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Religious diversity in the workplace
ISBN: 9781316501733 1316501736 9781107136038 1107136032 9781316477106 1108547400 131647710X Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Employees bring their beliefs and religious values to work, and this can be a source of either positive performance or negative conflict. Social conflicts around religion impact more than societies and communities. They also impact organizations. 'Anti-religion' sentiments tend to be based on the perception that religion can be neatly separated from the 'more acceptable/palatable' spirituality, but this ignores the fact that - for most people - the two are intimately intertwined and inseparable. As religious identity is salient for a majority of the world's population, it is thus an important aspect of organizations - particularly those with a large and diverse body of employees. This handbook provides a timely and necessary analysis of religious diversity in organizations, investigating the role of national context, the intersections of religion with ethnicity and gender, and approaches to diversity management.

Religious discrimination and cultural context : a common law perspective
ISBN: 1108502326 1108394876 1108503640 1108423051 110843567X Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Generations of festering culture wars, compounded by actual wars in predominantly Muslim countries, the terrorism of Isis, and the ongoing migrant crisis have all combined to make religious discrimination the most pressing challenge now facing many governments. For the leading common law nations, with their shared Christian cultural heritage balanced by a growing secularism, the threat presented by this toxic mix has the potential to destabilise civil society. This book suggests that the instances of religious discrimination, as currently legally defined, are constrained by that cultural context, exacerbated by a policy of multiculturalism, and in practice, conflated with racial, ethnic or other forms of discrimination. Kerry O'Halloran argues that many culture war issues - such as those that surround the pro-choice/pro-life debate and the rights of the LGBT community - can be viewed as rooted in the same Christian morality that underpins the law relating to religious discrimination.

Anti-Shechita Prosecutions in the Anglo-American World, 1855-1913 : "A major attack on Jewish freedoms"
ISBN: 1618117432 1618117424 9781618117434 9781618117427 Year: 2018 Publisher: Boston, MA : Academic Studies Press,

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This is the first study of historical attempts by animal welfare groups to ban the Jewish method of slaughter (shechita). It details cases from Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, and the United States, many for the first time, in which anti-animal cruelty groups prosecuted those engaged in shechita as part of their attempts to introduce compulsory stunning of animals before slaughter. Despite claims to the contrary, this study offers clear evidence of underlying, unrelenting antisemitic motivations in the prosecutions, and highlights the ways in which a basic idea of innate Jewish cruelty was always juxtaposed with an overtly Christian ideal of humane treatment of animals across time and borders.

Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch female professionals in social work : the self-perception and positioning of young, newly-started professionals in social work
ISBN: 9789463011679 9463011676 Year: 2018 Publisher: Eburon

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Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch female professionals want to bring their cultural and religious background to bear on their work. They would also like to see their organisations become ?less white? and see more of their own ethnic group in leading positions. This book zooms in on the impact of increasing diversity on social work education and practice.(bron :

Making religion and human rights at the United Nations
ISBN: 9783110476538 3110476533 9783110478068 9783110476590 3110478064 3110476592 Year: 2018 Volume: 67 Publisher: Berlin: de Gruyter,

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This volume examines the different and sometimes contradictory approaches of four UN human rights committees to the concept of religion. Drawing on critical perspectives from religious studies, the book combines a genealogical assessment of the role of religion in international law with a detailed textual study of the reporting practice of the committees monitoring racial discrimination, civil and political rights, women's rights, and children's rights. Årsheim argues that the role of religion within the rights traditions monitored by the committees varies to the extent that their recommendations risk contradicting one another, thereby undermining their credibility and potential to bring about real change on the ground: Where some committees view religion singularly as a core individual right, others see religion partly as an inherent threat to the realization of other rights, but also as a potent social force to be reckoned with. In order to remedy this situation, Årsheim proposes the publication of a joint general comment by all the committees, spelling out their approach to the role of religion in the implementation of human rights.


