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Africanization and Americanization Anthology, Volume 1 : Africa Vs North America : Searching for Inter-racial, Interstitial, Inter-sectional, and Interstates
ISBN: 079749698X 9780797496989 079748616X Year: 2018 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Baltimore, Md. : Project Muse, Project MUSE,

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Africanization and Americanization Anthology, Volume 1: Searching for Inter-racial, Interstitial, Inter-sectional, and Interstates meeting spaces, Africa Vs North America, comprises of 107 pieces from 43 poets, 4 essayists, 6 storytellers, and 1 playwright from North America and Africa regions: professors, leading theorists and researchers. The contributors are: Barbara Foley, Barbara Howard, Biko Agozino, poets; A.D Winans, Tim Hall, C Liegh McInnis, Nat Turner, Allan Kolski Horwitz, Changming Yuan, Tiel Aisha Ansari, Diane Raptosh, Wanjohi wa Makokha, storytellers; Paris Smith, Sheree Renee Thomas, and journalists; Kenneth Weene and several other essayists, street poets, academicians, musicians, visual artists... This collection is vibrant, discursive, penetrating, and is invaluable to literary and language experts, poetry collections, social and human scientists, political theorists, race theorists, development practioners, students, general readers and many others.

Politik der Differenzen : Ethnisierung, Rassismen und Antirassismus im weißen feministischen Aktivismus in Wien
ISBN: 3847411969 3847421506 9783847411963 Year: 2018 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Die Autorin beschäftigt sich mit Praktiken und Debatten zu Migration und ethnisierten Differenzen, Rassismen und Antirassismus im Kontext des feministischen Aktivismus in Wien. In einer Längsschnittbetrachtung von den 1980er bis zu den 2010er Jahren fragt die Arbeit, wie weiße feministische Aktivistinnen machtvolle ethnisierte Differenzen verhandeln - im expliziten Sprechen ebenso wie im impliziten Tun. Nicht zuletzt geht es um die Frage, wie in diesen Praktiken nicht nur die ,Andere' konstruiert, sondern auch ,Eigenes' hergestellt wird. The author deals with practices and debates on migration and ethnic differences, racism and anti-racism in the context of feminist activism in Vienna. In a longitudinal analysis from the 1980s to the 2010s, the work examines how white feminist activists negotiate powerful ethnicized differences - in explicit speech as well as implicit action. Last but not least, the question is how these practices not only construct the 'other', but also produce the 'own'. Allen Leser_innen mit Interessean einer ausführlichen Beschreibung sowie einer ungemein tiefgehenden Reflexionautonom-feministischer Bewegungspolitiken im Wiener Kontext sei die Lektüre vonStefanie Mayers Untersuchung daher wärmstens ans Herz gelegt. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44/2019

Irish Travellers : Racism and the Politics of Culture
ISBN: 1282033794 9786612033797 1442676310 9781442676312 9781282033795 0802048439 0802086284 9780802048431 9780802086280 Year: 2018 Publisher: Toronto : University of Toronto Press,

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"The Travelling People constitute a Gypsy-like minority population in Ireland that has been a long-standing target of racism and assimilative state settlement policies. Using archival and ethnographic research, Jane Helleiner's study documents anti-Traveller racism in Ireland and explores the ongoing realities of Traveller life. Through analyses of constructions of Traveller origins, local government records, the provincial press, and debates of the Irish parliament, a history of local and national anti-Traveller discourse and practice in the independent Irish state is revealed and linked to the legitimation and reproduction of other social inequalities, including those of class, gender, and generation. Helleiner's research, conducted in the course of long-term residence in a Traveller camp, supports her historical analysis with an examination of how travelling, work, gender, and childhood become sites for the production and reproduction of contemporary Traveller collective Identity and culture even as they are shaped by oppressive forces of racism. These phenomena are located within political struggles at local, national, and European levels."--Jacket.

Race on the Brain : What Implicit Bias Gets Wrong About the Struggle for Racial Justice
ISBN: 023154538X 9780231545389 9780231184243 0231184247 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York, NY : Columbia University Press,

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Of the many obstacles to racial justice in America, none has received more recent attention than the one that lurks in our subconscious. As social movements and policing scandals have shown how far from being "postracial" we are, the concept of implicit bias has taken center stage in the national conversation about race. Millions of Americans have taken online tests purporting to show the deep, invisible roots of their own prejudice. A recent Oxford study that claims to have found a drug that reduces implicit bias is only the starkest example of a pervasive trend. But what do we risk when we seek the simplicity of a technological diagnosis-and solution-for racism? What do we miss when we locate racism in our biology and our brains rather than in our history and our social practices?In Race on the Brain, Jonathan Kahn argues that implicit bias has grown into a master narrative of race relations-one with profound, if unintended, negative consequences for law, science, and society. He emphasizes its limitations, arguing that while useful as a tool to understand particular types of behavior, it is only one among several tools available to policy makers. An uncritical embrace of implicit bias, to the exclusion of power relations and structural racism, undermines wider civic responsibility for addressing the problem by turning it over to experts. Technological interventions, including many tests for implicit bias, are premised on a color-blind ideal and run the risk of erasing history, denying present reality, and obscuring accountability. Kahn recognizes the significance of implicit social cognition but cautions against seeing it as a panacea for addressing America's longstanding racial problems. A bracing corrective to what has become a common-sense understanding of the power of prejudice, Race on the Brain challenges us all to engage more thoughtfully and more democratically in the difficult task of promoting racial justice.

