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Critique of identity thinking
ISBN: 1789202833 1789202825 1800734425 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Berghahn,

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Recent world-wide political developments have persuaded many people that we are again living in what Hannah Arendt called “dark times.” Jackson’s response to this age of uncertainty is to remind us how much experience falls outside the concepts and categories we habitually deploy in rendering life manageable and intelligible.  Drawing on such critical thinkers as Hannah Arendt, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and Karl Jaspers, whose work was profoundly influenced by the catastrophes that overwhelmed the world in the middle of the last century, Jackson explores the transformative and redemptive power of marginalized voices in the contemporary conversation of humankind.

La notion de totalitarisme chez Arendt, Friedrich et Aron
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Pourquoi étudier le totalitarisme au XXIe siècle alors qu’il est un concept politique qui sert à désigner des régimes du siècle passé ? C’est à cette question que nous tâcherons de répondre dans ce travail en tentant de développer l’idée que l’intérêt de la notion de totalitarisme ne réside pas seulement dans le régime politique qu’elle tente de recouvrir, mais dans ce qu’elle traduit des conceptions du monde des auteurs qui s’en emparent. De ce fait, notre volonté dans ce travail n’est pas d’établir la définition parfaite du totalitarisme, ni de délimiter les régimes exacts auxquels ce dernier s’applique, mais de montrer que le totalitarisme n’est pas seulement un concept qui circonscrit un phénomène politique moderne inédit. Afin de travailler cette spécificité du totalitarisme, nous allons aborder la pensée de Hannah Arendt, Carl Friedrich et Raymond Aron qui ont étudié la notion de totalitarisme et qui en établissent des définitions parfois très différentes.

Arendt on the political
ISBN: 110859994X 1108653286 1108498310 1108621325 1108735703 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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What is politics? How is politics different from other spheres of human life? What is behind the debasement of political life today? This book argues that the most illuminating answers to these questions have come from Hannah Arendt. Arendt held that Western philosophy has never had a 'pure concept of the political', and that political philosophers have been guided and misguided by the assumptions implicit in their metaphysical questions. Her project was 'to look at politics ... with eyes unclouded by philosophy', and to retrieve the non-theoretical understanding of politics implicit in ancient Greek literature and history. David Arndt's original and accessible study shows how Arendt reworked some of the basic concepts of political philosophy, which in turn led her to a re-interpretation of American political history and even to a profoundly original reading of the US Declaration of Independence.

Rethinking political judgement : Arendt and existentialism
ISBN: 9781474429993 9781474437172 9781474437158 9781474437165 147443715X 1474437168 1474429998 1474429998 1474437176 Year: 2019 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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Uses 20th century existentialism to confront the challenge of political judgement after moral absolutism. How can we reinvigorate the human capacity for political judgement as a practical activity capable of addressing the uncertainties of our postfoundational world? The book takes up this challenge by drawing on the historically attuned perspective of 20th-century philosophies of existence - in particular the work of Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus and Hannah Arendt. Displacing the lingering rationalist temptations, Maša Mrovlje engages these thinkers' aesthetic sensibility to delve into the experiential reality of political judgement and revivify it as a worldly, ambiguous practice. The purpose is to illustrate the prescient political significance of existentialists' narrative imagination on two contemporary perplexities of political judgement: the problem of dirty hands and the challenge of transitional justice. This engagement reveals the distinctly resistant potential of worldly judgement in its ability to stimulate our capacities of coming to terms with and creatively confronting the tragedies of political action, rather than simply yielding to them as a necessary course of political life.

Grenzen der Menschenrechte : Staatsbürgerschaft, Zugehörigkeit, Partizipation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839447402 3837647404 9783839447406 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Im derzeitigen Katalog der Menschenrechte fehlt ein zentrales Recht, das Hannah Arendt das »Recht auf Rechte« nennt. Dadurch bleibt vielen Menschen, wenn sie nicht Staatsbürger_innen eines Landes sind, in der nationalstaatlichen Praxis das Recht auf politische Mitgestaltung vorenthalten. 70 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte ist daher eine kritische Revision des Menschenrechtsverständnisses dringend erforderlich. Franziska Martinsen erläutert aus radikaldemokratietheoretischer Perspektive, dass Menschenrechte erst dann, wenn sie weniger als humanitäre denn als originär politische Rechte verstanden werden, ihr ermächtigendes Potenzial weltweit entfalten können. »Das Anliegen, das [die Autorin] höchst elaboriert vorträgt, bietet sicherlich nicht nur Studierenden der Politikwissenschaft und der Sozialwissenschaften reichlich Diskussionsstoff und eröffnet - weshalb es zu empfehlen ist - eine gebotene Perspektive, die auf der aktuellen Agenda steht.« Arnold Schmierer,, 01.10.2019 Besprochen in: P.S., 35 (2019), Brigitta Klaas Meilier, 11 (2019) Die Dame, Herbst/Winter 2019, Anne Waak

Integrität und Verantwortung : Hannah Arendts Konzept der Rechtspersonalität und die Zerstörung der Person im Nationalsozialismus
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839447585 3837647587 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Der Totalitarismus wollte den Menschen auf ein Gattungswesen reduzieren. Hannah Arendts politische Theorie hingegen basiert auf einem Verständnis vom Menschen als Person, der sich im Handeln und Sprechen in seiner Einmaligkeit enthüllt und zusammen mit anderen eine gemeinsame Welt schafft. Barbara Bushart legt in ihrer rechtstheoretischen Untersuchung dar, wie Rechtsdogmen und -techniken die Pluralität sowohl zu realisieren helfen als auch zu zerstören wissen. Die Fokussierung auf die Interdependenz von Recht und der Verwirklichung menschlicher Potenziale ergänzt dabei die wachsende Forschung zum Arendt'schen Rechtsverständnis um eine bisher vernachlässigte Facette.

