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Economics is in a state of "creative ferment," according to lead authors Suresh Naidu, Dani Rodrik, and Gabriel Zucman. A decade after the Great Recession, they argue for a new brand of economics, one divorced from market fundamentalism and focused instead on a more inclusive society. Responses to their ideas--which come from economists, philosophers, political scientists, and policymakers across the political spectrum--showcase just how passionate the debate over the future of economics has become. -- Publishers website
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Architecture --- Radical architecture --- History --- Superstudio (Group).
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Présentation de l'éditeur : "Entre 1905 et 1954, Édouard Herriot incarne l'une des tendances principales du radicalisme français. De la mairie de Lyon à la présidence du Conseil, Édouard Herriot rassemble autour de ses idées une nouvelle génération d'élus pour lesquels la République constitue le régime définitif de la France. En rupture avec la doctrine radicale de la fin du XIXe siècle qui faisait de la révision constitutionnelle un des points de son programme, le radicalisme d'Édouard Herriot accepte définitivement les lois de 1875. Dès lors, malgré la crise des institutions qui caractérise le début du XXe siècle, Herriot tente de préserver le modèle républicain formé à la fin XIXe siècle. Selon lui, les institutions politiques et administratives républicaines doivent être modernisées pour correspondre aux promesses du régime républicain en faveur de la démocratie et de l'application de la science à la politique. Jusqu'en 1926, la tendance radicale menée par Herriot se caractérise par une volonté de refaire la République. Après 1926, contre les différents réformismes qui abordent le problème de la crise institutionnelle, Édouard Herriot et ses partisans résisteront favorisant ainsi la paralysie du régime. Enfin face à la Seconde guerre mondiale et au début de la Quatrième République, ils tenteront, avec moins de succès cette fois, de rétablir ce qu'ils considèrent être la tradition républicaine. Cet itinéraire politique d'un homme et d'un groupe de partisans participant aux principales fonctions de l'État pendant près de cinquante ans permet de comprendre la permanence et les ressorts de la crise institutionnelle française au XXe siècle. Au-delà du Parti radical lui-même, il s'agit de préciser l'importance du processus d'interprétation de la norme constitutionnelle par une force politique de Gouvernement et son influence dans l'évolution des institutions"
Legislative bodies --- Legislators --- Constitutional history --- Radicalism --- History. --- History --- Herriot, Édouard, --- Parti républicain radical et radical-socialiste (France) --- France --- Politics and government
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Groupe radical fondé à Florence en 1966-67, Superstudio revendique, dans ces années de contestation, une pratique conceptuelle et iconoclaste de l’architecture. A travers photomontages, prototypes de mobilier, films ou textes aux accents provocateurs, le groupe développe une critique de la culture pop anglo-saxonne. En 1966, ils participent avec Archizoom à l’exposition Superarchitettura, souvent considérée comme acte fondateur du mouvement radical, et présentent, à travers leurs projets, une interprétation idéologique, critique et ironique de la société de consommation. Avec les Istogrammi di architettura (1969), le collectif refonde totalement les codes du design en proposant un « schéma comportemental » à appliquer à des zones et à des échelles diverses. Le Monumento continuo (1971) étend ce projet à l’architecture, avec un « modèle architectural d’urbanisation totale », ininterrompu, véritable outil de critique radical. Entre 1971 et 1973, le groupe travaille dans le domaine de la critique opérative en réalisant des films de vulgarisation et des projets utopiques sur les « actes fondamentaux ». Ils tentent, à travers une série de processus réducteurs, de trouver les voies d’une refondation philosophique et anthropologique de l’architecture. Superstudio présente ses projets en 1972 dans l’exposition Italy : The New Domestic Landscape au MoMA de New York et est aujourd’hui une icône de la culture architecturale. Fondé à Florence en 1966-67, le groupe Superstudio réunit les architectes Adolfo Natalini (1941), Cristiano Toraldo di Francia (1941), Roberto Magris (1935-2003), Piero Frassinelli (1939), Alessandro Magris (1941-2010) et Alessandro Poli (1941). Le groupe participe à de nombreuses expositions, notamment la XVe et à la XVIe Triennale de Milan. En 1973, il figure parmi les fondateurs de Global Tools, système d’ateliers de développement de la créativité collective. Jusqu’à sa dissolution en 1982, Superstudio poursuit des recherches théoriques, tout en travaillant dans le domaine de l’architecture (scénographies, constructions) et du design (objets, meubles). Le moment est venu d’archiver l’« architecture radicale ». Mais cela signifie de considérer ce moment comme le chapitre clé d’une trajectoire culturelle qui porte un autre titre : celui d’une architecture rationaliste comprise comme l’une des composantes du Mouvement moderne les plus expérimentales : machine à habiter, existenzminimum, less is more, etc... En se cantonnant à la période comprise entre mars et décembre 1969, Gargiani et Lampariello offrent ici une généalogie serrée du groupe Superstudio à travers leur iconique projet de Monument Continu. Les deux historiens reviennent sur leurs territoires philosophiques et mystiques, mais aussi sur ce qui rendit énigmatique et si fascinant leur hyper-rationalisme dans une époque de profonde rénovation sociale. Roberto Gargiani et Beatrice Lampariello sont professeurs d'histoire de l'architecture, l'un à l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, l'autre à l'Université catholique de Louvain.
