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Dinge - Nutzer - Netze: Von der Virtualisierung des Musealen zur Musealisierung des Virtuellen
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ISBN: 383944232X 3837642321 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Museen sind stets auch virtuelle Räume: Als Einrichtungen des gemeinsamen Erinnerns schlagen sie Brücken zwischen dem An- und Abwesenden, der Materialität ihrer Exponate und einer Vergangenheit, die nur in ihren Hinterlassenschaften ihr Wirklichsein zu behaupten vermag. Dennoch sind in einer Gesellschaft, für die Virtualität Normalität geworden ist, die Institution Museum und ihr Umgang mit den längst nicht mehr ›neuen‹ Medien nach wie vor Austragungsorte erhitzter Debatten über das ›Echte‹, das ›Authentische‹ und die Erfahrbarkeit des Wirklichen. Dennis Niewerth geht der Frage nach, worin die »Virtualisierung des Musealen« besteht. Und er zeigt, was das Museum als Bollwerk der Kulturpädagogik im Sinne einer »Musealisierung des Virtuellen« einer Gesellschaft anzubieten hat, die unter der Fülle ihrer Erinnerungen begraben zu werden droht. Besprochen in:, 27.09.2019

Globalized nostalgia : tourism, heritage, and the politics of place
ISBN: 9781138593534 9781138593527 1138593524 1138593532 Year: 2018 Publisher: London : Routledge,

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In Globalized Nostalgia , Christina Ceisel shows how national identity is being remade for the global marketplace. Through media, cultural events, foodways, and personal narratives, we see how notions of the past are mobilized towards varied political, economic, and cultural ends. In Galicia, Spain, Ceisel points towards tourism as one mode of cosmopolitan engagement, revisiting food festivals, wine tours, fishing excursions and reality television shows. She identifies globalized nostalgia as a feeling deeply connected to national identity – that these ‘performances’ of tourist activity rely on claims to an authentic past based on "heritage" for value to the consumer. While such strategies work to brand the nation, Ceisel demonstrates how they may also be employed towards emancipation and an inclusive participatory democracy. Placing her own lived experience within the context of our historical present, relying on interpretive methods, including performance autoethnography, Ceisel highlights the tensions embedded in contemporary transnational cultural politics. Through the development of innovative methodological tools, Ceisel points towards new ways of thinking about the politics of belonging. Ultimately, Ceisel argues that we need to reorient our understandings of authenticity and heritage to accommodate the realities of hybridity and diaspora. Christina M. Ceisel is Assistant Professor of Communications at California State University, Fullerton. She holds her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a M.A. from the University of Chicago

Commémorations dans la lumière et la couleur : vitraux de guerre et patriotiques en Wallonie et à Bruxelles
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ISBN: 9782390380122 2390380123 Year: 2018 Publisher: Namur Agence wallonne du Patrimoine

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L'ouvrage porte un regard sur les vitraux se rapportant à la Première et à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, supports matériels et artistiques de la commémoration auxquels on ne prête généralement guère d’attention. Les dimensions mémorielles, techniques et artistiques de ces œuvres, sans oublier les aspects humains qui ont présidé à leur réalisation, sont analysées sur la base de documents d’archives et d’un recensement aussi exhaustif que possible dans des édifices civils ou religieux en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Ainsi un patrimoine exceptionnel et singulier révèle-t-il des moments du vécu poignant de deux générations et d’une société douloureusement fragilisée.


