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Si l'année 1821 voit disparaître un géant de l’histoire en la personne de Napoléon, elle en voit aussi naître deux, en littérature : Charles Baudelaire et Gustave Flaubert. Le premier deviendra le poète phare de la modernité, qui irriguera les veines de maints courants ultérieurs (décadentisme, symbolisme, etc.) ; le second incarnera, au XIXe siècle, le modèle du romancier styliste, travailleur inlassable du Verbe. Le scandale les réunira en 1857 sur les bancs de la Correctionnelle, quand il s’agira de juger de la moralité des Fleurs du Mal et de Madame Bovary. Tous deux rêvèrent d’Orient et furent assoiffés d’idéal. Tous deux partirent, chacun à sa façon, en croisade solitaire contre la Bêtise de leurs contemporains. Tous deux disparurent en laissant derrière eux une œuvre majeure, mais suspendue dans l’inachèvement, qu’il s’agisse du chantier polémique inspiré par le séjour de Baudelaire dans une Belgique honnie ou l’anti-encyclopédie satirique et « hénaurme » Bouvard et Pécuchet. À travers des éclairages variés et souvent inattendus, notre dossier envisage en miroir ces deux personnalités hors norme et questionne de conserve la démesure de leur génie afin de savoir pourquoi, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, nous avons encore à nous y ressourcer
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This book explores the modern cultural history of the queer martyr in France and Belgium. By analyzing how popular writers in French responded to Catholic doctrine and the tradition of St. Sebastian in art, Queering the Martyr shows how religious and secular symbols overlapped to produce not one, but two martyr-types. These are the queer type, typified first by Gustave Flaubert, which is a philosophical foil, and the gay type, popularized by Jean Genet but created by the Belgian Georges Eekhoud, which is a political and pornographic device. Grounded in feminist queer theory and working from a post-psychoanalytical point of view, the argument explores the potential and limits of these two figures, noting especially the persistence of misogyny in religious culture.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- French literature (outside France) --- French literature --- LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex and asexual) --- katholicisme --- katholieke kerk --- Genet, Jean --- Sebastian [s.] --- Flaubert, Gustave --- Eekhoud, Georges --- France --- Belgium
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This book considers the historical and cultural origins of the gut-brain relationship now evidenced in numerous scientific research fields. Bringing together eleven scholars with wide interdisciplinary expertise, the volume examines literal and metaphorical digestion in different spheres of nineteenth-century life. Digestive health is examined in three sections in relation to science, politics and literature during the period, focusing on Northern America, Europe and Australia. Using diverse methodologies, the essays demonstrate that the long nineteenth century was an important moment in the Western understanding and perception of the gastroenterological system and its relation to the mind in the sense of cognition, mental wellbeing, and the emotions. This collection explores how medical breakthroughs are often historically preceded by intuitive models imagined throughout a range of cultural productions. .
Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- Physiology of nutrition. Metabolism --- American literature --- English literature --- Literature --- History --- wetenschapsgeschiedenis --- geschiedenis --- literatuur --- literatuurgeschiedenis --- stofwisseling --- Zola, Emile --- Flaubert, Gustave --- Huysmans, Joris-Karl --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 2000-2099 --- Europe --- North America --- Australia
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Khnopff, Fernand --- Symbolism (Art movement) --- Portrait painting --- Painters --- Painting, Belgian --- Biography --- Social networks --- Khnopff, Fernand, --- Khnopff, Fernand. --- Arts --- Oeuvres --- Maison-atelier --- Littérature --- Flaubert, Gustave --- Péladan, Joséphin --- Mallarmé, Stéphane --- Verhaeren, Emile --- Rodenbach, Georges --- Cercle Artistique Brugeois, société civile et militaire. --- tentoonstelling Brugge (1910). --- Salon van Brugge (1910). --- 20ste eeuw.
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This volume examines the anxieties that caused many nineteenth-century writers to insist on literature as a laboured and labouring enterprise. Following Isaac D’Israeli’s gloss on Jean de La Bruyère, it asks, in particular, whether writing should be ‘called working’. Whereas previous studies have focused on national literatures in isolation, this volume demonstrates the two-way traffic between British and French conceptions of literary labour. It questions assumed areas of affinity and difference, beginning with the labour politics of the early nineteenth century and their common root in the French Revolution. It also scrutinises the received view of France as a source of a ‘leisure ethic’, and of British writers as either rejecting or self-consciously mimicking French models. Individual essays consider examples of how different writers approached their work, while also evoking a broader notion of ‘work ethics’, understood as a humane practice, whereby values, benefits, and responsibilities, are weighed up.
Fiction --- English literature --- Literature --- French literature --- History --- fantasy --- literatuur --- literatuurgeschiedenis --- Engelse literatuur --- Zola, Emile --- Flaubert, Gustave --- Colette, Sidonie G.C. --- Gissing, George --- Tinayre, Marcelle --- Pater, Walter --- Baudelaire, Charles --- Sand, George --- Maupassant, de, Guy --- Browning, Robert --- Eliot, George --- Ruskin, John --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1900-1999 --- Great Britain --- Ireland --- Europe
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"Le romanesque des lettres est le tête-à-tête de la littérature et du réel un réel qui est lui-même pénétré de littérature. À travers cette frontière poreuse se rencontrent une expérience littéraire et une idée de la vie. Oeuvres, interprétations, événements de la vie des lettres, tout peut être lu comme un roman, en nous souciant de l'intérêt qui nous attache et du plaisir qui nous rétribue ; à la faveur des circonstances, tout peut être vécu comme un roman. La littérature, loin de se fermer sur son autonomie, apparaît ici comme une maison ouverte à son dehors. La porte battante au centre du livre est un chapitre sur le roman à clés. Les fenêtres donnent sur le rapport entre création et critique, lecteurs et bibliothèques, amitié et historiographie, vie privée et vivre public. Au fil des pages s'anime le paysage d'un long romantisme, allant de Sainte-Beuve à Sartre, sous l'horizon de ce que Proust appelle un romanesque vrai."-- Back cover
Reality in literature. --- Aesthetics in literature. --- Literature, Modern --- Literature --- History and criticism. --- Philosophy. --- French fiction --- History and criticism --- French literature --- Reality in literature --- Aesthetics in literature --- Philosophy --- French literature - History and criticism --- Literature - Philosophy --- Romanesque --- Littérature --- Réel --- Rosny Aîné, J.-H. --- Mauclair, Camille --- Gide, André --- Breton, André --- Sartre, Jean-Paul --- Beauvoir, Simone de --- Leduc, Violette --- Balzac, Honoré de --- Flaubert, Gustave --- Scott, Walter --- Aragon, Louis --- Genet, Jean
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