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Die Bedeutung prozessbegleitender Maßnahmen bei Mitarbeiterbefragungen für die Teilnahmemotivation : Eine empirische Studie aus Sicht von Führungskräften und Mitarbeitern
ISBN: 3658220422 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Mitarbeiterbefragungen sind integrierter Bestandteil des Change Managements. Hannes Traut stellt fest, dass Studien, die deren Wirksamkeit betrachten, rar gesät sind. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss spezieller Merkmale des Follow-up-Prozesses auf die Effektivität einer Mitarbeiterbefragung sind ebenfalls selten. Der Ansatzpunkt des Autors ist daher die systematische Betrachtung des ganzheitlichen Prozesses. Dabei untersucht er speziell, wie sich die prozessbegleitenden Maßnahmen auf die Teilnahmemotivation der Mitarbeiter auswirken. Der Inhalt Theoretische Grundlagen: Mitarbeiterbefragungen, Motivation und Verhalten, Evaluation und Evaluationsforschung, die Aktionsforschung als Forschungsmethode im Kontext von Organisationen Abgleich der Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Datenerhebungsmethoden Reflexion der Aktionsforschung im Kontext der durchgeführten Untersuchung Kriterien zur Beurteilung von prozessbegleitenden Maßnahmen einer Mitarbeiterbefragung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Fachgebiete Organisationspsychologie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Praktisch Tätige im Bereich Human Resource und Change Management Der Autor Hannes Traut ist derzeit als Personalreferent in einem international agierenden Unternehmen der Automobilbranche tätig, wo er bereits über sieben Jahre praktische Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von Mitarbeiterbefragungen gesammelt hat.

Konsum im Alter : Das höhere Lebensalter und seine Relevanz für den Verbraucherschutz
ISBN: 3658202432 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Georg Felser widmet sich den spezifischen Konsumbedürfnissen älterer Menschen. Er zeigt auf, dass unterschiedliche Lebenserfahrungen und Alterungsprozesse dafür sorgen, dass ältere Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten eine besonders vielfältige Zielgruppe bilden und es dennoch charakteristische Entwicklungen gibt, die das höhere Lebensalter unweigerlich mit sich bringt. Unterstützt  von Experteninterviews wertet der Autor die neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse aus und erklärt, warum man der älteren Zielgruppe besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmen sollte.  Der Inhalt Differenzierung und Segmentierung der älteren Zielgruppe Altersbilder in der Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung Konsumpsychologisch relevante Veränderungen im Alter Konsumdaten, Freizeitverhalten und materielle Lebenssituation Altersspezifische Vulnerabilitäten Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Wirtschafts- und Entwicklungspsychologie sowie der Gerontologie Interessenvertreter in  Verbraucherorganisationen und Seniorenorganisationen  Praktiker im Marketing und in Marktforschungsinstituten Der Autor Prof. Dr. Georg Felser lehrt an der Hochschule Harz (Wernigerode) im Studiengang Wirtschaftspsychologie Markt- und Konsumpsychologie.

Gesundes Vertrauen in Organisationen : Eine Untersuchung der Vertrauensbeziehung zwischen Führungskraft und Mitarbeiter
ISBN: 3658192534 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Ariane Jäckel liefert auf Basis konzeptioneller, qualitativer und quantitativer Forschung altersdifferenzierte Erkenntnisse über die Bildung und Entwicklung des Vertrauens zwischen Führungskraft und Mitarbeiter sowie über dessen gesundheitsförderliches Potenzial. Die theoretischen, methodischen und praktischen Implikationen ihrer Arbeit geben angesichts zunehmender Komplexität und Akzeleration im organisationalen Kontext, steigender betrieblicher Fehlzeiten und des demographischen Wandels der Vertrauensforschung neue Impulse und zeigen Organisationen Möglichkeiten auf, gesunde Vertrauensbeziehungen erfolgreich zu etablieren. Der Inhalt Differenzierung in Führungskraft- und Mitarbeiterperspektive Identifikation der Spezifika des Vertrauens von Führungskraft und Mitarbeiter Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit Analyse der Rolle des Alters Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Personal- und Organisationslehre sowie der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Praktikerinnen und Praktiker im Bereich Human Resource Management  Die Autorin Ariane Jäckel forscht und lehrt an der Universität Kassel zu den Themen Vertrauen, Personalführung, Changemanagement und Organisationale Lernprozesse.

