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Middle English devotional compilations : composing imaginative variations in late Medieval England
ISBN: 1786834774 9781786834775 9781786834782 1786834782 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cardiff : University of Wales Press,

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Commentary and authority in Mesopotamia and Qumran
ISBN: 9783525540725 3525540728 Year: 2019 Publisher: Göttingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Miniature books : the format and function of tiny religious texts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781781798614 9781781798621 9781781798607 1781798605 1781798613 Year: 2019 Publisher: Sheffield Equinox

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In dialogue with classical Indian traditions : encounter, transformation, and interpretation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138541399 Year: 2019 Publisher: London : Routledge, Taylor and Francis,

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"Dialogue is a recurring and significant component of Indian religious and philosophical literature. Whether it be as a narrative account of a conversation between characters within a text, as an implied response or provocation towards an interlocutor outside the text, or as a hermeneutical lens through which commentators and modern audiences can engage with an ancient text, dialogue features prominently in many of the most foundational sources from classical India. Despite its ubiquity, there are very few studies that explore this important facet of Indian texts. This book redresses this imbalance by undertaking a close textual analysis of a range of religious and philosophical literature to highlight the many uses and functions of dialogue in the sources themselves and in subsequent interpretations. Using the themes of encounter, transformation and interpretation - all of which emerged from face-to-face discussions between the contributors of this volume - each chapter explores dialogue in its own context, thereby demonstrating the variety and pervasiveness of dialogue in different genres of the textual tradition. This is a rich and detailed study that offers a fresh and timely perspective on many of the most well known and influential sources from classical India. As such, it will be of great use to scholars of religious studies, Asian studies, comparative literature, and literary theory"--

Neue musikalische kreuz-, trost-, lob- und dank-schule (1659)
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783110594966 311059496X 311059353X 3110592746 Year: 2019 Volume: 97 Publisher: Berlin: de Gruyter,

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Die ‚Neüe Musikalische Kreutz- Trost- Lob- und DankSchuhle‘ ist Johann Rists neunte größere Sammlung geistlicher Lieder und zeugt von seiner letztmaligen Kooperation mit dem Kantor an St. Johannis zu Lüneburg Michael Jacobi. Die Sammlung umfasst neben einer Widmungsvorrede und zahlreichen Ehrentexten eine mit Blick auf die frühneuzeitliche Geschichte der Seelsorge höchst aufschlussreiche „Kreutz-Rede“ sowie 70 Lieder. Die Thematik des Kreuzes – d. h. jeglicher innerlicher und äußerlicher Anfechtungen, Nöte und Krisenerfahrungen –, des allein in Gottes Wort zu findenden Trostes sowie des aus ihm resultierenden Gotteslobes einschließlich der gebührenden Danksagung des Getrösteten an seinen göttlichen Tröster durchzieht das Werk in all seinen Teilen wie ein cantus firmus. Das Liedcorpus ist konsequent darauf ausgerichtet, Dialogizität zu realisieren, d. h. den Angefochtenen Möglichkeiten zu eröffnen, zunächst ihre höchst heterogenen Nöte gebetsweise vorzutragen, sodann eine consolatio spendende göttliche Antwort zu erhalten, um abschließend ein Lob- und Dankgebet zu artikulieren. Im jeweils mittleren Lied dieser Dreiergruppen kommt als Sprecher-Ich der Autor des Trostes – Gott selbst (in Gestalt Gottvaters oder Jesu Christi) – zu Wort. Insofern der Sänger der Trostlieder, in denen Gott als Sprecher auftritt, sich die göttliche consolatio selbst vorsingt und zuspricht, avanciert er zum Ausrichter der evangelischen Botschaft, mithin zum Prediger, worin eine bislang kaum beachtete Konkretion des frühneuzeitlich-lutherischen Priestertums aller Getauften zu erblicken ist.

