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"Rebelse plekken" is een zoektocht naar nieuwe initiatieven die haaks staan op het dominante neoliberale denken. "Commons" en "municipalisme", twee begrippen die dicht bij elkaar aanleunen, behoren tot die mondiale en hoopvolle grondstroom. Op vele plaatsen zijn het geen abstracties meer, maar beginnen ze stilaan tot het nieuwe normaal van het dagelijkse leven te behoren. "Rebelse plekken" beginnen de wereldkaart stilaan in te kleuren. Walter Lotens zoekt die plekken op in Frankrijk (de Larzac, Notre-Dame-des-Landes (ZAD), Saillans, Loos-en-Gohelle en Grenoble) en in Spaanse ciudades rebeldes zoals Barcelona en Madrid. Nabijheid en herkenbaarheid maken kleine, maar ook grote steden tot een uitgelezen schaal om samen-leven te organiseren. Hij trekt bovendien de oceaan over naar Latijns-Amerika. Daar is de bewaarplaats van sociale mechanismen, die bij ons onder een moordende economische ratrace ondergesneeuwd zijn geraakt: het Buen Vivir, de wateroorlog in Cochabamba, de fábricas recuperadas in Buenos Aires en de Zapatistas in Chiapas. Op rebelse plekken wordt de boeiende kunst van het organiseren van hoop beoefend: met vallen en opstaan rijzen daar de vage contouren van een andere wereld op. Stap voor stap. Walter Lotens volgt en beschrijft die stappen.Bron:
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Community organization --- sociale ecologie --- maatschappijkritiek --- samenlevingsopbouw --- sociale bewegingen --- sociale actie --- 361.55 --- Commons --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Deeleconomie --- Burgerinitiatief --- Municipalisme --- Frankrijk --- Spanje --- Latijns-Amerika --- Sustainable development --- Protest movements --- Cultuur
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This book explores a wide range of topics of importance to all those who have an interest in economic methods for assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of new cancer treatments and in regulatory measures relating to the marketing authorization and pricing of such treatments. It also examines drug pricing and drug price regulation in different countries and explores the changing landscape in marketing authorization and its regulation. These issues are becoming increasingly important with the introduction of expensive targeted cancer therapies, which are placing a substantial strain on healthcare healthcare budgets. Payer authorities have to determine whether the use of targeted therapies yields clinical benefits that justify their cost. In the simplest terms, cost-effectiveness analysis quantifies the ratio between the extent to which an intervention raises healthcare costs and the extent to which it improves health outcomes. Rigorous cost-effectiveness analyses translate all health outcomes into quality-adjusted life years. On the other hand, in order to sustain innovation, price regulation must be coupled with efforts to ensure that drug companies are still able to recoup their investments in high-risk and high-cost research programs. Ultimately, decisions regarding health care expenditure are also a reflection of society’s willingness to pay.
Cancer --- Economic aspects. --- Government policy. --- Oncology . --- Practice of medicine. --- Oncology. --- Health Administration. --- Medical practice --- Practice of medicine --- Physician practice acquisitions --- Tumors --- Health administration.
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In Zingeving bij herstel belicht Walter Krikilion een aantal kernkwaliteiten en basisattitudes die bijdragen tot de beleving van zin in een proces van herstel. Concreet gaat het om: bezieling en hoop, aandacht en ontvankelijkheid, de integratie van herinneringen in je levensverhaal, de omgang met schuldervaringen, kwetsbaarheid als kracht, tochtgenootschap, zorg als gedeeld gegeven, verbondenheid en ruimhartigheid.De ondertitel, Helende perspectieven in dialoog, is niet toevallig gekozen. De auteur gaat namelijk in elk hoofdstuk met een gesprekspartner in dialoog. Hij koos hierbij voor mensen met diverse functies, disciplines en praktijkcontexten. Zijn gesprekspartners komen uit de domeinen welzijn en preventie, gezondheidszorg, geestelijke gezondheidszorg en forensische zorg. Bovendien is ook een levensbeschouwelijke diversiteit aan de orde. Het gaat om zowel professionals als ervaringsdeskundigen. Het schrijven van het boek leidde tot een inspirerende ervaring van community rond zinbeleving en herstel.Dit zijn de namen van de gesprekspartners: Ulrike Dausel, Yvonne Denier, Marc Eneman, Anne-Mie Jonckheere, Griet Leysen, Lieve Lodewyckx, Liesbet van Bos en Walter Van Gorp. Hans Verbiest schreef het Voorwoord.(
Philosophy --- spiritualiteit --- herstel --- experiëntiële psychotherapie --- medische psychologie --- Zingeving --- Herstel --- PXL-Healthcare 2020 --- zingeving --- ethische aspecten --- gezondheidspsychologie --- patiëntenzorg --- Herstel (mentaal)
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Als zorgverlener functioneer je vandaag steeds meer in team- en netwerkverband. Wetten en financiering bepalen wat mag en kan, en je prestaties worden almaar vaker gemeten om tot kwaliteits- en efficiëntieverbetering te komen. Om goede zorg te verlenen, heb je dan ook nood aan managementvaardigheden en zicht op het grotere plaatje.Met dit boek maken 15 experts je wegwijs in het management en beleid van de gezondheidszorg. Ze gidsen je naar heldere inzichten in de organisatie, wetgeving en netwerken van de Belgische gezondheidszorg, en naar must-have informatie over onder meer patiëntveiligheid, kwaliteitscontrole en (hr-)management. Wegwijzers naar specifieke bronnen reiken je verdere diepgang aan en doordenkoefeningen bieden je handvatten om praktisch aan de slag te gaan. Management en beleid in de gezondheidszorg. Een wegwijs voor zorgverleners is de ideale gids voor elke zorgverlener die zich wil onderleggen in zorgmanagement en -beleid.(