Freedom of religion (International law) --- Religious minorities --- Religious discrimination --- Religion and international relations --- Religion and law --- Law --- Law and religion --- Religious liberty (International law) --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Law and legislation --- Religious aspects --- United Nations. --- CRC --- UN Committee on the Rights of the Child --- Committee on the Rights of the Child (United Nations) --- Comité des droits de l'enfant --- Comité sobre los Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas --- Comité Internacional de los Derechos del Niño del Sistema de Naciones Unidas --- CEDAW --- CEDAW Committee --- Komite PBB Untuk Penghapusan Diskriminasi Terhadap Perempuan --- Sīdāw --- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Organization) --- Convenção para a Eliminação de Todas as Formas de Discriminação Contra a Mulher --- Sīḍō --- Yŏsŏng Ch'abyŏl Ch'ŏlp'ye Wiwŏnhoe --- CERD --- CERD Committee --- Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial de Naciones Unidas-CERD --- United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination --- UN-Menschenrechtsausschuss --- MRK (Organization) --- Human Rights Committee of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights --- HRC (Organization) --- Human Rights Committee (United Nations) --- International relations --- International relations and religion --- Religion and international affairs --- Freedom of religion --- Minorities --- International law --- 342.72/.73 --- 342.72/.73 Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie --- Religion and international relations. --- Religion and law. --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation. --- Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

État et religions
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782807203860 2807203868 2807209653 Year: 2018 Publisher: Limal : Anthemis,

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Ces dernières années, la thématique « État et religions » s'est particulièrement développée au gré de la diversification des croyances, du pluralisme, de l'immigration, de la sécularisation de la société, de la montée en puissance des droits de l'homme et de la lutte pour la protection d'une société démocratique. L'Université catholique de Louvain, l'Université de Rennes et l'Université d'Ottawa ont donc décidé d'explorer cette problématique essentielle au travers de trois axes d'analyse. Le premier axe est celui des fondements mêmes des rapports entre l'État et les religions. Ces rapports, résidant dans les dispositions constitutionnelles qui consacrent la liberté religieuse, l'autonomie organisationnelle des cultes ou encore le soutien étatique, doivent être examinés et réinterrogés au vu des évolutions récentes de la société. La question de la coexistence de droits individuels universels et de régimes particuliers constitue le deuxième axe de l'analyse menée dans cet ouvrage. Une étude comparée des droits et privilèges reconnus aux membres des groupes religieux révèle l'asymétrie des régimes juridiques en vigueur. Les discriminations religieuses forment enfin le troisième axe d'analyse. La liberté de religion, liberté « classique » figurant résolument parmi les « assises d'une société démocratique », se combine ici avec la non-discrimination pour former le principe de non-discrimination religieuse, qui s'impose à la fois aux autorités publiques et aux personnes privées. Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans une perspective comparative (Belgique, Canada, France).


