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This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Science: general issues --- Physiology --- Low grade inflammation --- Aging --- chronic diseases --- Behavioral diseases --- nutrition --- intestinal microbiota
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This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Low grade inflammation --- Aging --- chronic diseases --- Behavioral diseases --- nutrition --- intestinal microbiota
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This uses project- and problem-based learning to help students understand the debate over the safety and efficiency of nuclear power for meeting the country's energy demands. Teams of students will apply what they learn about the science and history of nuclear energy to convey the views of particular stakeholder groups and propose solutions to the crisis.
Radiation --- Radioactive pollution --- Eleventh grade (Education) --- Study and teaching (Secondary) --- Environmental aspects
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This book provides teachers with student materials for guiding students through argument-driven inquiry investigations. It provides lab details, safety information, and handouts that integrate science, literacy, and math.
Science --- Study and teaching --- Activity programs. --- Fourth grade (Education) --- Study and teaching (Elementary)
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This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Science: general issues --- Physiology --- Low grade inflammation --- Aging --- chronic diseases --- Behavioral diseases --- nutrition --- intestinal microbiota
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This book is designed to help fourth graders work the way scientists do while integrating literacy and math at the same time. It gives students the chance to practice reading, writing, speaking, and using mathematics in the context of science.
Science --- Fourth grade (Education) --- Education, Primary --- Activity programs in education --- Study and teaching (Elementary) --- Activity programs. --- Study and teaching
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La première édition de ce livre date de 1996. Depuis lors, de nombreuses nouvelles recherches ont été réalisées. Une révision en profondeur s'imposait. C'est ce que propose cette quatrième version. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les études internationales se sont considérablement développées. Elles fournissent des données de type longitudinal, d'un grand intérêt. Elles permettent notamment d'étudier l'évolution des taux de retard dans un nombre élevé de pays et d'observer une tendance à la baisse dans la majorité d'entre eux, mais une augmentation dans quelques autres.Elles permettent aussi d'étudier la relation entre taux de retard et plusieurs paramètres (l'efficacité, l'équité, la ségrégation sociale et scolaire) au niveau des systèmes d'enseignement. Les études portant spécifiquement sur les effets du redoublement ont elles aussi connu d'importants développements débouchant sur plus de rigueur dans l'estimation des effets. Quant aux croyances des enseignants, des parents, des élèves concernant le redoublement, elles ont été l'objet d'un nombre élevé de recherches débouchant à la fois sur des résultats significatifs et de nouveaux questionnements.Enfin, la problématique de l'évaluation a connu d'importantes évolutions conceptuelles. Ecrit à plusieurs mains, ce nouvel opus fait le bilan de toutes ces évolutions en conservant les interrogations des versions précédentes. Faut-il faire redoubler ? L'école a-t-elle besoin de l'échec pour fonctionner ? Le redoublement stigmatise-t-il les élèves qui en sont l'objet ? Peut-on changer les croyances des enseignants concernant le redoublement ? Comment mettre l'évaluation au service de la réussite des élèves ? Et, en définitive, comment pourrait-on lutter contre l'échec scolaire, si on le voulait vraiment ?
Échec scolaire. --- School failure --- Redoublement de classes --- Systèmes d'enseignement --- Éducation --- Échec scolaire --- Évaluation --- Études comparatives. --- Évaluation. --- Systèmes d'enseignement --- Échec scolaire --- Éducation --- Évaluation. --- Instructional systems --- Grade repetition --- Évaluation du système scolaire. --- Échec scolaire.
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World War III has yet to happen, and yet material evidence of this conflict is strewn everywhere: resting at the bottom of the ocean, rusting in deserts, and floating in near-Earth orbit.In Military Waste, Joshua O. Reno offers a unique analysis of the costs of American war preparation through an examination of the lives and stories of American civilians confronted with what is left over and cast aside when a society is permanently ready for war. Using ethnographic and archival research, Reno demonstrates how obsolete military junk in its various incarnations affects people and places far from the battlegrounds that are ordinarily associated with warfare. Using a broad swath of examples—from excess planes, ships, and space debris that fall into civilian hands, to the dispossessed and polluted island territories once occupied by military bases, to the militarized masculinities of mass shooters—Military Waste reveals the unexpected and open-ended relationships that non-combatants on the home front form with a nation permanently ready for war.
