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Dielectrics --- Nanoelectronics --- Nanoscale electronics --- Nanoscale molecular electronics --- Electronics --- Nanotechnology --- Electrical engineering --- Electric insulators and insulation --- Materials --- Engineered materials --- Dielectrics. --- Nanoelectronics. --- dielectric materials --- dielectric properties --- nanoparticles --- dielectric devices --- nanocomposites --- Dielèctrics. --- Nanotecnologia. --- Enginyeria molecular --- Tecnologia molecular --- Alta tecnologia --- Electrònica molecular --- Espintrònica --- Materials nanoestructurats --- Nanoelectrònica --- Nanolitografia --- Nanomedicina --- Nanoquímica --- Dielectroforesi --- Escalfament per microones --- Moments dipolars --- Relaxació dielèctrica --- Dielèctrics --- Nanotecnologia
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This second edition provides new and updated methods that detail new DNA nanotechnology techniques. Chapters focus on DNA origami nanostructures for arranging matter in the nanoscale or on their manipulation with the aid of other technologies, on procedures for making nucleic acids nanostructures of different kinds, and methods to simulate complex nanostructures or to use them in biosensing. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.
Biotechnology. --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Nanotecnologia --- Nanoestructures --- Biotecnologia --- Manuals de laboratori --- Tècniques de laboratori --- Biologia --- Enginyeria --- Antropometria --- Biosíntesi --- Biotecnologia agrícola --- Biotecnologia alimentària --- Biotecnologia farmacèutica --- Biotecnologia marina --- Biotecnologia microbiana --- Enginyeria bioquímica --- Enginyeria sanitària --- Ergonomia --- Indústries biotecnològiques --- Microbiologia industrial --- Reproducció assistida --- Bioreactors --- Física --- Sistemes nanoelectromecànics --- Enginyeria molecular --- Tecnologia molecular --- Alta tecnologia --- Electrònica molecular --- Espintrònica --- Materials nanoestructurats --- Nanoelectrònica --- Nanolitografia --- Nanomedicina --- Nanoquímica
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This volume presents readers with the latest techniques to study nanoimaging and nanoprobing in application to a broad range of biological systems. The chapters in this book are divided into five parts, and cover topics such as imaging and probing of biomacromolecules including high-speed imaging and probing with AFM; probing chromatin structure with magnetic tweezers; and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on genomic DNA in living cells. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and through, Nanoscale Imaging: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this developing and expanding field.
Radiology, Medical. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Clinical radiology --- Radiology, Medical --- Radiology (Medicine) --- Medical physics --- Nanomedicina --- Radiologia mèdica --- Radiologia clínica --- Radiologia (Medicina) --- Física mèdica --- Medicina nuclear --- Radiofàrmacs --- Radiografia mèdica --- Radiologia dental --- Radiologia intervencionista --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Radiologia veterinària --- Radioteràpia --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Medicina --- Nanotecnologia --- Medical radiology.
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This volume looks at the latest techniques used to enable therapeutic molecules to be targeted for site-specific delivery. The chapters in this book discuss topics such as approaches to express biologically derived and synthetic nanocarriers; strategies to assist in nanocarrier targeting to specific cells and tissues; and methods for evaluating delivery and efficiency for new classes of agents. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Targeted Drug Delivery: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the diversity of methods used in this evolving field.
Toxicology. --- Pharmacology/Toxicology. --- Chemicals --- Medicine --- Pharmacology --- Poisoning --- Poisons --- Toxicology --- Nanomedicina --- Biologia molecular --- Manuals de laboratori --- Biofísica molecular --- Bioquímica molecular --- Biofísica --- Bioquímica --- Histoquímica --- Biologia molecular vegetal --- Codi genètic --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Endocrinologia molecular --- Evolució molecular --- Farmacologia molecular --- Genètica molecular --- Glicòmica --- Metabolòmica --- Microbiologia molecular --- Neurobiologia molecular --- Patologia molecular --- Proteòmica --- Reconeixement molecular --- Biomolècules --- Medicina --- Nanotecnologia --- Tècniques de laboratori
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