Human rights --- France --- Belgium --- Canada --- Jurisquare --- E-books --- Religion et État --- Discrimination religieuse --- Coexistence religieuse --- Religion and state --- Religious discrimination --- Constitutional law --- Freedom of religion --- Droit constitutionnel --- Liberté religieuse --- Législation --- Études comparatives --- Actes de congrès --- Law and legislation --- Congresses --- Droit --- Religion --- BPB1809 --- Liberté de religion --- Relation Église-État --- bažnyčios ir valstybės santykiai --- односи цркве и државе --- vztah mezi církví a státem --- förhållandet kyrka–stat --- односи помеѓу црквата и државата --- relații biserică-stat --- relazzjonijiet bejn il-knisja u l-Istat --- odnos crkve i države --- church-State relations --- relação Igreja-Estado --- baznīcas un valsts attiecības --- stosunek Państwo-Kościół --- állam és egyház kapcsolata --- verhouding kerk-staat --- rapporti Stato-Chiesa --- σχέσεις κράτους-εκκλησίας --- odnos med cerkvijo in državo --- kiriku ja riigi vahelised suhted --- kirkon ja valtion väliset suhteet --- relación Iglesia-Estado --- marrëdhëniet kishë-shtet --- vzťah medzi cirkvou a štátom --- forholdet kirke-stat --- отношения църква - държава --- Beziehung Kirche/Staat --- Patti lateranensi --- stát a církev --- separación de Iglesia y Estado --- állam és egyház viszonya --- Concordato tra Stato e Chiesa --- одвојување на црквата од државата --- állam és egyház elválasztása --- církev a stát --- Beziehung Kirche-Staat --- religinių įsitikinimų laisvė --- uskonnonvapaus --- freedom of religious beliefs --- libertà ta' twemmin reliġjuż --- ανεξιθρησκεία --- usuvabadus --- libertà di religione --- liria e besimit fetar --- sloboda vjeroispovijedi --- слобода вероисповести --- liberdade religiosa --- vrijheid van godsdienst --- Religionsfreiheit --- reliģiskās pārliecības brīvība --- religionsfrihed --- libertad religiosa --- sloboda vierovyznania --- wolność wyznania --- svoboda vyznání --- libertate religioasă --- religionsfrihet --- vallásszabadság --- svoboda veroizpovedi --- слобода на вероисповед --- свобода на вероизповеданията --- frihet att utöva religion --- usu tunnistamise vabadus --- svoboda projevovat náboženství --- sloboda náboženského vyznania --- liberdade de culto --- freie Religionsausübung --- godsdienstvrijheid --- uskonnonharjoittamisen vapaus --- Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit --- vrijheid van cultus --- vallási hovatartozás szabad megválasztásának joga --- libertad de culto --- Bekenntnisfreiheit --- libertatea cultelor religioase --- freedom of religious worship --- libertà ta' reliġjon --- svoboda náboženského vyznání --- liria e adhurimit fetar --- ελεύθερη άσκηση λατρευτικών καθηκόντων --- trosfrihed --- religinių apeigų laisvė --- Konfessionsfreiheit --- diritto di culto --- ελευθερία θρησκευτικής συνείδησης --- libertà di credo religioso --- libertà di culto --- náboženská svoboda --- vrijheid van religie --- libertà di fede religiosa --- liberté de culte --- náboženská tolerance --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- Civil rights --- Democracy --- Comparative law --- Religion et Etat --- Droits de l'homme --- Démocratie --- Droit comparé --- liberté de religion --- Religion et État. --- Droit. --- caidreamh idir an eaglais agus an Stát --- saoirse creidimh reiligiúnaigh --- reiligiún --- Religion et État - Législation - Études comparatives - Actes de congrès --- Discrimination religieuse - Législation - Études comparatives - Actes de congrès --- Coexistence religieuse - Législation - Études comparatives - Actes de congrès --- Religion and state - Law and legislation - Europe, French-speaking - Congresses --- Religious discrimination - Law and legislation - Europe, French-speaking - Congresses --- Constitutional law - Europe, French-speaking - Congresses --- Freedom of religion - Europe, French-speaking - Congresses --- Droit constitutionnel - Europe francophone - Congrès --- Liberté religieuse - Europe francophone - Congrès --- Religion et État - Droit - Europe francophone - Congrès --- Belgique --- Relation Église-État --- Liberté de religion --- liberté de religion

Trajectories and Origins: Survey on the Diversity of the French Population
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319766384 3319766376 9783319766386 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides the main findings of a ground-breaking survey on immigrants and the second generation in France. The data, collected from more than 20, 000 persons representative of the population living in France, offer invaluable insights into the trajectories and experience of ethnic minorities. The book explains how France has been an immigrant-receiving country for over a century and how it is now a multicultural society with an unprecedented level of origin diversity. While immigrants and their descendants are targets of clichés and stereotyping, this book provides unique quantitative findings on their situation in all areas of personal and working life. Is origin in itself a factor of inequality? With its detailed reconstitutions of educational, occupational and conjugal trajectories and its exploration of access to housing and health, this book provides multiple approaches to answering this question. One of the work’s major contributions is to combine objective and subjective measures of discrimination: this is the first study in France to focus on racism as experienced by those subjected to it, while opening up new methodological perspectives on the experience of prejudice by origin, religion, and skin colour.


