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China’s Rule of Law Index 2017
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789811069079 Year: 2018 Publisher: Singapore Springer Singapore, Imprint: Springer

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This book investigates and evaluates the indexes of Government Transparency, Judicial Transparency, Procuratorial Transparency, and Legislation by Local People’s Congresses in China. It explores a representative case study on the Rule of Law in Yuhang District of Hangzhou City, assesses the progress made and remaining problems in the implementation of these systems, and puts forward suggestions on how they could be improved in the future.

An Unamendable Constitution? : Unamendability in Constitutional Democracies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319951416 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book examines the subject of constitutional unamendability from comparative, doctrinal, empirical, historical, political and theoretical perspectives. It explores and evaluates the legitimacy of unamendability in the various forms that exist in constitutional democracies. Modern constitutionalism has given rise to a paradox: can a constitutional amendment be unconstitutional? Today it is normatively contested but descriptively undeniable that a constitutional amendment—one that respects the formal procedures of textual alteration laid down in the constitutional text—may be invalidated for violating either a written or unwritten constitutional norm. This phenomenon of an unconstitutional constitutional amendment traces its political foundations to France and the United States, its doctrinal origins to Germany, and it has migrated in some form to all corners of the democratic world. One can trace this paradox to the concept of constitutional unamendability. Constitutional unamendability can be understood as a formally entrenched provision(s) or an informally entrenched norm that prohibits an alteration or violation of that provision or norm. An unamendable constitutional provision is impervious to formal amendment, even with supermajority or even unanimous agreement from the political actors whose consent is required to alter the constitutional text. Whether or not it is enforced, and also by whom, this prohibition raises fundamental questions implicating sovereignty, legitimacy, democracy and the rule of law.

Universiteit Stellenbosch en die onverkwiklike taalstryd (2003-2017) : Vanaf “taaltameletjie” tot volskaalse “taaloorlog”
ISBN: 1928424236 1928424228 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bloemfontein UJ Press

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Hierdie ontleding van die taalstryd op die kampus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch strek vanaf 2003 tot Maart 2018 en put uit ’n verskeidenheid hoofstroom media, maar veral vanuit Afrikaanse dagblaaie – Die Burger, Volksblad en Beeld – wat daagliks minstens 42,6% van die Afrikaanse leserspubliek bereik. Uit die aard van die onderwerp het veral Afrikaanse koerante groot belangstelling getoon en talle berigte oor die US-taalstryd gehad, terwyl dekking daarvan in veral Mail & Guardian, The Star, The Cape Times en die Cape Argus soms kritieser, indringender en objektiewer ondersoek en standpuntstelling bevat het. Dikwels is die taalkwessies so belangrik geag dat dit voorblaaie gehaal het en volgens die oordeel van die redaksie, kommentaar in talle hoofartikels geregverdig het. Ander aktivistiese wapens wat in hierdie taalstryd uitgewys kan word, is appèl op politici, driftige optogte en lokaalbesettings; dreigemente van ekondruk, boikot en selfs wanvoorstellings en uiteindelik geweldpleging, brandstigting en eiendomsvernietiging. Hoewel die verloop van gebeure in hierdie boek oor Afrikaans se stryd om oorlewing op ’n histories-Afrikaanse universiteit vol drama en intrige verloop het en inderwaarheid die aandag van ’n wye leserspubliek verdien (in die woorde van een van die keurders), is dit in die eerste plek ’n wetenskaplike, ontleding van feitelike gebeure rondom ’n verwikkelde taalstryd.

Borrowing Justification for Proportionality : On the Influence of the Principles Theory in Brazil
ISBN: 9783030022631 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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The proportionality test, as proposed in Robert Alexy’s principles theory, is becoming commonplace in comparative constitutional studies. And yet, the question “are courts justified in borrowing proportionality?” has not been expressly put in many countries where judicial borrowings are a reality. This book sheds light on this question and examines the circumstances under which courts are authorized to borrow from alien legal sources to rule on constitutional cases. Taking the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil – and its enthusiastic recourse to proportionality when interpreting the Federal Constitution – as a case study, the book investigates the normative reasons that could justify the court’s attitude and offers a comprehensive overview of its case law on controversial constitutional matters like abortion, same-sex union, racial quotas, and the right to public healthcare. Providing a valuable resource for those interested in comparative constitutional law and legal theory, or curious about Brazilian constitutional law, this book questions the alleged universality of the proportionality test, challenges the premises of Alexy’s principles theory, and discloses more than 68 Brazilian Supreme Court decisions delivered from 2003 to 2018 that would otherwise have remained unknown to an English-speaking audience.

