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The journey of Christianity to India in late antiquity
ISBN: 9781108419123 1108419127 9781108296953 9781108409551 1108317790 1108296955 1108321518 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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How did Christianity make its remarkable voyage from the Roman Mediterranean to the Indian subcontinent? By examining the social networks that connected the ancient and late antique Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, central Asia, and Iran, this book contemplates the social relations that made such movement possible. It also analyzes how the narrative tradition regarding the apostle Judas Thomas, which originated in Upper Mesopotamia and accredited him with evangelizing India, traveled among the social networks of an interconnected late antique world. In this way, the book probes how the Thomas narrative shaped Mediterranean Christian beliefs regarding co-religionists in central Asia and India, impacted local Christian cultures, took shape in a variety of languages, and experienced transformation as it traveled from the Mediterranean to India, and back again.

Alonso de Barzana, SJ (1530-1597), el Javier de las Indias Occidentales : vida y obra
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788427141902 8427141904 Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Publisher: Bilbao: Mensajero,

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Una completa biografía del jesuita español, Alonso de Barzana (Belinchón, España, 1530 - Cuzco, Perú, 1597). Barzana fue uno de los primeros y más grandes evangelizadores jesuitas en América Latina -llegó a dominar hasta 11 lenguas indígenas-. Por su extraordinaria labor misionera en el interior de Bolivia, Paraguay y Argentina -que varias décadas más tarde daría origen a las famosas reducciones jesuíticas-, se le conoce como «el san Francisco Javier de las Indias Occidentales». En Argentina goza de una especial veneración por ser uno de sus evangelizadores pioneros, que se destacó por su cercanía, promoción y defensa de los pueblos indígenas. Por ello, el papa Francisco impulsó recientemente su proceso de beatificación.

Can "white" people be saved? : triangulating race, theology, and mission
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0830873759 9780830873753 9780830851041 0830851046 Year: 2018 Publisher: Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic,

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Yes, White people can be saved. In God's redemptive plan, that goes without saying. But what about the reality of white normativity? This idea and way of being in the world has been parasitically joined to Christianity, and this is the ground of many of our problems today. It is time to redouble the efforts of the church and its institutions to muster well-informed, gospel-based initiatives to fight racialized injustice and overcome the heresy of whiteness. Written by a world-class roster of scholars, Can "White" People Be Saved? develops language to describe the current realities of race and racism. It challenges evangelical Christianity in particular to think more critically and constructively about race, ethnicity, migration, and mission in relation to white supremacy. Historical and contemporary perspectives from Africa and the African diaspora prompt fresh theological and missiological questions about place and identity. Native American and Latinx experiences of colonialism, migration, and hybridity inspire theologies and practices of shalom. And Asian and Asian American experiences of ethnicity and class generate transnational resources for responding to the challenge of systemic injustice. With their call for practical resistance to the Western whiteness project, the perspectives in this volume can revitalize a vision of racial justice and peace in the body of Christ. -- ǂc Publisher's description.

Martyrs of hope : seven U.S. missioners in Central America
ISBN: 1608337596 9781608337590 9781626982932 1626982937 Year: 2018 Publisher: ORBIS

En sentido contrario : Transnacionalización de religiones africanas y latinoamericanas

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La globalización, en sus formas contemporáneas, tiene un impacto sin precedentes en el desplazamiento de prácticas religiosas que antes estuvieron profundamente ancladas en tradiciones, territorios y grupos sociales específicos, sobre todo etnonacionales. Esla obra examina los procesos de transnacionalización de diferentes religiones que recorren en sentido contrario las rutas y los intercambios entre África, Europa y América. Las etnografías contenidas en este volumen describen tradiciones religiosas que viajan en el equipaje de los migrantes para refundar comunidades diaspóricas; religiones afroamericanas que debido a su fama internacional ampliaron y transnacionalizaron su red de parentesco ritual dando paso a la iniciación de nuevos adeptos; misiones cristianas que emprenden la reconquista del viejo continente; circulación de ritos y símbolos en circuitos mercantiles globales que ofrecen segmentos de las tradiciones religiosas reconvertidas en mercancías artísticas, terapéuticas, mágicas y turísticas; y finalmente, fronteras que atravesaron y con ellas transnacionalizaron prácticas religiosas étnicas y nacionales. Todas estas dinámicas de movilización transnacional son objeto de estudios a partir de los cuales analizamos nuevas formas de crear redes, circuitos y liderazgos; pero también nuevos impulsos para fundar naciones imaginadas que atraviesan y trascienden los Estados-nación modernos.

