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As a remnant of developmental and defensive history of Budapest the wall of Pest has been covered by new buildings, which reused this existing feature as a load bearer. Changing it to a structural tool, where it was originalluy built to defend the city and its people and a tool of seperation, a barrier between what was inside and what was outside of these walls. Because multiple parts have been demolished by both the council of Budapest and private owners. Parts of the wall have disappeared over the course of it’s more than 600 years of existence. The addition of new buildings have altered it from a ‘thin’ linear structure to a changing mass in all directions. By making transects along its central axis, to better understand both the static presence of the wall where it is still present or where it might be absent, visible or invisible. As well as understanding the changeable aspects of the new developments that might be found along it. Showing that the linearity of the wall is maintained in the urban fabric. Although certain cuts have been made through this element to accommodate for utilities to be placed and new streets to be made for through fare. The majority of the wall in it’s current state is covered, but many parts are still visible or tangeable (where they are no longer visible) in private courtyards. Some parts can be found in public and semi-public parking lots. The wall now has a protected status, but its existence is however barely known to most citizens of Budapest. The goal is to bring back the memory of this element and reinstate it as a historic document which helped shape the city. By developing a strategy to bring back certain affects the wall has had during it’s lifetime which may now be gone or forgotten. Or by changing certain affects. Firstly by making interventions in two large public locations. Bringing the lost affect of the wall and it’s memory to a wide audience. Secondly small interventions can be made within the private courtyards to either elevate these locations or bring back a lost affect.
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To grasp the fundamental ideas that will be discussed here, we must go back to Modernity and address the clearly defined space it brought with itself. The notions of Modernity lead to the significant example of Maison Domino, and this dissertation, examines its elements in three categories: pillars, floors and stairs. It continues by calling attention to “Polykatoikia”, which is the dominant typology in Athens. Currently, the debates in Athens discuss that there should be new discoveries on the possibilities of the typology. That is because it is a typology that evolved constantly, and that it was originated in 1920s from the Maison Domino, a flexible structure. Along with a crowded background of related events which had brought polykatoikia to the evolved position it is today, we can see glances of that, which provides its flexibility and makes it possible that this idea of Modernity can fit itself in the Mediterranean as well. This concluded by blurring the defined space that Modernity offered, by proposing “gradient spaces”. Later, it is discussed that the city grew out of this small scale typological element; polykatoikia, since it made the self-building possible. The bottom-up informal planning of the city provided a city of repetition, and the scarcity of public space. These aspects are interpreted through the book of Mark Pimlott: “Public Interior as an Idea and Project”. There are six interventions which indicates the evolution of polykatoikia as an example of gradient spaces; and the scarcity of public spaces in Athens. In Pimlott’s book, he points out that the term public interior is these ideas appear in architecture, of those interiors that we take to be public: those within which we consider ourselves to be free individuals, and where we see ourselves among others; the within which we are conscious of our place in society, and in the world. The public interior as we recognize it emerged in Modernity as a response to modern state with its specialized organization of functions as a response to the phenomenon of metropolis. These restrictive interior such as hospitals and prisons, have been models for those that seem like their opposites. In this dissertation, the gradient spaces are discerned as public interiors as well. The methodology is graphic storytelling, and uses the story of Macbeth as a groundwork to start with. There are many interpretations of the play as well; one of which is “Sleep No More”, that shows the play of Macbeth is related with the multiple interiors, which had been an inspiration. Presenting public interiors as: organizing principles, display, control, thematic; building types, have also been inserted into the story. The time-dependence of the story is making the methodology an example of repetition and a response to the current debate in Athens, which is the scarcity of public spaces. Macbeth had provided a suitable groundwork of psychological characters, in which the ideas of control in the city and interiors, authority, free individuals and collectivity could be juxtaposed; which were the main ideas in Pimlott’s book. Like this, the ideas of repetition, difference, time, informality, polykatoikia, event, possibility, gradient space, Mark Pimlott’s book: “Public Interior as Idea and Project”; melts together within and through the book of Macbeth(f.).
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Standing on the threshold of the past and the future, placeless places are existing in the liminal position of the present moment. Knowing that they recently lost their function and that their transformation is yet to come, these places are filled with waiting and anticipation. They are a gap in the urban fabric, in time, in one’s mind. Being out of the time and the context makes them a reflection of specific time and context. They are an integral part of the city yet estranged from its everyday use. Absence of function and definition in the space opens the possibility of discovering new experiential and spatial qualities – ones which are in constant flux and motion – flows and currents of time. If not looked for, these qualities stay invisible and unrecognized, while placeless places appear vacant and still. Architecture tends to ignore these forces and act as an imposing tool for controlling and rationalizing the space with definite forms, activities and limits. Transforming a void into a built, obsolete into efficient and neglected into cultivated, architecture remains standing in the same, distant position from its context and reality. In this thesis, architecture is used as a medium for understanding the space through uncovering and representing its invisible spatial features. It doesn’t aim at solving problems or offering solutions but rather at proposing a different perspective on wasteland spaces and architectural approach. Architecture that I wish to pursue - reveals tensions, contradictions and banalities, represents the reality and re-engages oneself with their surroundings. It understands its influence and constantly rethinks its actions and role within the society. It doesn’t reject but encompasses and sees the world as a unity to be explored, penetrating in between in order to reveal what is repressed. It raises questions, evokes attention and materializes problems. Architecture functions as an assumption, an exploration. In that sense – could we think of an architecture as an interdisciplinary medium for revealing the space? If we understand the space as a set of relations rather than only a physical manifestation, do we also accept it as a non-fixed entity and definite idea that we can’t fully control? Considering the invisible spatial features, space becomes a complex system of flows, rhythms and energies which passage of time and loss of limits establish*. Can we embrace time as a material that shapes space while conceptualizing space as a medium for the reflection of time? __________________________ * Ignasi de Sola-Morales, Terrain Vague, (Barcelona, em Territórios, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1995), 9.