The Chinese Road of the Rule of Law
ISBN: 9789811089657 Year: 2018 Publisher: Singapore Springer Singapore, Imprint: Springer

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This book studies the practical experience and theoretical development of rule of law in China, and provides fundamental theory for the construction of rule of law in contemporary China. The author examines the rule of law by exploring the entire legal system, and highlighting various aspects including the legislation, law enforcement and supervision systems. Readers will also discover the author’s strong opinions on scientific legislation, legal government, judicial reform, and the culture of rule of law. This highly readable book will appeal to both general readers and researchers interested in rule of law in China.

Free Speech and False Speech : Political Deception and Its Legal Limits (Or Lack Thereof)
ISBN: 9783319698205 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book examines the history of the legal discourse around political falsehood and its future in the wake of the 2012 US Supreme Court decision in US v. Alvarez through communication law, political philosophy, and communication theory perspectives. As US v. Alvarez confirmed First Amendment protection for lies, Robert N. Spicer addresses how the ramifications of that decision function by looking at statutory and judicial handling of First Amendment protection for political deception. Illustrating how commercial speech is regulated but political speech is not, Spicer evaluates the role of deception in politics and its consequences for democracy in a contemporary political environment where political personalities, partisan media, and dark money donors bend the truth and abuse the virtue of free expression. Robert N. Spicer is Assistant Professor of Digital Journalism at Millersville University, USA. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Media Education, Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, and the Jefferson Journal of Science and Culture.

Scalia’s Constitution : Essays on Law and Education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319589312 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book explores the application of Scalia’s textualism and originalism to education law and reflects upon Scalia’s teachings and his pedagogy. Education law may seem to be an odd vehicle for considering Scalia’s constitutional approach, but thinking about schools requires attention to political fundamentals—freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, equality of opportunity, federalism, and the proper role of the expert. Legal scholars, philosophers, and political scientists provide both critiques and apologies for Scalia’s approach.

Droit des médias : droit français, européen et international
ISBN: 9782275038735 2275038736 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence,

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Le droit des médias est celui de toutes les formes d'expression (écrites, sonores, visuelles et audiovisuelles) et techniques de communication publique (presse, radio, télévision, films, livres, affiches, supports numériques, communication au public en ligne…), de la presse à l'internet, de l'écrit aux écrans, des médias au multimédia, quel qu'en soit le contenu (information d'actualité, documentation, fiction, divertissement, publicité commerciale…). Dès lors qu'il y a publication, le droit des médias a vocation à s'appliquer. Mettant en oeuvre les principes de liberté d'expression (laquelle ne peut aller sans responsabilités) et de droit à l'information, le droit des médias constitue une composante fondamentale, constructive et caractéristique d'une société démocratique. La nature du régime politique et la condition des citoyen(ne)s en dépendent. Le droit des médias est envisagé ici dans la diversité de ses thèmes et éléments essentiels : droit économique (entreprises et activités), droit des professionnels (particulièrement les journalistes), droit de la responsabilité, droits intellectuels (droit d'auteur et droits voisins).Dans un contexte général d'internationalisation et de mondialisation, les médias ignorent les frontières. Il doit en être de même du droit qui leur est applicable. À l'étude du droit français des médias, il a donc été nécessaire d'ajouter une présentation du droit européen et du droit international des médias qui en constituent l'encadrement et contribuent à l'harmonisation au moins partielle des droits nationaux, condition de la libre circulation des messages et du respect des droits de chacun.Le rôle politique, économique, social et culturel joué par les médias dans les sociétés modernes accroît l'importance du droit des médias et de sa connaissance.

Wetboek accountancy en fiscaliteit 2018-2019
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782807908918 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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Multilevel Protection of the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319638652 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book examines the simultaneous protection of fundamental rights by various norms and jurisdictional organs, focussing on the multilevel protection of the principle of legality in Criminal Law. Written by accredited specialists in criminal law, constitutional law, international public law, and the philosophy of law, the majority of them ex-Counsels of the Spanish Constitutional Court, it addresses various manifestations of the principle of legality: the requirement of precision, the judicial subjection to law and the prohibition of bis in idem. It does so not only from a theoretical perspective, but also through a comparative study of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and state constitutional courts. This practical approach characterizes the book, which culminates in a detailed analysis of the relevant ECtHR Judgement Del Río Prada v. Spain on the retroactivity of unfavourable jurisprudence. "Multilevel protection of the principle of legality in Criminal Law" is a useful instrument of reflection for scholars of both the principle of criminal legality and the problems that arise from the concurrency of protective jurisdictions of human rights.

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