Prävention 4.0 : Analysen und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine produktive und gesunde Arbeit 4.0
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3658179643 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Ziel des Buches ist es, Handlungsoptionen von menschengerechter Arbeitsgestaltung in der digitalen Transformation zu identifizieren. Um die Potenziale zu nutzen und die Arbeitsbedingungen im Zuge der Integration smarter Technologien in Arbeitsprozessen gesundheitsgerecht und produktiv zu gestalten, müssen alle Akteure sensibilisiert und handlungsfähig sein. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Beispiele und praxisnahe Empfehlungen zur menschengerechten Gestaltung der intelligenten Vernetzung von Mensch, Maschine und Organisation. Der Inhalt Betriebliche Prävention 4.0 Positionen zur Prävention 4.0 Prävention 4.0 im Betrieb Spezielle Zielgruppen der Prävention 4.0 Zielgruppen Unternehmensberater, Personalberater, Ergonomieberater, Berater und Akteure der Sozialpartner und der Verbände, Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit und Betriebsärzte, Betriebs- und Personalräte sowie Arbeitswissenschaftler und andere Experten der Arbeitsgestaltung Die Herausgeber Oleg Cernavin ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der BC GmbH Forschungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft in Wiesbaden. Er entwickelt Konzepte zur präventiven Arbeitsgestaltung für Unternehmen sowie Organisationen und er forscht zu Fragen der präventiven Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung neuer Präventionsdienstleistungen. Mit-Initiator der Initiative „Offensive Mittelstand“. Welf Schröter ist Initiator und Moderator des Personennetzwerkes „Forum SozialeTechnikgestaltung“, Netzwerker, Dozent, Moderator, Autor zahlreicher Aufsätze und Herausgeber mehrerer Fachpublikationen. Er moderiert und ist Gesellschaftergeschäftsführer der Talheimer Verlag, Medienberatung und Consulting GmbH. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stowasser ist Mitglied nationaler und internationaler Gremien der Arbeitsweltgestaltung, Betriebsorganisation und Normung, Herausgeber der Zeitschriften „Betriebspraxis & Arbeitsforschung“ sowie „Leistung und Entgelt“. Aktuelle Forschungsaufgaben sind die Gestaltung der zukünftigen Arbeitswelt, das humanorientierte Produktivitätsmanagement u.a.

Approaching Consumer Culture : Global Flows and Local Contexts
ISBN: 3030002268 303000225X Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This fascinating collection analyzes the impact of Western consumer culture on local cultures and consumption in Southeast Europe and East Asia. Cultural, historical, economic and sociopolitical contexts are examined regarding buying behaviors, usage and customization practices and consumer activism, specifically in Bulgaria, Serbia, and Romania as cultures continue to evolve in the post-socialist era, and in China and Japan as a continuation of movements toward modernity and progress. Surprising and thought-provoking contrasts stand out as consumers balance the global with the local in terms of clothing, technology, luxury items, and food. All chapters feature a wealth of empirical and cross-cultural data, and the presentation is framed by Professor Mike Featherstone’s theoretical essay on the origins of consumer culture and the consequences of two hundred years of increasing consumption for the human condition and the future of the planet. Included in the coverage: “You are a socialist child like me”: Goods and Identity in Bulgaria Consumer Culture from Socialist Yugoslavia to Post-Socialist Serbia: Movements and Moments Preserves Exiting Socialism: Authenticity, Anti-Standardization, and Middle-Class Consumption in Post-Socialist Romania Modernization and the Department Store in Early 20th-Century Japan: Modern Girl and New Consumer Culture Lifestyles A Cultural Reading of Conspicuous Consumption in China Approaching Consumer Culture broadens the cultural anthropology literature and will be welcomed by Western and Eastern scholars and researchers alike. Its depth and accessibility make it useful to university courses in cultural anthropology, cultural studies, and sociology.

A Starter on Support-Bargaining and Money-Bargaining in Twenty-Eight Digestible Bites
ISBN: 3030052311 3030052303 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot,

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This book provides an introduction to the theory of support-bargaining and money-bargaining. Support-bargaining arises from the propensity of all individuals to seek the support of those around them and is the underlying mechanism of democratic societies. It is also the underlying mechanism of theory formation. Intellectual support-bargaining is the process by which support is assembled for ideas and theories. Mainstream economic theory, or ‘neoclassical theory’, can be seen as formulated to advance individual interest. It is mainstream because it has assembled sufficient support to give it ascendancy in academia. It reconciles private and public interest in a mathematical account of resource allocation. Money-bargaining, in contrast, explains the process of economic exchange. Transactions are based on information, so that the character of information itself influences the conduct of exchange. This volume provides a radically new explanation of the functioning of human societies that will be recognised as entirely consistent with common observation and experience. Patrick Spread studied at Trinity College, Oxford, UK and obtained a doctorate from London Business School, UK. He worked as a business economist in London before moving to public sector posts overseas, working initially in the Pacific and subsequently in Asia and Africa. His first book on support-bargaining and money-bargaining was published by Macmillan in 1984.

Inside the Mind of the Entrepreneur : Cognition, Personality Traits, Intention, and Gender Behavior
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319624555 3319624547 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book connects entrepreneurship and psychology research by focusing on the personality dimensions of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial cognition, entrepreneurial leadership, and gender behavior. It features state of the art interdisciplinary research offering a unified perspective on entrepreneurial psychology. Individual chapters address advances related to entrepreneurial intentions, complexity management, personality psychology, intrapreneurial behavior, entrepreneurial communities and demographic changes, among others. Laboratory experiments that study entrepreneurial behavior round out the coverage.

