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Soldaat van Hitler : het dagelijks leven in het Duitse leger van 1939 tot 1945
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789401466929 9401466920 Year: 2020 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Kon men een soldaat van Hitler zijn en 'gewoon' soldaat blijven? Hoe was de Duitse soldaat bewapend en hoe werd hij geleid? Hoe was zijn contact met de burgers? Hoe beleefde hij de oorlog? En in welke mate was hij genazificeerd? Dit gedetailleerde overzichtswerk brengt alle facetten van het Duitse soldatenleven in oorlogstijd in kaart: de opleiding in de kazerne, de gevechtshandelingen, de tactieken, de materiële levensomstandigheden aan het front in verschillende delen van de wereld, de gezondheidszorg, de vrije tijd, de verloven, de omgang met de burgers in bezet gebied enzovoort. Aan de hand van talrijke ooggetuigenverslagen wordt onderzocht wat het betekende om tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in het Duitse leger te dienen. In deze veelzijdige studie worden voor het eerst heel wat pertinente vraagstukken over de Duitse krijgsmacht samengebracht. De auteur weerlegt onder meer de mythe van het apolitieke Duitse leger en wijst erop dat de Duitse soldaten, of ze nu bij de land-, zee- of luchtmacht hoorden, sterk geïndoctrineerd waren door de nazi-ideologie. In een uitvoerige bespreking van de oorlogsmisdaden wordt ook afgerekend met het idee van de 'schone', correcte Wehrmacht.

27/01/1945 : Auschwitz bevrijd
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789056155322 9056155326 Year: 2020 Publisher: Gorredijk Sterck & De Vreese

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In de zomer van 1940 richten de nazi?s aan de rand van het Poolse stadje Oswiecim het concentratiekamp Auschwitz op. Anderhalf miljoen mensen, voor het overgrote deel Joden, komen in dit kamp terecht. Voor zo?n 1,1 miljoen van hen is deze plek ook het eindstation van hun leven. Eind 1944, wanneer het Rode Leger Auschwitz nadert, beginnen de nazi?s met de systematische vernietiging van bewijsmateriaal. Ze dwingen ca. zestigduizend overgebleven gevangenen om met hen richting Duitsland te marcheren. Tijdens deze dodenmarsen komen nog eens duizenden gevangenen om het leven. Op 27 januari 1945 treffen de Sovjets in Auschwitz achtduizend doodzieke gevangenen aan. De paar overgebleven bewakers worden nog diezelfde dag terechtgesteld. De wereld is in shock. Onder leiding van Frederic Crahay en Johan Puttemans, directeur en stafmedewerker van De Stichting Auschwitz, voegen historici van diverse onderzoeksinstellingen nieuwe informatie toe aan onze kennis over een van de zwartste bladzijden van onze geschiedenis.

Die Restitution des Ullstein-Verlags (1945–52) : Remigration, Ränke, Rückgabe: Der steinige Weg einer Berliner Traditionsfirma
ISBN: 3110630508 3110629798 9783110630503 9783110629798 Year: 2020 Publisher: De Gruyter

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After the end of the Second World War, the Ullstein family fought to reclaim the publishing house that they were forced to sell in 1934. But the Americans needed the company's printing plant in the Tempelhof district of Berlin for their reeducation program, and as a result delayed its restitution. At the same time, the Berlin senate feared reviving the Ullsteins' legendary publishing house would spark a newspaper war in West Berlin. Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges kämpfte die Familie Ullstein um die Rückgabe ihres 1934 an die NSDAP zwangsverkauften Verlags. Doch die Amerikaner brauchten das Druckhaus des Unternehmens in Berlin-Tempelhof für ihre Reeducation-Politik und verzögerten jahrelang die Restitution – genau wie der Berliner Senat, der mit dem Wiederaufleben des legendären Hauses Ullstein einen Zeitungskrieg in West-Berlin befürchtete.Als die Ullsteins 1952 ihren Verlag aus der Treuhänderschaft zurückerhielten, war er überschuldet, sein Maschinenpark veraltet – und man versuchte, ihm die lebenswichtigen Zeitungslizenzen vorzuenthalten.Aufgrund dieser mannigfaltig belasteten Ausgangssituation erscheint das wirtschaftliche Versagen der wiedererstandenen Ullstein AG am Ende der 1950er Jahre in einem anderen Licht.Das Unrecht, das den Ullsteins unter dem NS-Regime widerfahren war, wirkte nach dem Untergang fort – und erhielt durch die bewusst verzögerte Restitution neue und verstörende Facetten.

