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What sort of entitlements should citizens have in a just society? In this book, Rutger Claassen sets out a theory of what he terms 'navigational agency', whereby citizens should be able to navigate freely between social practices. This shows how individuals can be at the same time free and autonomous in striving for their own goals in life, but also embedded in social practices in which they have to cooperate with others. He argues that for navigational agency, people need three sets of core capabilities: those which allow human empowerment in civil society, a decent level of socio-economic subsistence, and political participation in democratic decision-making procedures. The idea of navigational agency, the book argues, provides an alternative to currently dominant versions of the capability approach to social justice, and strengthens its liberal foundations.
Social choice. --- Capabilities approach (Social sciences) --- Capability approach (Social sciences) --- Social sciences --- Choice, Social --- Collective choice --- Public choice --- Choice (Psychology) --- Social psychology --- Welfare economics
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For over three decades, the capability approach proposed and developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum has had a distinct impact on development theories and approaches because it goes beyond an economic conception of development and engages with the normative aspects of development. This book explores the new frontiers of the capability approach and its links to human development in three main areas. First, it delves into the philosophical foundations of the approach, re-examining its links to concepts of common good, collective agency and epistemic diversity. Secondly, it addresses its 'operational frontier', aiming to give inclusive explanations of some of the most advanced methods available for capability researchers. Thirdly, it offers a wide range of the applications of this approach, as carried out by a mix of renowned capability scholars and researchers from different disciplines. This broad interdisciplinary range includes the areas of human and sustainable development, inequalities, labour markets, education, special needs, cities, urban planning, housing, social capital and happiness studies, among others.
Capabilities approach (Social sciences) --- Economic development --- Human behavior. --- Action, Human --- Behavior, Human --- Ethology --- Human action --- Human beings --- Human biology --- Physical anthropology --- Psychology --- Social sciences --- Psychology, Comparative --- Sociology of development --- Sociology of economic development --- Sociology --- Capability approach (Social sciences) --- Sociological aspects. --- Behavior
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Dit boek biedt studenten, professionals en onderzoekers in het sociaal domein een kennismaking met de theorie en praktijk van de capabilitybenadering. In deze wetenschappelijk onderbouwde benadering, ontwikkeld door de econoom en Nobelprijswinnaar Amartya Sen en de filosofe Martha Nussbaum, staat de bevordering van de kwaliteit van leven centraal. Uitgangspunt is de concrete leefsituatie van mensen. Het eerste deel van het boek introduceert de capabilitybenadering en vertaalt deze naar het sociale domein. Het tweede deel bevat casestudies uit de praktijk in Nederland en Vlaanderen. De bijdragen gaan over opbouwwerk in de wijk, het werken met mensen met een verstandelijke beperking, de begeleiding van ex-gedetineerden, de inzet van technologie in het sociaal werk, de begeleiding van kwetsbare jongeren, de toepassing in armoedebestrijding, het loskomen van stigmatisering en tot slot de opleidingspraktijk.(bron:
Social welfare methods --- sociaal werk --- methoden van het sociaal werk --- samenlevingsopbouw --- Sociaal werk (opleiding) --- Capability approach --- Casestudy --- Opbouwwerk --- Persoon met een verstandelijke handicap --- Gedetineerde --- Reclassering --- Technologie --- Kwetsbaarheid --- Jongere --- Armoedebeleid --- Opleiding --- Hoger onderwijs --- Stigma --- Creativiteit --- Mensenrechten --- Verbondenheid --- Sociaal netwerk --- Professionalisering --- Maatschappelijk werk. --- Levenskwaliteit --- Methodiek --- Sociaal werk --- welzijnswerk, methoden --- 361.1
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