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Retos y perspectivas de la política criminal : Cátedra de Investigación Científica del Centro de Investigación en Política Criminal N.°7

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Este libro es el producto de las investigaciones de 2015 que se socializaron en el Congreso Nacional Retos y Perspectivas de la Política Criminal. La primera parte del libro la hemos denominado "Pluralismo y política criminal", en ella se contemplan los siguientes capítulos: "Procesamiento intercultural de disputas en una comunidad guaraya". Este analiza la tradicional relación de inequidad existente en Latinoamérica entre los órdenes legales indígenas y los estatales. "Política criminal y pluralismo en Colombia" indaga el porqué del desconocimiento de la jurisdicción indígena en la colisión de jurisdicciones; "Aproximación a la cárcel agrícola de Kassavetia" explica la importancia del estudio de las cárceles agrícolas; y "Pluralismo en los centros penitenciarios italianos: la población musulmana en la cárcel de Verona" presenta la situación de esta población carcelaria en Europa. La segunda parte del libro la hemos denominado "Política Criminal, mujer y derechos humanos", en ella se encuentran los siguientes capítulos: "La necesidad de una política criminal en materia de drogas que reconozca la situación de vulnerabilidad que enfrenta la mujer"; "Femininity and 'Memory' in Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration Programmes" destaca los procesos de desarme, desmovilización, y reintegración de las mujeres excombatientes en Colombia; y "Prisión dentro de la prisión. Unidades de tratamiento especial: privación de derechos" analiza cómo estas unidades ocasionan una pena privativa más severa que la impuesta al momento de la comisión del delito.

Cold case reviews DNA : DNA, detective work and unsolved major crimes
ISBN: 0191064661 0191810452 019106467X Year: 2018 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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This text provides the first ethnographic account of a UK major crime review team, providing a comprehensive, conceptual account of cold case reviews not currently available from an academic criminological perspective. Cold case reviews are a relatively new and innovative form of policing yet, to date, there has been little empirical research into their conduct in the UK. Addressing this empirical void by shining a light on the practicalities and realities of cold case investigations, the author spent eight months with a major crime review team tasked with conducting 28-day reviews of 'live' unsolved murder and stranger rapes and detecting long term unsolved major crimes. The resulting work contains a unique focus on forensic science and the role of the National DNA Database (NDNAD) in cold case reviews, adding to the current debates about the police use of forensic science.

Criminologie in beweging : Liber amico/arum Els Enhus
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789057187964 9057187965 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussel VUBPRESS

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Professor Dr. Els Enhus doceerde decennialang in de Criminologische Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en vormde generaties kritische academici en professionals door inspirerende colleges. Els Enhus heeft zich nooit laten vastpinnen op een 'academische postzegel'. Zoals de verschillende bijdragen in dit boek duidelijk illustreren, zit haar rijk gevulde academische carrière als sociologe en criminologe vol beweging en bestrijkt die uiteenlopende domeinen en onderwerpen. Haar wetenschappelijke belangstelling reikt van de culturele criminologie en de wereld van politie, veiligheid en preventie tot de uitdagingen en criminaliteitsfenomenen van de grootstad.De vakgroep Criminologie en de onderzoeksgroep Crime and Society van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel willen, samen met vooraanstaande externe collega's, Els ter gelegenheid van haar emeritaat huldigen met een verzamelwerk. De professionele weg met zijn mijlpalen en zijn successen vormt slechts één aspect van de academica. Als mens combineren we in een loopbaan meerdere rollen. We willen precies ook dat eren. Dit boek is opgevat als een bijzondere verzameling academische reflecties en meer persoonlijke bijdragen, waarbij we hopen een beeld te schetsen van de verschillende passies van Els, als bijzondere wetenschapster, als bevlogen docente en als geëngageerde collega.