Immigrants --- Social conditions. --- Migration. --- Sociology, Urban. --- Social Structure, Social Inequality. --- Urban Studies/Sociology. --- Urban sociology --- Cities and towns --- racial discrimination --- migrant --- immigration --- living conditions --- religious discrimination --- social survey --- case study --- migration statistics --- France --- overseas department (France) --- ülemeredepartemang --- departament zamorski --- zámořský departement --- прекоморски департман (Француска) --- aizjūras departaments Francijā --- dipartiment barrani (Franza) --- departamento de ultramar --- tengerentúli megyék (Franciaország) --- département d'outre-mer --- departament francez de peste mări --- departamento ultramarino --- čezmorski departma --- merentakainen departementti --- departament jashtë Francës (Francë) --- prekomorski departman (Francuska) --- υπερπόντιο διαμέρισμα --- oversøisk departement --- Prancūzijos užjūrio departamentas --- отвъдморски департамент (Франция) --- zámorský departement --- utomeuropeiskt departement --- überseeisches Departement --- dipartimento d'oltremare --- прекуморски департман (Франција) --- overzees departement --- ÜD --- DOM --- TM (Franciaország) --- Francuska --- Franciaország --- An Fhrainc --- Frankrig --- Franza --- Frankrike --- Francja --- Franța --- Франция --- Francia --- Francúzsko --- Franca --- Francie --- Francija --- Франција --- Γαλλία --- Француска --- Prantsusmaa --- Prancūzija --- França --- Ranska --- Frankrijk --- Frankreich --- Ranskan tasavalta --- Republica Franceză --- Francúzska republika --- Prancūzijos Respublika --- Republika Franceze --- Република Франција --- République française --- Republiken Frankrike --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- die Französische Republik --- Francuska Republika --- Franse Republiek --- Француска Република --- French Republic --- Francijas Republika --- ir-Repubblika Franċiża --- Republika Francuska --- Den Franske Republik --- Francia Köztársaság --- República Francesa --- Francouzská republika --- Repubblica francese --- Prantsuse Vabariik --- Francoska republika --- Френска република --- migrációs statisztika --- migrationsstatistik --- rändestatistika --- statistici privind migrația --- statystyki dotyczące migracji --- migracijska statistika --- migracijos statistika --- статистика за миграција --- estadísticas de migración --- muuttoliiketilastot --- estatísticas sobre migrações --- statistika tal-migrazzjoni --- migrační statistika --- statistika migracij --- migrācijas statistika --- статистика за миграцията --- štatistika o migrácii --- Migrationsstatistik --- στατιστικές μετανάστευσης --- statistica sulle migrazioni --- statistiques sur les migrations --- migratiestatistieken --- statystyki dotyczące migracji zarządzanej --- estatísticas sobre migrações geridas --- statistika azila --- στατιστικές για τη διαχείριση της μετανάστευσης --- valdomos migracijos statistika --- managed migration statistics --- statistika dwar l-asil --- statistiques sur la gestion des migrations --- Asylstatistik --- statistika řízené migrace --- štatistika o azyle --- statistica sulla gestione delle migrazioni --- hallittua muuttoliikettä koskevat tilastot --- στατιστικές για το άσυλο --- statystyki dotyczące azylu --- turvapaikkatilastot --- asylum statistics --- asielstatistieken --- миграционна статистика --- Statistik über gesteuerte Migration --- statistički podaci o azilu --- menekültügyi statisztika --- statistika tal-migrazzjoni ġestjonata --- estatísticas sobre asilo --- prieglobsčio statistika --- juhitud rände statistika --- statistieken over beheerde migratie --- varjupaigastatistika --- statistik om styret migration --- statistica sulle richieste di asilo --- bēgļu statistika --- asylstatistik --- štatistika o riadenej migrácii --- azylová statistika --- estadísticas de asilo --- irányított bevándorlásra vonatkozó statisztika --- esettanulmány --- rast studimor --- περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη --- prípadová štúdia --- casestudy --- fallstudie --- cás-staidéar --- atvejo tyrimas --- studiu de caz --- анализа случаја --- estudo de casos --- gadījumu izpēte --- студија на случај --- Fallstudie --- estudio de casos --- juhtumiuuring --- tapaustutkimus --- étude de cas --- případová studie --- studia przypadków --- изучаване на процеса --- analiza slučaja --- študija primera --- studio di fattispecie --- studju tal-każijiet --- estudio de caso práctico --- estudio de casos típicos --- gadījumu studijas --- case-study --- análisis de casos típicos --- problemos nagrinėjimas --- анализа на случај --- детално проучување на случај --- análisis de ejemplos concretos --- studija slučaja --- estudio de casos concretos --- estudio de ejemplos prácticos --- proučavanje slučaja --- детално следење на случај --- sociaal onderzoek --- социално изследване --- sociālā izpēte --- sociální průzkum --- indagine sociale --- istraživanje društva --- anchetă socială --- sociálny prehľad --- družbena raziskava --- badanie społeczne --- sotsiaalne uurimus --- социјално истраживање --- yhteiskunnallinen tutkimus --- sozialstatistische Erhebung --- studim shoqëror --- enquête sociale --- κοινωνική έρευνα --- társadalomstatisztikai felmérés --- social undersøgelse --- stħarriġ soċjali --- општествено истражување --- inquérito social --- social undersökning --- encuesta social --- socialinis tyrimas --- socialinė apžvalga --- společenský průzkum --- social enkätundersökning --- religiös diskriminering --- verska diskriminacija --- náboženská diskriminace --- религиозна дискриминация --- discriminare religioasă --- diskriminācija reliģiskās pārliecības dēļ --- religinė diskriminacija --- religiöse Diskriminierung --- uskonnollinen syrjintä --- discriminatie op grond van godsdienst --- верска дискриминација --- diskriminazzjoni reliġjuża --- usuline diskrimineerimine --- discrimination religieuse --- dyskryminacja religijna --- discriminação religiosa --- διακρίσεις θρησκεύματος --- discriminazione religiosa --- discriminación religiosa --- religiøs diskrimination --- vallási megkülönböztetés --- vjerska diskriminacija --- náboženská diskriminácia --- diskriminim fetar --- religiøs intolerance --- krikščionybės fobija --- християнофобия --- cristianofobia --- Christenfeindlichkeit --- vallási intolerancia --- antyislamizm --- дискриминација врз основа на верска припадност --- Islamophobie --- náboženská nesnášenlivost --- kristianofobija --- ισλαμοφοβία --- usuline sallimatus --- sovraštvo do kristjanov --- vjerska netolerancija --- intolérance religieuse --- kristianofoobia --- verska nestrpnost --- intolerancë fetare --- intolerância religiosa --- persecuzione religiosa --- kristendomsfobi --- islamofobija --- religiös intolerans --- kristjanofobija --- religiöse Intoleranz --- Christianophobia --- christianophobie --- kristianofobi --- cristianofobie --- islamophobie --- intoleranță religioasă --- intolleranza religiosa --- iżlamofobija --- uskonnollinen suvaitsemattomuus --- верска омраза --- islamofoobia --- diskriminering på grundval av religion --- Islamophobia --- intollerenza reliġjuża --- верска нетрпеливост --- vallási diszkrimináció --- islamofóbia --- Christianophobie --- islamofobi --- kristinuskofobia --- intolerancia religiosa --- religinė netolerancija --- kresťanofóbia --- diskriminace na základě vyznání --- kereszténygyűlölet --- nietolerancja religijna --- vallási türelmetlenség --- náboženská neznášanlivosť --- islamo fobija --- Islamfeindlichkeit --- islamofóbie --- χριστιανοφοβία --- antychrześcijanizm --- ислямофобия --- islamofobie --- религиозна нетърпимост --- islamofobia --- religious intolerance --- religieuze discriminatie --- верска нетрпељивост --- christianofóbie --- chrystianofobia --- iszlamofóbia --- neiecietība pret reliģiju --- θρησκευτική μισαλλοδοξία --- religiozna netolerancija --- condiții de viață --- condition de vie --- συνθήκες διαβίωσης --- uvjeti života --- životní podmínky --- kushte jetese --- gyvenimo sąlygos --- condizioni di vita --- elamistingimused --- življenjske razmere --- Lebensbedingungen --- levensomstandigheden --- условия на живот --- levnadsvillkor --- životné podmienky --- condições de vida --- poziom życia --- kundizzjonijiet tal-għixien --- услови за живот --- életkörülmények --- elinolot --- животни услови --- dzīves apstākļi --- condición de vida --- levevilkår --- levevis --- spôsob života --- elutingimused --- životní styl --- zlepšenie životných podmienok --- modo de vida --- način života --- titjib tal-kundizzjonijiet tal-għixien --- életritmus --- življenjski stil --- elämänrytmi --- elämäntyyli --- ритам на живеење --- levnadssätt --- življenjski ritem --- livsrytm --- életkörülmények javulása --- gyvenimo stilius --- styl życia --- τύπος ζωής --- gyvenimo sąlygų gerinimas --- начин на живот --- dzīves apstākļu uzlabošana --- elustiil --- темпо на живот --- ритъм на живот --- genre de vie --- lifestyle --- Lebensart --- izboljšanje življenjskih razmer --- életmód --- Lebensweise --- livsrytme --- mod de viață --- amélioration des conditions de vie --- elutingimuste parandamine --- ρυθμός της ζωής --- stil života --- životný rytmus --- rytm życia --- poboljšanje uvjeta života --- mënyrë e jetesës --- genere di vita --- stile di vita --- Lebensstil --- животен стил --- livsstil --- levnadsstil --- gyvenimo būdas --- verbetering van levensomstandigheden --- ritmo di vita --- poprawa warunków życia --- начин живота --- животни стил --- tip ta' ħajja --- warunki życiowe --- levensstijl --- mejora de las condiciones de vida --- βελτίωση των συνθηκών διαβίωσης --- pace of life --- îmbunătățirea condițiilor de trai --- životní rytmus --- стил на живот --- miglioramento delle condizioni di vita --- stil de viață --- življenjski slog --- improvement of living conditions --- stil ta' ħajja --- përmirësim i kushteve të jetesës --- életfeltételek --- όροι διαβίωσης --- eluviis --- način življenja --- zlepšení životních podmínek --- elinolojen parantaminen --- ritmu tal-ħajja --- elämäntapa --- levenswijze --- levensvoorwaarde --- ritmo de vida --- τρόπος ζωής --- forbedring af levevilkår --- dzīves ritms --- género de vida --- gyvenimo ritmas --- životný štýl --- dzīvesveids --- estilo de vida --- подобрување на условите за живот --- mode de vie --- Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen --- způsob života --- modo di vita --- ritëm i jetës --- livsvillkor --- way of life --- подобряване на условията на живот --- ritm de viață --- életfeltételek javulása --- style de vie --- elurütm --- életstílus --- Lebensrhythmus --- stil jete --- förbättring av levnadsvillkor --- melhoria das condições de vida --- rythme de vie --- imigrace --- доселување --- είσοδος μεταναστών --- immigrazione --- imigracja --- imigrācija --- inmigración --- bevándorlás --- imigracion --- inimirce --- imigracija --- Einwanderung --- imigrácia --- immigratie --- imigração --- immigrazzjoni --- useljavanje --- имиграция --- priseljevanje --- maahanmuutto --- imigrație --- усељавање --- immigratsioon --- имиграција --- invandring --- přistěhovalectví --- įeivystė --- indvandring --- sisseränne --- Immigration --- immigráció --- migráns --- migrující --- Zuwanderer --- migrantas --- μετανάστης --- migrante --- мигрант --- siirtolainen --- migrerande --- migrants --- émigrant --- inmigrante --- izceļotājs --- Auswanderer --- ieceļotājs --- διακινούμενος --- įeivis --- emigrado --- απόδημος --- αλλόδημος --- emigráns --- emigrant/vysťahovalec --- sisserändaja --- емигрант --- persikėlėlis --- emigrants --- Emigrant --- udvandrer --- immigráns --- immigrato --- geëmigreerde --- immigrant --- imigrant --- invandrare --- přistěhovalec --- indvandrer --- imigrantas --- utvandrare --- Einwanderer --- emigrantas --- imigrante --- vystěhovalec --- immigrante --- имигрант --- išeivis --- bevándorló --- Immigrant --- geïmmigreerde --- inmigrado --- emigrato --- émigré --- emigrant --- emigrantti --- emigrante --- imigrant/prisťahovalec --- kivándorló --- imigrants --- maahanmuuttaja --- Abwanderer --- immigré --- väljarändaja --- rasová diskriminace --- faji megkülönböztetés --- discriminación racial --- rasdiskriminering --- discriminare rasială --- diskriminazzjoni razzjali --- расова дискриминация --- discriminazione razziale --- racediskrimination --- rasinė diskriminacija --- rassendiscriminatie --- rassiline diskrimineerimine --- diskriminācija rases dēļ --- discrimination raciale --- dyskryminacja rasowa --- Rassendiskriminierung --- rasová diskriminácia --- rasna diskriminacija --- rotusyrjintä --- discriminação racial --- φυλετικές διακρίσεις --- расна дискриминација --- diskriminim racial --- szegregáció megszüntetése --- Aufhebung der Rassentrennung --- desegregație rasială --- rasside võrdsus --- rasåtskillnad --- racediskriminering --- agregace --- Rassengleichheit --- rovnosť rás --- rasna segregacija --- raceadskillelse --- persecuzione razziale --- faji elszigetelés --- rassengelijkheid --- igualdade racial --- racial segregation --- φυλετική ισότητα --- diskriminace na základě rasy --- rovnost ras --- racemæssig lighed --- eguaglianza razziale --- ndarje raciale --- κατάργηση του φυλετικού διαχωρισμού --- égalité raciale --- rotuerottelun lopettaminen --- ségrégation raciale --- barazi raciale --- igualdad racial --- rasu vienlīdzība --- rasinės segregacijos panaikinimas --- racial equality --- дискриминација врз основа на расна припадност --- upphävande av rasåtskillnad --- segregație rasială --- déségrégation raciale --- rasová segregácia --- расна сегрегација --- segregazione razziale --- rasu desegregācija --- rasside eraldamise lõpetamine --- racial desegregation --- szegregáció --- расна еднаквост --- rasinė lygybė --- egalitate rasială --- rasna jednakost --- jämställdhet mellan raser --- faji szegregáció --- rasová desegregácia --- rotujen yhdenvertaisuus --- segregace --- rasinė segregacija --- segregação racial --- Rassentrennung --- rassenscheiding --- faji diszkrimináció --- soppressione della segregazione razziale --- ophævelse af raceadskillelse --- mosndarje raciale --- segregación racial --- rassendesegregatie --- φυλετικός διαχωρισμός --- faji egyenlőtlenség --- rasside eraldamine --- desegregación racial --- rasu segregācija --- Migrant --- Emigration and immigration. --- Social structure. --- Social inequality. --- Egalitarianism --- Inequality --- Social equality --- Social inequality --- Political science --- Sociology --- Democracy --- Liberty --- Organization, Social --- Social organization --- Anthropology --- Social institutions --- International migration --- Migration, International --- Population geography --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Colonization --- Equality.

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