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20 thèmes incontournables de l'actualité économique
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris, France : Ellipses,

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Assiste-t-on à un creusement des inégalités ? L'économie s'oppose-t-elle au respect de l'environnement ? Le bitcoin peut-il concurrencer l'euro ? La croissance économique a-t-elle une fin ? Ces questions sont centrales dans les débats politiques et médiatiques, et font l'objet de travaux et de controverses en science économique. Cet ouvrage se propose de restituer les résultats récents de la science économique autour de vingt questionnements afin de permettre à chacun de s'approprier les différents enjeux économiques de la période contemporaine, et pouvoir mobiliser les concepts et outils nécessaires à leur compréhension. Le lecteur trouvera vingt thèmes de l'actualité économique composés : d'une synthèse explicative des principaux termes du débat soulevés en science économique aujourd'hui ; de fiches de lecture d'ouvrages présentant les résultats d'ouvrages qui ont marqué l'actualité économique contemporaine, et qui apportent chacun un éclairage pertinent sur la question posée d'une bibliographie indicative offrant des pistes d'approfondissement ; d'un schéma-bilan pour mémoriser rapidement les principales notions. Adapté pour les étudiants de licence en économie, AES, science politique, en école de commerce ou dans les Institut d'Études Politiques, tout comme aux élèves de Terminale désireux de préparer leur entrée dans l'enseignement supérieur, l'ouvrage peut également satisfaire toute personne désireuse de comprendre le monde contemporain grâce aux outils de la science économique.

Bubbles and Machines : gender, information and financial crises
Year: 2019 Publisher: London : University of Westminster Press,

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Are financial crises embedded in IT? Can gender studies offer insights into financial reporting? Feminist theories and Science and Technology Studies (STS) can enrich a critique of financial crises in capitalism as the author argues their critical, political economic approaches to communication can help in understanding because they historicize technology and economy and how these are materially embedded. Current literature has neglected finance and capital's gendered aspect - even - the ideology of a 'crisis'. This book develops four themes: women as resources in financial markets and as producers of values; gender ideology and unequal distribution; machine production and distribution of financial information and the varied actuality of markets. Working with case histories of tulipmania, microcredit, Wall Street reporting and the role of 'screens', Bubbles and Machines argues that rather than calling financial crises human-made or inevitable they should be recognized as technological.

Financial Sector : Redefining a Broader Sense of Purpose
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND,

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IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde delivered this address at Guildhall as part of the World Traders' Tacitus Lecture series in London on February 28, 2019.

Tag auf Tag im Hamsterrad : Wie das Geld- und Wirtschaftssystem funktioniert und uns zu Hamstern macht : Geldsystem verstehen 2.0
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3947061706 Year: 2019 Publisher: Düsseldorf : GbR Christopher Klein & Jens Helbig,

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Bubbles and Machines : gender, information and financial crises
Year: 2019 Publisher: London : University of Westminster Press,

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Are financial crises embedded in IT? Can gender studies offer insights into financial reporting? Feminist theories and Science and Technology Studies (STS) can enrich a critique of financial crises in capitalism as the author argues their critical, political economic approaches to communication can help in understanding because they historicize technology and economy and how these are materially embedded. Current literature has neglected finance and capital's gendered aspect - even - the ideology of a 'crisis'. This book develops four themes: women as resources in financial markets and as producers of values; gender ideology and unequal distribution; machine production and distribution of financial information and the varied actuality of markets. Working with case histories of tulipmania, microcredit, Wall Street reporting and the role of 'screens', Bubbles and Machines argues that rather than calling financial crises human-made or inevitable they should be recognized as technological.

Die sinnlose Gesellschaft : Das Humankapital eines fiktiven Geldwerts
ISBN: 3947823126 Year: 2019 Publisher: Hamburg : Verlag Kulturkritik,

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Economic strategies in times of crises : the builders of the new world
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1527520218 Year: 2019 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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This book is the result of the selection and processing of the ideas underlying historical events. All conflicts are carefully prepared and nobody goes to battle without a well-defined strategy. So-called spontaneous events are planned years before, and nothing is left to chance. Everything is amplified according to a logic which is verified by human nature, by education or the lack thereof. It is critical to concentrate forces to create a new federal state. In order to ensure the survival of the works of those who wrote the history of the last 2000 years, we need unity and not disarray. After a third conflagration, the great powers may still unite, but under completely different interconnecting circumstances. Through detailed analysis of the factors influencing major historical and economic events, we can realise that our planet is affected by numerous unbalances, including those of a spiritual, ecological, economic, and demographic nature, which may result in unexpected turns in the development of human beings. The survival of the European population is currently in danger, with many factors which place human developments at risk. As such, this book looks into the trends and issues that, when addressed, can result in the socio-economic and ecological re-balancing of our planet.

Financial Sector : Redefining a Broader Sense of Purpose
ISBN: 1498306888 Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND,

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IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde delivered this address at Guildhall as part of the World Traders' Tacitus Lecture series in London on February 28, 2019.

Bubbles and Machines : gender, information and financial crises
Year: 2019 Publisher: London : University of Westminster Press,

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Are financial crises embedded in IT? Can gender studies offer insights into financial reporting? Feminist theories and Science and Technology Studies (STS) can enrich a critique of financial crises in capitalism as the author argues their critical, political economic approaches to communication can help in understanding because they historicize technology and economy and how these are materially embedded. Current literature has neglected finance and capital's gendered aspect - even - the ideology of a 'crisis'. This book develops four themes: women as resources in financial markets and as producers of values; gender ideology and unequal distribution; machine production and distribution of financial information and the varied actuality of markets. Working with case histories of tulipmania, microcredit, Wall Street reporting and the role of 'screens', Bubbles and Machines argues that rather than calling financial crises human-made or inevitable they should be recognized as technological.

Crisis as a political and economic concept : a multidisciplinary approach
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3631803486 3631803478 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin : Peter Lang,

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"The volume provides a collection of research papers elucidating the concept of crisis from a multidisciplinary standpoint. The authors, all academicians of Hakkâri University's (HU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, discuss the concept of crisis in the context of different case studies."--

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