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Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals : Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
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ISBN: 3030058433 3030058425 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book presents detailed pathways to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050, globally and across ten geographical regions. Based on state-of-the-art scenario modelling, it provides the vital missing link between renewable energy targets and the measures needed to achieve them. Bringing together the latest research in climate science, renewable energy technology, employment and resource impacts, the book breaks new ground by covering all the elements essential to achieving the ambitious climate mitigation targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. For example, sectoral implementation pathways, with special emphasis on differences between developed and developing countries and regional conditions, provide tools to implement the scenarios globally and domestically. Non-energy greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios define a sustainable pathway for land-use change and the agricultural sector. Furthermore, results of the impact of the scenarios on employment and mineral and resource requirements provide vital insight on economic and resource management implications. The book clearly demonstrates that the goals of the Paris Agreement are achievable and feasible with current technology and are beneficial in economic and employment terms. It is essential reading for anyone with responsibility for implementing renewable energy or climate targets internationally or domestically, including climate policy negotiators, policy-makers at all levels of government, businesses with renewable energy commitments, researchers and the renewable energy industry.

European strategy on the 21st century : new future for old power
ISBN: 9781138384729 9781138384712 1138384712 1138384720 9780429427442 9780429764004 9780429763991 9780429763984 Year: 2019 Publisher: Abingdon: Routledge,

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This book argues that Europe, through the European Union (EU), should act as a great power in the 21st century. The course of world politics is determined by the interaction between great powers. Those powers are the US, the established power; Russia, the declining power; China, the rising power; and the EU, the power that doesn't know whether it wants to be a power. If the EU does not just want to undergo the policies of the other powers it will have to become one itself, but it should differ in its strategy. In this book, Sven Biscop seeks to demonstrate that the EU has the means to pursue a distinctive great power strategy, a middle way between dreamy idealism and unprincipled pragmatism, and can play a crucial stabilizing role in this increasingly unstable world. Written by a leading scholar, this book will be of much interest to students of European security, EU policy, strategic studies and international relations


Security, International --- BPB9999 --- European Union countries --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- Politics and government --- Foreign relations --- BPB1901 --- Défense stratégique --- Brexit --- Armée --- Géopolitique --- Union européenne --- Europa --- Strategische verdediging --- Krijgsmacht --- Geopolitiek --- Europese unie --- EU--NATIONAL SECURITY --- EU--FOREIGN RELATIONS --- EU--STRATEGIC ASPECTS --- #SBIB:327.7H233 --- #SBIB:327H12 --- #SBIB:327.5H10 --- Europese Unie: externe relaties, buitenlands- en defensiebeleid (ook WEU) --- Buitenlandse politiek: Westeuropese landen --- Strategie: algemeen --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- forțe armate --- Armee --- ginkluotosios pajėgos --- wojsko --- στρατός --- оружане снаге --- försvarsmakt --- forca të armatosura --- krijgsmacht --- вооружени сили --- армия --- armed forces --- ozbrojené sily --- forzi armati --- esercito --- forças armadas --- armeija --- ejército --- militær --- relvajõud --- fegyveres erők --- oružane snage --- armáda --- bruņotie spēki --- oborožene sile --- Militär --- војска --- Lietuvos kariuomenė --- légie --- milizia --- ozbrojené síly --- strijdkrachten --- kaitsejõud --- milici --- legion --- kaitsevägi --- Legion --- militari --- väeliigid --- armádny zbor --- krigsmakt --- legjion --- φρουρά --- vojska --- sõjavägi --- armată --- armádní sbor --- bevæbnede styrker --- militar --- militära styrkor --- legionas --- militia --- Soldat --- legión --- ushtri --- organização do exército --- légió --- Miliz --- domobrana --- vojsko --- voják --- militærkvarter --- воени структури --- στρατιωτικός --- legioona --- milícia --- militare --- kariškiai --- Nacionālie bruņotie spēki --- forze armate --- haderő --- milits --- gendarmerikår --- армија --- hadsereg --- sotavoimat --- ένοπλες δυνάμεις --- λεγεώνα --- väpnade styrkor --- militär --- fegyveres szolgálat --- vojne snage --- Streitkräfte --- kariai --- võõrleegion --- milis --- puolustusvoimat --- military --- fuerzas armadas --- légion --- armed services --- tropa --- miliisi --- Streitmacht --- milicija --- militaire --- militarizētie dienesti --- milicia --- forces armées --- legião --- kariuomenė --- legija --- militair --- shërbim i armatosur --- strategická obrana --- стратегическа отбрана --- defensa estratégica --- strateška obrana --- difesa strategica --- strateginen puolustus --- stratégiai védelem --- strateegiline kaitse --- στρατηγική άμυνα --- strategisk forsvar --- strategic defence --- strateška obramba --- strategische verdediging --- defesa estratégica --- obrona strategiczna --- mbrojtje strategjike --- strategiskt försvar --- стратешка одбрана --- stratēģiskā aizsardzība --- strategische Verteidigung --- apărare strategică --- difiża strateġika --- strateginė gynyba --- strateginen puolustusaloite --- Krieg der Sterne --- initiative de défense stratégique --- guerre des étoiles --- programma di difesa strategica --- Иницијатива за стратешку одбрану --- stjernekrigsprojekt --- IDS --- Strategic Defence Initiative --- Nisma e Mbrojtjes Strategjike --- tähtien sota --- sterrenoorlog --- πόλεμος των άστρων --- scudo spaziale --- strategická obranná iniciativa --- Inițiativa de Apărare Strategică --- SDI --- Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica --- hviezdne vojny --- războiul stelelor --- hvězdné války --- zvaigžņu kari --- SAI --- iniziativa di difesa strategica --- star wars --- СДИ --- NMS --- ΠΣΑ --- SGI --- žvaigždžių karas --- stjernekrig --- zvaigžņu karu iniciatīva --- Πρωτοβουλία Στρατηγικής Άμυνας --- strateegiline kaitsealgatus --- Guerra das Estrelas --- guerre stellari --- Иницијатива за стратешка одбрана --- lufta e yjeve --- Iniciativa de Defesa Estratégica --- Stratēģiskās aizsardzības iniciatīva --- Strateginės gynybos iniciatyva --- Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative --- tähtede sõda --- strategická obranná iniciatíva --- stjärnornas krig --- guerra de las galaxias --- SDI-aloite --- Hadászati Védelmi Kezdeményezés --- ратови звезда --- csillagháború --- ombrello spaziale --- strategisch defensie-initiatief --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- International relations. Foreign policy --- anno 2000-2009 --- anno 2010-2019 --- fórsaí armtha --- cosaint straitéiseach --- An Eoraip --- Union européenne --- Défense stratégique --- Armée