Selection and Recruitment in the Healthcare Professions : Research, Theory and Practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319949713 3319949705 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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How we recruit future healthcare professionals is critically important, as the demand for high quality healthcare increases across the globe. This book questions what the evidence tells us about how best to select those most suited to a career in healthcare, ensuring that the approaches used are relevant and fair to all who apply. The editors of this collection take a comprehensive look at the latest research surrounding recruitment and selection into healthcare roles. Each chapter is authored by leading experts and, using international case material, the practical implications for workforce policy are explored. They review the key stages in designing effective selection systems and discuss how best to evaluate the quality of selection processes. Evidence from role analysis studies as well as the effectiveness of different selection methods including aptitude and situational judgment tests, personality assessment and interviews are examined. Chapters also cover approaches to student selection and recruitment for postgraduate trainees through to senior appointments. Finally they highlight contemporary issues in recruitment, including the use of technology, selecting for values, candidate perceptions, coaching issues and how best to promote diversity and widening access.

The Psychology of Ethical Leadership in Organisations : Implications of Group Processes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030023249 3030023230 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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Understanding the effects of and psychology behind ethical and unethical leadership decisions can have a lasting and far reaching effect on any working environment. This book utilizes social identity theory and applied research to discuss the implications and applications of ethical and unethical leadership to work groups and organisations. The authors argue that improving ethicality results in healthier and more productive relationships between leaders and employees, and between employees and the organisation, which can impact positively on the success of the organisation as a whole. The book explores the benefits of ethical leadership and how to deal with unethical leaders, as well as how and why teams react to different types of leadership. The concluding chapter suggests several strategies for interventions that organisations can adopt to improve their ethical leadership frameworks. The book is essential reading for academics and professionals involved in workplace psychology and ethics as well as anyone interested in learning about the effects of ethics on leadership. Catarina Morais is an associate lecturer at University of Kent, UK. Her research interests focus on group members’ perceptions of ethical and unethical leaders and how those perceptions shape their reactions. Georgina Randsley de Moura is Professor in Social and Organisational Psychology and Head of School at the School of Psychology, University of Kent, UK. Her recent research has focused on how leaders manage a delicate line in representing their group whilst also pushing the boundaries; or leaders being different or unexpected in some way.


Social responsibility of business. --- Leadership --- Business ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Psychological aspects. --- Applied psychology. --- Consciousness. --- Economics—Psychological aspects. --- Leadership. --- Industrial and Organizational Psychology. --- Community and Environmental Psychology. --- Personality and Social Psychology. --- Economic Psychology. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Spirit --- Self --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Industrial psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Environmental psychology. --- Personality. --- Social psychology. --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Temperament --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Psychology, Applied --- Social psychology --- Business psychology --- Industrial psychology --- Psychotechnics --- Industrial engineering --- Personnel management --- Industrial psychologists --- Psychological aspects --- Economics --- Psychology, Industrial.

Applying Behavioural Science to the Private Sector : Decoding What People Say and What They Do
ISBN: 3030016986 3030016978 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot,

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This book demonstrates how applying behavioural science to commercial problems can effectively help businesses to understand and achieve the best outcomes for their customers. Bringing together theory and practice the author describes how approaches underpinning behavioural science can be adapted to the fast-moving environment of the private sector. The first part of the book discusses the underlying theory and principles behind behavioural science. It outlines the history of the discipline, explaining how behavioural scientists use theories and models of behaviour, and discussing why behaviour is so hard to predict. It then describes how the theory can be applied to designing products, services and interventions. In Part II Rubinstein uses several key case studies to explore the challenges of integrating behavioural science into established practices, considering how to use behavioural science in multidisciplinary teams and why this might be useful. She addresses concerns about the ethics of using behavioural science in this context before describing the value of applying behavioural science to business and how best to realise its potential. This book is a must-read for both practitioners and academics interested in applying the science of behaviour to real-world challenges. Helena Rubinstein is Head of Behavioural Science at Innovia Technology and works with major global corporations across many different sectors. She has held senior positions in advertising and communications. Her academic background is in social and health psychology, and she lectures at the University of Cambridge, UK, on the application of social psychology to social issues.


Customer relations --- Psychological aspects. --- Business --- Public relations --- Consumer affairs departments --- Customer advisory boards --- Relationship marketing --- Applied psychology. --- Consciousness. --- Economics—Psychological aspects. --- Motivation research (Marketing). --- Industrial and Organizational Psychology. --- Personality and Social Psychology. --- Community and Environmental Psychology. --- Economic Psychology. --- Consumer Behavior. --- Advertising --- Marketing research --- Motivation (Psychology) --- Research --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Spirit --- Self --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Psychological aspects --- Industrial psychology. --- Personality. --- Social psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Environmental psychology. --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Psychology, Applied --- Social psychology --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Temperament --- Business psychology --- Industrial psychology --- Psychotechnics --- Industrial engineering --- Personnel management --- Industrial psychologists

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