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Unaccompanied migrant children
Authors: ---
ISBN: 149857453X 9781498574532 9781498574525 1498574521 9781498574525 Year: 2019 Publisher: Lanham

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Oversight of HHS and DHS efforts to protect unaccompanied alien children from human trafficking and abuse : hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, April 26, 2018.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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Oversight of efforts to protect unaccompanied alien children from human trafficking and abuse : hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, August 16, 2018.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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CBP Families and Children Care Panel final report.
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : Homeland Security Advisory Council,

Unaccompanied young migrants : identity, care and justice
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781447331865 9781447331889 9781447331872 1447331885 1447331907 1447331869 1447331893 1447331877 1447331915 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bristol : Policy Press,

Final emergency interim report, CBP Families and Children Care Panel.
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : Homeland Security Advisory Council,

Children's Mobilities : Interdependent, Imagined, Relational
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1137521147 1137521139 Year: 2019 Publisher: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book offers a critical and comprehensive analysis of children’s mobilities by focusing on its interdependent, imagined and relational aspects. In doing so, it challenges existing literature, which, in mobilities studies, tends to overlook the mobilities of marginalised social groups; in social science more generally, tends to immobilize children’s studies; and in children’s mobility studies has mainly focused on the ‘independent’ and corporeal travel of children. The book situates children’s mobilities in wider contexts, offering an interdisciplinary and critical perspective throughout and drawing on scholarship at the confluence of childhood and mobilities and a range of research to offer new insights that inform the field of mobilities and studies of childhood. In this way, the book aims at widening the perspective on children’s mobility towards the inclusion of diverse age groups and of the manifold forms of mobilities that are part of children’s lives, from an interdependent and relational point of view.

Migratie- en migrantenrecht - Deel 18 (Rechten van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België)
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048634750 904863475X Year: 2019 Volume: 18 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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Veel kinderen migreren zonder hun ouders naar België. Dit boek zoekt constructief mee naar een adequate bescherming van de rechten van deze kinderen ; een regelgevend kader dat « niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen » op de eerste plaats als kinderen beschouwt. Vertrekkend vanuit het kind of de jongere zelf, kijkt het boek naar boven met de vraag : « welke juridische regels zijn op hem of haar van toepassing, of zouden dit moeten zijn? ». Het boek schetst een globaal beeld van de rechten van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België, door het samenbrengen van verschillende rechtsdomeinen (asielrecht, migratierecht, familierecht, jeugdrecht, onderwijsrecht). De hoofdinsteek van het boek is juridisch, maar ook andere disciplinaire perspectieven komen aan bod, zoals de pedagogie, het sociaal werk en de tolkwetenschap. Het boek is zowel theoretisch als praktisch georiënteerd. De auteurs zijn afkomstig uit de academische wereld en uit verschillende overheidsdiensten, de magistratuur, de advocatuur en het middenveld. Hierdoor biedt het boek een diepgaand inzicht in de manier waarop rechtsregels worden toegepast alsook een kritische analyse van knelpunten en uitdagingen. De lezer zal er ook concrete voorstellen en aanbevelingen in vinden


