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Rethinking Japanese Feminisms

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Rethinking Japanese Feminisms offers a broad overview of the great diversity of feminist thought and practice in Japan from the early twentieth century to the present. Drawing on methodologies and approaches from anthropology, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies, history, literature, media studies, and sociology, each chapter presents the results of research based on some combination of original archival research, careful textual analysis, ethnographic interviews, and participant observation.The volume is organized into sections focused on activism and activists, employment and education, literature and the arts, and boundary crossing. Some chapters shed light on ideas and practices that resonate with feminist thought but find expression through the work of writers, artists, activists, and laborers who have not typically been considered feminist; others revisit specific moments in the history of Japanese feminisms in order to complicate or challenge the dominant scholarly and popular understandings of specific activists, practices, and beliefs. The chapters are contextualized by an introduction that offers historical background on feminisms in Japan, and a forward-looking conclusion that considers what it means to rethink Japanese feminism at this historical juncture.Building on more than four decades of scholarship on feminisms in Japanese and English, as well as decades more on women’s history, Rethinking Japanese Feminisms offers a diverse and multivocal approach to scholarship on Japanese feminisms unmatched by existing publications. Written in language accessible to students and non-experts, it will be at home in the hands of students and scholars, as well as activists and others interested in gender, sexuality, and feminist theory and activism in Japan and in Asia more broadly.

Matriarchatsfiktionen : Johann Jakob Bachofen und die deutsche Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783796535079 3796535070 Year: 2018 Publisher: Basel : Schwabe,

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Familie – Beruf – Karriere : Daten, Analysen und Instrumente zur Vereinbarkeit
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3658125047 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Gabler,

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Dieser Sammelband ist eine Bestandsaufnahme der Vereinbarkeit von Familienleben (Betreuung von Kindern und Pflege von Familienangehörigen) und Erwerbsleben. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf einem erweiterten Begriff von Vereinbarkeit, der eine Karriere im Sinne einer erfolgreichen Teilnahme am Arbeitsmarkt miteinschließt – und nicht nur das Ausüben eines Jobs. Die Autor_innen zeigen anhand von Daten aus Österreich und Deutschland die wesentlichen Charakteristika von Problemen zur Vereinbarkeit auf und stellen Instrumente vor, die einen Beitrag zu einer verbesserten Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Beruf und Karriere und damit auch zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter leisten können. Neben den Möglichkeiten werden aber auch Grenzen, wie etwa körperliche oder emotionale Belastungen, vor allem aber finanzielle Ausfälle und Karrierenachteile, thematisiert. Der Inhalt • Daten zur Vereinbarkeit und Auswirkungen auf Arbeitsmarktchancen und den Gender Gap in Löhnen und Pensionen in Zusammenhang mit (mangelnder) Vereinbarkeit • Institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen von Vereinbarkeitspolitik • Instrumente zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern: Analyse bestehender Politikmaßnahmen und Empfehlungen Die Herausgeberinnen DIin Doris A. Behrens ist Leiterin der Abteilung für Mathematische Modellierung am Aneurin Bevan University Health Board im südwalisischen Caerleon. Margareta Kreimer ist Professorin am Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Graz. Mag.a Maria Mucke ist als akademische Fachkraft für Frauenförderung und Gleichstellung am Universitätszentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien an der Universität Klagenfurt tätig. Nele E. Franz arbeitet für eine Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main.

Reading Lacan
ISBN: 1501721607 Year: 2018 Publisher: Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press,

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The influence of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan has extended into nearly every field of the humanities and social sciences-from literature and film studies to anthropology and social work. yet Lacan's major text, Ecrits, continues to perplex and even baffle its readers. In Reading Lacan, Jane Gallop offers a novel approach to Lacan's work based on his own theories of language.Lacan locates truth in the letter rather than in the spirit-in the ways statements are expressed rather than in their intended meaning. Gallop here grapples with six of Lacan's essays from Ecrits: "The Seminar on 'The Purloined Letter,' " "The Mirror Stage," "The Freudian Thing,'' "The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious,'' "The Signification of the Phallus," and "The Subversion of the Subject." While other commentators have chosen not to confront Lacan's notoriously problematic style in their discussions of his ideas, Gallop addresses herself directly to the problem and the practice of reading Lacan. She takes her direction from Lacan's view of subjectivity and offers a deeply personal, feminist reading of Ecrits. Concentrating on the relation of desire and interpretation, she opens up the rich implications of Lacan's thought, for psychoanalytic theory, for the act of reading, and for knowledge itself.Forceful and revealing, yet utterly candid about its own areas of uncertainty, Gallop's book will be indispensable to readers of Lacan and to scholars and students who have felt his impact.