Ouders in nesten : werken aan een goede relatie met je tiener
ISBN: 9789463930444 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Gent] Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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?Opvoeden?. Iedereen doet het. Soms bewust, soms onbewust. Soms is het leuk in ons nest, soms wat minder en soms hebben we het gehad. Even later lijkt het opnieuw best wel ok en soms wordt even later een flinke tijd later. Soms verandert onzeker zijn in bezorgd zijn. Alle ouders zorgen op hun eigen best mogelijke manier voor hun kind. Soms willen ze dat kind graag even uit het nest hangen, soms is het moeilijk in het nest te houden of lijkt het het nest niet (meer) te vinden. Op momenten van ongerustheid willen we ons nest het liefst omsluiten, zodat iedereen binnen blijft, dicht bij ons. Of is het beter om een kind toch eens te laten uitvliegen? We hebben ondertussen allemaal genoeg ervaring om te weten dat dé oplossing niet bestaat. Het zou dan ook onrespectvol zijn t.o.v. iedereen die met opvoeding bezig is om te pretenderen dat we in dit boek dé ultieme handleiding aanreiken. Wat je in dit uiterst praktische boek wel kan vinden, zijn handvaten om in de door jou gewenste richting te blijven vliegen, een richting waarin jij je als ouder voldoende comfortabel en gerust bij voelt. Hoe kunnen we (blijven) bouwen aan een veilig en warm nest? Hoe kunnen we begrenzen met zorg voor onze goede relatie? Hoe kunnen we de ouder zijn die we willen zijn? Hoe kunnen we ons kind uitnodigen om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen en eigen oplossingen te bedenken? Hoe kunnen we dit samen doen, niet alleen?Bron:

Germanische Siedlungsspuren : des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. zwischen Rhein, Neckar und Enz
ISBN: 9783954904440 3954904446 Year: 2019 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag,

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Die Zeit des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. brachte für das Gebiet des heutigen Baden-Württemberg einen großen Umbruch : der Limes der römischen Provinz Germania Superior wurde in der Folge politischer Wirren und Kriegerischer Konflikte aufgegeben, viele Einwohner verließen dans Land. In der Folgezeit etablierte sich eine einfachere germanische Besiedlung dort, wo zuvor römische Siedlungen und Landgüter bestanden. Neue Ausgrabungsergebnisse geben Aufschluss über die Entwicklung einzelner Plätze während dieser Zeit und den Wandel der Siedlungslandschaft. Warum hatten einige Orte eine germanische Folgebesiedlung und andere nicht ? Waren romanisierte, bereits in den römischen Provinzen lebende Germanen eine Keimzelle der Besiedlung des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts ? Diesen und anderen Fragen widmet sich die vorliegende Untersuchung anhand von 32 Fundplätzen aus einem Arbeitsgebiet, das von der Rheinebene über den Kraichgau bis an den mittleren Neckar und von den südlichen Ausläufern des Odenwalds bis ins Enztal reicht.