Health Services Administration --- Health Personnel --- Health Planning --- Academic Collection --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- organization & administration --- methods --- gezondheidszorg --- Belgium --- Delivery of Health Care --- Health Care --- Health Care Administration --- Personnel Management --- Economic Evaluation --- Organisation and Administration --- Healthcare Financing --- WX - HOSPITALS AND OTHER HEALTH FACILITIES --- Gezondheidszorg --- Gezondheidseconomie --- Verstrekkingen GV : Geneeskundige verstrekkingen (in de enge zin) --- Prestations SS : Prestations de santé (au sens strict) --- Social policy --- Business policy --- Public buildings --- volksgezondheid --- beleid --- wetgeving --- ziekenhuizen --- Management --- Gezondheidszorg ; beleid ; België --- Gezondheidszorg ; beleid ; België
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Both sides of a sensitive problem are assessed by Professor Gellhorn in this penetrating analysis of national security and its effect upon scientific progress.The costs and advantages of secrecy in certain areas of science and the conflict between national safety and individual rights in the administration of our federal loyalty program are presented; all the arguments are objectively weighed. The book answers such questions as: Can young scientists be well trained when publication and teaching are not free? Have we gone far enough-or too far-in avoiding "security risks" in important scientific establishments? How does the federal drive against "potentially disloyal" persons actually work? Do "fear of the smear" and crude methods discourage public service by American scientists? This study, a unit of an investigation of control of subversive activities supported by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, is based upon two years of research and numerous field interviews of scientists, administrators, defense officials, and educators. Security, Loyalty, and Science is a volume in the series Cornell Studies in Civil Liberty, of which Robert E. Cushman is advisory editor.
Loyalty. --- Scientists --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National & International). --- Conduct of life --- Constancy --- Scientists. --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National & International). --- United States. --- Professional employees --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- USA --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- États-Unis --- É.-U. --- ÉU --- Warfare & defence
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In this book, Walter Scheidel provides a unique take on the perennial debates about the rise of the west. His main argument is straightforward and provocative: the fact that nothing like the Roman Empire ever again emerged in Europe was a crucial precondition for modern economic growth, the Industrial Revolution and worldwide conquest much later on. Contra Ken Pomeranz's classic thesis about the "Great Divergence" of the 18th/19th centuries when northwestern Europe pulled away from China and the rest of world in terms of economic performance and overall power, Scheidel argues there was a much more significant "first great divergence" in late antiquity which set the stage. Scheidel argues that it wasn't until the West "escaped" from the dominance of the Roman empire did it flourish economically (unlike China, comparison which will be explored in this book, which despite transformations and setbacks remained a "universal empire" for much of it's 2,200 year history). Scheidel approaches this "first great divergence" via a new take on some central question concerning the life and fate of the Roman Empire: How did the Roman Empire come into existence - did its rise depend on unique conditions that were never repeated later on? Was its fall inevitable? Why was nothing like the Roman Empire ever rebuilt? And did this matter for (much) later developments? He concludes by arguing that the fall and lasting disappearance of the Roman Empire was an indispensable precondition for later European exceptionalism and therefore for the creation of the modern world we now live in. From this perspective, the absence of the Roman Empire had a much greater impact than its previous existence and its subsequent influence on European culture, which is of course well documented in many domains and often accorded great significance. Scheidel does concede that a monopolistic empire like Rome's which first created a degree of shared culture and institutions but subsequently went away for good was perhaps more favorable to later European development than a scenario in which no such empire had ever existed in the first place. But, in answer to the question, ""What have the Romans ever done for us?" Scheidel replies: "fall and go away.
World history --- Roman history --- Economic history --- Rome --- Europe --- History --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economics --- 937 --- 937 Geschiedenis van Rome tot 476 --- Geschiedenis van Rome tot 476 --- 937 History of ancient Rome (to 476 AD) --- History of ancient Rome (to 476 AD) --- Rome - History - Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D. --- Rome - Economic conditions - 30 B.C.-476 A.D. --- Europe - History - 476-1492 --- Europe - Economic conditions - To 1492
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