Coming-out - Queere Identitäten zwischen Diskriminierung und Emanzipation
ISBN: 3863883586 Year: 2018 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich UniPress

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Trotz der Wandlungsprozesse innerhalb der Diskurse um Geschlecht und Sexualität bleibt die Diskriminierung queerer Identitäten ein virulentes Problem. Die Formen dieser Diskriminierung untersucht die Autorin in ihrer Studie. Anhand von Interviews zeichnet sie die Auswirkungen der Heteronormativität auf die Betroffenen nach und mittels einer Diskursanalyse untersucht sie die historischen Wandlungsprozesse in der Konstruktion queerer Identitäten. Daraus leitet die Autorin die fortbestehende Notwendigkeit konkreter politischer und gesellschaftlicher Emanzipation ab. Bärbel Schomers Buch ist ein ambitioniertes Werk, welches eindeutig mit viel Engagement und Aufwandv erfasst wurdeAnthropos 114.2019 "Die Dissertation von Bärbel Schomers bietet eine überaus lesenswerte, viele innovative Aspekte beinhaltende sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch wohl fundierte Lektüre, die - da bin ich mir sicher - auch als Buchpublikation zu einem in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer weit verbreiteten Tabu ihren LeserInnenkreis finden wird." Hier finden Sie die ganze Rezension:

Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 150172374X 9781501723742 0801429129 9780801429125 0801481414 9780801481413 Year: 2018 Publisher: Ithaca, NY

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The work of the distinguished philosopher Sarah Kofman has, since her tragic death in 1994, become a focus for many scholars interested in contemporary French philosophy. The first critical collection on her thought to appear in English, Enigmas evaluates Kofman's most important contributions to philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, feminism, and literary theory. These insightful essays range from analyses of Kofman's first book, L'Enfance de l'art (1970), to her last, L'Imposture de la beauté (1995). This unique volume represents the major themes in Kofman's scholarship: literature and aesthetics; philosophy and metaphor; women, feminism, and psychoanalysis; and Jews and German nationalism. Selected essays explore and diagnose Kofman's personal struggles as they are reflected in her writing.

Seven Faces of Women's Sport
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1787439666 1787437108 1787437116 1787543447 9781787437104 9781787439665 9781787437111 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bingley

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Media and political figures often assert that progress towards achieving gender parity has advanced. However, circumstances around recent major sports events such as the Women's Football World Cup and Olympic Games suggest otherwise. From controversy around facilities to miniscule commercial sponsorship, from body confidence to physical literacy, from grassroots to elite performance these events reveal ideologies and barriers that mitigate against parity for women's sport remaining entrenched. An informed critical examination of interconnected issues around women and sport in the twenty-first century is absent from current scholarship. This book will explore some of the intersecting issues through the lens of 7 faces: governance, economics, nationhood, competition, bodies, sport for development and media. The collection seeks to amplify the ways in which inequalities are sustained by struggles between dominant social, political and economic power networks. We argue that only by making visible this complex matrix, does it become possible to create agendas for more rapid change to rebalance existing gender inequalities. The book seeks to disentangle some of the issues, and to disrupt conventional ways of thinking about gender inequalities in sport. Our thesis is that change is slow, but investment in different skills and knowledge could direct sustainable and strategically relevant change for women's sport.

Doing Space while Doing Gender - Vernetzungen von Raum und Geschlecht in Forschung und Politik
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3839435366 3837635368 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Jeder Ort, jeder Körper steht in Verbindung zu anderen und wird erst in diesem Gefüge von Relationen zu sich selbst. Dieser Band entwirft Fluchtlinien im Doing Space while Doing Gender. In einem ersten Buchteil stellen Beiträge zentrale Begriffe wie »Exposure«, »Materialität« oder »Transsektionalität« vor. Ein zweiter Buchteil versammelt Studien - etwa zum Heiratsmarkt Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, zu queeren Körpern in New York oder der Lyrik Gloria Fuertes'. Durch die inhaltliche Verlinkung der Beiträge ist der Band auch als Handbuch nutzbar, soll zur Diskussion einladen und zeigt an vielen Stellen, dass Dynamiken von Raum und Geschlecht nicht zuletzt politische Fragen der Gegenwart betreffen. Besprochen in: L`Homme, 30/2 (2019), Gesine Tuitjer Weiberdiwan, 2 (2020), Eva Hallama

Doing Cultural History

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"Doing Cultural History" collects papers on a variety of topics. The issues addressed span from the 12th to the 21st century and include the communication of peace in written and pictorial sources, narrative structures in legal texts, masculinity and violence, and new research into Scottish medieval history as well as a comparison of religious theme parks and the perception of sorcery and false saintliness in early modern Spain. »Das Close Reading der Quellen in vielen Beiträgen eröffnet [...] die Nachvollziehbarkeit des Arbeits- und Argumentationsganges. So bietet der Band erste Zugänge zu unterschiedlichen Gegenstandsbereichen und zu diversen Quellengruppen sowie gelungene Fallstudien.« Astrid Ackermann,, 19/11 (2019)

Women, activism and apartheid South Africa
ISBN: 1787547167 1787545253 1787545261 1787544621 9781787545250 9781787547162 9781787545267 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bingley, UK

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This book investigates women's political activism and conflict in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, examining issues around domestic violence, racial abuse and women in detention without trial. It builds on the theatrical analysis within play texts such as 'You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock' 'Glass House', 'Born in the RSA' 'Has Anyone Seen Zandile?' and 'So What's New?' to chart participation in the struggle against apartheid between 1975 and 1993, providing a political, economic and social herstory of South African women's activism. Further, the focus on play texts addresses the dearth of knowledge of pertinent herstorical moments, women's fight for political agency and equality, how apartheid laws affected women's role in theatre and provides a feminist lens and insight into how these laws affected the herstory of South Africa. The inclusion of a critical perspective from women who wrote plays and worked in theatre takes the book beyond a purely theatrical analysis. It seeks to explore how theatre as a form can help write a 'herstory' of apartheid, not only to document the reality of women's experiences but also as a means to imagine different realities.

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