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2019 (3)

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Are Public Sector Workers in Developing Countries Overpaid? : Evidence from a New Global Data Set
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper examines the public sector wage premium using nationally representative household surveys from 91 countries. The public sector generally pays a wage premium compared to all private sector salaried employees, but the size of the premium is sensitive to the choice of the private sector comparator and varies considerably by worker characteristics. For most countries, the average premium disappears when the public sector is compared to only formal sector private employees, especially when controlling for occupation. The public sector wage premium is higher for women and low-skilled workers. In contrast, high-skilled public sector employees are most often paid the same as their private sector counterparts or may even pay a penalty for working in the public sector. Consistent with this, the public sector premium is greater for employees with less education, those working in lower paid occupations, and those whose earnings fall in the lower part of the conditional earnings distribution. Across countries, the wage premium is only weakly associated with countries' level of development. These findings nuance the existing consensus that public sector workers tend to enjoy a significant wage premium over their private sector counterparts, and that this premium is especially large in low-income countries.

The Large-Firm Wage Premium in Developing Economies
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Large firms pay higher wages. In developing economies, the large-firm wage premium is comparable to the average gap between male and female wages, or two-thirds of the gap between urban and rural wages. There is substantial variation across countries in the share of the premium that is explained by sorting of human capital into large firms. The average large-firm wage premium declines in national income and has declined over time. Across industries, it is highest in public utilities and commerce. These stylized facts suggest several hypotheses about differences between labor markets in developing and advanced economies.

Eindejaarspremies 2019
ISBN: 9789403013237 Year: 2019 Publisher: Mechelen Wolters Kluwer

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Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- arbeidsrecht --- loonpremie --- droit du travail --- prime de salaire --- premia --- prémie --- προσαυξήσεις μισθού --- паричен бонус --- preemia --- jutalom --- bonus payment --- pagesë shtesë --- премия --- premio salariale --- prima salarial --- plata primelor --- новчана награда уз плату --- prēmiju izmaksa --- pagament tal-bonus --- prémio salarial --- novčana nagrada za rad --- premija --- bonus --- Gehaltsprämie --- dodatno nagrajevanje --- επίδομα πολυετίας --- tryliktasis atlyginimas --- tillägg --- trīspadsmitā alga --- Festsetzung der Prämien --- shpërblim vjetërsie --- prēmija --- osobní ohodnocení --- ikälisä --- 13. plaća --- priemokų sistema --- gada noslēguma piemaksa --- kolmeteistkümnes palk --- premie --- priemokos nustatymas --- piemaksa par stāžu --- bonusfastsættelse --- årsbonus --- eindejaarspremie --- bonus determination --- prime de fin d'année --- premija prie darbo užmokesčio --- odmena --- end of year bonus --- primă de vechime --- додаток на плата за кариера --- систем за наградување --- vaststelling van premies --- anciennitetstillæg --- καθορισμός προσαυξήσεων --- metinė premija --- trettende månedsløn --- dreizehntes Monatsgehalt --- καθεστώς προσαυξήσεων --- επιμίσθιο --- osobní příplatek --- bonussystem --- paga extra --- rroga e trembëdhjetë --- tredicesima mensilità --- prémio de antiguidade --- bonusjärjestelmä --- trinásty plat --- premio di fine anno --- përcaktim i shpërblimit --- piemaksu noteikšana --- určenie prémií --- Prämiensystem --- premio di anzianità --- premio --- věrnostní příplatek --- wage premium --- extra månadslön --- premēšanas sistēma --- Weihnachtsgratifikation --- fastställande av bonus --- kerstgratificatie --- δέκατος τρίτος μισθός --- тринаесетта плата --- prémium --- régime de prime --- shpërblim i fundvitit --- sikerdíj --- stabilire prime --- mzdový příplatek --- mimořádná odměna --- božićnica --- kuukauden ylimääräinen palkka --- primă de sfârșit de an --- aastapreemia --- seniority bonus --- επίδομα --- ekstra månedsløn --- bonificação salarial --- prima --- regime dos prémios --- lisapalk --- jubilarna nagrada --- lisatasude süsteem --- piemaksa pie algas --- systém prémií --- bonusten määrittäminen --- anciennitetstillägg --- Dienstalterszulage --- preemiate määramine --- nagrada za dugogodišnji rad --- mzdová prémia --- premio di produzione --- jutalmazási rend --- reward --- sobresueldo --- stimulacija --- Alterszulage --- mzdová prémie --- Alterszuschlag --- lisäkorvaus --- Gratifikation --- čtrnáctý plat --- fissazione del premio --- prémia za odpracované roky --- tizenharmadik havi illetmény --- bonusordning --- julgratifikation --- vuosibonus --- prim i pagës --- jubileumi jutalom --- incentivo --- koncoročné prémie --- lisatasu --- gratificación --- belønning --- al treisprezecelea salariu --- prima de antigüedad --- regime dei premi --- régimen de prima --- prime --- prémio --- 13. havi illetmény --- thirteenth month's salary --- fixação do prémio --- décimo terceiro mês --- fijación de prima --- recompensă --- Gehaltszulage --- třináctý plat --- bonus system --- dertiende maand --- Prämienlohnsystem --- fixation de prime --- Zuschlag --- premiestelsel --- prime d'ancienneté --- dienstjarenpremie --- priemoka už gerą darbą --- premijinė išmoka --- treizième mois --- lisäpalkka --- Sonderzuwendung --- sistem de prime --- priemoka už darbo stažą --- sistem i shpërblimit --- εργατικό δίκαιο --- Arbeitsrecht --- munkajog --- radno pravo --- arbejdsret --- prawo pracy --- pracovní právo --- трудово право --- радно право --- labour law --- työoikeus --- dlí an tsaothair --- direito do trabalho --- Derecho del trabajo --- diritto del lavoro --- darbo teisė --- arbetsrätt --- delovno pravo --- liġi tax-xogħol --- e drejta e punës --- tööõigus --- darba tiesības --- pracovné právo --- dreptul muncii --- arbetslagstiftning --- employment law --- засновање работен однос --- disciplina giuridica del lavoro --- droits du travailleur --- трудово законодавство --- εργατική νομοθεσία --- statuto dei lavoratori --- legislazione del lavoro --- munkavállalók joga --- munkaügyi jogszabályok --- tutela dei lavoratori --- pracovní legislativa --- nodarbināto tiesības --- kolektivní pracovní právo --- direitos do trabalhador --- legislación laboral --- radno zakonodavstvo --- δικαιώματα των εργαζομένων --- työlainsäädäntö --- arbetstagarens rättigheter --- të drejtat e punonjësve --- diritti del lavoratore --- legislação do trabalho --- darbo įstatymai --- Derecho laboral --- estatuto de los trabajadores --- derechos del trabajador --- individuální pracovní právo --- tööseadusandlus --- legislación del trabajo --- darbininkų teisės --- drepturile salariaților --- darbinieka tiesības --- norme sul lavoro --- zákon o zaměstnanosti --- työntekijän oikeudet --- labour legislation --- darba tiesību akti --- workers' rights --- pracovnoprávna legislatíva --- arbejdstageres rettigheder --- práva pracujúcich --- legislația muncii --- munkaügyi jogalkotás --- Recht der Berufsausübung --- rechten van de arbeider --- pracovní zákon --- darba likumdošana --- arbejdslovgivning --- législation du travail --- arbeidswetgeving --- radnička prava --- töötaja õigused --- e drejta e punësimit --- права од работен однос --- laisvė dirbti --- legjislacion i punës --- Recht des Arbeitnehmers --- Arbeitsgesetzgebung --- íocaíocht bhónais

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