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Self-Sufficient Sovereignty is the outcome of researches and reflections about the current condition of San Marino. This small nation enclaved in Italy struggles to survive since the economic crisis of 2008, and the situation is still so critical today that an upcoming financial disaster could lead the country to bankrupt. Combined to a lack of visual distinctiveness and an important reliance on Italy, it brings the reasoning to the question of identity: is it still relevant to consider San Marino as a country? Should it be annexed to Italy? Should it be sold as luxury properties? Or should San Marino be more self-sufficient, in order to have enough resources to face the coming disasters? Following a methodology developed by the respective works of Athanasius Kircher (Babel’s tower) and Wendy Brown (“Walled States, Waning Sovereignty”), this master dissertation aims to explore a scenario where San Marino would become self-sufficient at 100 %. To be able to reach this goal, the research concentrates on three main issues: the lack of public space, the energetic independence and the infrastructures developed as public space. This triple goal led to the proposal of two hydro-electric dams, designed as the missing link between two important public spaces : the historical city of San Marino and the biggest natural park of the state: the Parco di Montecerreto.
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ETERNAL HOLIDAY investigates human tendencies in referring to landscape and uses architecture as a medium to further experiment upon this relationship. The South Funen archipelago in Denmark is considered as a site of this exploration. Not only does it allow a discussion on themes such as isolation and touristification, but it also begins to engage a wider and more general phenomenon that concerns the way we consume and commodify nature and enables an existential analysis of our relationship with time and experience. Recognizing the superficial glimpse with which tourism relates to places has been the starting point of the analysis, with architecture being a tool to interrogate conditions in which our glimpse changes. The reflection paper can be seen as a repetitive trip to the islands: through the use of shorts narrations, the reader constantly changes their role and perspective towards the archipelago. The narrations mirror the development of the dissertation, as they reveal the continuous evolution of my glimpse and the serial transmutation of the roles I have been playing; at times the architect, the tourist, the travel agent or the islander. Through this artifice, the islands are constantly re-discovered, allowing the reader to tackle an aspect that until then has been ignored. In this way the islands are re-defined and thus categorized, becoming at time a place to consume, a place to evade from, a place which can never be understood or known, or a place which is not needed. This formulates the structure of the dissertation - designed as a tab - where each chapter links the narration with a reflection topic. By experiencing in first person those islands and contemplating the evolution of my emotions, I was able in fact to recognize characteristics which are implicitly present or could condition the way we look at the landscape, such as boredom, constraint or imagination. Each of these concepts is uncovered and included in the analysis, and eventually tested in a drawing, another narration or in an architectural intervention, which can be seen as the ultimate experimental manifestation of the reflection topic underlined. Each chapter ends with a walk through the intervention, which embodies the discussed questions and triggers a different way to think of tourism and of the role of the architect. The intervention in fact does not only responds to the program and function which is previously outlined, but also ends up raising more questions, undermining basic pillars of the architectural praxis. Every trip and each chapter can be read as an occasion to discuss and question the tools we have, not only in the understanding of the landscape, but also of architecture. In the final chapter, architectural conceptions of time, function, meaning and experience are questioned and re-elaborated, laying the ground for the idea of eternal holiday.
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Entry point to this dissertation was an attempt to understand the implication between progressing urban sprawl and landscapes that are being produced in urban periphery. Focus of research is directed towards so-called New Landscapes, that emerged in urban periphery approximately after World War II. Those territories and their landscapes are prone to transition due to urbanization pressure of growing cities, searching for grounds for future expansion. Site that has been chosen as case study -The Loop - is an example of territory of overlapping claims, conflicting ideas, uncertain future- and therefore, ambiguous landscape that is hard to grasp. Re-discovery of landscapes on the site and their condition is initiated through notions of landscapes : process of change, public resource and cultural way of seeing. This form of re-reading helps to grasp landscapes of The Loop and establish landscape practice, triggering process of re-claiming The Loop as landscape. Further reclamation of site as landscape is performed through framework of landscape miniature. Due to close dependence between landscape and drawing, two practices are combined. Series of experiments is conducted by drawing miniatures, juxtaposing picturesque and pastoral landscapes of local parks and castle domains with technical-infrastructural landscapes of The Loop. Reflections from each experiment are combined into sequence of interventions re-uniting The Loop with cultural landscape in the background. To summarize practice I would like share following reflection: I started my work as a draughtsman, recording condition of landscapes. In the end I have become a landscape painter - constructing new landscapes of The Loop through act of imaginative drawing.
