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Het veranderen van organisaties is altijd een zoektocht. Wie houvast wil vinden in kant-en-klare oplossingen, komt bedrogen uit. Om je eigen antwoorden te vinden, is het zaak de juiste vragen te stellen.Veranderkundig adviseur Annemarie Mars stelde zichzelf jarenlang tien keer per jaar een prangende vraag over verandering. Het was telkens een vraag naar de onbekende weg. Zo kwam ze tot de ontdekking dat er zeven universele vragen zijn die in elke situatie houvast bieden om je eigen antwoorden te vinden.Deze zeven vragen vormen de kapstok van dit boek. In veertig korte verhalen reflecteert Annemarie op allerlei aspecten van verandering. Ze biedt perspectieven om te delen met iedereen die midden in de weerbarstige veranderpraktijk staat.Onderwijs Maak Je Samen maakt in trainingen en programma’s al jaren dankbaar gebruik van de inzichten en modellen van Annemarie. Vragen naar de onbekende weg is een mooi uitvloeisel van deze samenwerking.
458.1 --- onderwijs --- management --- organisatie --- Organisatie & Management --- Innovatie --- coaching --- Organisatie & Management
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On behalf of the Steering Committee, we welcome you to the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO '20) and to San Diego. The Program Committee, co-chaired by Jingling Xue and Peng Wu, has prepared an excellent technical program involving 22 research papers plus (new this year) 3 tool and practical experience papers. We would like to express our appreciation to the Program Committee, along with all authors who submitted papers, and all external reviewers and volunteers, for their contributions. In addition to the main symposium, we have a set of exciting workshops and tutorials thanks to the work of Johann Hauswald and Yunqi Zhang. There are 5 workshops and tutorials planned for the weekend before the symposium, and together with CC, PPoPP and HPCA, there are over 20 highly anticipated co-located events. Organizing a conference as complex as CGO requires outstanding dedication and support of its organizers and CGO '20 is no different. Christophe Dubach served both as sponsor chair and finance chair with the hard work of balancing the budget and securing financial support from our sponsors. Michel Steuwer, Bastian Hagedorn, and Michael Laurenzano took care of the difficult and important task of chairing the artifact evaluation. Animesh Jain oversaw the administration of the student travel awards. Dongyoon Lee is the one who addressed the difficult task of handling registration. Changhee Jung organized the student research competition, which is also an important event for the conference. In this long list, we also want to mention Rajiv Gupta general chair of PPoPP who handled the hotel and local arrangements. We would like to finish our thanks with Aaron Smith as proceedings chair, Dongjie He as web chair, Fabian Grüber as publicity chair, and our general co-chairs Lingjia Tang and Jason Mars. The Steering Committee provided advice throughout the organization of the event, as did past CGO organizers. We especially would like to thank Aaron Smith for his invaluable support. And we would like to thank the PPoPP and HPCA conferences for another opportunity to co-locate with them. We thank all our financial sponsors for their continued generous support: ACM, IEEE, the US National Science Foundation, Alibaba Group, arm, Facebook, Futurewei, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Uber, SIGMICRO, and SIGPLAN. Finally, thanks to all of you as attendees and once again, welcome to CGO! Fabrice Rastello, Inria, France.
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""A guide to designing a personal program to break your addictions safely, gently, and naturally "--Provided by publisher"--
Substance abuse --- Compulsive behavior --- Compulsive behavior --- Alternative treatment. --- Alternative treatment. --- Patients --- Rehabilitation.
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Have you ever stopped to consider why you don't see metal fire escapes on new buildings? Or pondered the story behind those dancing inflatable figures in car dealerships? Mars and Kohlstedt reveal the stories baked into the buildings we inhabit, the streets we drive, and the sidewalks we traverse. They celebrate design and architecture in all of its functional glory and accidental absurdity, with tales of both designers and the people impacted by their designs. This exploration of the origins and stories behind power grids, fire escapes, drinking fountains and more will delight anyone curious about design, urban environments, and the unsung marvels of the world around them. A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular 99% Invisible podcast.
Villes --- Travaux publics --- Design
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On considère ce qu'on voit, dans une bande dessinée, dans une double évidence : l'image ne laisserait rien échapper à notre regard, elle serait toute entière affirmation d'elle-même ; et l'image serait rendue plus évidente encore par le récit, dont elle ne serait que le contexte. Mais si le fait même de regarder devenait l'objet d'un récit ? S'il n'y était question que des rapports entre différents moments du regards, différentes façons de regarder, différents angles de vues ? et si cette question prenait son sens dans des questions politiques, celles par lesquelles un monde, une nation, une cité, se construit précisément en donnant à voir uniquement certains points de vue et en les appelant "réalité" ? Dans le chaos apparent des images de ce livre se dessine une forme d'éducation au regard, au discernement, à la conscience rénovée de la puissance politique des images. « =+ » fait écho à « Moins par moins » qui parait au même moment aux Éditions Rackham. Mais il en est l’écho mutique. La guerre mise en scène dans cet ouvrage est bruyante, bavarde, braillarde, outrageante, en tout cas dans sa version parisienne (celle de Rackham). La version bruxelloise (celle de La 5e Couche) a réduit ce champ de bataille au silence, laissant les images pleinement exprimer la violence du conflit guerrier. Des images composites, grouillantes, en feuilleté, en strates, qui convoquent la bande dessinée, le manga, le comics, Vaughn Bodé, Edgar-Pierre Jacobs, H. G. Wells, Ed Wood, le dessin vectoriel, l’image numérique, la peinture classique et l’abstraction…
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Max et Lili ne veulent pas l'avouer... mais il faut se rendre à l'évidence, ils ont peur dans le noir !Une histoire pour comprendre que le cerveau met l'imagination en alerte dès qu'il n'arrive pas à contrôler son environnement avec ses 5 sens. C'est normal mais comment se rassurer ?
