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091 --- 091.14 --- 930.272 --- 930.272 Paleografie --- Paleografie --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Arabisch
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Les manuscrits se consument moins que leurs lecteurs. Et ici, je veux parler de l’éclat lumineux des manuscrits et de l’obscurité qui les menace toujours et dire ma passion des manuscrits, ou plutôt de l’activité manuscrite. J’aime l’unicité fragile des manuscrits, sans leur vouer l’adoration ou la convoitise suscitées par des trésors, que j’évoque d’abord avant de livrer mon expérience des rapports incommodes entre les institutions détentrices, les lecteurs et les scribes. La suite, sur mes péripéties de déchiffreur, s’intitule « la peau des scribes » : à partir du matériau d’écriture, le cuir des moutons, je veux me mettre dans la peau des scribes face à leurs détracteurs, ceux qui veulent « avoir leur peau ».Mais entre les scribes et moi, s’interpose l’institution d’une discipline qui s’est voulue « scientifique », avec une exigence de généalogie qui se fondait sur une recherche en paternité, bien vaine pour les textes médiévaux où les traces de l’auteur s’effacent au profit de celles des scribes, malgré d’illustres exceptions. Même en se libérant de ces carcans, le lecteur n’accède pas facilement aux textes des manuscrits : l’objet qui les porte, matériel, subit les aléas et infortunes des choses et les inadvertances des hommes qui en gèrent la fabrication. J’en viens alors à mes frères, les scribes eux-mêmes, quand je traite des marges du manuscrit comme lieu d’organisation du texte par les scribes, avant de présenter leur intervention directe et inventive dans le texte.Ce livre raconte une rencontre heureuse
Manuscripts, Medieval --- Books and reading --- 091 --- 091.14 --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- 091 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi --- Manuscrits --- Manuscripts. --- Copistes --- Copyists. --- Manuscrits. --- Copistes.
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Nur wenige Sprachen auf der Welt können auf eine mehr als 1500-jährige Geschichte ununterbrochener schriftlicher Tradition zurückblicken – das Georgische, die Sprache des christlichen Landes südlich des Kaukasus, ist eine davon. Seit ihrer Christianisierung im vierten Jahrhundert haben Georgier im stetigen Austausch mit benachbarten Völkern einen ungeheuren Reichtum an literarischem Kulturgut geschaffen, das sich in unzähligen handschriftlichen Büchern niederschlug. Diesen Schatz dem interessierten deutschsprachigen Publikum zu erschließen, soll das vorliegende Buch dienen, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Nationalen K.-Kekelidze-Handschriftenzentrum Tbilisi entstanden ist und in das Beiträge zahlreicher Autoren eingeflossen sind. Zu nennen ist seitens des Handschriftenzentrums zuvörderst das Team von Maia Karanadze, Lela Shatirishvili, Nestan Chkhikvadze und Tamar Abuladze, dessen im Jahre 2010 in elektronischer Form und 2012 im Druck erschienenes Album „Das georgische handschriftliche Buch vom 5. bis 19. Jahrhundert“ (Kartuli V–XIX ss. / Georgian Manuscript Book. 5th–19th centuries) mit den darin enthaltenen reichhaltigen Abbildungen den Grundstock für das vorliegende Werk dwarstellt. Darüber hinaus wurden seitens des Handschriftenzentrums und seines Direktors, Zaza Abashidze, wertvolle Textbeiträge zur Verfügung gestellt, insbesondere eine ausführliche Darstellung der georgischen Schriften von Elene Machavariani und eine umfassende Abhandlung über die Entwicklung der georgischen Schriftlichkeit von Zurab Chumburidze. Im weiteren sind vor allem die auf das Georgische bezogenen Beiträge in dem Handbuch Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies (Hamburg 2015) eingearbeitet worden, für die Bernard Outtier, Tamara Pataridze und der Herausgeber verantwortlich zeichnen. Nicht eigens genannt werden können die Beiträge der zahlreichen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die sich über Jahrzehnte am Handschrifteninstitut in Georgien oder außerhalb um die Katalogisierung des georgischen Manuskriptbestandes bemüht haben ; ohne ihre mühevolle Vorarbeit wäre die Publikation dieses Buches umöglich gewesen.