C3 --- glaskunst --- KADOC - Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving (1977-) --- Kunst en cultuur --- Wallonie --- Arts --- Patrimoine culturel --- kulturarv --- kultuuripärand --- dziedzictwo kultury --- cultureel erfgoed --- kultúrne dedičstvo --- wirt kulturali --- kulturális örökség --- oidhreacht chultúrtha --- kulttuuriperintö --- πολιτιστική κληρονομιά --- kulturní dědictví --- културно наследство --- patrimonio culturale --- kulturna dediščina --- kulturelles Erbe --- kultūras mantojums --- património cultural --- patrimonio cultural --- trashëgimi kulturore --- cultural heritage --- културно наслеђе --- patrimoniu cultural --- kulturna baština --- kultūros paveldas --- sprachliches Erbe --- nyelvi örökség --- werelderfgoed --- πνευματική κληρονομιά --- patrimonio letterario --- dokumentárne dedičstvo --- literarisches Erbe --- patrimoine de l'humanité --- linguïstisch erfgoed --- patrimoniu literar --- kirjallinen perintö --- valodas mantojums --- bibliographic heritage --- linguistic heritage --- litteraturarv --- literárne dedičstvo --- språkligt arv --- trashëgimi njerëzore --- património linguístico --- žmoniškasis paveldas --- literarna baština --- patrimonju kulturali --- trashëgimi bibliografike --- patrimonio literario --- dokumentinis paveldas --- literārais mantojums --- património documental --- jazykové dědictví --- patrimoine linguistique --- bibliografisch erfgoed --- rahvuslik kultuuripärand --- literair erfgoed --- literární dědictví --- tietoperintö --- litterärt arv --- litterær kulturarv --- kalbos paveldas --- julkaisuperintö --- Kulturerbe --- lingvistiskais mantojums --- писмено наследство --- documentary heritage --- kulturel arv --- baština čovječanstva --- trashëgimi letrare --- книжевно наследство --- пишано наследство --- patrimoine bibliographique --- kansanperintö --- κληρονομιά της ανθρωπότητας --- patrimonio bibliográfico --- bibliografijos paveldas --- Kulturbesitz --- συλλογές τεκμηρίωσης --- patrimoine littéraire --- historisk bygningsværk --- irodalmi örökség --- patrimonio de la humanidad --- dokumentarisches Erbe --- sprogskat --- patrimonio bibliografico --- literatūros paveldas --- patrimonio lingüístico --- patrimonio documental --- patrimoniu lingvistic --- trashëgimi gjuhësore --- patrimonio documentale --- património literário --- keelepärand --- sproglig arv --- kieliperintö --- kulturní památka --- património bibliográfico --- human heritage --- trashëgimi dokumentare --- Literaturgut --- patrimonio linguistico --- наследство на човештвото --- ľudské dedičstvo --- γλωσσική κληρονομιά --- mündliche Überlieferung --- Sprachgut --- јазично наследство --- βιβλιογραφικό υλικό --- литературно наследство --- patrimonio dell'umanità --- dokumentarkiv --- pisana baština --- världsarv --- λογοτεχνική κληρονομιά --- documentair erfgoed --- jazykové dedičstvo --- kirjanduslik pärand --- bibliografické dedičstvo --- kulturno nasljeđe --- jezična baština --- menneskehedens kulturarv --- dokumendipärand --- patrimoine documentaire --- literary heritage --- inimpärand --- património da Humanidade --- seværdighed --- bibliográfiai örökség --- lingvistinis paveldas --- umenie --- artă --- taiteet --- menai --- kunst --- τέχνες --- artes --- konst --- arts --- umjetnost --- kunstid --- arti --- изкуства --- kunsten --- umění --- arte --- művészetek --- māksla --- umetnost --- Kunst --- sztuka --- уметност --- artet --- juvelérarbejde --- smykkekunst --- attività artistica --- kunstnerisk aktivitet --- Wallonië --- na healaíona --- Glass painting and staining --- Stained glass windows --- World War, 1914-1918 --- World War, 1939-1945

Heritage and romantic consumption in China
ISBN: 9048536820 9462985677 9789048536825 9789462985674 Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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The drums beat, an old man in a grand robe mutters incantations and three brides on horseback led by their grooms on foot proceed to the Naxi Wedding Courtyard, accompanied, watched and photographed the whole way by tourists, who have bought tickets for the privilege. The traditional wedding ceremonies are performed for the ethnic tourism industry in Lijiang, a World Heritage town in southwest China. This book examines how heritage interacts with social-cultural changes and how individuals perform and negotiate their identities through daily practices that include tourism, on the one hand, and the performance of ethnicity on the other. The wedding performances in Lijiang not only serve as a heritage 'product' but show how the heritage and tourism industry helps to shape people's values, dreams and expectations. This book also explores the rise of 'romantic consumerism' in contemporary China. Chinese dissatisfaction with the urban mundane leads to romanticized interests in practices and people deemed to be natural, ethnic, spiritual and aesthetic, and a search for tradition and authenticity. But what, exactly, are tradition and authenticity, and what happens to them when they are turned into performance?


