts --- Philosophy. --- Deleuze, Gilles,
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Explores the concept of multiplicity in Deleuze and Guattari’s work and its relevance to artistic practiceProvides a series of philosophical encounters with the concept of multiplicityPoints to the potentialities circulating in various media for social changeDecolonialises our thinking about art by bypassing the mediation of the traditional western-centred art historyContributors include Mieke Bal, James Williams, Laura Marks, Gary Genosko and Eugene HollandThis collection of essays from a range of philosophers and art practitioners offers tools through which we can action change across art and philosophy, across a range of media and across the theory/practice divide.Including insights from digital apps to Indigenous ritual art and from feminist and queer art to refugee performances and talismanic magic associated with Islamic Neoplatonism, this collection will decolonise your thinking about art – subverting the traditional Western-centred art history.The first section includes theoretical essays on the concept of multiplicities, on affect and politics as well as the thought of Raymond Ruyer and Gilbert Simondon – 2 key influences on Deleuze and Guattari.The second section includes applied essays on specific art practices including the plastic arts, theatre, architecture, music and folk performances.Notes on ContributorsMieke Bal, cultural theorist, critic, video artist and occasional curator.Burcu Baykan, Bilkent University, Turkey.Gary Genosko, University of Ontario, Institute of Technology in Toronto, Canada.Barbara Glowczewski, National Scientific Research Center, Collège de France, EHESS, France.Eugene W. Holland, Ohio State University, USA.Adi Louria Hayon, Tel Aviv University, Israel.Laura U. Marks, Simon Fraser University, Canada.Radek Przedpełski, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.Daniela Voss, University of Hildesheim, Germany.James Williams, Deakin University, Australia.S. E. Wilmer, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.Audronė Žukauskaitė, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Lithuania.
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Gilles Deleuze est connu comme le penseur de la création, de l'affirmation joyeuse et du rhizome. Mais Andrew Culp défend l'idée polémique que cette pensée radicale et joyeuse a perdu son potentiel de résistance au présent. Ces concepts créés pour combattre le capitalisme ont été recyclés dans des slogans publicitaires qui affirment allègrement que : « Le pouvoir est vertical ; le potentiel horizontal ! » Culp retrouve la négativité oubliée de Deleuze et perturbe la lecture dominante en révélant un réseau souterrain de conspiration, de cruauté, de terreur de l'extérieur et de la honte d'être humain. Un Deleuze révolutionnaire pour notre monde digital, de bonheur compulsif, de contrôle décentralisé et de surexposition.
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Deleuze, Gilles --- Critique et interprétation. --- Deleuze, Gilles, --- Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995
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History of philosophy --- Deleuze, Gilles --- Guattari, Felix
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