Medievalism in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones
ISBN: 1787441946 1843844842 Year: 2018 Publisher: Suffolk : Boydell & Brewer,

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Game of Thrones is famously inspired by the Middle Ages - but how authentic is the world it presents? This volume offers different angles to the question.

White Fragility. Why It's So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism.
ISBN: 0141990562 9780141990569 Year: 2018 Publisher: UK : Allen Lane,

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In this groundbreaking and timely book, antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility. Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo explores how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.

No Archive Will Restore You
ISBN: 1947447866 1947447858 9781947447868 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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At once memoir, theory, poetic prose, and fragment, No Archive Will Restore You is a feverish meditation on the body. Departing from Antonio Gramsci’s summons to compile an inventory of the historical traces left in each of us, Singh engages with both the impossibility and urgent necessity of crafting an archive of the body. Through reveries on the enduring legacies of pain, desire, sexuality, race, and identity, she asks us to sense and feel what we have been trained to disavow, to re-member the body as more than itself. Why this desire for a body archive, for an assembly of history’s traces deposited in me? (I worry over how to describe it, how to frame it without sounding banal or bafflingly idiosyncratic.) The body archive is an attunement, a hopeful gathering, an act of love against the foreclosures of reason. It is a way of knowing the body-self as a becoming and unbecoming thing, of scrambling time and matter, of turning toward rather than against oneself. And vitally, it is a way of thinking-feeling the body’s unbounded relation to other bodies. I begin then to compile an archive of my body, an activity that from the start feels discomfortingly intimate. Too intimate and too bewildering an undertaking, because like all other bodies mine has become so many things over time, has changed dramatically through forces both natural and social. I am also, it must be noted, a person whose body has been broken and maimed many times over—a fact that I cannot yet entirely account for.

Political Blackness in Multiracial Britain
ISBN: 0812295161 0812250303 Year: 2018 Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press

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One evening in 1980, a group of white friends, drinking at the Duke of Edinburgh pub on East Ham High Street, made a monstrous five-pound wager. The first person to kill a "Paki" would win the bet. Ali Akhtar Baig, a young Pakistani student who lived in the east London borough of Newham, was their chosen victim. Baig's murder was but one incident in a wave of antiblack racial attacks that were commonplace during the crisis of race relations in Britain in the 1970s and 1980s. Ali Akhtar Baig's death also catalyzed the formation of a grassroots antiracist organization, Newham Monitoring Project (NMP) that worked to transform the racist victimization of African, African Caribbean and South Asian communities into campaigns for racial justice and social change.In addition to providing a 24-hour hotline and casework services, NMP activists worked to mitigate the scourge of racial injustice that included daily racial harassment, hate crimes and antiblack police violence. Since the advent of the War on Terror, NMP widened its approach to support victims of the state's counterterror policies, which have contributed to an unfettered surge in Islamophobia.These realities, as well as the many layers of gendered racism in contemporary Britain come to life through intimate ethnographic storytelling. The reader gets to know a broad range of east Londoners and antiracist activists whose intersecting experiences present a multifaceted portrait of British racism. Mohan Ambikaipaker examines the life experiences of these individuals through a strong theoretical lens that combines critical race theory and postcolonial studies. Political Blackness in Multiracial Britain shows how the deep processes of everyday political whiteness shape the state's failure to provide effective remedies for ethnic, racial, and religious minorities who continue to face violence and institutional racism.

Culturally Specific Pedagogy in the Mathematics Classroom : Strategies for Teachers and Students.
ISBN: 1351255835 1351255827 0815368186 9781351255837 9781351255820 Year: 2018 Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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Advocating for the use of culturally specific pedagogy to enhance the mathematics instruction of diverse students, this revised second edition offers a wide variety of conceptual and curricular resources for teaching mathematics in a way that combats and confronts the forms of oppression that students face today. Addressing stratification based on race, class, and gender, Leonard offers lesson templates that teachers can use with ethnically and culturally diverse students and makes the link between research and practice. Connecting cutting-edge and emerging technologies to culturally specific pedagogy, the second edition features new chapters on mathematics and social justice, robotics, and spatial visualization. Applying a more expansive focus, the new edition discusses current movements such as Black Lives Matter and incorporates examples of rural and tribal students to paint a broader picture of what culturally rich mathematics classrooms actually look like. The text builds on sociocultural theory and research on culture and mathematics cognition to extend the literature and better understand minority students’ goals and learning needs. Including new discussion questions and new examples, lessons, and vignettes of integrating culture in the mathematics classroom, this book employs pedagogical research to field-test new instructional methods for culturally diverse and female students.

Ontological terror : Blackness, nihilism, and emancipation
ISBN: 0822370727 0822371847 0822370875 9780822371847 1478090332 9781478090335 9780822370727 Year: 2018 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

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In Ontological Terror Calvin L. Warren intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the "Negro question" is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. He illustrates how blacks embody a metaphysical nothing. This nothingness serves as a destabilizing presence and force as well as that which whiteness defines itself against. Thus, the function of blackness as giving form to nothing presents a terrifying problem for whites: they need blacks to affirm their existence, even as they despise the nothingness they represent. By pointing out how all humanism is based on investing blackness with nonbeing - a logic which reproduces antiblack violence and precludes any realization of equality, justice, and recognition for blacks - Warren urges the removal of the human from its metaphysical pedestal and the exploration of ways of existing that are not predicated on a grounding in being.

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