Migration. Refugees --- International private law --- Human rights --- Administrative law --- jeugdhulpverlening --- kinderrechten --- vreemdelingenrecht --- mensenhandel --- Belgium --- E-books --- #KVHA:Migrantenrecht --- #KVHA:Minderjarigen --- #KVHA:Migratierecht --- #KVHA:Vluchtelingenonthaal --- #KVHA:Recht; Belgie --- BPB1907 --- Droit des étrangers --- Politique migratoire --- Jeune --- Réfugié --- užsieniečių teisės --- drittijiet tal-frustieri --- të drejtat e të huajve --- välismaalaste õigused --- ulkomaalaisten oikeudet --- drepturile străinilor --- práva cudzincov --- права на странците --- prava stranaca --- cizinecké právo --- rights of aliens --- diritto degli stranieri --- права на чужденци --- Derecho de extranjería --- prawo obcych --- fremmedret --- utlänningars rättigheter --- права странаца --- ārvalstnieku tiesības --- δικαιώματα των αλλοδαπών --- pravice tujcev --- direito dos estrangeiros --- Ausländerrecht --- idegenjog --- principio di reciprocità --- cizinecká legislativa --- αρχή της αμοιβαιότητας --- Grundsatz der Gegenseitigkeit --- parimi i së drejtës reciproke --- princípio de reciprocidade --- reciprocity of rights --- principle of reciprocity --- princip reciprocity --- savstarpības princips --- cizinecký zákon --- zásada reciprocity --- külföldieket megillető jogok --- reciprociteitsbeginsel --- reciprocitetsprincipen --- viszonosság elve --- reciprocidade dos direitos --- teisių abipusiškumas --- reciprocità degli ordinamenti giuridici --- reciprocitatea drepturilor --- Ley de Extranjería --- права на странски државјани --- vastastikkuse põhimõte --- начело на реципроцитет --- vastavuoroiset oikeudet --- principiul reciprocității --- principe de réciprocité --- principio de reciprocidad --- reciprocita práva --- Gegenseitigkeit der Rechte --- právo neobčanů --- реципроцитет на правата и обврските --- të drejta reciproke --- vastastikused õigused --- načelo reciprociteta --- gensidighedsprincip --- tiesību savstarpība --- abipusiškumo principas --- reciprocitás elve --- vastavuoroisuuden periaate --- reciprocita práv --- réciprocité des droits --- πρόσφυγας --- flygtning --- utečenec --- pakolainen --- profugo --- flykting --- bēglis --- vluchteling --- izbjeglica --- rifuġjat --- избеглица --- бежанец --- uprchlík --- dídeanaí --- Flüchtling --- menekült --- refugiado --- begunec --- pabėgėlis --- refugee --- pagulane --- refugiați --- бегалец --- refugjat --- uchodźca --- bēgļa statusa zaudēšana --- ANO augstais komisārs bēgļu jautājumos --- камп за бегалци --- teifeach --- статус на бегалец --- згрижување бегалци --- bēgļa statuss --- fiatal személy --- nuori --- młodzież --- tânăr --- млад човек --- person në moshë të re --- jaunietis --- noor inimene --- junger Mensch --- mladý člověk --- young person --- mlad človek --- unge --- млада особа --- giovane --- jongere --- jovem --- jaunuolis --- mladý človek --- mlada osoba --- νέος --- младеж --- persuna żagħżugħa --- ungdom --- joven --- mládí --- nastolatki --- fiatal felnőtt --- младежи --- adoleshencë --- minderjarige --- Jugendlicher --- adolescent --- tinédzser --- jeugd --- nuoriso --- adolescenza --- юноша --- mladý muž --- jovens --- dospívání --- юношество --- żgħażagħ --- nuoret --- tineri --- adolescentie --- fiatal --- kiskorú --- mazgadīgie --- tinejđer --- young people --- Jugendalter --- youth --- niepełnoletni --- jauniete --- jeunes gens --- Minderjähriger --- mladež --- омладина --- noor --- νεαροί --- тинејџер --- adolescente --- nooruk --- nepilnametis --- të rinj --- pusaudža vecums --- adolescencija --- minore --- mladostna doba --- adolescence --- adolexxenza --- mladost --- mladostnik --- jaunimas --- jinoch --- fiatalkorú --- малолетник --- mladoletnik --- serdülő --- εφηβεία --- nastolatek --- minderårig --- paauglystė --- młodzi ludzie --- tineret --- tonåring --- ungt menneske --- mladá žena --- maloletá osoba --- непълнолетно лице --- teismeline --- mladík --- noorsugu --- mindreårig --- teenager --- ala-ikäinen --- púber --- mladi ljudje --- mažametis --- adolescencia --- mládež --- έφηβος --- ανήλικος --- адолесцент --- adolescență --- menor de idade --- mladí lidé --- νεότητα --- ifjúság --- mineur d'âge --- dospívající dívka --- teini-ikä --- nuoruus --- minuri --- kamasz --- pusaudzis --- gioventù --- mladí ľudia --- adolescência --- mladina --- unge mennesker --- minoren --- adolexxenti --- junior --- Jugend --- tiener --- juventude --- νεολαία --- menor de edad --- minor --- giovani --- żgħożija --- alaealine --- mladistvý --- nezletilý/nezletilá --- juventud --- jaunatne --- minorenne --- jóvenes --- adoleshent --- giovinezza --- Heranwachsender --- jeunesse --- paauglys --- żagħżugħ/a --- teini --- μεταναστευτική πολιτική --- beartas imirce --- siirtolaispolitiikka --- миграциона политика --- politica migratoria --- миграционна политика --- politica migrației --- migration policy --- migracijska politika --- migratiebeleid --- política migratoria --- migratsioonipoliitika --- migrationspolitik --- politika dwar il-migrazzjoni --- migrācijas politika --- миграциска политика --- migračná politika --- política migratória --- politikë migracioni --- migracijos politika --- migrační politika --- Migrationspolitik --- polityka migracyjna --- migrációs politika --- политика за азил и миграција --- indvandringspolitik --- bevándorlási politika --- provvedimenti in materia di migrazioni --- politica di migrazione --- politica comunitaria delle migrazioni --- kivándorlási politika --- Einwanderungspolitik --- Auswanderungspolitik --- Mineurs étrangers isolés --- Réfugiés --- Émigration et immigration --- Jeunes réfugiés --- Droit --- Statut juridique --- Jurisquare --- BPB2012 --- Unaccompanied immigrant children --- Enfants immigrants non accompagnés --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit des étrangers --- Réfugié --- duine óg --- cearta eachtrannach

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