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Miscellanies may easily make up the single largest group of medieval manuscripts. It was especially in the Late Middle Ages that the number of such multitextual manuscripts, often compiled by lay and religious individuals for personal or communal use, grew substantially. In spite of their relevance for the reconstruction of medieval culture, such manuscripts have not until recently garnered much scholarly interest. The present volume pinpoints the societal and cultural importance of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century miscellanies as well as their role in the understanding of textual creation, transformation and complexity, in both late medieval and early modern societies. The contributions scrutinise, on the one side, text corpora and textual traditions that had a seminal impact on late medieval European culture: the texts of Geoffrey Chaucer and Reginald Pecock, the manuscripts of Dante’s Commedia, late medieval Italian and Latin poetic anthologies, but also miscellanies from the Council of Basel and multitextual manuscripts containing anti-Hussite texts. On the other side, the volume takes into account individual scribes/compilers and collections: from remarkable cases such as Pico della Mirandola and Leonardo da Vinci, to personal collections made up by lesser-known but not less significant compilers and users. Under a strong pan-European umbrella, the volume embarks on specific problems, among which authorship, non-autonomy, composition, reception and use, along with more general issues such as multilingualism or the relationship between image and text. Though ubiquitous and complex, miscellanies blend the diverse cultural, economic and social tendencies of their prosumers, thus proving to be tokens of the appropriation of medieval knowledge and providing snapshots of a dynamic textual culture.
Book acquisition --- anno 500-1499 --- 091.14 --- 091 "14/15" --- 091 "14/15" Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Renaissance --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Renaissance --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- collection development --- acquisition --- acquisition [collections management]
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091.14 --- 091:003.5 --- 7.023 --- 7.023 Kunst: grondstoffen; materiaalkeuze --- Kunst: grondstoffen; materiaalkeuze --- 091:003.5 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Schrijfmaterialen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Schrijfmaterialen --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria
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This collection of essays is primarily concerned with the different ways in which European readers, writers, and translators engaged with texts and concepts, and with the movement and exchange of those texts and ideas across boundaries and geographical spaces. It brings together new research on relating Anglophone and Latinate writings as well as in other vernaculars (Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval Irish, Welsh, Arabic, Middle Dutch, Middle German, French, and Italian) as well as texts and ideas that are experienced in aural and oral contexts (music and song). Texts are examined not in isolation but in direct relation and as responses to wider European culture; several of the contributions theorize the translation of works, for example those relating to spiritual instruction and prayer, into other European languages and contexts. Together the essays reconstruct an outward-looking, networked and engaged Europe in which people used texts in order to communicate, discover and explore as well as to record and preserve.
091:028 --- 82.085.43 --- 091.14 --- 82.085.43 Literaire receptie --- Literaire receptie --- 091:028 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Book history --- anno 1000-1099 --- anno 1200-1499 --- Europe --- Schrift --- Schriftelijke communicatie --- Translating --- Retorica [Middeleeuwse ] --- Mondelinge traditie --- Europa --- Middeleeuwen --- Middle Ages
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Owing to its relatedness to parchment as the primary writing matter of the Middle Ages, human skin was not only a topic to write about in medieval texts, it was also conceived of as an inscribable surface, both in the material and in the figurative sense. This volume explores the textuality of human skin as discussed by Geoffrey Chaucer and other writers (medical, religious, philosophical, and literary) of the fourteenth and fifteenth century. It presents four main aspects of the complex relations between text, parchment, and human skin as they have been discussed in recent scholarship. These four aspects are, first, the (mostly figurative) resonances between parchment-making and transformations of human skin, second, parchment as a space of contact between animal and human spheres, third, human skin and parchment as sites where (gender) identities are negotiated, and fourth, the place of medieval skin studies within cultural studies and its relationship to the major concerns of cultural studies: the difficult demarcation of skin from body, the instability of any inscription, and the skin’s precarious state as an entity of its own.
