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This special issue of Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics explores the various functions of metaphor in life writing. Looking at a range of autobiographical subgenres (pathography, disability narratives, memoirs of migration, autofiction) and different kinds of metaphors, the contributions seek to ‘map’ the possibilities of metaphor for narratively framing an individual life and for constructing notions of selfhood.
Symbolism (Art movement) --- Life writing. --- autobiography. --- metaphor. --- metonymy.
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The volume addresses a number of closely connected methodological, descriptive, and theoretical issues in the study of metonymy, and includes a series of case studies broadening our knowledge of the functioning of metonymy. As regards the methodological and descriptive issues, the book exhibits a unique feature in metonymy literature: the discussion of the structure of a detailed, web-based metonymy database (especially its entry model), and the descriptive criteria to be applied in its completion. The theoretical discussion contributes important challenging insights on several metonymy-related topics such as contingency, source prominence, 'complex target', source-target contrast / asymmetry, conceptual integration, hierarchies, triggers, de-personalization and de-roling, and many others. The case studies deal with the role of metonymy in morphology, monoclausal if only constructions, emotional categories, and iconicity in English and other languages, including one sign language.
Lexicology. Semantics --- Psycholinguistics --- Grammar --- Metonyms --- Cognitive grammar --- Metaphor --- Psychological aspects --- Parabole --- Figures of speech --- Reification --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Metonymy --- E-books
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The present book contains a transcribed version of the lectures given by Professor Zoltán Kövecses in November 2010 as one of the three forum speakers for the 8th China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics . The topics presented in this book deal with the language and conceptualization of emotions, cross-cultural variation in metaphor, metaphor and metonymy in discourse, and the issue of the relationship between language, mind, and culture from a cognitive linguistic perspective
Lexicology. Semantics --- Psycholinguistics --- Metaphor --- Metonyms --- Cognitive grammar --- Emotions --- Feelings --- Human emotions --- Passions --- Psychology --- Affect (Psychology) --- Affective neuroscience --- Apathy --- Pathognomy --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Parabole --- Reification --- Psychological aspects
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The present monography entitled A Study of Slovenian Multi-Word Lexemes from a Lexicographical Perspective provides a typology of newer nominal multi-word lexemes with potential terminological meaning, based on the theory of Russian linguist N. M. Shanskiy which brings four precisely defined levels of semantic merger of their components. The analysis of individual components of multi-word lexemes from a morphological, syntactic and semantic perspective reveals typological tendencies of nominal multi-word lexemes which occurred especially in the last twenty years.The typology takes into account the causal relationship between the level of semantic transfer (of the components) of a multi-word lexeme on the one hand and the level of semantic merger of components of a multi-word lexeme and related lexicalization of a multi-word lexeme on the other hand, which is also reflected in the restricted collocability of their components. Lexicalized or non-lexicalized metaphorical and metonymic semantic transfers are contributing to the new semantic and syntactic combinations of individual words in the phrase, to the consequent integration of their meanings to form a single meaning of the multi-word lexeme and thus to a higher level of lexicalization and semantic firmness of a multi-word lexeme. Monografija z vidika slovaropisja prinaša tipologijo novejših samostalniških večbesednih leksemov s potencialnim terminološkim pomenom, zasnovano na teoriji ruskega jezikoslovca N. M. Šanskega, ki temelji na štirih jasno opredeljenih stopnjah pomenske zlitosti sestavin večbesednih leksemov. S pomočjo analize posameznih sestavin večbesednih leksemov z oblikoslovnega, skladenjskega in leksikalnopomenskega vidika so ugotovljene tipološke tendence, ki jih nakazujejo samostalniški večbesedni leksemi. Pri tipologiji je upoštevana vzročno-posledična zveza med stopnjo prenesenosti pomena (sestavin) večbesednega leksema ter med stopnjo pomenske zlitosti sestavin in s tem povezano leksikaliziranostjo, ustaljenostjo večbesednega leksema, ki se odraža tudi v omejeni povezovalnosti posameznih sestavin večbesednega leksema. Leksikalizirani ali neleksikalizirani metaforični in metonimični pomenski prenosi namreč prispevajo k novim pomenskoskladenjskim kombinacijam besed v besedni zvezi, k posledičnemu povezovanju njihovih pomenov v enotni pomen besedne zveze ter s tem k višji stopnji leksikaliziranosti in pomenske ustaljenosti večbesednega leksema.
Slovenian language --- Lexicology. --- Phraseology. --- Word formation. --- Lexicography. --- Slovene language --- Windic dialect (Slovenian) --- Slavic languages, Southern --- Slovenian --- Lexicography --- lexicography --- metaphor --- metonymy --- multi-word lexem --- leksikografija --- metafora --- metonimija --- slovaropisje --- slovenščina --- večbesedni leksem
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Although recent linguistic and media-studies' research has increasingly dealt with forms of imagery beyond language, such as in audiovisual formats, only little attention has been paid to the specific media character of audiovisual images. This raises a theoretical as well as methodological problem: How can processes of figurative meaning making in audiovisual media be adequately conceptualized and described? The book intends to bridge this research gap with an analysis of campaign commercials, a hitherto largely underexplored object of study in metaphor and metonymy research. To achieve this goal, a transdisciplinary film-analytical and cognitive-linguistic account of audiovisual figurativity is developed and examined through a comparative analysis of figurative meaning-making processes in German and Polish campaign commercials from 2009 and 2011. By setting the inseparable intertwining of language and cinematic staging, sensing and understanding center stage, the book provides insight into the dynamic nature and embodied affective grounds of audiovisual figurativity, and challenges the long-known dichotomies of rational discourse and affective manipulation, political message and media effect.
Semiotics --- Mass communications --- Advertising. Public relations --- Pragmatics --- Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) --- Analysis, Linguistic (Linguistics) --- Analysis (Philosophy) --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- E-books --- 2000-2099 --- Germany. --- Poland. --- Audiovisuality. --- campaign commercials. --- metaphor. --- metonymy. --- multimodal communication. --- 1939-1945 --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Būlūniy --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- PNR --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Poland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Polen --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polin --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Pologne --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Polonia --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonyah --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polska --- Polská republika --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Polskas --- Polsko --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- PRL --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republic of Poland --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- République populaire de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- Yn Pholynn --- Europe --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deguo --- Deutsches Reich --- Deutschland --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- Gėrman --- German Uls --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- Germany (East) --- Germany (West)
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