Pettson viert Kerstmis
ISBN: 9789059081673 Year: 2019 Publisher: Antwerpen Standaard

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W. van der Pennen-SchleicherDe verhalen over opa Pettson en zijn onafscheidelijke kat Findus zijn inmiddels klassiekers geworden. In dit verhaal dreigt hun kerstfeest in het water te vallen vanwege een onfortuinlijke val van Pettson. Gelukkig is Findus er ook nog, en komen de buren te hulp. De tekst in deze nieuwe druk is gezet in een kleiner lettertype, waardoor er meer ruimte is tussen de vrij volle illustraties. De tekstuele veranderingen betreffen verbeteringen (Findus' been heet nu voorpoot), moderniseringen (kerstgeschenk is nu kerstcadeau) en aanpassingen die de tekst minder Vlaams doen klinken ('rechtkroop' is nu 'overeindkroop'; 'voordien' is 'ervoor' geworden etc.). Daarnaast zijn de streepjes voorafgaand aan dialogen weggelaten. Het geheel oogt rustiger en de tekst leest prettiger. Tegelijk zijn geen concessies gedaan aan het hier en daar wat plechtstatige woordgebruik, wat het verhaal een zekere charme geeft. Een fijn kerstverhaal, dat weer jaren meekan! Voorlezen vanaf ca. 5 jaar; zelf lezen vanaf ca. 8 jaar.© NBD Biblion

ISBN: 9789057188602 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brussels,

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Dutch literature --- Brussels

Grenzen und Strafe in der Heimerziehung : Eine sozialpädagogische Studie
ISBN: 3863884507 386388812X Year: 2019 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich UniPress

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Das Buch setzt sich exemplarisch und kritisch mit aktuellen (sozial-)pädagogischen Debatten über Grenzen, Grenzsetzung und Strafe in der Heimerziehung auseinander. Ihre wesentlichen Argumentations- und (De-)Legitimationsfiguren sowie ihre Engführungen und Blindstellen werden diskutiert. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Fallstudie werden dann zentrale Dimensionen, Parameter und organisationsspezifische Rahmenbedingungen der Grenzbearbeitung herausgearbeitet und in einen systematischen Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen Debatten gestellt. The book deals with current debates in Social Pedagogy on issues of setting limits, doing border and punishment in residential care. Their main arguments and (de-)legitimating figures as well as their narrowness of perspective and blind spots are discussed. As part of an empirical case study, key dimensions of doing border are then worked out and placed in a systematic relationship with the current debates.

Berlin 59
Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris: ARTE,

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La suite de la série culte Berlin 56. Troois ans après, Monika, Helga et Eva ont grandi. Chacune cherche à naviguer dans cette société rigide de la fin des années 50. Alors que Monika poursuit sa carrière de musicienne et de danseuse avec Freddy, Helga s'efforce d'être une femme au foyer idéale pour Wolfgang. Eva, de son côté, souffre du comportement patriarcal de son mari et tente de lui échapper.


Topicalization in Asian Englishes : forms, functions, and frequencies of a fronting construction
ISBN: 9781138549456 1138549452 Year: 2019 Publisher: London: Routledge,

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This monograph is the first comprehensive study of topicalization in Asian second-language varieties of English and provides an in-depth analysis of the forms, functions, and frequencies of topicalization in four Asian Englishes. Topicalization, that is, the sentence-initial placement of constituents other than the subject, has been found to occur frequently in the English spoken by many Asians, but so far the possible reasons for this have never been scrutinized. This book closes this research gap by taking into account the structures of the major contact languages, the roles of second-language acquisition and politeness as well as other factors in order to explain why topicalization is highly frequent in some varieties such as Indian English and much less frequent in other varieties such as Hong Kong English. In addition to exploring major and minor forces involved in explaining the frequency of topicalization, the forms and functions of the feature are assessed. Central questions addressed in this regard are the following: Which syntactic constituents tend to be topicalized the most and the least frequently? Which discourse effects does topicalization achieve ? How can we approach topicalization methodologically ? And, lastly, which influence do language processing and production have on topicalization ?


English language

Hilde Overbergh.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Brussel : Zwart Huis Gallery,

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Overbergh, Hilde

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