Military supplies --- Environmental aspects. --- abandoned military bases. --- aggression. --- aircraft. --- assault weapons. --- civilians. --- control. --- environment. --- excess planes. --- fighter planes. --- gender. --- government spending. --- home front. --- masculinity. --- mass shooters. --- militarization. --- military bases. --- military grade weapons. --- military industrial complex. --- military junk. --- military spending. --- military technology. --- military. --- noncombatants. --- nonfiction. --- pentagon. --- pollution. --- power. --- science. --- ships. --- social history. --- soldiers. --- space debris. --- technology. --- violence. --- war preparation. --- war. --- warfare.
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This Special Issue of Minerals presents recent, select studies that highlight advances in the fields of hydro- and biohydrometallurgy. It aims to attract the interest of readers and especially of young scientists and students in this fascinating scientific discipline. The topics addressed include the following:• Stirred reactor and heap leaching of laterites (limonitic and saprolitic), as well as iron control during atmospheric acid leaching;• Leaching of a typical porphyry copper sulfide deposit from Antofagasta, Chile, using chloride-ferrous solutions;• Leaching of chalcopyrite ores with various leaching media;• Leaching of white metal from a Teniente converter in NaCl-H2SO4 media; • Study of the galvanic effect of pyrite and arsenopyrite during the leaching of gold ores;• Leaching of marine nodules in the presence of reducing agents to extract Mn;• Bioleaching of gold ores in the presence of iodide-oxidizing bacteria;• A two-step sequential leaching process, involving bioleaching and chemical leaching, to treat apatite ores containing P and U impurities;• Bioreductive dissolution of iron minerals present in monazite in stirred reactors using Acidithiobacillus (A.) species;• Heap leaching of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash (MSWI BA) for the recovery of Zn and Cu.
n/a --- counter-current leaching --- metal extraction --- slag --- low-grade saprolitic laterite --- agglomeration --- bioleaching --- white metal --- precipitation --- iodide --- seawater --- reducing agent --- chloride --- chalcopyrite --- pyrite–arsenopyrite galvanic pair --- frontier orbital methods --- acid media --- bottom ash --- phosphorus --- manganese nodules --- waste reuse --- galvanic effect --- gold diiodide --- municipal solid waste incineration --- jarosite --- column leaching --- secondary mining --- iodide-oxidizing bacteria --- leaching --- primary sulfide copper --- heap leaching --- electrochemical --- optimization of parameters --- chloride ion --- reductive mineral dissolution --- tailings --- curing --- acid leaching --- secondary products --- uranium --- ferric ion --- Acidithiobacillus --- limonitic laterites --- iron reduction --- fluorapatite --- nitrate --- gold --- phosphate mineral --- purification --- iodine --- nickel --- sodium sulfite --- pregnant leach solution --- copper sulfide --- sulphuric acid --- laterites --- REE --- pretreatment --- triiodide --- laterite --- pyrite-arsenopyrite galvanic pair
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Humidity detection has deep significance for the scientific research surrounding medical care and human performance, and the industrial development of agriculture, geography and automated instruments. This special issue aims to showcase some of the advancements in humidity sensor design and calibration, and its applications. The selected papers cover a variety of humidity sensor-related topics including material science, chemistry and industrial engineering. Through dedicated contributions from peer reviewers and the editorial team, this book aims to offers reader some insight into the field of humidity sensor development and use.
emissivity --- transient response --- Trace moisture --- user interaction --- IDE --- SHT75 --- random shocks --- humidity sensor --- calibration points --- measurement uncertainty --- humidity --- porous materials --- building materials --- Monte Carlo method --- relative humidity --- capacitive sensors --- reliability model --- microwave resonator --- remote sensing --- body-seat interface --- low pressure --- moisture --- low temperature --- bio fuel --- three-dimensional graphene foams --- moisture measurement --- dual temperature-humidity sensor --- humidity sensors --- FD --- consumer grade weather stations --- CO2 --- fast response --- frequency domain --- dependent competing failure --- dielectric constant --- time domain reflectometry --- agriculture --- saturated salt solutions --- winter fire risk --- Mars in-situ measurements --- experimental simulation chambers --- paper mill --- capacitive --- sitting rate --- infrared radiant source --- calibration --- capacitive humidity sensors --- self-recovery --- carbon dioxide --- TDR --- ball SAW sensor --- Martian atmosphere --- surface acoustic wave --- permeation tube --- thermal impact --- SIDE --- surface soil water content --- PI
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