Criminologie --- Criminalité --- Sécurité publique --- Criminaliteit --- Openbare veiligheid --- openbare veiligheid --- javna varnost --- обществена безопасност --- yleinen turvallisuus --- siguranță publică --- javna sigurnost --- δημόσια ασφάλεια --- siguri publike --- allmän säkerhet --- offentlig sikkerhed --- verejná bezpečnosť --- avalik turvalisus --- sabiedrības drošība --- bezpieczeństwo narodowe --- sigurtà pubblika --- veřejná bezpečnost --- seguridad pública --- public safety --- segurança pública --- јавна безбедност --- közbiztonság --- sicurezza pubblica --- öffentliche Sicherheit --- viešasis saugumas --- национална безбедност --- segurança das pessoas --- securitate națională --- rahvuslik julgeolek --- εθνική ασφάλεια --- nationale veiligheid --- заштита на населението --- beskyttelse af befolkningen --- nationell säkerhet --- individens säkerhet --- national sikkerhed --- národní bezpečnost --- nemzetbiztonság --- nacionalna sigurnost --- personlig sikkerhed --- safety of individuals --- bezpečnosť jednotlivcov --- sicurezza nazionale --- veiligheid van personen --- valsts drošība --- ochrana společnosti --- ασφάλεια προσώπων --- Schutz der Person --- bescherming van de bevolking --- kansallinen turvallisuus --- безбедност на граѓаните --- bezpečnost obyvatel --- Биро за јавна безбедност --- asmenų saugumas --- indivīdu drošība --- offentlig ro og orden --- národná bezpečnosť --- segurança nacional --- siguri e individëve --- ochrana osob --- domovinska sigurnost --- nacionalinis saugumas --- üksikisiku turvalisus --- sécurité des personnes --- seguridad ciudadana --- sicurezza personale --- personlig säkerhet --- bezpečnost veřejnosti --- magánszemélyek biztonsága --- siguri kombëtare --- national security --- yksilön turvallisuus --- lands sikkerhed --- sécurité nationale --- inseguridad ciudadana --- Комисијата за јавна безбедност во сообраќајот и противпожарната заштита --- criminalità --- crime --- przestępczość --- kriminaliteta --- zločin --- kriminal --- престъпление --- kuritegevus --- kriminalità --- kriminalitet --- noziedzība --- Kriminalität --- criminalidad --- εγκληματικότητα --- криминал --- krim --- rikollisuus --- bűnözés --- criminalidade --- criminalitate --- grov kriminalitet --- trestná činnost --- nusikaltimas --- criminaliteit --- inseguridad --- kriminalitás --- insécurité --- nusikalstamumas --- usikkerhed --- ανασφάλεια --- turvattomuus --- otrygghet --- криминалитет --- insegurança --- onveiligheid --- brottslighet --- kuritegelikkus --- criminality --- kriminalita --- insicurezza --- криминалност --- zločinnost --- criminología --- kryminologia --- kriminoloogia --- kriminologia --- kriminologi --- криминология --- coireolaíocht --- criminology --- kriminoloġija --- εγκληματολογία --- criminologia --- kriminologji --- kriminológia --- kriminologija --- криминологија --- Kriminologie --- criminologie --- kriminoloģija --- kriminologie --- криминалистика --- kriminální prevence --- kriminalistika --- kriminalisztika --- Kriminalistik --- пенологија --- penologie --- sábháilteacht phoiblí --- coireacht --- Sécurité publique --- Criminalité

Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization
Authors: ---
ISBN: 331972682X 3319726811 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This textbook focuses on the criminality and victimization of the elderly population. It provides a global perspective on the extent of elderly crime and victimization, with international comparisons for addressing the problem. It explores the extent and types of crimes committed by the elderly, the characteristics of older criminals, and the responses of the criminal justice system (including prisons and institutions) to elderly criminals, including: diversion programs, community-based treatment programs, and special programs including health & mental health care services for older prisoners. The second part of the book covers victimization of the elderly. Research findings show that certain crimes including fraud, theft, and certain types of financial crimes disproportionately affect older people, and these types of crimes are growing in prevalence. This work explores the characteristics of older victims and the types of crimes that affect them. Finally, the book presents comparative international research on approaches to crime prevention, education, and legislation to address the victimization of the elderly. This work will be of interest to students in criminology and criminal justice, as well as related fields such as sociology, and gerontology.

Concepts, Methods and Practical Applications in Applied Demography : An Introductory Textbook
ISBN: 331965439X 3319654381 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This textbook offers a comprehensive overview of applied demography by presenting both basic concepts and methodological techniques. It allows students from the social and human sciences, demographers, consultants and anyone interested in applied demography to gain an understanding of a wide range of practical applications of demographic concepts, methods and techniques to real- world problems. Featured sidebars highlight relevant terms and concepts and case studies and exercises throughout the book offer first-hand exposure to demographic applications. Charts and graphs supplement the presentation of demographic concepts and a glossary provides an inventory of relevant terms. The first section reviews basic components of applied demography as a context for understanding and addressing societal issues. It details the methods, techniques and data sources applied by demographers in a variety of areas. Coverage includes cohort analysis, data standardization, population estimation, and the use of geographic in- formation systems (GIS). The second section focuses on the substantive areas in which demography is currently applied. The topics covered include business demography, health demography, political demography, educational demography, and applications to urban and regional planning. The book illustrates the many ways in which demographers contribute to the formulation of public policy and the resolution of societal issues.