Information hunters : when librarians, soldiers, and spies banded together in World War II Europe
ISBN: 9780190944612 9780190944636 9780190944629 0190944625 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Oxford University Press

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"Information Hunters examines the unprecedented American effort to acquire foreign publications and information in World War II Europe. An unlikely band of librarians, scholars, soldiers, and spies went to Europe to collect books and documents to aid the Allies' cause. They travelled to neutral cities to find enemy publications for intelligence analysis and followed advancing armies to capture records in a massive program of confiscation. After the war, they seized Nazi works from bookstores and schools and gather together countless looted Jewish books. Improvising library techniques in wartime conditions, they contributed to Allied intelligence, preserved endangered books, engaged in restitution, and participated in the denazification of book collections. Information Hunters explores what collecting meant to the men and women who embarked on these missions, and how the challenges of a total war led to an intense focus on books and documents. It uncovers the worlds of collecting, in spy-ridden Stockholm and Lisbon, in liberated Paris and devastated Berlin, and in German caves and mineshafts. The wartime collecting missions had lasting effects. They intensified the relationship between libraries and academic institutions, on the one hand, and the government and military, on the other. Book and document acquisition became part of the apparatus of national security, military planning, and postwar reconstruction. These efforts also spurred the development of information science and boosted research libraries' ambitions to be great national repositories for research and the dissemination of knowledge that would support American global leadership, politically and intellectually. military intelligence, librarians, archivists, Library of Congress, Office of Strategic Services."-- While armies have seized enemy records and rare texts as booty throughout history, it was only during World War II that an unlikely band of librarians, archivists, and scholars traveled abroad to collect books and documents to aid the military cause. Galvanized by the events of war into acquiring and preserving the written word, as well as providing critical information for intelligence purposes, these American civilians set off on missions to gather foreign publications and information across Europe. They journeyed to neutral cities in search of enemy texts, followed a step behind advancing armies to capture records, and seized Nazi works from bookstores and schools. When the war ended, they found looted collections hidden in cellars and caves. Their mission was to document, exploit, preserve, and restitute these works, and even, in the case of Nazi literature, to destroy them.In this fascinating account, cultural historian Kathy Peiss reveals how book and document collecting became part of the new apparatus of intelligence and national security, military planning, and postwar reconstruction. Focusing on the ordinary Americans who carried out these missions, she shows how they made decisions on the ground to acquire sources that would be useful in the war zone as well as on the home front.These collecting missions also boosted the postwar ambitions of American research libraries, offering a chance for them to become great international repositories of scientific reports, literature, and historical sources. Not only did their wartime work have lasting implications for academic institutions, foreign-policy making, and national security, it also led to the development of today's essential information science tools.Illuminating the growing global power of the United States in the realms of intelligence and cultural heritage, Peiss tells the story of the men and women who went to Europe to collect and protect books and information and in doing so enriches the debates over the use of data in times of both war and peace.


World War, 1939-1945 --- Books --- Intelligence service --- Acquisitions (Libraries) --- Cultural property --- Librarians --- Confiscations and contributions --- Military intelligence --- History --- Information services. --- Protection --- Destruction and pillage --- United States. --- Library of Congress Mission to Germany. --- World history --- book history --- anno 1930-1939 --- anno 1940-1949 --- 329.17 <43> --- 351.852 --- 7.025.7 --- 940.53 --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Acquisition of library materials --- Book buying (Libraries) --- Libraries --- Library acquisitions --- Technical services (Libraries) --- Collection development (Libraries) --- Counter intelligence --- Counterespionage --- Counterintelligence --- Intelligence community --- Secret police (Intelligence service) --- Public administration --- Research --- Disinformation --- Secret service --- Library materials --- Publications --- Bibliography --- Cataloging --- International Standard Book Numbers --- 940.53 Geschiedenis van Europa: Tweede Wereldoorlog--(1939-1945) (algemeen) --- Geschiedenis van Europa: Tweede Wereldoorlog--(1939-1945) (algemeen) --- 7.025.7 Kunstwerken: verlies, teloorgang door o.a. diefstal of tijdens transport --- Kunstwerken: verlies, teloorgang door o.a. diefstal of tijdens transport --- 351.852 Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- 329.17 <43> Nationale bewegingen. Nationalistische partijen--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Nationale bewegingen. Nationalistische partijen--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Information scientists --- Library employees --- Information services --- Accession department --- Order department --- O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services) --- OSS (Office of Strategic Services) --- Library of Congress Mission --- Library of Congress European Mission

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