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Deze budgetplanner is bedoeld voor de begeleiding van mensen met een (vermoeden van) verstandelijke beperking, wanneer zij willen leren omgaan met geld of zicht krijgen op hun inkomsten en uitgaven.SAM ontwikkelde in samenwerking met praktijkwerkers een eenvoudige en overzichtelijke budgetplanner om te gebruiken in een begeleidingscontext van mensen met een (vermoeden van) verstandelijke beperking. Het is de bedoeling om deze budgetplanner samen met de cliënt te gebruiken.De budgetplanner bevat een budgetrooster per maand. Elke maand kan je samen met je cliënt een overzicht maken van de inkomsten en uitgaven. Het saldo geeft aan of er genoeg geld is om alles te betalen en eventueel te sparen.
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Romance languages --- Historical linguistics --- Grammar --- anno 500-1499 --- History --- Syntax --- Pro-Drop-Parameter. --- Romanische Sprachen. --- Syntax. --- History.
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“A remarkable study – timely, competent, and well-written… a must-read for counter-terrorist professionals as well as public opinion leaders.” –Alex P. Schmid, Editor-in-Chief of ‘Perspectives on Terrorism’ and former Officer-in-Charge of the Terrorism Prevention Branch of UNODC, Austria “…the most in-depth exploration of [this topic] in recent years… provides an impressive and highly useful analysis for researchers and policy makers alike.” –Daniel Köhler, Director, German Institute on Radicalization and De-Radicalization Studies (GIRDS), Germany “…a must-read analysis… provides counterterrorism practitioners and policymakers with critical lessons learned and sobering predictions of the challenges ahead.” –LTC (ret.) Bryan Price, founding executive director of the Buccino Leadership Institute, Seton Hall University, USA, and former Director of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, USA “…fills a critical gap in the terrorism literature… Put simply, a must read for scholars, academics, and policy practitioners alike.” –Colin P. Clarke, Senior Research Fellow, The Soufan Center, USA This book explores one of the most topical and controversial issues of recent years –jihadist terrorist infiltration of irregular migrant flows to Europe. Utilizing robust sampling criteria, more than a hundred such cases are identified and rigorously assessed. The analysis reveals the characteristics of offenders, their travel patterns and operational activities, and critically evaluates subsequent law enforcement and judicial responses. The author draws upon interviews with a range of European security officials, as well as non-governmental organization employees, and a recent refugee, in order to provide a series of practical recommendations. Sam Mullins is Professor of Counter-Terrorism at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Germany, and Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
Terrorism. --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Security, International. --- Europe-Politics and government. --- Political science. --- International Security Studies. --- Terrorism and Political Violence. --- European Politics. --- Governance and Government. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Collective security --- International security --- International relations --- Disarmament --- International organization --- Peace --- Political violence. --- Europe—Politics and government. --- Violence --- Terrorism
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This book captures cornerstone developments in a new body of knowledge and provides an expert resource on a “hot topic” in rectal surgery. Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) was designed for local excision of select rectal neoplasms, however soon it became realized that the TAMIS technique could be used for applications beyond local excision, most notably for transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME). This new operative technique has revolutionized our approach to the distal rectum by allowing for improved access, especially in obese male patients with an android pelvis, and by minimizing abdominal wall access trauma. The endpoints of improved oncologic resection, as defined by mesorectal envelope completeness, negative circumferential resection margins, and negative distal margin, are assessed. This book details controversies, pitfalls, and future directions of taTME and TAMIS. Chapters are authored by those on the forefront of innovation with TAMIS and taTME, and each is considered an authority on the topic. Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS) and Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (taTME) is a must-have reference for surgeons who are performing this operation and fellows in training who want to completely understand the various nuances of TAMIS and taTME.
Colon (Anatomy) --- Surgery. --- Oncology . --- Colorectal Surgery. --- General Surgery. --- Oncology. --- Tumors --- Surgery, Primitive --- Medicine --- Rectum—Surgery .
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This book presents a new approach to studying the syntax of human language, one which emphasizes how we think about time. Tilsen argues that many current theories are unsatisfactory because those theories conceptualize syntactic patterns with spatially arranged structures of objects. These object-structures are atemporal and do not lend well to reasoning about time. The book develops an alternative conceptual model in which oscillatory systems of various types interact with each other through coupling forces, and in which the relative energies of those systems are organized in particular ways. Tilsen emphasizes that the two primary mechanisms of the approach – oscillators and energy levels – require alternative ways of thinking about time. Furthermore, his theory leads to a new way of thinking about grammaticality and the recursive nature of language.