Heritage tourism --- Tradition (Philosophy) --- Heritage tourism. --- Cultural tourism --- Tourism --- Traditionalism (Philosophy) --- Philosophy --- Soziokultureller Wandel --- Tourismus --- Idealisierung --- Brauchtum --- Kulturerbe --- Nationale Minderheit --- China --- China. --- Cina --- Kinë --- Cathay --- Chinese National Government --- Chung-kuo kuo min cheng fu --- Republic of China (1912-1949) --- Kuo min cheng fu (China : 1912-1949) --- Chung-hua min kuo (1912-1949) --- Kina (China) --- National Government (1912-1949) --- China (Republic : 1912-1949) --- People's Republic of China --- Chinese People's Republic --- Chung-hua jen min kung ho kuo --- Central People's Government of Communist China --- Chung yang jen min cheng fu --- Chung-hua chung yang jen min kung ho kuo --- Central Government of the People's Republic of China --- Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo --- Zhong hua ren min gong he guo --- Kitaĭskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Činská lidová republika --- RRT --- Republik Rakjat Tiongkok --- KNR --- Kytaĭsʹka Narodna Respublika --- Jumhūriyat al-Ṣīn al-Shaʻbīyah --- RRC --- Kitaĭ --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku --- Erets Sin --- Sin --- Sāthāranarat Prachāchon Čhīn --- P.R. China --- PR China --- Chung-kuo --- Zhongguo --- Zhonghuaminguo (1912-1949) --- Zhong guo --- Chine --- République Populaire de Chine --- República Popular China --- Catay --- VR China --- VRChina --- 中國 --- 中国 --- 中华人民共和国 --- Jhongguó --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaxu Dundadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaqu Dumdadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Dundad Ard Uls --- Khi︠a︡tad --- Kitad --- Dumdadu Ulus --- Dumdad Uls --- Думдад Улс --- Kitajska --- China (Republic : 1949- ) --- PRC --- P.R.C. --- BNKhAU --- БНХАУ --- S03/0523 --- S11/0600 --- S11/1223 --- China: Geography, description and travel--Travels: since 1989 --- China: Social sciences--Customs, etiquette --- China: Social sciences--Noso, Naxi --- Cultural heritage. --- ethnic tourism. --- performance. --- romantic consumption.

Restituer le patrimoine africain
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782848767253 2848767251 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Philippe Rey / Seuil,

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"Les guerres ont toujours entraîné des spoliations d'objets et de trésors au détriment des pays vaincus. La France quant à elle a été particulièrement active au cours de ses conquêtes coloniales au XIXe siècle. Dès cette époque, de prestigieuses voix s'élèvent en Europe pour condamner ce que la prétendue " civilisation " inflige à la " barbarie ". Victor Hugo " espère qu'un jour viendra où la France, délivrée et nettoyée " renverra ses butins. On compte actuellement dans les collections publiques françaises au moins 88 000 objets provenant de l'Afrique subsaharienne. Malgré de nombreuses réclamations de pays africains depuis les indépendances, l'État français n'a pas jugé bon d'évoluer sur cette question, arguant de l'inaliénabilité du patrimoine national. Jusqu'au discours du 28 novembre 2017 du président Emmanuel Macron à Ouagadougou, qui annonça la mise en oeuvre dans un délai de cinq ans de " restitutions temporaires ou définitives du patrimoine africain en Afrique ". Il confia alors à Felwine Sarr et Bénédicte Savoy la mission de consulter les spécialistes en Afrique et en France, et de mener une large réflexion sur ce sujet. Le fruit de cette mission est le présent ouvrage, qui reprend le contenu du rapport remis le 23 novembre 2018 au président de la République. Il raconte les spoliations à travers l'histoire mondiale, évalue la part de la France, dresse un premier inventaire des œuvres spoliées, fait le récit des tentatives des pays africains pour se réapproprier leur patrimoine, analyse les questions juridiques qui se posent, et énonce un certain nombre de recommandations pratiques pour la mise en oeuvre des restitutions, un des chantiers les plus audacieux de ce XXIe siècle."


