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Forenzní psychologie je aplikovanou psychologickou disciplínou, která se uplatňuje tam, kde se jedinec stává subjektem občanských a trestně právních vztahů. Studuje chování a prožívání člověka v situacích regulovaných právem. Publikace vychází z širšího pohledu na trestný čin, jeho spáchání a objasňování. Všímá si pachatele i oběti, zajímá ji vyšetřovatel a jeho interakce s účastníky trestního řízení, zaměřuje se na psychologické souvislosti jednotlivých procesních úkonů. Vybírá metodologické i diagnostické postupy související s vyšetřováním trestných činů, přidává aktuální témata a prakticko-aplikační souvislosti. Popisuje psychologické aspekty zranění oběti násilného trestného činu, poskytuje i poznatky ke kriminálnímu uvažování pachatelů. Několik kapitol se věnuje dětem a jejich svědecké výpovědi, ale také dospívajícím v roli pachatelů násilných trestných činů. Pachateli je věnována pozornost nejen v situaci páchání trestného činu, ale také ve fázi celého vyšetřování, soudněznalecké expertízy, případného vazebního stíhání, soudního projednávání i odsouzení a výkonu trestu odnětí svobody.
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In De gelukkige piekeraar legt onderzoeker en psycholoog Bart Verkuil uit waar piekergedachten vandaan komen, wat we er evolutionair aan hebben gehad en hoe we er anno 2020 ons voordeel mee kunnen doen. Want ja, hoe vervelend een doorwaakte nacht ook kan zijn, een stevige piekerbui bij tijd en wijle blijkt voor een mens best nuttig. Piekeren leert je waar je prioriteiten liggen in het leven en welke waarden belangrijk voor je zijn. Gewapend met dat idee is het veel makkelijker om je gepieker en jezelf te begrijpen.De gelukkige piekeraar van Bart Verkuil is een fascinerende biografie van de piekerende mens en een praktische gids ineen. Een nachtje wakker liggen zal nadat je dit boek hebt gelezen een stuk zorgelozer zijn.
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In Nooit meer liegen? neemt Judi Ketteler je mee op haar persoonlijke zoektocht waarin ze het plezier en de pijn van eerlijk zijn in een wereld vol leugens ontsluiert.We willen altijd de waarheid horen, toch? Beter gezegd, we eisen het vaak zelfs. We vertellen onze kinderen dat ze nooit mogen liegen en scheiden van onze partner als hij of zij dat wel doet. We keuren politici die liegen af en zijn gekwetst als blijkt dat onze vrienden hebben gelogen.Maar hoe eerlijk zijn we zelf als puntje bij paaltje komt? In Nooit meer liegen? neemt Judi Ketteler je mee op haar persoonlijke, met wetenschap onderbouwde zoektocht, waarin ze het plezier en de pijn van eerlijk zijn in een wereld vol leugens ontsluiert. Bron : http//
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Why do some people excel in their studies more than others? What differences among students determine their ability to learn? How can we achieve deeper, long-lasting, and transferable knowledge to new situations? These are questions of great interest that neuroscience and cognitive sciences have investigated in recent decades. Their findings are as surprising as they are encouraging: the learning strategies we employ can make a difference in our efforts. Revealing these strategies based on scientific evidence is precisely the purpose of this book.
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Evolutionary psychology is a hybrid discipline that draws insights from modern evolutionary theory, biology, cognitive psychology, anthropology, economics, computer science, and paleoarchaeology. The discipline rests on a foundation of core premises: 1. Manifest behavior depends on underlying psychological mechanisms, information processing devices housed in the brain, in conjunction with the external and internal inputs that trigger their activation. 2. Evolution by selection is the only known causal process capable of creating such complex organic mechanisms. 3. Evolved psychological mechanisms are functionally specialized to solve adaptive problems that recurred for humans over deep evolutionary time. 4. Selection designed the information processing of many evolved psychological mechanisms to be adaptively influenced by specific classes of information from the environment. 5. Human psychology consists of a large number of functionally specialized evolved mechanisms, each sensitive to particular forms of contextual input, that get combined, coordinated, and integrated with each other to produce manifest behavior. Evolutionary psychology is one of the fastest growing academic areas within psychology. The field is now served by half a dozen high-quality journals dedicated to the field, including a new Springer journal, Evolutionary Psychological Science, set to launch in 2015 and edited by Todd Shackelford, a co-editor of the current proposal. In addition, there are now over a dozen extremely well-selling undergraduate textbooks dedicated to evolutionary psychology, along with several recent Handbooks dedicated to the field. The field is now ready for an Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. This encyclopedia will be extraordinarily comprehensive and wide-ranging. If the standard Handbook runs 500 printed pages, we envision this project might run 1000 printed pages per volume, but of course this will depend on how many entries we include, and the length of those entries. We anticipate having entries of varying length, depending on the importance of the topic or issue. For example, an entry on the prominent topic of “sex differences” might run the equivalent of 20 printed pages, whereas an entry on female orgasm, a more recent focus of research in evolutionary psychology, might run 10 printed pages. And then we expect to have briefer entries still that address much more focused topics and issues (for example, cultural differences in tattooing and scarification).
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This brief explores the current theories, trends, risk factors, and intervention efforts related to juvenile crime. Although arrest rates for juveniles in the US have declined over the last two decades, the amount of severe crimes warrants increased examination as the US reports higher rates than most other developed countries. The authors examine individual, family, and environmental risk and protective factors for juvenile crime, while considering the need for better integration of treatment into critically at-risk areas of the community. Covering notable topics of interest for researchers and public policy makers alike, this brief provides an overview of factors and trends related to juvenile crime, aiming to support more effective, evidence-based treatment and prevention. .
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This encyclopedia, reflecting one of the fastest growing fields in evolutionary psychology, is a comprehensive examination of the key areas in animal cognition. It will serve as a complementary resource to the handbooks and journals that have emerged in the last decade on this topic, and will be a useful resource for student and researcher alike. With comprehensive coverage of this field, key concepts will be explored. These include social cognition, prey and predator detection, habitat selection, mating and parenting, learning and perception. Attention is also given to animal-human co-evolution and interaction, as well as metacognition and consciousness. Entries are tailored to the importance of the individual topic and the amount of empirical evidence that is available. All entries are under the purview of acknowledged experts in the field. .
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