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À l'heure ou le pape François veut décentraliser Rome, voici l'étude qui livre des perspectives sans précédent sur la réconciliation entre les Églises catholique et orthodoxe. Un traité sur la communion vécue." Synodalité ". Le mot, courant dans le vocabulaire orthodoxe, connaît un renouveau étonnant dans le langage catholique, notamment à travers l'enseignement du pape François, appelant de ses voeux, sur le modèle " de nos frères orthodoxes ", une Église plus synodale." Collégialité ". Le terme désigne habituellement une doctrine centrale du concile Vatican II, qui vise à associer les évêques au pouvoir dans l'Église, afin d'équilibrer le dogme de la primauté romaine.Collégialité et synodalité : catholiques et orthodoxes parlent-ils de la même chose ? Cette étude tente de confronter les deux notions, en vue d'une compréhension commune de la place des évêques au sein de l'Église entière. Allant plus loin qu'une simple comparaison stérile ou polémique, Amphilochios Miltos, lui-même orthodoxe, essaye de comprendre la collégialité catholique dans tous ses aspects, et cherche un langage commun dans la tradition théologique que les deux Églises partagent.Une contribution originale et puissante à la question brûlante de ce qu'est l'Église et de ce que doit être son avenir.
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'Owing to regular revision, the Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic in advanced building construction literature, not least because of its clear structure covering the chapters Material , Wall , Roof , Structure , Environment , and Applications. For the fifth edition, a large part of the 3D presentations has been redrawn, all six chapters have been revised and updated. New standards have been established for this handbook, which is a basic resource for many architectural study courses, by adding more component details, new examples with a focus on sustainability and energy consumption, and a major update on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).'
69.01 --- 69 --- 692 --- 72.04 --- Bouwconstructie --- Constructie --- Constructiesystemen --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwdelen --- Constructiedelen --- Constructie-elementen --- Architectuurdetails --- Details (architectuur) --- Building --- Construction
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Op toegankelijke wijze behandelt Stad en Beleid de belangrijkste onderwerpen op het gebied van stedelijke vernieuwing en beleidsontwikkeling. Een eigentijdse uitgave die studenten prikkelt tot nadenken over actuele stedelijke beleidsvraagstukken en hen stimuleert een brede, vakoverstijgende visie te ontwikkelen.Uniek is de benadering vanuit een beleidskundige én systeemtheoretische invalshoek, met de focus op een wijkgerichte aanpak. Onmisbare informatie voor iedereen die beleidsmatig betrokken wordt bij het oplossen van actuele maatschappelijke vraagstukken in steden. Alles wordt helder toegelicht aan de hand van aansprekende en praktijkgerichte voorbeelden.Deze nieuwe editie richt zich met voorbeelden meer op sociale vraagstukken en sluit daardoor beter aan bij de opleiding Social Work dan eerdere edities. Daarnaast zijn er nieuwe, actuele casussen aan het boek toegevoegd en bevatten diverse paragrafen nu extra informatie over eigentijdse maatschappelijke vraagstukken en de nieuwste ontwikkelingen.Op de bijbehorende website kunnen studenten toetsvragen, extra artikelen, uitlegvideo?s en relevante links vinden. Docenten hebben online toegang tot lesplannen, ondersteunende figuren en tabellen en uitwerkingen van opgaven uit het boek.(
69 --- Ruimtelijke ordening --- Steden --- Bouw --- Stadsvernieuwing --- Stedenbouw --- Beleid --- Grootstad --- Innovatie --- Nederland
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This book offers a fresh analysis of the account of Peripatetic ethics in Cicero's On Ends 5, which goes back to the first-century BCE philosopher Antiochus of Ascalon. Georgia Tsouni challenges previous characterisations of Antiochus' philosophical project as 'eclectic' and shows how his reconstruction of the ethics of the 'Old Academy' demonstrates a careful attempt to update the ancient heritage, and predominantly the views of Aristotle and the Peripatos, in the light of contemporary Stoic-led debates. This results in both a hermeneutically complex and a philosophically exciting reading of the old tradition. A case in point is the way Antiochus grounds the 'Old Academic' conception of the happy life in natural appropriation (oikeiosis), thus offering a naturalistic version of Aristotelian ethics
Peripatetics. --- Ethics, Ancient. --- Philosophy, Ancient --- Antiochus, --- Peripatetics --- Antiochus, of Ascalon, approximately 130 B.C.-69 or 68 B.C
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When used appropriately, building performance simulation has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of the built environment, to improve indoor quality and productivity, as well as to facilitate future innovation and technological progress in construction. Since publication of the first edition of Building Performance Simulation for Design and Operation, the discussion has shifted from a focus on software features to a new agenda, which centres on the effectiveness of building performance simulation in building life cycle processes. This new edition provides a unique and comprehensive overview of building performance simulation for the complete building life cycle from conception to demolition, and from a single building to district level. It contains new chapters on building information modelling, occupant behaviour modelling, urban physics modelling, urban building energy modelling and renewable energy systems modelling. This new edition keeps the same chapter structure throughout including learning objectives, chapter summaries and assignments. Moreover, the book: Provides unique insights into the techniques of building performance modelling and simulation and their application to performance-based design and operation of buildings and the systems which service them. Provides readers with the essential concepts of computational support of performance-based design and operation. Provides examples of how to use building simulation techniques for practical design, management and operation, their limitations and future direction. It is primarily intended for building and systems designers and operators, and postgraduate architectural, environmental or mechanical engineering students.