Religious education and the public sphere
ISBN: 9780815354659 9781351132237 1351132237 0815354657 Year: 2019 Publisher: London: Routledge,

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Religious Education and the Public Sphere reveals, through an analysis of theory and practice, that religious education is resting on historic and persistent assumptions about both religion and education. Drawing on work from Arendt and Weil, new ideas emerge regarding religious education's constituent elements: education and religion. It offers a new and timely proposal for religious education and argues for a broader understanding of religion, bringing a fresh contribution to current discussions regarding the relationship between religion and education in the public sphere. Some practical considerations emerging from theory developing through the earlier parts of the book are presented in the final section, including the teacher's role and what should guide religious education curriculum. At a time when there is raised interest in the role of religion in the public sphere internationally, this book aims to contribute something new, both theoretically and practically, to discussions regarding the role of religion in education is and relevant to educational contexts worldwide. This book will be vital reading for academics and researchers in the fields of religion and religious studies, education, philosophy of education and religious education, and will also be of great interest to teachers and policy makers working in the field of religious education in the public sphere.

Das politische Erzählen : Zur Funktion narrativer Strukturen in Wolfgang Koeppens "Das Treibhaus" und Uwe Johnsons "Das dritte Buch über Achim"
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3846762547 3770562542 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Fink

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Am Beispiel der Romane Uwe Johnsons und Wolfgang Koeppens profiliert die Studie den Begriff der politischen Literatur: Es wird gezeigt, dass nicht allein die Inhalte, sondern vor allem die Form, die Art und Weise des Erzählens, konstitutiv für die politische Qualität von Literatur ist. Mareike Gronich geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die narrative Struktur und die Sprache eines Prosatextes jenseits der auf der Inhaltsebene verhandelten Themen eine politische Dimension entfalten können. In der Studie wird ein an Hannah Arendts Denken angelehnter literatur- und politiktheoretischer Ansatz entwickelt, mit dem sich die politische Dimension der Form in ihrer ästhetischen Verfasstheit sowie auch in ihrem politischen Wirkungspotenzial beschreiben lässt. Die Romaninterpretationen zeigen, dass Erzählen auch dann politisch sein kann, wenn es sich nicht explizit - kritisch oder affirmativ - zu politischen Inhalten positioniert, sondern sich stattdessen auf ›das Politische‹ richtet und dies erzählend mitgestaltet.

A Mortuary of Books : The Rescue of Jewish Culture after the Holocaust
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1479841676 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Baltimore, Md. : New York University Press, Project MUSE,

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"'A Mortuary of Books' explores Jewish culture after the World War II."-- In March 1946 the American Military Government for Germany established the Offenbach Archival Depot near Frankfurt to store, identify, and restore the huge quantities of Nazi-looted books, archival material, and ritual objects that Army members had found hidden in German caches. These items bore testimony to the cultural genocide that accompanied the Nazis' systematic acts of mass murder. The depot built a short-lived lieu de memoire--a "mortuary of books," as the later renowned historian Lucy Dawidowicz called it--with over three million books of Jewish origin coming from nineteen different European countries awaiting restitution. A Mortuary of Books tells the miraculous story of the many Jewish organizations and individuals who, after the war, sought to recover this looted cultural property and return the millions of treasured objects to their rightful owners. Some of the most outstanding Jewish intellectuals of the twentieth century, including Dawidowicz, Hannah Arendt, Salo W. Baron, and Gershom Scholem, were involved in this herculean effort. This led to the creation of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Inc., an international body that acted as the Jewish trustee for heirless property in the American Zone and transferred hundreds of thousands of objects from the Depot to the new centers of Jewish life after the Holocaust. The commitment of these individuals to the restitution of cultural property revealed the importance of cultural objects as symbols of the enduring legacy of those who could not be saved. It also fostered Jewish culture and scholarly life in the postwar world. --


Jewish property --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Cultural property --- Jews --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Hebrew imprints --- Jewish libraries --- History --- Destruction and pillage --- Repatriation --- Civilization. --- Hessen --- Israel --- Europe. --- Israel. --- United States. --- Adolf Eichmann. --- American Jewish Congress. --- American Military Government in Germany. --- Berlin. --- Cecil Roth. --- Central Collecting Points. --- Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction. --- Committee on the Restoration of Continental Jewish Museums, Libraries, and Archives. --- Eichmann trial. --- Frankfurt Agreement. --- Frankfurt. --- Gegenwartsarbeit. --- Gershom Scholem. --- Gesamtarchiv. --- Hannah Arendt. --- Hugo Bergman. --- Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc. --- Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc. (JCR). --- Jewish Cultural Reconstruction. --- Jewish Restitution Successor Organization (JRSO). --- Jewish collections. --- Jewish identity. --- Jewish intellectuals. --- Joshua Starr. --- Judah Magnes. --- Lucy S. Dawidowicz. --- Nuremberg. --- Offenbach Archival Depot. --- Otzrot HaGolah. --- Paper Brigade. --- Salo W. Baron. --- Salo Wittmayer Baron. --- Shlomo Shunami. --- Vilna. --- Wiesbaden Depot. --- World Jewish Congress. --- World Zionist Organization. --- YIVO. --- Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO). --- book-restitution operation. --- cultural restitution. --- diaspora. --- displaced persons camps (DP camps). --- heirless cultural property. --- historical consciousness. --- looting. --- memory objects. --- post-war Europe. --- postwar history. --- reconstruction. --- reparations. --- restitution.

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