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Max et Lili ont applaudi les soignants pendant l'épidémie de Covid. Ils ont compris qu'on pouvait mourir d'une maladie qu'on ne sait pas guérir. C'est décidé, ils veulent tout savoir sur cet ennemi invisible et devenir aussi utiles que les soignants et les scientifiques qui cherchent des médicaments et des vaccins ! Comment vont-ils s'y prendre ?
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L'histoire : A la maison, à l'école, Max et Lili se sentent parfois seuls, oubliés, rejetés, mais ils ne réagissent pas de la même façon. La solitude va-t-elle les rendre créatifs ? Le sujet : Ce livre de Max et Lili parle des enfants qui se sentent seuls, de cette impression d'abandon, de tristesse qui peut nous arriver à tous. Plus personne avec qui parler, rire ni partager ses émotions... On se sent mal-aimé, différent, on n'est plus rien ! La réflexion : Une histoire pour comprendre qu'on a besoin des autres autant que d'air pour respirer ! Les séparations et les exclusions font souffrir et c'est dur d'en parler. Mais on peut aimer être seul de temps en temps. Si on arrive à agir sans dépendre des autres, on va se sentir plus fort et s'intégrer n'importe où ! (
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Complete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers a thoroughly updated version of the evidence-based curriculum and instruction model pioneered by Daryl Siedentop, universally acknowledged as the Father of Sport Education.Lead author Siedentop first articulated his Sport Education model back in the late 1970s; it has evolved ever since and has been expressed through three editions of this book. This third edition is backed by substantial research that supports the idea that Sport Education is a valuable and motivating approach to delivering quality physical education experiences for students from the early elementary grades through the university years.New and Revised MaterialComplete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers readers a significant amount of revised and new material, including enhanced guidance for Sport Education programming across a year. Also noteworthy is the updated alignment of Sport Education?s goals and objectives with the SHAPE America standards and the national learning objectives from other countries.In addition, the text provides six brand-new chapters on the following topics:Including students with special needsImplementing Sport Education beyond physical education (e.g., school-based after-school programs, intramurals, community-based programs, and university basic instruction programs)Evidence-based research on Sport EducationDeveloping effective program-level policies and proceduresManaging equipment, facilities, and suppliesSport Education?s link with international objectivesUnique Approach to Sport EducationComplete Guide to Sport Education represents a departure from traditional curriculum and instruction (C&I) models because it takes an effective student-centered approach, providing students with opportunities to take ownership and responsibility for various aspects of their class experiences. This approach better prepares students to be lifelong participants in healthy physical activity and sport?and to be more engaged in class.The text targets more in-depth and authentic learning experiences than most C&I models, giving students time to develop the skills they need and to learn to fulfill the team roles required for successful seasons. This latest edition introduces new readers to the idea of Sport Education and gives previous users of the model some fresh ways to expand their seasons and make them even more engaging and attractive to their students. Through Sport Education, students are shown effective and meaningful ways to learn about sport, to take part in sport, and to view sport as something they can connect with and find meaning in.Updated AncillariesComplete Guide to Sport Education comes with several useful and updated ancillaries:A web resource that provides a wealth of examples to support the book content; this resource includes forms, charts, assessments, and other toolsA test package that houses 447 multiple-choice and short-answer questionsA presentation package with 225 slides outlining the book?s content, including select tables and illustrations from the bookAn instructor guide that includes course syllabus templates for instructors of undergraduate and graduate students, and provides core course assignments, optional course assignments, graduate student course assignments, and signature assignmentsBook OrganizationThe text is organized into three parts, with part I outlining the essential features of the Sport Education model and identifying the key aspects upon which the model is based. The importance of sport as a cultural phenomenon is then introduced to explain why it should be a part of school physical education programs. This part also addresses how to identify and select season outcomes, how to use instructional alignment to gain quality season experiences, and how to promote physical activity beyond physical education.Part II explores all the important considerations in designing and implementing Sport Education seasons. This includes modifying games and activities, designing competition formats, selecting teams and roles, teaching fair play, developing competent players, and more.Part III delves into key program design considerations, showing the links between Sport Education and U.S. content standards as well as learning objectives from a number of other countries, guiding readers through the assessment process, and examining the various aspects involved in managing a physical education program based on Sport Education. It also shows how to integrate classroom content with Sport Education.Authoritative and AffordableThis popular text, whose first edition was published in 1994, is very affordable compared to similar texts. But the greatest benefit is the enduring quality of an evidence-based, student-centered text that has proven to be of high value to instructors and students alike. Through the book?s Sport Education model, students develop sport skills, grow in leadership and responsibility, and learn about the nonplaying roles of the sport experience (e.g., coach, trainer, publicist, equipment manager, choreographer). All of this leads to being more engaged in class?and to continuing a healthy physical activity engagement beyond the school years.AUDIENCEUndergraduate text for curriculum and teaching methods courses. Resource for physical education teachers as well as community recreational sport coaches and directors.
Sports for children --- Study and teaching. --- Children --- Study and teaching --- Sports --- 372.879.6 --- 372.879.6 Lichamelijke opvoeding. Didactiek van de lichamelijke opvoeding --(niet-universitair onderwijs) --- Lichamelijke opvoeding. Didactiek van de lichamelijke opvoeding --(niet-universitair onderwijs) --- Sport --- Onderwijs --- Lichamelijke opvoeding --- Bewegingsopvoeding --- Didactiek
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