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When the approach started off as one based upon an observative eye, it eventually modified into a design through research. The city became the vessel of inspiration and the situation of the development the regulator of it all. A new urban project could not take everything into account and lead to leftover spaces. They had no contribution to Aarhus, yet. The three interventions can be found located along the river, although distant due to the urban development around it -missing one’s hold-. They are cut off by different borders varying from this blue corridor; such as highways, water barriers, train rails and even reed. Inspired by the Tibetan meaning of Khôra, the link between these three is seen as a circumambulation. Their representation gives them the aspect of modest monumentality, if not by size, than let it at least be by detail, offering a transformative beacon and a reason to dwell. The scaled-down <
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This documentation of ideas and practices reveals the story of a quarry and a slag heap in Charleroi. Each fragment of exploration is expressed in the most suitable way for the subject. Photography, pencil drawing, liner drawing, charcoal drawing, digital drawing, watercolour painting, textile model, paper model, plasticine model, clay model, gypsum model, text - each material has its own weight, mass, level of accuracy, colour and texture. Framing the context, naming and proclaiming the sites, speculating about their future - led to the grounded position of two sites on the map. Each practice aims to explore the same object from different perspectives. The atlas combines them all in one map of master dissertation.
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The capitalistic overkill in Bangkok creates an almost denigrating vision towards the locality of the slums in Khlong Toei. Although the sustainable self-organizing system of the community is an absolute treasure in my opinion, The Port Authorities of Thailand own property and want to commercialize the land by gentrification. However, re-using materials and searching for alternatives is what the entire world population should be doing right now. By providing the inhabitants opportunities to be free, they can create something more meaningful than their current temporary settlements. In Khlong Toei, your neighbors could become your peers, when a communal effort arises. By learning from the commons and implementing adaptive concepts in a sequence of self-sufficiency. The aim of this project is to achieve permanent ownership rights and a decentralized democracy, in order to become fully independent from the controlling authorities. This would allow circularity of knowledge, materials and services. Four selected sites each represent a different transportation network, where informal settlements seemed to occur. Designing by model-making carries the idea of enabling the community to educate themselves by experimentation, considering their experience in construction labour. The designs focus on functionality and materiality in relation to a specific location. Starting from the Protoship on the family scale, the design principles of an Earthship were combined with the Khlong Toei tradition to create a prototype of a house, that becomes a home trough building it yourself. The concept should be explored on site, with actual resources and residents. With small scale interventions on the human scale and bigger ones on the communities scale, they might provoke the PAT towards an awareness of their need to become more sustainable. Hopefully they can see the potential benefit in becoming peers to one another, looking ahead towards the future where they need to reduce their transportation emissions. An economy of sustainable interventions can be created. In an ideal world, the residents would register as a peer in the Citizens Committee in order to participate in Credit & Collect, where Khlong Toei Valuta will reward your efforts in the collective. Different designs ask for participation and job opportunities, for example a detention pond, algae raceway ponds for biofuel and food production, bamboo harvesting and overall recycling and repurposing that is open to the inspiration of the community. In order to achieve a finished practical design and construction, instead of a theoretical framework, sharing ideas with the residents is crucial. The tradition of informal settlements and incremental adaptions should continue in combination with education of recycling and constructing shelters and services with waste materials.
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The Master Dissertation develops a strategy of perceiving 10 heterotopic exclusions of cemeteries of 4 different cultures and 4 zoning typologies existent in the urban pattern of rapidly developing metropolis of Bangkok by identifying 3 different scales being environmental issues, urban conditions and participant experience. The identified aspects in combination with detected micro - cultures within the areas are used as drivers for urban laboratories in each of the sites aiming to mediate in between by twisting the places that previously shifted from anthropological to non-places of abandonment into a contribution to public space that is on high demand in the accelerated urban sprawl context. A set of 10 microcosms with specific focus to 4 selected sites that conclude the essential elements of them all unveil the historical sequence of Bangkok development from the aquatic cultural origins with traditional wooden houses on the poles, to concrete block shophouses and residences and finally to a process of skyscraperization. In the context of Bangkok shifting from agriculture-based to knowledge-based city the crucial element is to consider the indigenous knowledge of public space appropriation in order provide the sustainable spaces appreciated by local cultures. The urban laboratories of 10 cemeteries unveiling the urban processes as well as environmental issues happening in the sites of multi-cultures can become a catalysts for entanglement with another sites of migrant cultures in distant locations. The project aims to reconsider the existing spaces for multi-purpose use to reach the efficiency of them by reinforcing the existing micro-cultures and mediating in between in the quickly metabolising city of Bangkok.
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