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Event horizon telescope : the black hole seen round the world : hearing before the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, May 16, 2019.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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Au coeur des trous noirs
ISBN: 9782100795864 Year: 2019 Publisher: Malakoff : Dunod,

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Que sait-on des trous noirs ? Peut-on les observer ? Qu'y a-t-il à l'intérieur ? Existent-ils vraiment ?Les trous noirs sont des astres fascinants, des sphères dans l'espace dont rien ne peut s'échapper. De tels objets ne peuvent ni émettre, ni réfléchir la lumière, mais certains sont pourtant extraordinairement lumineux. Toutefois, ce n'est pas là leur seule bizarrerie : dans un trou noir, l'espace se change en temps, le temps en espace, et nul ne connaît la véritable nature de la singularité centrale.

Neutron stars, black holes and gravitational waves
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1643274228 9781643274225 Year: 2019 Publisher: San Rafael [California] (40 Oak Drive, San Rafael, CA, 94903, USA) : Bristol [England] (Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK) : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, IOP Publishing,

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Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, published in 1915, made a remarkable prediction: gravitational radiation. Just like light (electromagnetic radiation), gravity could travel through space as a wave and affect any objects it encounters by alternately compressing and expanding them. However, there was a problem. The force of gravity is around a trillion, trillion, trillion times weaker than electromagnetism so the calculated compressions and expansions were incredibly small, even for gravity waves resulting from a catastrophic astrophysical event such as a supernova explosion in our own galaxy. Discouraged by this result, physicists and astronomers didn't even try to detect these tiny, tiny effects for over 50 years. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, two events occurred which started the hunt for gravity waves in earnest. The first was a report of direct detection of gravity waves thousands of times stronger than even the most optimistic calculation. Though ultimately proved wrong, this result started scientists thinking about what instrumentation might be necessary to detect these waves. The second was an actual, though indirect, detection of gravitational radiation due to the effects it had on the period of rotation of two 'neutron stars' orbiting each other. In this case, the observations were in exact accord with predictions from Einstein's theory, which confirmed that a direct search might ultimately be successful. Nevertheless, it took another 40 years of development of successively more sensitive detectors before the first real direct effects were observed in 2015, 100 years after gravitational waves were first predicted. This is the story of that hunt, and the insight it is producing into an array of topics in modern science, from the creation of the chemical elements to insights into the properties of gravity itself.

Formation of the first black holes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789813227941 9789813227965 Year: 2019 Publisher: New Jersey : World Scientific,

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The formation of the first supermassive black holes is one of the main open questions in our understanding of high-redshift structure formation. In this book, we aim to provide a summary of state-of-the-art modern research on this topic, exploring the formation of massive black holes from a fluid-dynamical, stellar-dynamical and chemical perspective. The book thus presents a solid theoretical foundation, a comparison with current observations and future observational perspectives with upcoming missions such as the Square Kilometre Array, the European Extremely Large Telescope, the Euclid satellite as well as possible detections via gravitational waves.

M87: Chandra captures x-rays in coordination with EHT.
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.?] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

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Black Hole Formation and Growth : Saas-Fee Advanced Course 48. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3662597993 3662597985 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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The ultimate proofs that black holes exist have been obtained very recently thanks to the detection of gravitational waves from their coalescence and due to material orbiting at a distance of some gravitational radii imaged by optical interferometry or X-ray reverberation mapping. This book provides three comprehensive and up-to-date reviews covering the gravitational wave breakthrough, our understanding of accretion and feedback in supermassive black holes and the relevance of black holes for the Universe since the Big Bang. Neil J. Cornish presents gravitational wave emission from black hole mergers and the physics of detection. Andrew King reviews the physics of accretion on to supermassive black holes and their feedback on host galaxies. Tiziana Di Matteo addresses our understanding of black hole formation at cosmic dawn, the emergence of the first quasars, black hole merging and structure formation. The topics covered by the 48th Saas-Fee Course provide a broad overview of the importance of black holes in modern astrophysics.

Cosmic Plasmas and Electromagnetic Phenomena
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3039214667 3039214659 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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During the past few decades, plasma science has witnessed a great growth in laboratory studies, in simulations, and in space. Plasma is the most common phase of ordinary matter in the universe. It is a state in which ionized matter (even as low as 1%) becomes highly electrically conductive. As such, long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate its behavior. Cosmic plasmas are mostly associated with stars, supernovae, pulsars and neutron stars, quasars and active galaxies at the vicinities of black holes (i.e., their jets and accretion disks). Cosmic plasma phenomena can be studied with different methods, such as laboratory experiments, astrophysical observations, and theoretical/computational approaches (i.e., MHD, particle-in-cell simulations, etc.). They exhibit a multitude of complex magnetohydrodynamic behaviors, acceleration, radiation, turbulence, and various instability phenomena. This Special Issue addresses the growing need of the plasma science principles in astrophysics and presents our current understanding of the physics of astrophysical plasmas, their electromagnetic behaviors and properties (e.g., shocks, waves, turbulence, instabilities, collimation, acceleration and radiation), both microscopically and macroscopically. This Special Issue provides a series of state-of-the-art reviews from international experts in the field of cosmic plasmas and electromagnetic phenomena using theoretical approaches, astrophysical observations, laboratory experiments, and state-of-the-art simulation studies.