architectuur --- Building materials. Building technology --- ontwerptechnieken --- Architecture --- digitale ontwerptechnieken --- Building design --- Buildings --- Performance --- Computer simulation --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Computer simulation. --- Performance&delete& --- Buildings - Performance - Computer simulation --- Built environment --- 69 --- 69 Bouwbedrijf. Bouwmaterialen. Praktijk en procedures in de bouwnijverheid --- Bouwbedrijf. Bouwmaterialen. Praktijk en procedures in de bouwnijverheid --- 69 Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure --- Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure
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Der Einsatz von Robotern in der Architektur ist schon heute Alltag: So automatisieren Roboter Vorgänge, die früher manuell erledigt wurden, es entstehen mit Hilfe von 3D-Druck-Robotern komplexe Formen und autonom agierende Schwarmroboter können im Zusammenspiel komplexe Bauten errichten. Wie wirkt sich der Einsatz von Robotern auf die so entstehenden Bauten eigentlich aus, wie beeinflusst er das Denken der Architekten, die mit Robotern arbeiten? Robotic Building geht diesen Fragen anhand von vielen praktischen Beispielen nach. Ein abschließendes Kapitel befasst sich mit der Idee von Architektur als Roboter, dem voll-automatisiertem Haus und ähnlichen Konzepten, in denen der Roboter mit der Umwelt verschmilzt und Teil unseres Erlebens wird. The use of robots in architecture is already commonplace: robots automate processes that were previously done manually. Complex shapes are created with the help of 3D printing while autonomous swarms of robots construct complex buildings. How does the use of robots affect the resulting structures; how does it affect the thinking of architects who work with robots? Robotic Building answers these questions with several practical examples. A final chapter explores the idea of architect as robot, the fully-automated home and similar concepts in which the robot merges with its environment and becomes part of our experience.
Architecture --- Robots, Industrial --- Architecture and technology --- 72.011 --- 72:681.3 --- Architectuur en digitale technieken ; 21ste eeuw --- Digitale productietechnieken ; 3D Printing --- Technology and architecture --- Technology --- Industrial robots --- Automatic machinery --- Robots --- Technological innovations --- Architectuur ; vormgeving, ontwerp, compositie --- Architectuur en computerwetenschappen --- 69 --- 69.01 --- 72.012/013 --- 007.52 --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwconstructie --- Computer aided architectural design --- Automatisering --- Technological innovations.