Convertir le monde arabe : l'offensive évangélique
ISBN: 9782271116048 227111604X Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris: CNRS,

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La 4e de couverture indique : "Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le monde arabe connaît une vague de conversions au protestantisme, en particulier sous l’influence des évangéliques américains. Des dizaines de milliers de musulmans et de chrétiens orientaux, du Maghreb au Machrek, se convertissent. Bien que tabou, le phénomène est tangible : une Église protestante algérienne subsiste depuis vingt ans sans incident notable. Fait exceptionnel, l’État algérien a même reconnu officiellement, en 2011, l’existence de cette communauté chrétienne composée d’autochtones convertis. Si les situations diffèrent selon les pays, les appartenances de genre, le statut social et les ressources culturelles, le mouvement prend une importance croissante qui témoigne des mutations profondes de la région. Dans cette étude unique, sur la longue durée, Fatiha Kaouès nous propose une histoire et un état des lieux sociologique du phénomène. S’intéressant aux cas particuliers de l’Algérie, du Liban et de l’Égypte, elle revient d’abord sur cette « aventure » que constitue, depuis le XIXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, l’installation des missions évangéliques. Elle décrypte ensuite les moyens contemporains de l’« offensive évangélique », en les illustrant par des parcours particuliers, puis tente de saisir les raisons principales des conversions, mais aussi les enjeux politiques importants qu’elles revêtent, ainsi que leur impact, en retour, aux États-Unis".

Écrits valaisans et tibétains
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 25659014 ISBN: 9782503582474 2503582478 Year: 2018 Volume: 15 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Chanoine régulier du Grand-Saint-Bernard, missionnaire aux marches tibétaines, Maurice Tornay y devait trouver le martyre en 1949. L’intérêt intrinsèque de son œuvre écrite, principalement constituée par une correspondance d’une constante authenticité de ton, s’impose à divers titres. Ses Lettres en effet ne sont pas sans évoquer par leur thématique spirituelle la correspondance d’une Thérèse de Lisieux ou d’une Elisabeth de la Trinité, et par leurs descriptions pittoresques et toujours captivantes de ce qui était encore de fait le Tibet interdit, elles rappellent le fameux Voyage en Tartarie et au Tibet du P. Huc. Ses lettres valaisannes, qu’une perception juste de la discrète et austère poésie montagnarde signaleraient pour une anthologie régionaliste, préludent à ses pages sur « la terre de feu et le ciel d’airain » des marches tibétaines, d’un regard lucide et sans illusions. Ses Récits et Nouvelles tibétains, ici intégralement donnés, et composés à l’intention de ses correspondants helvétiques, allient un talent littéraire certain à une clairvoyance aimante sur les êtres et cette portion du monde. Là, entre les traverses d’une situation politique chaotique et d’une présence européenne désemparée, s’est exercée une spiritualité de la vie quotidienne robuste, tranquillement héroïque et délicatement attentionnée à autrui. Du collégien de Saint-Maurice d’Agaune au martyr d’Orient, on saisit, menée « sous la règle de saint Augustin », la trajectoire droite d’une âme tout orientée, avec ses faiblesses mêmes, vers la perfection et la grandeur. C’est aussi une page de l’histoire de l’Extrême Orient et de l’histoire missionnaire du XXe siècle qui est écrite et décrite. Cette seconde édition donne la totalité de l’œuvre écrite de Maurice Tornay connue à ce jour.


Tornay, Maurice, --- Catholic Church --- Augustinian Canons --- Missions --- 266 <09> <093> --- 266 <515> --- 271.794 --- 271.794 Reguliere kanunniken --- Reguliere kanunniken --- 266 <515> Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tibet --- 266 <515> Missions. Evangelisation--Tibet --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tibet --- Missions. Evangelisation--Tibet --- 266 <09> <093> Histoire missionaire--(general)--Historische bronnen --- 266 <09> <093> Missiegeschiedenis--(algemeen)--Historische bronnen --- Histoire missionaire--(general)--Historische bronnen --- Missiegeschiedenis--(algemeen)--Historische bronnen --- Chanoines réguliers de saint Augustin --- Canons Regular of St. Augustine --- Austin Canons --- Augustiner-Chorherren --- Black Canons --- Ordo Canonicorum Regularium Sancti Augustini --- Kanonicy Regularni św. Augustyna --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Tornay, Maurice, - 1910-1949 --- Tornay, Maurice, - 1910-1949 - Correspondence

Quill and cross in the borderlands : Sor María de Ágreda and the Lady in Blue, 1628 to the present
ISBN: 9780268102135 0268102139 9780268102159 9780268102166 Year: 2018 Publisher: Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame press,