Demography. --- Statistics. --- Social sciences --- Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law. --- Methodology of the Social Sciences. --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Historical demography --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Methodology. --- Social sciences. --- Statistics . --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Demografia --- Estadística --- Ciències socials --- Civilització --- Anàlisi transcultural --- Comunicació en ciències socials --- Ciències de l'educació --- Civisme --- Conducta (Psicologia) --- Conservadorisme --- Criminologia --- Dret --- Ecologia humana --- Economia --- Equilibri social --- Fotografia en les ciències socials --- Funcionalisme (Ciències socials) --- Història --- Paradigmes (Ciències socials) --- Pluralisme cultural --- Política --- Sociologia --- Teoria econòmica --- Didàctica de les ciències socials --- Ensenyament de les ciències socials --- Anàlisi estadística --- Control estadístic --- Informació estadística --- Matemàtica --- Allisament (Estadística) --- Anàlisi de regressió --- Anàlisi de variància --- Biometria --- Censos --- Correlació (Estadística) --- Presa de decisions (Estadística) --- Estadística comercial --- Estadística demogràfica --- Estadística econòmica --- Estadística educativa --- Estadística financera --- Estadística industrial --- Estadística matemàtica --- Estadística mèdica --- Mitjana (Estadística) --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Serveis estadístics --- Sondejos d'opinió --- Econometria --- Investigació quantitativa --- Demografia històrica --- Demografia lingüística --- Fecunditat humana --- Geografia de la població --- Llar --- Mortalitat --- Població activa --- Previsió demogràfica --- Transició demogràfica --- Geopolítica --- Població

Pathways in Crime : An Introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis
ISBN: 3319752251 331975226X 9783319752266 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book introduces a novel approach to analysing and mapping criminal behaviours. Every crime occurs as a chain of behaviours and events, from inception and preparation through to commission and exit from the crime scene. These pathways in crime are complex, dynamic sequences that are by their very nature difficult to analyse. Keatley provides a clear and coherent introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis, and the chapters address a wide range of criminal offences, from deception in interrogations through to sexual assaults, serial homicide, and terrorism. Interesting additional similarities between Behaviour Sequence Analysis and other well-known methods, such as crime linkage, crime script analysis, and T-Pattern Analysis are also outlined in detail. Academic researchers in Forensic Psychology and Criminology, as well as applied practitioners and investigators will find this an invaluable book, and will gain clear insight and understanding into the method in order to apply it to their own cases.


Criminal behavior. --- Behaviorism (Psychology) --- Behavioralism (Psychology) --- Behavioristic psychology --- Behaviouralism (Psychology) --- Behaviourism (Psychology) --- Scientific behaviorism --- Psychology --- Criminal psychology --- Deviant behavior --- Criminal psychology. --- Sequential analysis. --- Criminology. --- Research. --- Public safety. --- Forensic psychology. --- Social sciences --- Consciousness. --- Safety, Public --- Human services --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Crime --- Criminals --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Philosophy --- Spirit --- Self --- Juridical psychology --- Juristic psychology --- Legal psychology --- Psychology, Forensic --- Forensic sciences --- Psychology, Applied --- Mathematical statistics --- Statistical decision --- Criminal psychiatry --- Psychology, Criminal --- Criminal anthropology --- Psychology, Pathological --- Methodology. --- Research --- Study and teaching --- Criminal Behavior. --- Quantitative Criminology. --- Crime Control and Security. --- Forensic Psychology. --- Methodology of the Social Sciences. --- Personality and Social Psychology. --- Social sciences. --- Personality. --- Social psychology. --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Temperament --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Conducta criminal --- Criminologia --- Crim --- Ciències socials --- Antropologia criminal --- Delinqüència juvenil --- Educació i delinqüència --- Presons --- Presos --- Rehabilitació de delinqüents --- Degeneració --- Delinqüència --- Delinqüents --- Comportament criminal --- Conducta antisocial --- Psicologia criminal --- Teoria de l'associació diferencial

The Use of Force against Ukraine and International Law : Jus Ad Bellum, Jus In Bello, Jus Post Bellum
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462652217 946265221X 9789462652224 9462652228 Year: 2018 Publisher: The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press : Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press,

