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Langdurige ziekte roept vaak vragen en onzekerheden op. Met deze brochure wil de Vlaamse overheid jou kort informeren over de ziekteregeling en je tips voor een vlotte werkhervatting geven.
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Langdurige ziekte roept vaak vragen en onzekerheden op. Met deze brochure wil de Vlaamse overheid jou kort informeren over de ziekteregeling en je tips voor een vlotte werkhervatting geven.
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Social medicine --- Sick leave --- Sick leave --- Social aspects --- Economic aspects
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In our contemporary period of human mobility and global capitalism, political identifications are being configured in multiple sites beyond the nation-state. The text's theoretical innovation is to analyze what happens at work in terms of larger processes of political belonging. In particular, it examines how the recognitions and reciprocities entailed by care work affect the political belonging of new African migrants in the United States.
Caregivers. --- Home Care Services. --- Foreign workers, African --- Caregivers --- Home care services --- United States. --- Affordable Care Act. --- African American history. --- African migration. --- Washington DC. --- aging. --- care labor. --- cultural capital. --- death. --- dignity. --- domestic service. --- exclusion. --- flexible workforce. --- foreclosure. --- good death. --- health insurance. --- home care. --- home death. --- home ownership. --- house-building. --- humiliation. --- inheritance. --- interdependence. --- kinship. --- labor market. --- mortgages. --- racialization. --- regulations. --- retirement. --- sick leave. --- social mobility. --- social networks. --- transnationalism.
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In our contemporary period of human mobility and global capitalism, political identifications are being configured in multiple sites beyond the nation-state. The text's theoretical innovation is to analyze what happens at work in terms of larger processes of political belonging. In particular, it examines how the recognitions and reciprocities entailed by care work affect the political belonging of new African migrants in the United States.
Caregivers. --- Home Care Services. --- Foreign workers, African --- Caregivers --- Home care services --- United States. --- Affordable Care Act. --- African American history. --- African migration. --- Washington DC. --- aging. --- care labor. --- cultural capital. --- death. --- dignity. --- domestic service. --- exclusion. --- flexible workforce. --- foreclosure. --- good death. --- health insurance. --- home care. --- home death. --- home ownership. --- house-building. --- humiliation. --- inheritance. --- interdependence. --- kinship. --- labor market. --- mortgages. --- racialization. --- regulations. --- retirement. --- sick leave. --- social mobility. --- social networks. --- transnationalism. --- Home care services.
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A country's economic productivity is directly related to the health of its workforce. Thus, how a nation allocates resources to the physical health of its population is of vital importance in establishing the economic well-being of its citizens.This volume contains nine original and innovative articles that investigate the relationship between a nation's health policies, employee health and resulting labor market outcomes. Topics include the direct link between employees' health and wages, the employment impact of an unfavorable health shock, the relationship between job insecurity and a worker's mental health, the effect of career disruptions on already chronically ill workers, the consequences of arbitrary health insurance disenrollments, the impact of reducing publically available sick day benefits, the repercussions of increasing employers' sick pay benefits on absenteeism, the relationship between economic conditions and opioid abuse, and the consequences of parental migration on children's health.For researchers and students of labor economics, or anyone interested in understanding how a country's health policies affect its economic productivity, this volume is a fundamental text.
Labour economics --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Health insurance --- Labor market --- Medical economics --- Labor economics --- Medical policy --- Industrial hygiene --- Sick leave --- Economic aspects --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Health plans, Prepaid --- Insurance, Health --- Medical care, Prepaid --- Medical insurance --- Prepaid health plans --- Prepaid medical care --- Sickness insurance --- Insurance --- Ambulance service --- Health care reform --- Home care services --- Hospitals --- Medically uninsured persons --- Surgical clinics --- Supply and demand --- Prospective payment --- Emergency services --- Outpatient services --- Rehabilitation services --- E-books --- Labor market. --- Health insurance. --- Business & Economics --- Labour economics. --- Labor. --- Medical policy - Economic aspects
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A moving, cross-national account of working mothers' daily lives-and the revolution in public policy and culture needed to improve themThe work-family conflict that mothers experience today is a national crisis. Women struggle to balance breadwinning with the bulk of parenting, and stress is constant. Social policies don't help. Of all Western industrialized countries, the United States ranks dead last for supportive work-family policies: No federal paid parental leave. The highest gender wage gap. No minimum standard for vacation and sick days. The highest maternal and child poverty rates. Can American women look to European policies for solutions? Making Motherhood Work draws on interviews that sociologist Caitlyn Collins conducted over five years with 135 middle-class working mothers in Sweden, Germany, Italy, and the United States. She explores how women navigate work and family given the different policy supports available in each country.Taking readers into women's homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces, Collins shows that mothers' desires and expectations depend heavily on context. In Sweden-renowned for its gender-equal policies-mothers assume they will receive support from their partners, employers, and the government. In the former East Germany, with its history of mandated employment, mothers don't feel conflicted about working, but some curtail their work hours and ambitions. Mothers in western Germany and Italy, where maternalist values are strong, are stigmatized for pursuing careers. Meanwhile, American working mothers stand apart for their guilt and worry. Policies alone, Collins discovers, cannot solve women's struggles. Easing them will require a deeper understanding of cultural beliefs about gender equality, employment, and motherhood. With women held to unrealistic standards in all four countries, the best solutions demand that we redefine motherhood, work, and family.Making Motherhood Work vividly demonstrates that women need not accept their work-family conflict as inevitable.
