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Inszenierungsarbeit und Kaufpraxis bei Personica-Objekten : Die auratische Wirkung des Vorbesitzes im Secondhand-Handel
ISBN: 3658195509 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Maria Elena Wiegelmann zeigt, dass der Vorbesitz durch seine auratische Wirkmacht ein psychologisches Objektmerkmal mit ökonomischer und kultureller Relevanz sowie praktischer Nutzbarkeit ist. Dies macht die Autorin empiriebasiert durch eine Modellierung am Beispiel des Secondhand-Handels von Objekten, die auf persönlicher Ebene für den Besitzer hoch bedeutsam sind, wie z.B. Automobile, Immobilien, Musikinstrumente, Pferde, Schmuck, Waffen, nachvollziehbar. Vorbesitzer solcher Personica-Objekte, damit verbundene Lebensereignisse und Rückstände beeinflussen als Vorbesitz Intermediäre in ihrer Verkaufsförderung sowie Interessenten in ihrer Kaufpraxis. Der Inhalt Modellierter Gesamtprozess, Theorieskizze und Vokabular als Studienergebnis Wissenschaftlicher Forschungsstand zum Thema Kulturpsychologische und angewandte Relevanz in den Bereichen Marktwert, Nachhaltigkeit und Händlerberuf Die Zielg ruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Psychologie mit den Schwerpunkten Konsumenten-, Markt- und Verkaufspsychologie sowie Kulturpsychologie  Secondhand-Händlerinnen und -Händler  sowie Secondhand-Käuferinnen bzw. -Käufer Die Autorin Maria Elena Wiegelmann hat am Institut für Psychologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster promoviert.

Psychologie und Nachhaltigkeit : Konzeptionelle Grundlagen, Anwendungsbeispiele und Zukunftsperspektiven
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3658199652 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Dieser Sammelband setzt sich zum Ziel, wesentliche Beiträge und Potenziale der Psychologie für (globale) Nachhaltigkeit herauszuarbeiten, innerhalb der psychologischen Disziplin (weiter) für den gesellschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs zu sensibilisieren und künftige Forschungs- und Anwendungsperspektiven in den interdisziplinären Dialog einzubringen. Die Psychologie als Wissenschaft vom Erleben und Verhalten des Menschen bietet in vielfältiger Weise konzeptionelle sowie empirische Anknüpfungspunkte für den aktuellen Diskurs um nachhaltige Entwicklung – insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung der als Agenda 2030 im September 2015 von den UN proklamierten Sustainable Development Goals. Der Inhalt • Relevanz und begriffliche Einordnung • Grundlagen und Theorien • Zielgruppen und Anwendungskontexte • Praxis und Projektbeispiele Die Zielgruppen • Studierende der Psychologie und anderer Fachrichtungen • Verantwortliche in der betrieblichen und politischen Praxis • Forscherinnen und Forscher, die inter- und transdisziplinär arbeiten möchten • Weitere Akteure im Handlungsfeld Nachhaltige Entwicklung Die Herausgeberinnen Dr. Claudia Thea Schmitt ist seit 2014 Geschäftsführerin und wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin des Kompetenzzentrums Nachhaltige Universität (KNU) der Universität Hamburg. Schwerpunkte: innovations- und nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen, transformationale Führung, Werteforschung. Prof. Dr. Eva Bamberg war von 1997 bis 2017 Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie an der Universität Hamburg. Schwerpunkte: Arbeit und Gesundheit, Gesundheitsförderung, Veränderungsprozesse in Organisationen. .

Resilienz : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Wandel und Transformation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3658192224 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Ob Klimawandel, Flüchtlingsbewegungen, Armut, Ressourcenknappheit, Urbanisierung oder Stress am Arbeitsplatz – Resilienz ist das Modewort unserer Zeit. Der vorliegende Band skizziert Potentiale und Grenzen dieses Begriffs und reflektiert gegenwärtige Konzeptualisierungen und Anwendungen. Neu ist, dass die unterschiedlichen Resilienzverständnisse nicht nur vorgestellt, sondern interdisziplinär aufeinander bezogen werden. Ziel ist es, den Resilienzdiskurs kritisch zu hinterfragen und weiterzuentwickeln. Diese Auseinandersetzung regt zur Formulierung von normativen Fragen an, deren Beantwortung wichtig ist, um neue Perspektiven auf zukünftige Transformationen und Veränderungen zu erhalten. Der Inhalt • Normative Aspekte von Resilienz • Kritische Reflexion des Resilienzbegriffs und seiner Geschichte • Wandel und Transformation • Kompetenzen zur Bewältigung von Wandel • Zukunftsgestaltung • Bildung und Resilienz • Resilienz und Wandel der Arbeit • Resilienz und Medienkompetenz Die Zielgruppen • Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaftler • Praktiker aus Arbeit, Bildung, Wirtschaft • Entscheidungsträger aus Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Umweltpolitik Die Herausgeber Dr. Maria Karidi war wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung der LMU München. Dr. Martin Schneider ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Christliche Sozialethik der LMU München. Dr. Rebecca Gutwald ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Philosophie und politische Theorie der LMU München.

