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"S'inspirant de l'histoire des lycéennes enlevées par Boko Haram en 2014, l'auteure irlandaise se glisse dans la peau d'une adolescente nigériane. Depuis l'irruption d'hommes en armes dans l'enceinte de l'école, on vit avec elle, comme en apnée, le rapt, la traversée de la jungle en camion, l'arrivée dans le camp, les mauvais traitements, et son mariage forcé à un djihadiste - avec pour corollaires le désarroi, la faim, la solitude et la terreur. Le plus difficile commence pourtant quand la protagoniste de ce monologue halluciné parvient à s'évader, avec l'enfant qu'elle a eue en captivité. Celle qui, à sa toute petite fille, fera un soir dans la forêt un aveu déchirant - « Je ne suis pas assez grande pour être ta mère » - finira bien, après des jours de marche, par retrouver les siens. Et comprendre que rien ne sera jamais plus comme avant : dans leur regard, elle est devenue une « femme du bush », coupable d'avoir souillé le sang de la communauté."--Résumé de l'éditeur
Femmes --- Enfants --- Victimes d'enlèvement --- Intégrisme islamique --- Mères et filles --- Nigeria
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"Au travers de ce livre notre objectif a été de comprendre et d'analyser la dynamique de la mouvance islamiste en Algérie. Pour ce faire, nous avons jugé bon de pénétrer en amont dans l'histoire et de nous intéresser en premier lieu à la période fondatrice du mouvement national. Ayant construit son discours sur la défense de l'islam et de la langue arabe, les principales composantes du mouvement national tissèrent des liens solides appelés à durer avec les cadres des Frères Musulmans égyptiens et syriens qui se maintinrent à l'époque de l'indépendance. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à la relation conflictuelle entre d'un côté l'Etat et de l'autre les Oulémas demeurés traditionalistes, opposition qui va nourrir le discours islamiste né parallèlement et principalement à l'Université. L'étude de la morphologie si particulière de l'islamisme algérien, nous avons souligné ce qui fit sa force en restituant notamment le parcours militant et le discours de ses cadres qui, tous, cultivaient un lien revendiqué et assumé avec le mouvement national dont ils prétendaient poursuivre la lutte."--Page 4 of cover.
Intégrisme islamique --- Islam and politics --- Islam and politics. --- Islam --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Radicalism --- Religion and state. --- Histoire --- History --- Religious aspects --- Islam. --- 1900-2099. --- Algeria.
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Capitalism --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Religious aspects --- Islam --- Economic aspects --- Jamʻīyat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn (Egypt) --- Islam. --- Economic aspects. --- Capitalisme --- Intégrisme islamique --- Aspect religieux --- Aspect économique --- Capitalism - Religious aspects - Islam --- Islamic fundamentalism - Economic aspects
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The concept of 'radicalization' is now used to account for all forms of violent and non-violent political Islam. Used widely within the security services and picked up by academia, the term was initially coined by the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD) after the 9/11 and Pentagon attacks, an origin that is rarely recognised.This book comprises contributions from leading scholars in the field of critical security studies to trace the introduction, adoption and dissemination of 'radicalization' as a concept. It is the first book to offer a critical analysis and history of the term as an 'empty signifier', that is, a word that might not necessarily refer to something existing in the real world. The diverse contributions consider how the term has circulated since its emergence in the Netherlands and Belgium, its appearance in academia, its existence among the people categorized as 'radicals' and its impact on relationships of trust between public officials and their clients. Building on the traditions of critical security studies and critical studies on terrorism, the book reaffirms the importance of a reflective approach to counter-radicalization discourse and policies. It will be essential reading for scholars of security studies, political anthropology, the study of Islam in the west and European studies.Bron:
Islam --- Criminology. Victimology --- islamitisch fundamentalisme --- terrorisme --- Radicalization --- National security --- Islamic fundamentalism --- #SBIB:316.331h333 --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Religious fundamentalism --- National security policy --- NSP (National security policy) --- Security policy, National --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Military policy --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Government policy --- Islamic fundamentalism. --- National security. --- Radicalization. --- Radicalisation violente. --- Sécurité nationale. --- Intégrisme islamique. --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Ethnic relations --- Ethic relations. --- Radicalisering --- Radicalisme --- België --- Nederland --- Geweld --- Veiligheid --- #SBIB:316.331H333 --- Godsdienst, oorlog en vrede --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- maatschappijproblemen --- multiculturele samenleving --- radicalisme --- Vietnam --- Zuid-Afrika --- Kust --- Thuis --- Literatuur
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The concept of 'radicalization' is now used to account for all forms of violent and non-violent political Islam. Used widely within the security services and picked up by academia, the term was initially coined by the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD) after the 9/11 and Pentagon attacks, an origin that is rarely recognised.This book comprises contributions from leading scholars in the field of critical security studies to trace the introduction, adoption and dissemination of 'radicalization' as a concept. It is the first book to offer a critical analysis and history of the term as an 'empty signifier', that is, a word that might not necessarily refer to something existing in the real world. The diverse contributions consider how the term has circulated since its emergence in the Netherlands and Belgium, its appearance in academia, its existence among the people categorized as 'radicals' and its impact on relationships of trust between public officials and their clients. Building on the traditions of critical security studies and critical studies on terrorism, the book reaffirms the importance of a reflective approach to counter-radicalization discourse and policies. It will be essential reading for scholars of security studies, political anthropology, the study of Islam in the west and European studies.
Islam --- Social problems --- Criminology. Victimology --- islamitisch fundamentalisme --- criminologie --- terrorisme --- Netherlands --- Belgium --- Radicalisering --- Radicalisme --- België --- Nederland --- Geweld --- Veiligheid --- Islamic fundamentalism. --- National security. --- Radicalization. --- Radicalisation violente. --- Sécurité nationale. --- Intégrisme islamique. --- Radicalization --- National security --- Islamic fundamentalism --- #SBIB:316.331H333 --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Religious fundamentalism --- National security policy --- NSP (National security policy) --- Security policy, National --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Military policy --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Godsdienst, oorlog en vrede --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Government policy --- Ethnic relations --- Ethic relations. --- 081 Godsdienst --- Sécurité nationale. --- Intégrisme islamique.
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