Working mothers. --- Work and family. --- Working mothers --- USA --- Americans. --- Au pair. --- Breadwinner model. --- Breast milk. --- Career ladder. --- Career. --- Caregiver. --- Child care. --- Childbirth. --- Cultural lag. --- Day care. --- Diaper. --- Disadvantage. --- Division of labour. --- Domestic worker. --- Early childhood education. --- Elterngeld. --- Employment discrimination. --- Employment. --- Ethnography. --- Everyday life. --- Family Lives. --- Family support. --- Family-friendly. --- Feminism. --- Feminist movement. --- Fertility. --- Finding. --- Gender equality. --- Gender inequality. --- Gender pay gap. --- Gender role. --- Germans. --- Grandparent. --- Health insurance. --- Homemaking. --- Household. --- Housewife. --- Ideology. --- Income. --- Interview. --- Italian welfare state. --- Italians. --- Job security. --- Kindergarten. --- Labour law. --- Laundry. --- Legislation. --- Lifeworld. --- Meal. --- Middle class. --- Mommy track. --- Month. --- Mother. --- Norm (social). --- Nursing. --- Of Education. --- Oppression. --- Outsourcing. --- Overtime. --- Parental leave. --- Parenting. --- Part-time contract. --- Pension. --- Poverty. --- Preschool. --- Private sector. --- Provision (contracting). --- Refugee. --- Resentment. --- Respondent. --- Salary. --- Sexism. --- Sibling. --- Sick leave. --- Single parent. --- Social class. --- Social exclusion. --- Social inequality. --- Social policy. --- Social safety net. --- Sociology. --- Spouse. --- Subsidy. --- Supervisor. --- Swedes. --- Tax. --- Temporary work. --- The Other Hand. --- Toddler. --- Unemployment. --- Welfare state. --- Welfare. --- West Germany. --- Woman. --- Workforce. --- Working Mother. --- Working time. --- Workplace. --- Year. --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sociology of work --- Social policy
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Quels sont les symptômes et les causes du burn-out ? Certaines personnes seraient-elles plus sensibles à ce type de difficultés ? Comment situer le burn-out par rapport à d’autres pathologies, telles que la fatigue chronique ou la fibromyalgie ? Quel rôle assigner à l’employeur en termes de prévention et d’organisation notamment ?... En dépit de la grande actualité de la thématique de la souffrance au travail en général et du burn-out en particulier, il demeure de nombreuses zones d’ombre en cette matière, qui ne facilitent pas le travail des avocats et, plus globalement, des acteurs du monde judiciaire. Face à ces questions, l’idée a germé d’ouvrir un dialogue entre le milieu médical et psycho-social et le monde juridique : avocats et académiques en droit ont donc rencontré des médecins spécialisés dans la question du burn-out, médecins du travail, conseillers en prévention et coaches, afin de mettre sur pied un projet interdisciplinaire, où théorie juridique et pratique médicale et psycho-sociale pourraient opportunément se marier. Le résultat de ces échanges est à découvrir dans cet ouvrage qui intéressera les professionnels, tous secteurs confondus, amenés à être en contact, d’une façon ou d’une autre, avec la thématique de la souffrance au travail.