Grammar, Comparative and general --- Syntax. --- Language and languages --- Syntax --- Linguistics --- Philology --- Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax
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Voor ouders is de kleuterschool veelal het eerste moment dat zij in aanraking komen met het onderwijs van hun kind. De overstap van je kind thuis opvoeden naar samen met de leerkracht je kleuter ondersteunen op zijn of haar weg naar zelfstandig mens, vraagt gewenning en afstemming. Ieder kind ontwikkelt zich op zijn eigen manier en in zijn eigen tempo. Sommige kinderen kunnen zich op één of meerdere gebieden sneller ontwikkelen dan anderen. Deze voorsprong kan bijvoorbeeld ontstaan door oudere broers en zussen waar de kleuter van kan leren, door een opvoedingsstijl die zich richt op de dialoog en het denken, of omdat het kind van nature informatie goed kan verwerken en snelle denksprongen maakt. Hoe kun je als ouder en als leerkracht een kleuter met een ontwikkelingsvoorsprong ondersteunen? Welke onderwijsvraag stelt dit kind? Dit boek neemt je mee in deze vragen en de verrassingen die een kleuter met een ontwikkelingsvoorsprong meebrengt.Bron:
Developmental psychology --- kleuters --- hoogbegaafdheid --- Hoogbegaafde kinderen --- Onderwijs --- Ontwikkelingsmaterialen --- Kleuteronderwijs --- Zorgverbreding --- opvoedingsstijlen --- Hoogbegaafdheid --- Ontwikkelingsmateriaal --- Kind --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport --- hoogbegaafde kinderen
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"In order to create a truly meaningful life, we must first accept that the problem is never other people. "The real problem," Sam Silverstein maintains, "is what we believe about other people." Silverstein's new book shows why everything we have been taught about accountability is wrong. Contrary to popular belief, accountability is not a way of doing. Accountability is a way of thinking. It is how we think about ourselves and others. And it is the highest form of leadership. The secret to creating accountable relationships, and elevating the personal benchmark that Silverstein calls the The Accountability Index, lies in making ten critical choices that support an accountable mindset. I Am Accountable offers a comprehensive plan to help you establish and leverage that mindset, deepen commitments, create lasting meaning in your life and relationships, transform the culture within your organization, and foster positive change in the larger community"--
Responsibility. --- Accountability --- Moral responsibility --- Obligation --- Ethics --- Supererogation
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"Explores the rise of formalism in the visual arts. Employs an expanded sense of form to rethink a range of areas, including the history of writing about art, constructions of high and low culture, and the idea of global modernism"--Provided by publisher.
Formalism (Art) --- Art --- Art criticism. --- Arts --- Criticism --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Aesthetics --- Art and philosophy --- Art for art's sake (Movement) --- Philosophy. --- Analysis, interpretation, appreciation --- Art criticism --- Philosophy --- kunstkritiek --- oude meesters --- filosofie --- modernisme --- Fry, Roger --- 20ste eeuw --- kunstkritiek. --- oude meesters. --- filosofie. --- modernisme. --- Fry, Roger. --- 20ste eeuw.
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Anders houdt niet van harde geluiden. Hij houdt ook niet van fel licht en sterke geuren, van rommel of heel veel mensen. Daar wordt hij boos van. Of verdrietig. Hij houdt wel van lijstjes. En van dino?s. Daar weet hij heel veel van. Anders is een beetje anders dan de anderen. En dat is maar goed ook. Want hoe saai zou het zijn als iedereen hetzelfde was? Anders is een ontroerend en herkenbaar prentenboek over anders zijn ? maar er toch gewoon bij horen!Bron:
Dutch literature --- kleuteronderwijs driejarigen (doelgroep) --- kleuteronderwijs vierjarigen (doelgroep) --- kleuteronderwijs vijfjarigen (doelgroep) --- prentenboeken (genre) --- anders zijn (themawoord fictie) --- autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) --- Autismespectrumstoornissen --- Autismespectrumstoornis --- Jezelf zijn --- Inclusie --- Anders zijn --- Diversiteit --- Jeugdboeken 03-06 jaar --- Prentenboeken --- jezelf zijn (themawoord fictie)
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Almost Citizens lays out the tragic story of how the United States denied Puerto Ricans full citizenship following annexation of the island in 1898. As America became an overseas empire, a handful of remarkable Puerto Ricans debated with US legislators, presidents, judges, and others over who was a citizen and what citizenship meant. This struggle caused a fundamental shift in constitution law: away from the post-Civil War regime of citizenship, rights, and statehood and toward doctrines that accommodated racist imperial governance. Erman's gripping account shows how, in the wake of the Spanish-American War, administrators, lawmakers, and presidents together with judges deployed creativity and ambiguity to transform constitutional meaning for a quarter of a century. The result is a history in which the United States and Latin America, Reconstruction and empire, and law and bureaucracy intertwine.
Citizenship --- Puerto Ricans --- Ethnology --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Puerto Rico --- Commonwealth of Puerto Rico --- Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico --- Porto Rico --- Territory of Porto Rice --- International status. --- Politics and government --- Boricuas
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