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"Construction Project Management: An Integrated Approach is a management approach to leading projects and the effective choice and use of project management tools and techniques. It seeks to push the boundaries of project management to take on board future needs and user issues.Integration of the construction project, meaning closer relations between the project team, the supply chain and the client, is long overdue; however, despite some signs of growth in this area, the industry nonetheless remains fragmented in its approach. The role of the project manager is to integrate diverse interests and unify objectives to achieve a common goal. This has now broadened to include a responsibility, on the parts of both client and team, to ensure that construction addresses current and future societal needs. From an economic perspective, a great deal of waste is connected with conflict, thus a holistic approach that increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the task at hand will inject energy into project management. This third edition now takes on board the impact of technology in building information modelling and other digitised technologies such as artificial intelligence. Together, they open up avenues for more direct and incisive action to test creative design, manufacture directly and communicate spontaneously and intuitively. In time, such technologies will change the role of project managers but will never take away their responsibility to be passionate about construction and to integrate the team. A new chapter has been added that considers future societal needs. This edition is also reordered to make the project life cycle and process chapters clearer.This book combines best practice in construction with the theories underpinning project management and presents a wealth of practical case studies - many new. It focuses on all construction disciplines that may manage projects. The book is of unique value to students in the later years of undergraduate courses and those on specialist postgraduate courses in project management and also for practitioners in all disciplines and clients who have experienced the frustration caused by the fragmentation of construction projects." [Publisher]
Construction industry --- Project management. --- Construction --- Gestion de projets --- Management. --- Industrie --- Gestion --- Gestion. --- Project management --- Building --- Building superintendence --- Construction superintendence --- Construction superintending --- Industrial project management --- Management --- Superintendence --- 69.008 --- 69.008 Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure--?.008 --- Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure--?.008
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This book is an appeal to start designing minimum weight applications to seriously save energy. It also offers practical advice for doing so. 'Designing Lightness' entertains the reader with its free associations, creating unexpected crosslinks between the world of composite materials and structural solutions. It therefore precedes the conventional approach to sustainability, which focuses on symptoms rather than causes of environmental overload. The book is of interest to all designing disciplines, combining packaging, vehicles, skyscrapers and nanoscale phenomena. Adriaan Beukers is an emeritus professor in Lightweight Structures. Ed van Hinte is a writer and award-winning critic with a design and engineering background. The book is the extended and improved sequel to their book Lightness, which appeared in 1998.
design --- vormgeving --- architectuur --- materialen --- bouw --- duurzaamheid --- 745.036/039 --- 772.9 --- ecologie --- productdesign --- verpakking --- biomimicry --- materialenleer --- polymeren --- composieten --- kunststoffen --- 688 --- 69.03 --- productdesign, afzonderlijke voorwerpen --- Lichte architectuur --- Energie-efficiënte architectuur --- Lichtgewicht architectuur --- 749.02 --- 749.011 --- 72.023 --- Architectuur en milieu ; lichte constructies --- Materialen ; composieten --- Industrieel design; materialen; kunststoffen --- Meubelkunst en design ; technieken, materialen --- Meubelkunst en design ; vormgeving, ontwerp, compositie --- Architectuur ; beschikbare materialen --- 69.504 --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Energy conservation in art --- Design --- Ecologie --- Economie d'énergie --- Processus de conception --- Building design --- Architecture --- Energy conservation in art. --- Design. --- Lightweight construction --- Composite materials --- Économies d'énergie dans l'art --- Construction légère --- Composites
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This is a book that shows how to "see" structures as being integral to architecture. It engages a subject that is both about understanding the mechanical aspects of structure as well as being able to relate this to the space, form, and conceptual design ideas that are inherent to the art of building.Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the best-known works of architecture from past and present alike, this book places the subject within a contemporary context. The subject matter is approached in a qualitative and discursive manner, illustrated by many photographs and structural behavior diagrams. Accessible mathematical equations and worked-out examples are also included so as to deepen a fundamental understanding of the topic.This new, color edition’s format has been thoroughly revised and its content updated and expanded throughout. It is perfect as either an introductory structures course text or as a designer’s sourcebook for inspiration, for here two essential questions are addressed in parallel fashion: “How do structures work?” and “What form do structures take in the context of architecture – and why so?” A rich, varied and engaging rationale for structural form in architecture thus emerges.
Architectural design. --- Structural design. --- Architectural design --- Structural design --- 69(035) --- Constructie ; van gebouwen ; handboeken --- Design --- Engineering design --- Strains and stresses --- Bouwwezen. Constructie ; handboeken --- Design architectural. --- Constructions --- Calcul. --- Structural analysis (Engineering) --- Design architectural --- Théorie des constructions --- Calcul
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Lord's Supper and Christian union --- Lord's Supper --- Christian union --- Married people --- 261.8*69 --- 261.8*69 Oecumenische theologie: eucharistie; communie; intercommunie --- Oecumenische theologie: eucharistie; communie; intercommunie --- Communion --- Eucharist --- Holy Communion --- Sacrament of the Altar --- Blood --- Sacraments --- Sacred meals --- Last Supper --- Mass --- Christian union and the Lord's Supper --- History of doctrines --- History --- Religious life --- Catholic Church --- Lutheran Church --- Religious life (Hinduism) --- Religious life (Islam) --- Religious aspects --- Christianity
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