Social law. Labour law --- Social security law --- Belgium --- E-books --- bien-être --- burn-out --- travail --- BPB202002 --- Droit social --- Santé au travail --- Congé de maladie --- Psychologie du travail --- Belgique --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- psicologia del lavoro --- психологија рада --- zamestnanecká psychológia --- Arbeitspsychologie --- psicología del trabajo --- arbejdspsykologi --- psihologija dela --- ψυχολογία της εργασίας --- psikologji e punës --- психологија на трудот --- arbetspsykologi --- psihologia muncii --- occupational psychology --- munkapszichológia --- tööpsühholoogia --- трудова психология --- työpsykologia --- psychologie práce --- arbeidspsychologie --- psikoloġija okkupazzjonali --- psihologija rada --- psicologia do trabalho --- psychologia pracy --- arodpsiholoģija --- darbo psichologija --- psikologji pune --- darba psiholoģija --- psychologie povolání --- psychologie průmyslu --- průmyslová psychologie --- work psychology --- psihologie industrială --- industrial psychology --- psychology of work --- pramoninė psichologija --- priemyselná psychológia --- psikologji industriale --- industrijska psihologija --- pracovná psychológia --- fatiga --- munkalélektan --- работна психологија --- psychológia práce --- pracovní psychologie --- боледување --- laikinojo nedarbingumo laikas --- licença por doença --- saoire bhreoiteachta --- Erwerbsunfähigkeit --- sairasloma --- sjukledighet --- slimības atvaļinājums --- ziekteverlof --- leje për arsye shëndetësore --- dovolenka z dôvodu choroby --- sick leave --- отпуск по болест --- urlop zdrowotny --- zdravotní dovolená --- concediu medical --- baja por enfermedad --- odsotnost z dela zaradi bolezni --- congedo per malattia --- haiguspuhkus --- αναρρωτική άδεια --- bolovanje --- betegszabadság --- liv minħabba mard --- sygeorlov --- боловање --- táppénz --- privremena nesposobnost za rad --- άδεια για λόγους υγείας --- отсуство поради болест --- Krankheitsurlaub --- laikinojo nedarbingumo atostogos --- licencia por enfermedad --- заштита здравља на раду --- sanidad laboral --- shëndet profesional --- zdravje pri delu --- arodveselība --- sundhed på arbejdspladsen --- saħħa okkupazzjonali --- higiena pracy --- gezondheid op het werk --- sláinte cheirde --- zdravie pri práci --- zdraví na pracovišti --- hälsa på arbetsplatsen --- occupational health --- työterveys --- защита на трудово здраве --- igiena muncii --- zaštita zdravlja na radu --- saúde e higiene no trabalho --- υγεία κατά την εργασία --- töötervishoid --- munkahelyi egészségvédelem --- profesinė sveikata --- заштита на здравјето на работното место --- sanità del lavoro --- Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz --- higiene del trabajo --- igienă sanitară --- hygiena práce --- occupational hygiene --- zdravstvena zaštita na radu --- hygiène du travail --- yrkeshygien --- arbeidshygiëne --- darbo higiena --- munkavállalók egészsége --- υγιεινή της εργασίας --- arbejdshygiejne --- arbetshygien --- tepelná pohoda --- radna higijena --- igiene del lavoro --- munkahelyi higiénia --- pracovná hygiena --- salud laboral --- tööhügieen --- světelná pohoda --- higiene laboral --- higjiena në punë --- higiene de los trabajadores --- zvuková pohoda --- darba higiēna --- työhygienia --- vstupní prohlídka --- socialinė teisė --- legjislacion social --- socialret --- социјално право --- prawo socjalne --- diritto sociale --- Sozialrecht --- sotsiaalõigusaktid --- социално право --- sosiaalilainsäädäntö --- socijalno zakonodavstvo --- szociális jogszabályok --- sociālo tiesību akti --- sociaal recht --- sociallagstiftning --- socialna zakonodaja --- direito social --- социјално законодавство --- legislație socială --- κοινωνικό δίκαιο --- social legislation --- Derecho social --- leġiżlazzjoni soċjali --- sociálna legislatíva --- sociální právo --- sociální zákony --- sociālā likumdošana --- normativa sociale --- szociális jog --- sociale wetgeving --- sociálně-právní legislativa --- κοινωνική νομοθεσία --- législation sociale --- tiesību akti sociālajā jomā --- legislación social --- reglamentación social --- sociallovgivning --- Sozialgesetzgebung --- legislação social --- legislazione sociale --- welzijn --- arbeid --- Stress lié au travail --- Employeurs --- Sécurité du travail --- Risques psychosociaux --- Conditions de travail --- Prévention --- Responsabilité --- Droit --- Quality of work life --- Burn out (Psychology) --- Job stress --- Epuisement professionnel --- Stress dû au travail --- Qualité de la vie au travail --- Law and legislation --- HRM + Welzijn op het werk : Welzijn op het werk --- GRH + bien-être au travail : Bien-être au travail --- reachtaíocht shóisialta --- gairmshíceolaíocht --- sláinte ceirde --- Santé au travail --- Congé de maladie
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