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Our court system is struggling. It is too costly to deliver justice for all but the few, too slow to satisfy those who can access it. Yet the values implicit in disputes being resolved in person, and in public, are fundamental to how we have imagined the fair resolution of disputes for centuries. Could justice be delivered online? The idea has excited and appalled in equal measure, promising to bring justice to all, threatening to strike at the heart of what we mean by justice. With online courts now moving from idea to reality, we are looking at the most fundamental change to our justice system for centuries, but the public understanding of and debate about the revolution is only just beginning. In Online Courts and the Future of Justice Richard Susskind, a pioneer of rethinking law for the digital age, confronts the challenges facing our legal system and the potential for technology to bring much needed change. Drawing on years of experience leading the discussion on conceiving and delivering online justice, Susskind here charts and develops the public debate. Against a background of austerity politics and cuts to legal aid, the public case for online courts has too often been framed as a business case by both sides of the debate. Are online courts preserving the public bottom line by finding efficiencies? Or sacrificing the interests of the many to deliver cut price justice? Susskind broadens the debate by making the moral case (whether online courts are required by principles of justice) and the jurisprudential case (whether online courts are compatible with our understanding of judicial process and constitutional rights) for delivering justice online. Includes a substantial new chapter updating the book with the developments in online courts since the onset of Covid-19.
Justice, Administration of --- Actions and defenses --- Courts --- Internet --- Sociological jurisprudence. --- Mass media and criminal justice. --- Mass media and judicial power. --- judicial power --- innovation --- criminal court --- mass media --- Technological innovations. --- Social aspects. --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- massamedia --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- moyen de communication de masse --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- trestní soud --- trestný súd --- tribunal penal --- кривичен суд --- kazensko sodišče --- brottmålsdomstol --- strafrechtspraak --- straffedomstol --- kriminaalkohus --- krimināltiesa --- кривични суд --- giurisdizione penale --- Strafgerichtsbarkeit --- sądownictwo karne --- büntetőbíróság --- gjykatë penale --- qorti kriminali --- jurisdicción penal --- jurisdição penal --- ποινικό δικαστήριο --- juridiction pénale --- baudžiamųjų bylų teismas --- rikostuomioistuin --- наказателен съд --- kazneni sud --- giurisdizione di polizia --- curte cu juri --- prekršajni sud --- police court --- judecătorie polițienească --- Strafkammer --- kolegj penal i përgjithshëm --- přestupkový soud --- cour d'assises --- bendroji baudžiamųjų bylų kolegija --- juzgado de vigilancia penitenciaria --- büntetőkollégium --- Kleine Strafkammer --- tribunal de police --- прекршочни предмети --- policajný priestupkový súd --- αυτόφωρο --- straffrättslig underrätt --- assisdomstol --- polisdomstol --- tribunale correzionale --- kriminaldomstol för grövre brott --- Strafgericht --- кривични предмети --- poliisituomioistuin --- politierechtbank --- policijos teismas --- general criminal panel --- porotní soud --- Assisenhof --- πταισματοδικείο --- Schöffengericht --- tiesa, kam piekrīt krimināllietas --- Schwurgericht --- politseikohus --- Große Strafkammer --- gjykatë policore --- juridiction de simple police --- πλημμελειοδικείο --- tribunal correctionnel --- κακουργιοδικείο --- jurisdicție penală --- porotný trestný súd --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- Innovation --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- Judiciary --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Judicial districts --- Law --- Procedure (Law) --- Judicial power --- Jurisdiction --- cumhacht bhreithiúnach --- kohtuvõim --- teisminė valdžia --- súdna právomoc --- władza sądownicza --- pushtet gjyqësor --- potere giudiziario --- rechterlijke macht --- setgħa ġudizzjarja --- dømmende myndighed --- sodna oblast --- richterliche Gewalt --- судска власт --- sudbena vlast --- съдебна власт --- putere judecătorească --- tuomiovalta --- dömande makt --- poder judicial --- tiesu vara --- δικαστική εξουσία --- bírói hatalom --- pouvoir judiciaire --- soudní pravomoc --- sudska vlast --- igazságszolgáltatás --- Consejo General del Poder Judicial --- soudcovská moc --- ordine giudiziario --- Judikative --- моќ за пресудување --- soudní moc --- pouvoir juridictionnel --- pouvoir de juridiction --- poder de jurisdição --- poder jurisdicional --- na breithiúna --- rechtsprechende Gewalt --- Civil actions --- Defense (Law) --- Interpleader --- Lawsuits --- Litigation --- Personal actions --- Real actions --- Suits (Law) --- Court proceedings --- Trial practice --- Civil procedure --- Remedies (Law) --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- Judicial power and mass media --- Criminal justice and mass media --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Law and society --- Society and law --- Sociology of law --- Jurisprudence --- Sociology --- Law and the social sciences --- Administration of justice --- Law and legislation
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