Literature, Medieval --- 091:003.5 --- 930.85.42 --- 091.14 --- 930.85.42 Cultuurgeschiedenis: Middeleeuwen --- Cultuurgeschiedenis: Middeleeuwen --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- 091:003.5 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Schrijfmaterialen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Schrijfmaterialen --- History and criticism --- E-books --- Book history --- anno 1300-1399
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Commencée par un article extrait de son mémoire de licence (1956) et consacré à la cité des Atrébates (1958), la carrière d'Albert Derolez s'est déployée dans les principaux domaines qui touchent au manuscrit médiéval : paléographie, avec sa magistrale 'Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Books' (2003) ; codicologie, à laquelle sa Codicologie des manuscrits en écriture humanistique sur parchemin (1984) apporta une contribution méthodologique importante ; et même philologie, discipline affectionnée du Maître gantois, avec des éditions exemplaires de Guibert de Gembloux (1989) et Hildegarde de Bingen (1996). Sa thèse consacrée au Liber Floridus de Lambert de Saint-Omer a donné lieu à de nombreuses publications et vient de trouver un dernier développement dans son The Making and Meaning of The Liber Floridus (2015). On n'oubliera pas son Corpus Catalogorum Belgii, outil indispensable de tous les historiens des bibliothèques. C'est pour célébrer les soixante années de cette carrière longue et riche, marquée de jalons importants et d'oeuvres majeures, que ses élèves, collègues et amis publient aujourd'hui un volume de mélanges en hommage à ce maître respecté, honoré de nombreuses distinctions. Les domaines traités sont ceux qui ont occupé la vie du jubilaire et où il a acquis une renommée mondiale.
09 <082 DEROLEZ, ALBERT> --- Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Feestbundels. Festschriften--DEROLEZ, ALBERT. --- Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Feestbundels. Festschriften--DEROLEZ, ALBERT --- Book history --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Derolez, Albert --- anno 500-1499 --- paleography --- codicology --- Paleography. --- Codicology. --- Philology, Modern. --- 091.14 --- 091.14:003 --- 091.14:003 Codices--schrift-- Zie ook: {930.272} Paleografie --- Codices--schrift-- Zie ook: {930.272} Paleografie --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria
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Annotations in modern books are a phenomenon that often causes disapproval: we are not supposed to draw, doodle, underline, or highlight in our books. In many medieval manuscripts, however, the pages are filled with annotations around the text and in-between the lines. In some cases, a 'white space' around the text is even laid out to contain extra text, pricked and ruled for the purpose. Just as footnotes are an approved and standard part of the modern academic book, so the flyleaves, margins, and interlinear spaces of many medieval manuscripts are an invitation to add extra text. This volume focuses on annotation in the early medieval period. In treating manuscripts as mirrors of the medieval minds who created them -- reflecting their interests, their choices, their practices -- the essays explore a number of key topics. Are there certain genres in which the making of annotations seems to be more appropriate or common than in others? Are there genres in which annotating is 'not done'? Are there certain monastic centres in which annotating practices flourish, and from which they spread?
Marginalia --- Annotating, Book --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Learning and scholarship --- Books and reading --- History --- Book history --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- History of Europe --- anno 500-1499 --- 091:003 --- 091:028 --- 091.14 --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- 091:028 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- 091:003 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Literature, Medieval --- Littérature médiévale --- --Histoire et critique --- --Annotation, livre --- --Marginalium --- --History and criticism --- Literature [Medieval ] --- Manuscripts [Medieval ] --- Latin literature --- Literacy --- Literature, Medieval - History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Annotation, livre --- Marginalium --- History.
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The final section of the Montpellier Codex analysed in full for the first time, with major implications for late-medieval music.
091:78 --- 78 <44> --- 091.14 --- 091:028 --- 091:028 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Lezen. Lectuur --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- 78 <44> Muziek--Frankrijk --- Muziek--Frankrijk --- 091:78 Handschriften i.v.m. muziek --- Handschriften i.v.m. muziek --- Music --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Motets --- Part songs, French --- French poetry --- Manuscripts --- Montpellier codex. --- Codex Montpellier --- Montpellier manuscript --- E-books --- Conferences - Meetings --- Còdex Montpeller --- Còdex de Montpeller --- Montpellierský kodex --- Códice de Montpellier --- Chansonnier de Montpellier --- Кодекс Монпелье --- Kodeks Monpelʹe --- Part songs --- History and criticism. --- 500-1400 --- France. --- France
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