Sexting : motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783319718828 9783030101268 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Palgrave,

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In the current debate around sexting, this book gives a nuanced account of motives, contexts and possible risks of intimate digital communication. The authors discuss how social media shapes new dating opportunities through apps and dating sites and how sexting fits within an individuals relational and sexual development. They examine the relationships between sexting, health and sexual risk behaviors; and focusing on adolescents, further highlight which role parents can play in relational and sexual education. Chapters cover topics such as abusive sexting behaviours in the context of dating violence and slut shaming, media discourses concerning sexting and the legal framework in several countries that shape the context of sexting. This edited collection will be of great interest to academics and students of communication studies, psychology, health sciences and sociology, as well as to policy makers and those interested in current debates on how social media is used for intimate communication. .

Sexting : motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783319718828 9783030101268 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Palgrave Macmillan

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In the current debate around sexting, this book gives a nuanced account of motives, contexts and possible risks of intimate digital communication. The authors discuss how social media shapes new dating opportunities through apps and dating sites and how sexting fits within an individuals relational and sexual development. They examine the relationships between sexting, health and sexual risk behaviors; and focusing on adolescents, further highlight which role parents can play in relational and sexual education. Chapters cover topics such as abusive sexting behaviours in the context of dating violence and slut shaming, media discourses concerning sexting and the legal framework in several countries that shape the context of sexting. This edited collection will be of great interest to academics and students of communication studies, psychology, health sciences and sociology, as well as to policy makers and those interested in current debates on how social media is used for intimate communication. .

Imagining Collective Futures : Perspectives from Social, Cultural and Political Psychology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319760513 3319760505 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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It is a commonly held assumption among cultural, social, and political psychologists that imagining the future of societies we live in has the potential to change how we think and act in the world. However little research has been devoted to whether this effect exists in collective imaginations, of social groups, communities and nations, for instance. This book explores the part that imagination and creativity play in the construction of collective futures, and the diversity of outlets in which these are presented, from fiction and cultural symbols to science and technology. The authors discuss this effect in social phenomena such as in intergroup conflict and social change, and focus on several cases studies to illustrate how the imagination of collective futures can guide social and political action. This book brings together theoretical and empirical contributions from cultural, social, and political psychology to offer insight into our constant (re)imagination of the societies in which we live.


Psychology. --- Philosophy of mind. --- Political philosophy. --- Personality. --- Social psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Environmental psychology. --- Personality and Social Psychology. --- Community and Environmental Psychology. --- Psychosocial Studies. --- Political Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Mind. --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Psychology, Applied --- Social psychology --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Self --- Temperament --- Political philosophy --- Mind, Philosophy of --- Mind, Theory of --- Theory of mind --- Philosophy --- Cognitive science --- Metaphysics --- Philosophical anthropology --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Soul --- Mental health --- Psychological aspects --- Consciousness. --- Applied psychology. --- Political science --- Philosophy. --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Spirit --- Difference (Psychology). --- Political science—Philosophy. --- Personality and Differential Psychology. --- Community Psychology. --- Social Psychology. --- Differential psychology --- Psychology, Differential --- Differentiation (Developmental psychology) --- Difference (Psychology)

Death at Work : Existential and Psychosocial Perspectives on End-of-Life Care
ISBN: 331990325X 3319903268 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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‘Kjetil Moen has written a book of depth, insight and significance. It is thrill to read. He writes of a world of paradoxes and contradictions, continual absurd realities and great sadness. Here is a book for a world-wide audience that is looking for direction as the human family experiences more aging.’ - Thomas M. Skovholt, Professor and Psychologist, University of Minnesota, USA; and author of The Resilient Practitioner ‘A powerful, searing yet encouraging book. Vivid case studies bring to life the dilemmas and decision moments in which end-of-life professionals live… Moen combines methodological clarity, detail and philosophic reflection: it concerns us all.’ - Tom Wengraf, previously Middlesex University and Birkbeck Institute of Social Research, UK; and author of Qualitative Research Interviewing This important book shines a long-overdue spotlight on the call for a reflective space and self-knowledge of the professional working in end-of-life care… and makes an empirically and clinically sound call for re-humanization of the way we relate to the dying person. - Gry Stålsett, PhD, Specialist Psychologist at Modum Bad Clinic in Vikersund, Norway This book explores how, in encounters with the terminally ill and dying, there is something existentially at stake for the professional, not only the patient. It connects the professional and personal lives of the interviewees, a range of professionals working in palliative and intensive care. Kjetil Moen discusses how the inner and outer worlds, the psychic and the social, and the existential and the cultural, all inform professionals’ experience of work at the boundary between life and death. Death at Work is written for an academic audience, but is accessible to and offers insights for practitioners in a variety of fields.

