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Elisa von der Recke (1754-1833), in den 1780er Jahren durch ihre Entlarvungsschrift gegen Cagliostro international bekannt geworden, gehört zu den außergewöhnlichsten Akteurinnen im aufklärerischen Diskursfeld. Aus dem baltischen Adelsmilieu stammend, verschaffte sie sich gezielt Eingang in die tonangebenden Kreise nicht nur der bürgerlichen Aufklärung und positionierte sich selbstbewusst als Grenzgängerin: zwischen Adel und Bürgertum, Ost- und Westeuropa, empfindsamer Dichtung und öffentlichkeitswirksamer Publizistik, religiösen, politischen, wissenschaftlichen und rationalistischen Diskursen. Der vorliegende Band, versehen mit einer Zeittafel und einer Bibliographie, erfasst Werk und Wirken Reckes aus der Perspektive zahlreicher Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Geschichte, Religionsgeschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Altertumskunde, Musikwissenschaft und Gender Studies. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei einerseits den Netzwerken gewidmet, die Recke etablierte und durch Korrespondenzen sowie ausgedehnte Reisen festigte, andererseits den lebensweltlichen Kontexten, in denen sich ihr eindrucksvolles Handeln entfaltete.
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Humans, animals and microorganisms all share the same planet, the last playing critical roles in the cycling of nitrogen and sulfur in nature and the degradation of organic materials. Unfortunately, micro-organismal populations also include infectious bacteria and viruses that cause diseases, with a few that have fatal consequences. We chose veterinary bacterial zoonoses as our Research Topic with the aim of delivering up-to-date scientific knowledge on the subject, addressing the topics of detection approaches, vaccine development and host immune response. Our Research Topic alludes to the One Health approach in addressing three important bacterial diseases, Brucella, Mycobacteria and Chlamydia. A short chapter also elaborates on a highly pathogenic field isolate of Mycobacterium avium spp. Avium and an atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O98 as evolving zoonotic risks. The cover illustration is intended to raise our awareness of the fact that pets play a role in our life as passionate and compassionate friends, but that they also pose a health risk due to carrying a bacterial or a viral zoonotic agent. We hope our Research Topic will further the pursuit of these topics and spark research in other important diseases.
microRNAs --- One health --- Chlamydia --- Mycobacteria --- Brucella --- Vaccine --- Detection --- Epidemiology --- MLVA --- ELISA --- microRNAs --- One health --- Chlamydia --- Mycobacteria --- Brucella --- Vaccine --- Detection --- Epidemiology --- MLVA --- ELISA
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Gewalt ist ein grundmenschliches Thema und auch in der Bibel anzutreffen. Der Psalm 2 Sam 22 beinhaltet viele verschiedene Formen von Gewalt und eignet sich deshalb, der Frage nachzugehen, wie man mit Gewaltdarstellungen in der Bibel konstruktiv umgehen kann. Dieser Band nimmt die textlich dargestellte Gewalt in ihren Facetten wahr und zeigt durch die Sichtweisen aus den Humanwissenschaften eine mögliche Hermeneutik auf. Gegliedert in drei Arbeitsschritte wird ein Überblick über Hermeneutiken bei biblischen Gewalttexten und die eigene Positionierung gegeben, eine Sichtung von Erklärungsmodellen und Ergebnissen der Gewaltforschung aus Soziologie und Psychologie geboten sowie der Text 2 Sam 22 unter Einbeziehung dieser exegetisch durchgearbeitet. --
Violence in the Bible --- 222.6 --- 222.6 Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- 222.6 Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Cet essai a pour intention de mettre en valeur la figure controversée du fils de David, Absalom, le jeune homme à la tête d’or, dont la révolte contre son père ne fut pas seulement une querelle de palais, mais dut obéir à une recherche de lui-même, selon le précepte nietzschéen : « Deviens qui tu es ». Une telle figure ne pouvait pas manquer d’inspirer, depuis le récit biblique, nombre d’écrivains – romanciers, dramaturges, poètes, essayistes, partagés entre réprobation et admiration –, ainsi que nombre de peintres sensibles à la beauté tragique d’un être aussi tumultueux, dont la mort singulière, entre châtiment et glorification, fut pleurée par son père : « Absalom, ô mon fils ! que ne suis-je mort à ta place ». La figure du fils de David suspendu aux ramures du chêne annonce celle d’un autre Fils, cloué sur la croix et béni par son Père
222.6 --- 22-05 --- 22-05 Bijbelse figuren --- Bijbelse figuren --- Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- 222.6 Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- 222.6 Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Absalom --- In literature. --- Thematology --- French literature --- Absalom - (Biblical figure)
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Il presente studio intraprende una lettura narrativa dei racconti del primo libro dei Re riguardanti il regno di Acab (1Re 16,29-22,40). In particolare, viene trattata la peculiare caratterizzazione di questo personaggio. La narrazione biblica, infatti, si sofferma ampiamente su questo sovrano, rivelandone tutta la complessità e drammaticità. Egli è ritratto dalla Bibbia come un re peggiore degli altri sovrani che lo hanno preceduto sul traballante trono d'Israele. La poliedrica figura di Acab è indagata nelle sue molteplici sfaccettature, considerando la particolare attenzione del narratore all'interiorità e alle dinamiche affettive del figlio di Omri. La disamina delle vicende che coinvolgono il re d'Israele apre una finestra sulla problematica legata alla rappresentazione narrativa dei personaggi cattivi in azione, parole e sentimenti. Il testo passa a considerare la tipologia del cattivo nella Bibbia, arricchendo l'indagine su Acab del confronto con gli altri opponenti presenti nel macroracconto, nelle narrazioni delle origini e nella saga dei re d'Israele e di Giuda. Nella narrazione biblica può essere rappresentata ogni cosa, anche i personaggi cattivi, perché Dio si mostra capace di attraversare tutto, incluso il male commesso dagli uomini.