Literary representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China
ISBN: 9004394486 9004394117 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Literary Representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China contributes to the “literary turn” in the study of Chinese Christianity by foregrounding the importance of literary texts, including the major genres of Chinese Christian literature (novels, drama and poetry) of the late Qing and Republican periods. These multifarious types of texts demonstrated the multiple representations and dynamic scenes of Christianity, where Christian imageries and symbolism were transformed by linguistic manipulation into new contextualized forms which nurtured distinctive new fruits of literature and modernized the literary landscape of Chinese literature. The study of the composition and poetics of Chinese Christian literary works helps us rediscover the concerns, priorities, textual strategies of the Christian writers, the cross-cultural challenges involved, and the reception of the Bible.

Clothing sacred scriptures : book art and book religion in Christian, Islamic and Jewish cultures
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110558602 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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According to a longstanding interpretation, book religions are agents of textuality and logocentrism. This volume inverts the traditional perspective: its focus is on the strong dependency between scripture and aesthetics, holy books and material artworks, sacred texts and ritual performances. The contributions, written by a group of international specialists in Western, Byzantine, Islamic and Jewish Art, are committed to a comparative and transcultural approach. The authors reflect upon the different strategies of »clothing« sacred texts with precious materials and elaborate forms. They show how the pretypographic cultures of the Middle Ages used book ornaments as media for building a close relation between the divine words and their human audience. By exploring how art shapes the religious practice of books, and how the religious use of books shapes the evolution of artistic practices this book contributes to a new understanding of the deep nexus between sacred scripture and art.

In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0367786729 1138541397 1351011111 135101112X 1351011138 9781138541399 9781138541399 Year: 2019 Publisher: Routledge

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"Dialogue is a recurring and significant component of Indian religious and philosophical literature. Whether it be as a narrative account of a conversation between characters within a text, as an implied response or provocation towards an interlocutor outside the text, or as a hermeneutical lens through which commentators and modern audiences can engage with an ancient text, dialogue features prominently in many of the most foundational sources from classical India. Despite its ubiquity, there are very few studies that explore this important facet of Indian texts. This book redresses this imbalance by undertaking a close textual analysis of a range of religious and philosophical literature to highlight the many uses and functions of dialogue in the sources themselves and in subsequent interpretations. Using the themes of encounter, transformation and interpretation - all of which emerged from face-to-face discussions between the contributors of this volume - each chapter explores dialogue in its own context, thereby demonstrating the variety and pervasiveness of dialogue in different genres of the textual tradition. This is a rich and detailed study that offers a fresh and timely perspective on many of the most well known and influential sources from classical India. As such, it will be of great use to scholars of religious studies, Asian studies, comparative literature, and literary theory"--

Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture : Visualisation, Data Mining, Communication
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789004399297 9004399291 9789004346734 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leiden, Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV,

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Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture presents an overview of the digital turn in Ancient Jewish and Christian manuscripts visualisation, data mining and communication. Edited by David Hamidović, Claire Clivaz and Sarah Bowen Savant, it gathers together the contributions of seventeen scholars involved in Biblical, Early Jewish and Christian studies. The volume attests to the spreading of digital humanities in these fields and presents fundamental analysis of the rise of visual culture as well as specific test-cases concerning ancient manuscripts. Sophisticated visualisation tools, stylometric analysis, teaching and visual data, epigraphy and visualisation belong notably to the varied overview presented in the volume.

Biblissimo : l'Antiquité judaïque par les livres et par les textes
ISBN: 9782204106467 2204106461 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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Biblissimo : un superlatif pour dire l'ampleur et la richesse de ce livre imposant, véritable plaidoyer pour la reconnaissance d'une Antiquité judaïque et fruit de cinquante années de travail. De vraies galaxies de traditions et de livres, dont on n'a parfois que des restes, en hébreu, araméen, grec ou dans nombre de traductions anciennes, sont ici explorées et restituées sous la forme d'introductions claires et de textes choisis. André Paul fait revivre, dans leur diversité, les courants culturels des sociétés judaïques, dont la Bible, leur fleuron unique, s'est un jour trouvée séparée. Bien des problèmes d'ordre éthique et religieux, anthropologique et même politique, posés de nos jours en des termes graves, trouvent dans cet outil pédagogique aux informations antiques, un éclairage aussi vif que surprenant. Une somme culturelle et didactique !

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