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Written by a team of international lawyers from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, this book analyses some of the most significant aspects of the ongoing armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. As challenging as this conflict is for the international legal order, it also offers lessons to be learned by the States concerned, and by other States alike. The book analyses the application of international law in this conflict, and suggests ways for this law’s progressive development. It will be useful to practitioners of international law working at national Ministries of Defence, Justice, and Foreign Affairs, as well as in Parliaments, to lawyers of international organizations, and to national and international judges dealing with matters of public international law, international humanitarian law and criminal law. It will also be of interest to scholars and students of international law, and to historians of international relations. Sergey Sayapin is Assistant Professor in International and Criminal Law at the School of Law of the KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Evhen Tsybulenko is Professor of Law at the Department of Law of the Tallinn University of Technology in Tallinn, Estonia.


Humanitarian law. --- Human rights --- International relations --- International criminal law --- Droit international humanitaire --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Droit international --- Droit international pénal --- Ukraine --- Russia (Federation) --- Russie --- Foreign relations --- Relations extérieures --- relations extérieures --- International relations. --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Russia --- Rossīi︠a︡ --- Rossīĭskai︠a︡ Imperīi︠a︡ --- Russia (Provisional government, 1917) --- Russia (Vremennoe pravitelʹstvo, 1917) --- Russland --- Ṛusastan --- Russia (Tymchasovyĭ uri︠a︡d, 1917) --- Russian Empire --- Rosja --- Russian S.F.S.R. --- Russia (Territory under White armies, 1918-1920) --- Ukrainian S.S.R. --- Ucrania --- Ukrainskai︠a︡ Sovetskai︠a︡ Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ukrainskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika --- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic --- Uḳraʼinah --- Malorosii︠a︡ --- Małorosja --- Ukraïna --- Petite-Russie --- Oekraïne --- Ukrainska Radyanska Sotsialistychna Respublika --- Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic --- Ukrainska Sotsialistychna Radianska Respublika --- Ukraïnsʹka Radi︠a︡nsʹka Sot︠s︡ialistychna Respublika --- Oukraïne --- Ukrayina --- Ukrayna --- U.S.R.R. --- Ucraina --- Ukraïnsʹka Sot︠s︡ii︠a︡listychna Radi︠a︡nsʹka Respublika --- Ukrainian Council Socialist Republic --- ウクライナ --- Ukuraina --- Україна --- Украинэ --- Ucrægna --- Украина --- أوكرانيا --- Ūkrāniyā --- Ucrayena --- Ukyáña --- Ukranya --- Ukrajina --- Yr Wcráin --- Wcráin --- Ουκρανία --- Oykrania --- Ukrainio --- Ukrainujo --- Ukrayiina --- An Úcráin --- Úcráin --- Yn Ookraan --- Ookraan --- Украинмудин Орн --- Ukrainmudin Orn --- 우크라이나 --- ʻUkelena --- Yukrain --- Украинæ --- Ukrainæ --- IYukreyini --- I-Yukreyini --- אוקראינה --- אוקראינע --- Ukraine (Hetmanate : 1648-1782) --- Relations internationales --- Human rights. --- Criminology. --- Political Crimes. --- War Crimes. --- International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict. --- Human Rights. --- Human Rights and Crime . --- State Crimes. --- International Criminal Law . --- Crime --- Social sciences --- Criminals --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Study and teaching --- Law and legislation --- International humanitarian law. --- International criminal law. --- Criminal law, International --- ICL (International criminal law) --- Criminal law --- International law --- Criminal jurisdiction --- International crimes --- Humanitarian conventions --- International humanitarian law --- War (International law) --- Derecho Humanitario --- Derechos Humanos --- Criminología --- Ciencias penales --- Criminalística --- Ciencias sociales --- Aberratio ictus --- Educación y delincuencia --- Sociología criminal --- Psicología criminal --- Antropología criminal --- Asesinos en serie --- Derecho penal --- Libertades públicas --- Derechos civiles --- Derechos de la persona --- Derechos del ciudadano --- Derechos sociales --- Derecho internacional --- Proceso justo --- Derecho a abogado defensor --- Derecho a la educación --- Derecho a la muerte --- Derecho a la salud --- Derecho a la vida --- Habeas corpus --- Baja por enfermedad --- Declaración universal de los derechos humanos --- Derecho de petición --- Derecho de propiedad --- Derechos políticos --- Libertad religiosa --- Libertad de asociación --- Libertad de expresión --- Libertad de información --- Libertad de prensa --- Libertad de trabajo --- Necesidades primarias

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