222.6 --- 222.6 Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- 222.6 Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Ahab, --- Acab, --- Achab, --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Humans, animals and microorganisms all share the same planet, the last playing critical roles in the cycling of nitrogen and sulfur in nature and the degradation of organic materials. Unfortunately, micro-organismal populations also include infectious bacteria and viruses that cause diseases, with a few that have fatal consequences. We chose veterinary bacterial zoonoses as our Research Topic with the aim of delivering up-to-date scientific knowledge on the subject, addressing the topics of detection approaches, vaccine development and host immune response. Our Research Topic alludes to the One Health approach in addressing three important bacterial diseases, Brucella, Mycobacteria and Chlamydia. A short chapter also elaborates on a highly pathogenic field isolate of Mycobacterium avium spp. Avium and an atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O98 as evolving zoonotic risks. The cover illustration is intended to raise our awareness of the fact that pets play a role in our life as passionate and compassionate friends, but that they also pose a health risk due to carrying a bacterial or a viral zoonotic agent. We hope our Research Topic will further the pursuit of these topics and spark research in other important diseases.
microRNAs --- One health --- Chlamydia --- Mycobacteria --- Brucella --- Vaccine --- Detection --- Epidemiology --- MLVA --- ELISA
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Humans, animals and microorganisms all share the same planet, the last playing critical roles in the cycling of nitrogen and sulfur in nature and the degradation of organic materials. Unfortunately, micro-organismal populations also include infectious bacteria and viruses that cause diseases, with a few that have fatal consequences. We chose veterinary bacterial zoonoses as our Research Topic with the aim of delivering up-to-date scientific knowledge on the subject, addressing the topics of detection approaches, vaccine development and host immune response. Our Research Topic alludes to the One Health approach in addressing three important bacterial diseases, Brucella, Mycobacteria and Chlamydia. A short chapter also elaborates on a highly pathogenic field isolate of Mycobacterium avium spp. Avium and an atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O98 as evolving zoonotic risks. The cover illustration is intended to raise our awareness of the fact that pets play a role in our life as passionate and compassionate friends, but that they also pose a health risk due to carrying a bacterial or a viral zoonotic agent. We hope our Research Topic will further the pursuit of these topics and spark research in other important diseases.
microRNAs --- One health --- Chlamydia --- Mycobacteria --- Brucella --- Vaccine --- Detection --- Epidemiology --- MLVA --- ELISA
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"This study looks at the prophets Elijah and Elisha in the books of Kings charting a two-fold characterization that portrays these prophetic figures in both positive and negative lights. In the narratives of Kings Elijah and Elisha often parallel other prophetic figures from Israel's history: they perform miraculous signs, they speak in the name of God, and they pronounce judgments upon the nation of Israel for its idolatrous worship. There are, however, other stories which have troubled readers and scholars alike: Elijah's cowardly running from the threats of Jezebel, his self-pitying complaint to God the he was the only true Israelite left, and Elisha's cursing a group of little boys who, in turn, are slaughtered by two female bears. Scholars have traditionally ignored or belittled the negative stories of the prophets, seeing them as either late additions to the biblical text or as minor, unimportant stories that can easily be dismissed. Heller, however, argues that the dual characterization of Elijah and Elisha reflects an ambivalent attitude that the narrator of Kings has toward prophecy as a whole, an attitude that is reflected in the Book of Deuteronomy itself. This forces readers of the biblical text to pose the question; "how may Israel best know and follow God?" The stories of Elijah and Elisha make the answer clear: the words and lives of the prophets are a possible way for God to reveal how Israel is to live, but those words and lives must always be considered with a degree of suspicion and must always be evaluated in light of the clear and straightforward teaching of Deuteronomy"--
222.6 --- 222.6 Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- 222.6 Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Livres de Samuel. Les Rois. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias --- Elijah --- Elisha --- Elisa, --- Elischa, --- אלישע --- Elia --- Elias, --- Elie, --- Elijah, --- Eliyahu, --- Ilʹi︠a︡, --- אליהו --- אליהו הנביא --- אליהו, --- אליהו הנביא התשבי --- Bible. --- Kings (Books of the Old Testament) --- Koenige (Books of the Old Testament) --- Könige (Books of the Old Testament) --- Königsbücher (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koningen (Book of the Old Testament) --- Melakhim (Books of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Bible --- Elijah - (Biblical prophet) --- Elisha - (Biblical prophet)
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'One-to-One' refers to a working method in which items of clothing became large-sized printing tools, covered in black and blue ink. Each clothing item served as a stamp, and was simultaneously being stamped on, thus creating a chain reaction and making each clothing item an original and a copy. As such the project One-to-One offers new perspectives on reproduction - it allows us to look beyond the status conveyed by the label and see the actual, material properties of clothing. Bringing together contributions by Amelia Groom, Ruby Hoette, Joke Robaard, T'ai Smith and Hanka van der Voet this reader explores some of the project's core questions: What does it mean to copy in fashion? What if a garment could be both a copy and an original at the same time? What if reproduction and production are one and the same? This reader documents the process and outcomes of the One-to-One project as well as exploring the implications and possibilities of this unique working method in the broader context of the fashion system.
Textile artists --- Fashion design --- Fashion design --- Fashion and art --- Copying processes --- Textile printing --- Themes, motives --- Copying --- Joolen, Elisa van --- Themes, motives.
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