Interprofessional Care and Mental Health : A Discursive Exploration of Team Meeting Practices
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319982281 3319982273 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book utilises conversation analysis (CA) and discursive psychology (DP) methodologies to examine the internal workings of multi-disciplinary teams which are concerned with the care, treatment and diagnosis of clients with complex mental health needs. Bringing together practitioners, service users and researchers who were part of the MDTsInAction research project, the authors offer a unique and systematic investigation into the ways members of multidisciplinary teams collaboratively manage their shared goals. A particular focus is on the language used in team meetings, and how examination of meeting talk can help us better understand the practice of inter-professional working. The authors also describe how a range of institutional barriers and concerns needed to be tackled in implementing the study in a healthcare setting. Over the course of this book they reveal a number of methodological developments which will be of interest to researchers and academics in CA/DP, and in healthcare communication generally. This book highlights how CA and DP can be used to identify and improve communicative practices in a healthcare setting; and also serves as an example of how to conduct an applied CA/DP project in a way that achieves impact. Cordet Smart is a lecturer and clinical research tutor at the University of Plymouth, UK. She is the Principal Investigator on the MDTsInAction research programme. Her research includes interactions within clinical and group contexts and exploring the multiple presentations of social influence from a discursive psychology perspective. Timothy Auburn is Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at Plymouth University, UK. His research focuses on discursive psychology and social interaction, particularly in relation to institutional contexts such as the criminal justice system.


Applied psychology. --- Psychology, clinical. --- Social psychology. --- Psychotherapy and Counseling. --- Health Psychology. --- Industrial and Organizational Psychology. --- Community and Environmental Psychology. --- Psychosocial Studies. --- Mental health services. --- Behavioral health care --- Mental health care --- Psychiatric care --- Psychiatric services --- Medical care --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Psychology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Psychotherapy. --- Counseling. --- Health psychology. --- Industrial psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Environmental psychology. --- Business psychology --- Industrial psychology --- Psychotechnics --- Industrial engineering --- Personnel management --- Psychology, Applied --- Industrial psychologists --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Counselling --- Helping behavior --- Clinical sociology --- Interviewing --- Personal coaching --- Social case work --- Therapy (Psychotherapy) --- Mental illness --- Mental health counseling --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Social psychology --- Treatment --- Psychological aspects --- Clinical health psychology. --- Psychology, Industrial. --- Counseling Psychology. --- Work and Organizational Psychology. --- Community Psychology. --- Social Psychology.

Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings : Challenges to Service Delivery
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3319647865 3319647857 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This first-of-its-kind textbook surveys rehabilitation and vocational programs aiding persons with disabilities in remote and developing areas in the U.S. and abroad. Contributors discuss longstanding challenges to these communities, most notably economic and environmental obstacles and ongoing barriers to service delivery, as well as their resilience and strengths. Intersections of health, social, structural, and access disparities are shown affecting rural disabled populations such as women, racial and sexual minorities, youth, and elders. In terms of responses, a comprehensive array of healthcare and health policy solutions and recommendations is critiqued with regard to health, employment, and service effectiveness outcomes. Included among the topics: Healthcare initiatives, strategies, and challenges for people with disabilities in rural, frontier, and territory settings. Challenges faced by veterans residing in rural communities. The Asia and Pacific region: rural-urban impact on disability. Challenges after natural disaster for rural residents with disabilities. Meeting the needs of rural adults with mental illness and dual diagnoses. Capacity building in rural communities through community-based collaborative partnerships. Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings makes a worthy textbook for graduate students and upper-level undergraduates in the fields of social work, community and environmental psychology, public health, sociology, education, and geography. Its professional audience also includes vocational rehabilitation counselors serving these dynamic populations.

The New Security : Individual, Community and Cultural Experiences
ISBN: 1137591013 1137591021 Year: 2018 Publisher: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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The New Security places the concept of ‘security’ under the spotlight to analyse its meaning in an original and contemporary context. In so doing, Forbes-Mewett revisits the notion from the perspectives of individuals and communities to understand what security means in our culturally diverse, contemporary society. Chapters highlight the extent of the shift of traditional uses of the term from the established perspective of international relations to a more commonly used concept which now broadly relates to many aspects of peoples’ everyday experiences. Based on empirical studies of security in relation to housing, employment, food, personal security and campus settings in times of perceived heightened risk, this book presents new and different ways of thinking about security to demonstrate how we need to expand the dialogue surrounding the concept. Drawing on empirical research to describe, analyse and reposition the concept of security to have meaning in diverse everyday contexts, this methodological and insightful text will be of particular interest to scholars and students of criminological theory, security studies and sociology. .

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