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Long description: Die Entwicklung immer schnellerer und leistungsfähigerer Prozessoren, die jahrzehntelang zuverlässig zu einer stetigen Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten vieler elektronischer Systeme führte, wird in naher Zukunft an physikalische Grenzen der Integrationsdichte von Schaltkreisen stoßen. Konzepte, die aus dieser problematischen Lage herausführen, werden intensiv gesucht bzw. bereits studiert. Ein sehr vielversprechender Ansatz ist das Quantum Computing, das auf Phänomenen der Quantenmechanik beruht. Dieses neue Gebiet der Informatik erfreut sich gerade in jüngster Zeit wachsenden Interesses und ist inzwischen auch in den Fokus der Global Player auf dem Gebiet der Informationstechnologie geraten. Viele zentrale Aspekte des Quantum Computings lassen sich sehr gut unter Zugriff auf relativ elementare mathematische Grundlagen, speziell aus dem Bereich der Linearen Algebra, entwickeln. Genau dies leistet dieses Lehrbuch: Eine komprimierte, aber mathematisch fundierte Einführung in einige wesentliche Facetten des Quantum Computings.
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This largely self-contained book on the theory of quantum information focuses on precise mathematical formulations and proofs of fundamental facts that form the foundation of the subject. It is intended for graduate students and researchers in mathematics, computer science, and theoretical physics seeking to develop a thorough understanding of key results, proof techniques, and methodologies that are relevant to a wide range of research topics within the theory of quantum information and computation. The book is accessible to readers with an understanding of basic mathematics, including linear algebra, mathematical analysis, and probability theory. An introductory chapter summarizes these necessary mathematical prerequisites, and starting from this foundation, the book includes clear and complete proofs of all results it presents. Each subsequent chapter includes challenging exercises intended to help readers to develop their own skills for discovering proofs concerning the theory of quantum information.
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"Quantum Computing for Babies by Chris Ferrie is a colorfully simple introduction to the innovative world of technology. Baby will find out how superposition and entanglement might be the future of computers! Co-written by William Hurley (aka whurley), an entrepreneur and the leading voice in the quantum computing movement. It is never too early to become a quantum physicist!"--Provided by publisher.
Quantum theory --- Quantum computing --- Computers and children
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Quantum computing --- Research --- Quantum theory --- Information science. --- Research --- Government policy --- Research
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Computer security --- Computer networks --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Artificial intelligence. --- Quantum computing. --- Internet of things. --- Technological innovations --- Security measures
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Die zweite Quantenrevolution „Quantenphysik ist bizarr und komisch, und sie widerspricht komplett unserem gesunden Menschenverstand“ oder ganz einfach „Die spinnen, die Physiker“ – so oder ähnlich ist die Wahrnehmung vieler Menschen, wenn es um die Grundtheorie der modernen Physik geht. Die These dieses Buches lautet: „Quantenphysik, so bizarr und abgehoben sie erscheinen mag, ist für unser heutiges Leben die bedeutendste wissenschaftliche Theorie. Und ihr Einfluss ist bei weitem nicht an irgendein Ende gelangt. Da kommt noch einiges auf uns zu!“ Lars Jaeger steigt dabei mitten in unser Alltagsleben ein: Sie wollen mehr über heutige und zukünftige Technologien erfahren? Dann beschäftigen Sie sich mit dem Quantencomputer oder dem Quanteninternet; Technologien, deren erste Prototypen in den letzten Jahren möglich wurden und schon sehr bald unser tägliches Leben bestimmen werden. Das Buch wird Bewusstsein schaffen für die Bedeutung der Quantenphysik heute, dabei werden auch philosophische und weltanschauliche Fragen nicht außer Acht gelassen. Am Schluss wird der Leser den heutigen Stand der Quantenphysik kennen und dabei Antwort auf Fragen finden, die Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg und andere Physik-Genies des 20. Jahrhunderts noch nicht wussten. Mit diesem Buch erschließen sich ihm nicht nur eine Reihe ganz neuer Technologien, sondern auch die dramatischen Einflüsse der modernen Physik für das Gefüge unserer Weltanschauung. .
Computer science. --- Quantum computers. --- Spintronics. --- Quantum physics. --- Nanoscience. --- Microtechnology. --- Microelectromechanical systems. --- Computer Science. --- Quantum Computing. --- Quantum Physics. --- Nanophysics. --- Microsystems and MEMS.