BPB9999 --- Afrique --- --Patrimoine --- --France --- --Colonie française --- --Spoliation --- --Restitution --- --BPB1901 --- Patrimoine culturel --- France --- Musée --- Afrika --- Cultureel erfgoed --- Frankrijk --- Museum --- BPB1901 --- музеј --- museo --- múzeum --- muzeu --- mużew --- μουσείο --- muuseum --- museu --- muzej --- muze --- museum --- музей --- muzeum --- muzejs --- muziejus --- galerie --- muzejska građa --- galerija --- pinacoteca --- galleria d'arte --- Francuska --- Franciaország --- An Fhrainc --- Frankrig --- Franza --- Frankrike --- Francja --- Franța --- Франция --- Francia --- Francúzsko --- Franca --- Francie --- Francija --- Франција --- Γαλλία --- Француска --- Prantsusmaa --- Prancūzija --- França --- Ranska --- Frankreich --- Ranskan tasavalta --- Republica Franceză --- Francúzska republika --- Prancūzijos Respublika --- Republika Franceze --- Република Франција --- République française --- Republiken Frankrike --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- die Französische Republik --- Francuska Republika --- Franse Republiek --- Француска Република --- French Republic --- Francijas Republika --- ir-Repubblika Franċiża --- Republika Francuska --- Den Franske Republik --- Francia Köztársaság --- República Francesa --- Francouzská republika --- Repubblica francese --- Prantsuse Vabariik --- Francoska republika --- Френска република --- kulturarv --- kultuuripärand --- dziedzictwo kultury --- cultureel erfgoed --- kultúrne dedičstvo --- wirt kulturali --- kulturális örökség --- oidhreacht chultúrtha --- kulttuuriperintö --- πολιτιστική κληρονομιά --- kulturní dědictví --- културно наследство --- patrimonio culturale --- kulturna dediščina --- kulturelles Erbe --- kultūras mantojums --- património cultural --- patrimonio cultural --- trashëgimi kulturore --- cultural heritage --- културно наслеђе --- patrimoniu cultural --- kulturna baština --- kultūros paveldas --- sprachliches Erbe --- nyelvi örökség --- werelderfgoed --- πνευματική κληρονομιά --- patrimonio letterario --- dokumentárne dedičstvo --- literarisches Erbe --- patrimoine de l'humanité --- linguïstisch erfgoed --- patrimoniu literar --- kirjallinen perintö --- valodas mantojums --- bibliographic heritage --- linguistic heritage --- litteraturarv --- literárne dedičstvo --- språkligt arv --- trashëgimi njerëzore --- património linguístico --- žmoniškasis paveldas --- literarna baština --- patrimonju kulturali --- trashëgimi bibliografike --- patrimonio literario --- dokumentinis paveldas --- literārais mantojums --- património documental --- jazykové dědictví --- patrimoine linguistique --- bibliografisch erfgoed --- rahvuslik kultuuripärand --- literair erfgoed --- literární dědictví --- tietoperintö --- litterärt arv --- litterær kulturarv --- kalbos paveldas --- julkaisuperintö --- Kulturerbe --- lingvistiskais mantojums --- писмено наследство --- documentary heritage --- kulturel arv --- baština čovječanstva --- trashëgimi letrare --- книжевно наследство --- пишано наследство --- patrimoine bibliographique --- kansanperintö --- κληρονομιά της ανθρωπότητας --- patrimonio bibliográfico --- bibliografijos paveldas --- Kulturbesitz --- συλλογές τεκμηρίωσης --- patrimoine littéraire --- historisk bygningsværk --- irodalmi örökség --- patrimonio de la humanidad --- dokumentarisches Erbe --- sprogskat --- patrimonio bibliografico --- literatūros paveldas --- patrimonio lingüístico --- patrimonio documental --- patrimoniu lingvistic --- trashëgimi gjuhësore --- patrimonio documentale --- património literário --- keelepärand --- sproglig arv --- kieliperintö --- kulturní památka --- património bibliográfico --- human heritage --- trashëgimi dokumentare --- Literaturgut --- patrimonio linguistico --- наследство на човештвото --- ľudské dedičstvo --- γλωσσική κληρονομιά --- mündliche Überlieferung --- Sprachgut --- јазично наследство --- βιβλιογραφικό υλικό --- литературно наследство --- patrimonio dell'umanità --- dokumentarkiv --- pisana baština --- världsarv --- λογοτεχνική κληρονομιά --- documentair erfgoed --- jazykové dedičstvo --- kirjanduslik pärand --- bibliografické dedičstvo --- kulturno nasljeđe --- jezična baština --- menneskehedens kulturarv --- dokumendipärand --- patrimoine documentaire --- literary heritage --- inimpärand --- património da Humanidade --- seværdighed --- bibliográfiai örökség --- lingvistinis paveldas --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- Cultural property --- Restitution --- Repatriation --- Protection --- Antiquities. --- Colonies --- History. --- Cultural policy --- An Afraic --- Art africain --- Collections publiques --- músaem --- Museology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Patrimoine --- Colonie française --- Spoliation --- Musée

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