Architecture radicale --- Photomontage --- Critique architecturale --- Superstudio --- Radical architecture --- Architecture --- History --- Histoire --- Superstudio (Group)
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Since the Global Financial Crisis, economics has been under greater public scrutiny, revealing a crisis in the discipline. This represented a potential turning point on how economics should be thought and taught. Heterodox economics has played a prominent role in these discussions revolving around new economics thinking and pluralism in economics. Yet, its identity, aspirations, and pedagogy remain underexplored, contested, and somewhat opaque. This volume brings together sixteen interviews with leading economists to understand what heterodox economics is. How and why does an economist become heterodox? In which way do heterodox economists see themselves as 'different' from mainstream economics? The interviews shed light on what problems heterodox economists perceive in the mainstream; elucidate the different contexts under which they operate in higher education; and provide insights on their ontology and methodology. The reader will also find answers to the following questions about the nature and state of heterodox economics: Do heterodox economists have particular intellectual journeys, motives and aspirations? Is this reflected in their teaching practices and strategies to achieve social change? What is the relation between heterodox economics and the humanities and arts? Appealing to a diverse audience, including philosophers, sociologists and historians of economic thought, the book will be of great interest to anyone keen to find out more about the internal discussions in the economics discipline.
Economics. --- Schools of economics. --- Radical economics. --- Evolutionary economics. --- Economics --- Economics schools of thought --- Schools of economic thought --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Schools of economics --- Radical economics --- Evolutionary economics
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Volume 37A of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodologyfeatures a symposium celebrating 50 years of the Union of Radical Political Economics, and includes an archival contribution from the papers of Alvin Hansen, reflecting on the influence and contributions of John R. Commons.
Union for Radical Political Economics. --- Development economics. --- Economics --- Economic development --- Commons, John R. --- Commons, John Rogers, --- Development economics --- Union for Radical Political Economics --- URPE --- E-books --- Economic schools --- Business & Economics --- Economic theory & philosophy. --- Economic History.
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A timely addition to Henry Giroux's Critical Interventions series, Ecology and Revolution is grounded in the Frankfurt School critical theory of Herbert Marcuse. Its task is to understand the economic architecture of wealth extraction that undergirds today's intensifying inequalities of class, race, and gender, within a revolutionary ecological frame. Relying on newly discovered texts from the Frankfurt Marcuse Archive, this book builds theory and practice for an alternate world system. Ecology and radical political economy, as critical forms of systems analysis, show that an alternative world system is essential - both possible and feasible - despite political forces against it. Our rights to a commonwealth economy, politics, and culture reside in our commonworks as we express ourselves as artisans of the common good. It is in this context, that Charles Reitz develops a GreenCommonWealth Counter-Offensive, a strategy for revolutionary ecological liberation with core features of racial equality, women's equality, liberation of labor, restoration of nature, leisure, abundance, and peace.
Income distribution --- Radical economics --- Social justice --- Social sciences --- Civilization --- Human ecology --- Marcuse, Herbert, - 1898-1979 --- United States
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It was a common charge among black radicals in the 1960s that Britons needed to start "thinking black." As state and society consolidated around a revived politics of whiteness, "thinking black," they felt, was necessary for all who sought to build a liberated future out of Britain's imperial past.In Thinking Black, Rob Waters reveals black radical Britain's wide cultural-political formation, tracing it across new institutions of black civil society and connecting it to decolonization and black liberation across the Atlantic world. He shows how, from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, black radicalism defined what it meant to be black and what it meant to be radical in Britain.