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This book explores two of the most striking features of quantum theory – contextuality and nonlocality – using a formulation based on graph theory. Quantum theory provides a set of rules to predict probabilities of different outcomes in different experimental settings, and both contextuality and nonlocality play a fundamental role in interpreting the outcomes. In this work, the authors highlight how the graph approach can lead to a better understanding of this theory and its applications. After presenting basic definitions and explaining the non-contextuality hypothesis, the book describes contextuality scenarios using compatibility hypergraphs. It then introduces the exclusivity graph approach, which relates a number of important graph-theoretical concepts to contextuality. It also presents open problems such as the so-called Exclusivity Principle, as well as a selection of important topics, like sheaf-theoretical approach, hypergraph approach, and alternative proofs of contextuality.
Mathematics. --- Quantum computers. --- Graph theory. --- Quantum physics. --- Quantum Computing. --- Graph Theory. --- Quantum Physics. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Graph theory --- Graphs, Theory of --- Theory of graphs --- Combinatorial analysis --- Topology --- Computers --- Math --- Science --- Extremal problems --- Quantum theory.
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Write algorithms and program in the new field of quantum computing. This book covers major topics such as the physical components of a quantum computer: qubits, entanglement, logic gates, circuits, and how they differ from a traditional computer. Also, Practical Quantum Computing for Developers discusses quantum computing in the cloud using IBM Q Experience including: the composer, quantum scores, experiments, circuits, simulators, real quantum devices, and more. You’ll be able to run experiments in the cloud on a real quantum device. Furthermore, this book shows you how to do quantum programming using the QISKit (Quantum Information Software Kit), Python SDK, and other APIs such as QASM (Quantum Assembly). You’ll learn to write code using these languages and execute it against simulators (local or remote) or a real quantum computer provided by IBM’s Q Experience. Finally, you’ll learn the current quantum algorithms for entanglement, random number generation, linear search, integer factorization, and others. You’ll peak inside the inner workings of the Bell states for entanglement, Grover’s algorithm for linear search, Shor’s algorithm for integer factorization, and other algorithms in the fields of optimization, and more. Along the way you’ll also cover game theory with the Magic Square, an example of quantum pseudo-telepathy where parties sharing entangled states can be observed to have some kind of communication between them. In this game Alice and Bob play against a referee. Quantum mechanics allows Alice and Bob to always win! By the end of this book, you will understand how this emerging technology provides massive parallelism and significant computational speedups over classical computers, and will be prepared to program quantum computers which are expected to replace traditional computers in the data center. You will: Use the Q Experience Composer, the first-of-its-kind web console to create visual programs/experiments and submit them to a quantum simulator or real device on the cloud Run programs remotely using the Q Experience REST API Write algorithms that provide superior performance over their classical counterparts Build a Node.js REST client for authenticating, listing remote devices, querying information about quantum processors, and listing or running experiments remotely in the cloud Create a quantum number generator: The quintessential coin flip with a quantum twist Discover quantum teleportation: This algorithm demonstrates how the exact state of a qubit (quantum information) can be transmitted from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and quantum entanglement between the sender and receiver Peek into single qubit operations with the classic game of Battleships with a quantum twist Handle the counterfeit coin problem: a classic puzzle that consists of finding a counterfeit coin in a beam balance among eight coins in only two turns.
Quantum computing. --- Computation, Quantum --- Computing, Quantum --- Information processing, Quantum --- Quantum computation --- Quantum information processing --- Electronic data processing --- Computer science. --- Big data. --- Python (Computer program language). --- Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters. --- Mathematical Models of Cognitive Processes and Neural Networks. --- Quantum Computing. --- Big Data. --- Python. --- Scripting languages (Computer science) --- Data sets, Large --- Large data sets --- Data sets --- Informatics --- Science --- Programming languages (Electronic computers). --- Neural networks (Computer science) . --- Quantum computers. --- Computers --- Computer languages --- Computer program languages --- Computer programming languages --- Machine language --- Languages, Artificial --- Artificial neural networks --- Nets, Neural (Computer science) --- Networks, Neural (Computer science) --- Neural nets (Computer science) --- Artificial intelligence --- Natural computation --- Soft computing
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