Voyage dans les mathématiques de l'espace-temps : trous noirs, big-bang, singularités
ISBN: 2759822788 9782759822782 9782759822799 Year: 2019 Publisher: Les Ulis, France : EDP Sciences,

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Ce livre est une invitation à découvrir le lien profond qui unit la relativité générale (la théorie de la gravitation d'Einstein) et la géométrie différentielle, branche de la géométrie issue de la découverte des géométries non-euclidiennes par Gauss et Riemann au XIXe siècle. En abordant la relativité par ses aspects géométriques, ce livre montre que les phénomènes surprenants de la relativité, tels que le paradoxe des jumeaux, les boucles temporelles, les trous noirs, les trous de ver, ne sont que des conséquences de la géométrie de l'espace-temps. Le livre explore également la fascinante relation entre les mathématiques et la physique à travers une des théories les plus passionnantes de notre siècle, la relativité générale, sujet particulièrement d'actualité depuis les récentes observations des ondes gravitationnelles et les observations de plus en plus directes des trous noirs. Il montre ainsi que les mathématiques, loin d'être simplement un « outil », sont une des sources d'inspiration les plus fécondes des physiciens théoriciens. Ce livre offrira une introduction plaisante aux mathématiques de la relativité, autant à l'étudiant en sciences qu'au lecteur curieux et motivé par les découvertes scientifiques les plus fascinantes de notre époque.

Big Bang et au-delà : les nouveaux horizons de l'univers
ISBN: 9782100791156 210079115X Year: 2019 Publisher: Malakoff: Dunod,

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Notre Univers a-t-il un début ? Est-il unique ?La science moderne a révolutionné notre compréhension de l'Univers. Il est maintenant possible de connaître certains aspects des processus qui eurent lieu moins d'un milliardième de milliardième de milliardième de seconde après le Big Bang.Dans cette nouvelle édition actualisée, Aurélien Barrau décrit le cosmos qui se dessine sous nos yeux. Trous noirs, modèle standard de la physique des particules, gravité... les piliers et les énigmes du Big Bang sont abordés les uns après les autres, à la manière d'une balade aux origines de l'Univers.

Black Hole Information and Thermodynamics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030109194 3030109186 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Based on Prof. Lüst's Masters course at the University of Munich, this book begins with a short introduction to general relativity. It then presents black hole solutions, and discusses Penrose diagrams, black hole thermodynamics and entropy, the Unruh effect, Hawking radiation, the black hole information problem, black holes in supergravity and string theory, the black hole microstate counting in string theory, asymptotic symmetries in general relativity, and a particular quantum model for black holes. The book offers an up-to-date summary of all the pertinent questions in this highly active field of physics, and is ideal reading for graduate students and young researchers.


Black holes (Astronomy) --- Thermodynamics. --- Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory. --- Cosmology. --- Quantum Field Theories, String Theory. --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Dynamics --- Mechanics --- Physics --- Heat --- Heat-engines --- Quantum theory --- Gravitation. --- Quantum field theory. --- String theory. --- Models, String --- String theory --- Nuclear reactions --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Relativity (Physics) --- Astronomy --- Deism --- Metaphysics --- Matter --- Antigravity --- Centrifugal force --- Properties --- Forats negres (Astronomia) --- Cosmologia --- Termodinàmica --- Termologia --- Dinàmica --- Física --- Mecànica --- Bombes de calor --- Dinàmica de gasos --- Entalpia --- Entropia --- Mecànica estadística --- Processos irreversibles --- Radiació del cos negre --- Segon principi de la termodinàmica --- Termodinàmica atmosfèrica --- Termodinàmica del desequilibri --- Termoelasticitat --- Termoquímica --- Transferència de massa --- Anàlisi tèrmica --- Calor --- Fred --- Màquines tèrmiques --- Motors tèrmics --- Teoria quàntica --- Univers (Metafísica) --- Deisme --- Filosofia de la natura --- Metafísica --- Antropocentrisme --- Big Bang --- Cosmologia islàmica --- Cosmologia jueva --- Cosmologia quàntica --- Etern retorn --- Expansió de l'univers --- Hipòtesi nebular --- Macrocosmos --- Microcosmos --- Monadologia --- Origen del sistema solar --- Origen dels planetes --- Pluralitat de mons --- Principi antròpic --- Quatre elements (Filosofia) --- Teleologia --- Teosofia --- Creació --- Col·lapse gravitacional --- String models.

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