Black people --- Radicalism --- History --- Politics and government --- Great Britain --- Race relations --- 1960s. --- 1970s. --- 1980s. --- african american. --- atlantic. --- black culture. --- black identity. --- black liberation. --- black politics. --- black radicals. --- blackness. --- britain. --- british history. --- britons. --- culture. --- decolonization. --- european history. --- government. --- liberation. --- political. --- politics. --- race. --- racism. --- radical politics. --- radical thinking. --- radical. --- social justice. --- social reform. --- western world. --- white identity. --- whiteness.
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L’autogestion est une forme d’organisation collective où chaque membre du groupe prend part au processus décisionnel qui s’exprime dans la recherche de consensus. Depuis ses débuts, la pensée libertaire propose, à travers ce type d’organisation, de quitter le paradigme capitalisme. Elle rejette non seulement la domination et l’exploitation de l’humain sur l’humain mais aussi l’emprise de l’humain sur son environnement qui conduit à sa destruction. Depuis trois ans, en Grèce, le Refugee Village for Freedom est un collectif autogestionnaire de réfugié.e.s qui pratique une agriculture en marge des circuits conventionnels. La souveraineté alimentaire pour le collectif est visée tout comme la solidarité, avec l’apport gratuit et régulier de produits sain et frais à plus d’un millier de réfugié.e.s vivant à Athènes. À travers une enquête sur le terrain et d’entretiens qualitatifs avec certains de ses membres, ce travail va analyser l’apprentissage du Refugee Village for Freedom dont le fondement libertaire offre un potentiel de transformation sociale rendu possible par l’autogestion. Self-organisation is a form of collective organisation where each member of the group participates in the decision-making process as a way of obtaining consensus. Since its inception, libertarian thought has proposed, through this type of organisation, to depart from the capitalism paradigm. It rejects not only the domination and exploitation of humans over humans but also the control of humans over their environment that leads to its destruction. For the past three years, in Greece, the Refugee Village for Freedom is a refugee collective based on the principles of self-organisation. In light of this, this collective has tended to practice a form of farming outside the conventional agriculture. Food sovereignty for the collective is targeted, along- side solidarity, with the free and regular supply of healthy and fresh products to more than a thousand refu- gees living in Athens. Through the use of field research and qualitative interviews with some of its members, this work will analyze the learnings observed from the Refugee Village for Freedom whose libertarian foun- dation offers a potential for social transformation, made possible by self-organisation.
autogestion --- étude de cas --- transformation sociale --- agroécologie --- libertaire --- réfugiés --- Grèce --- organisation horizontale --- sociologie --- qualitative --- paradigme social --- processus décisionnel --- démocratie radicale --- indépendance --- souveraineté alimentaire --- écologisme réformiste --- écologisme radical --- collectif --- autogestionnaire --- agriculture alternative --- solidarité --- anarchie --- autonomie --- égalitaire --- slef-organization --- case study --- social transformation --- agroecology --- libertarian --- anarchy --- refugees --- Greece --- horizontal organization --- sociology --- egalitarian --- qualitative --- social paradigma --- decision-making --- radical democracy --- independence --- food sovereignty --- mainstream ecology --- radical ecology --- collective --- self-orgenized --- agriculture --- alternative --- solidarity --- autonomy --- Sciences sociales & comportementales, psychologie > Sociologie & sciences sociales --- Sciences du vivant > Agriculture & agronomie
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How does Nietzsche, as psychologist, envision the future of religion and atheism? While there has been no lack of “psychological” studies that have sought to illuminate Nietzsche's philosophy of religion by interpreting his biography, this monograph is the first comprehensive study to approach the topic through the philosopher's own psychological thinking. The author shows how Nietzsche's critical writings on religion, and especially on religious decline and future possibilities, are informed by his psychological thinking about moods. The author furthermore argues that the clarification of this aspect of the philosopher’s work is essential to interpreting some of the most ambiguous words found in his writings; the words that God is dead. Instead of merely denying the existence of God in a way that leaves a melancholic need for religion or a futile search for replacements intact, Nietzsche arguably envisions the possibility of a radical atheism, which is characterized by a mood of joyful doubt. The examination of this vision should be of great interest to scholars of Nietzsche and of the history of philosophy, but also of relevance to all those who take an interest in the interdisciplinary discourse on secularization.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, --- Religion. --- Nietzsche, Friedrich --- Nietzsche, Friederich --- Friedrich Nietzsche. --- Nietzsche, Friedrich. --- Radikaler Atheismus. --- Stimmung. --- Säkularisierung. --- mood. --- radical atheism. --- secularization. --- PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern.
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