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Quill and Cross in the Borderlands examines nearly four hundred years of history, folklore, literature, and art concerning the seventeenth-century Spanish nun and writer Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda, identified as the legendary "Lady in Blue" who miraculously appeared to tribes in colonial-era New Mexico and taught them the rudiments of the Catholic faith. Sor María, an author of mystical Marian works, became renowned not only for her alleged spiritual travel from her cloister in Spain to the New World, but also for her writing, studied and implemented by Franciscans on both sides of the ocean. Working from original historical accounts, archival research, and a wealth of literature on the legend and the historical figure alike, Anna M. Nogar meticulously examines how and why the legend and the person became intertwined in Catholic consciousness and social praxis. In addition to the influence of the narrative of the Lady in Blue in colonial Mexico, Nogar addresses Sor María's importance as an author of spiritual texts that influenced many spheres of New Spanish and Spanish society. Quill and Cross in the Borderlands focuses on the reading and interpretation of her works, especially in New Spain, where they were widely printed and disseminated. Over time, in the developing folklore of the Indo-Hispano populations of the present-day U.S. Southwest and the borderlands, the historical Sor María and her writings virtually disappeared from view, and the Lady in Blue became a prominent folk figure, appearing in folk stories and popular histories. These folk accounts drew the Lady in Blue into the present day, where she appears in artwork, literature, theater, and public ritual. Nogar's examination of these contemporary renderings leads to a reconsideration of the ambiguities that lie at the heart of the narrative. Quill and Cross in the Borderlands documents the material legacy of a legend that has survived and thrived for hundreds of years, and at the same time rediscovers the historical basis of a hidden writer. This book will interest scholars and researchers of colonial Latin American literature, early modern women writers, folklore and ethnopoetics, and Mexican American cultural studies. --


Nuns --- Folklore --- Women mystics --- Women and literature --- History --- María de Jesús, --- Catholic Church --- Franciscans --- Missions --- Southwest, New --- Mysticism --- Literature --- Mystics --- Dark night of the soul --- Mystical theology --- Theology, Mystical --- Spiritual life --- Negative theology --- Folk beliefs --- Folk-lore --- Traditions --- Ethnology --- Manners and customs --- Material culture --- Mythology --- Oral tradition --- Storytelling --- Sisters (in religious orders, congregations, etc.) --- Christians --- Monasticism and religious orders for women --- María de Jesús, --- Agreda, María de, --- Coronel, María, --- Fernández Coronel, María, --- María, --- Maria, --- Maria di Gesù, --- Alcantarines --- Bernardyni --- Cordeliers --- Discalced Friars Minor --- Família Franciscana --- Frades Menores --- Frailes Menores --- Franciscains --- Franciscains mineurs --- Franciscan Discalceati --- Franciscan Order --- Franciscan Reformati --- Franciszkanie --- Frant︠s︡iskanskiĭ orden --- Frant︠s︡iskant︠s︡y --- Frati minori --- Fratres minores --- Frères mineurs --- Friars, Gray --- Friars Minor --- Gråbrøderne --- Gray Friars --- Grey Friars --- Mala braća --- Minderbrüder --- Minoriten --- Minorites --- O.F.M. --- Observants --- OFM --- Ojcowie Franciszkanie --- Ordem dos Frades Menores --- Ordem dos Franciscanos --- Ordem Franciscana --- Orden de Frailes Menores --- Orden de los Frailes Menores --- Orden Franciscana --- Orden sv. Frant︠s︡iska --- Order of Friars Minor --- Ordine dei Frati Minori --- Ordine dei minori --- Ordre des frères franciscains mineurs --- Ordo Fratrum Minorum --- Reformati --- Reformed Franciscans --- Seraphic Order --- Capuchins --- Conventuals --- Franciscan Recollects --- History. --- 266 <72> --- 27 <72> --- 27 <72> Histoire de l'Eglise--Mexico --- 27 <72> Kerkgeschiedenis--Mexico --- Histoire de l'Eglise--Mexico --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Mexico --- 266 <72> Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Mexico --- 266 <72> Missions. Evangelisation--Mexico --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Mexico --- Missions. Evangelisation--Mexico --- Christian spirituality --- María a Jesu de Agreda --- anno 1600-1699 --- Mexico --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Nuns - Folklore --- Nuns - Mexico - History --- Folklore - New Mexico --- Women and literature - Mexico - History - 18th century --- Maria de Agreda (Maria de Jesus, née Maria Coronel) --- María de Jesús, - de Agreda, sor, - 1602-1665 --- Southwest, New - History

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