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Professional Development for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Learning
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3319914057 3319914065 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book examines the implementation of inquiry-based approaches in science teaching and learning. It explores the ways that those approaches could be promoted across various contexts in Europe through initial teacher preparation, induction programmes and professional development activities. It illustrates connections between scientific knowledge deriving from the science education research community, teaching practices deriving from the science teachers’ community, and educational innovation. Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Learning (IBST/L) has been promoted as a policy response to pressing educational challenges, including disengagement from science learning and the need for citizens to be in a position to evaluate evidence on pressing socio-scientific issues. Effective IBST/L requires well-prepared and skilful teachers, who can act as facilitators of student learning and who are able to adapt inquiry-based activity sequences to their everyday teaching practice. Teachers also need to engage creatively with the process of nurturing student abilities and to acquire new assessment competences. The task of preparing teachers for IBST/L is a challenging one. This book is a resource for the implementation of inquiry-oriented approaches in science education and illustrates ways of promoting IBST/L through initial teacher preparation, induction and professional development programmes.

Intelecto en acción : Aristóteles y la filosofía como forma de vida
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9585652935 9585652927 Year: 2018 Publisher: Editorial Uniagustiniana

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El presente libro se enfrenta al problema de cómo es posible concebir la filosofía aristotélica como una forma de vida, y no como una disciplina o profesión. Si en alguno de sus textos se pueden encontrar sus preocupaciones más vitales, sería en sus tratados prácticos, en los que defiende una filosofía de lo humano. Pero, pese a esto, Aristóteles insiste en que la filosofía, en su mayor grado, parece ser la filosofía primera a la que parece referirse con la contemplación propuesta al final de la Ética nicomaquea. ¿Cómo entender esta tensión entre una filosofía humana y una filosofía primera? ¿A qué dio Aristóteles prelación para el buen vivir? Lo que queremos defender es que no hay una dicotomía entre vida activa y vida contemplativa m´ás allá del análisis puramente conceptual. Por el contrario, lo que propone Aristóteles es que es imposible decidir entre la acción y la contemplación sin recurrir a la filosofía misma. El intelecto, en su papel de rector de la vida, requiere contemplación para orientar a la acción, así como el médico requiere de la ciencia natural para orientar su acción.

Digitalis : hoe we onze wereld kunnen heruitvinden
ISBN: 9789401450843 9401450846 Year: 2018 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Directeur Google België pleit voor meer digitale visie en goestingReis mee naar Digitalis, het land dat meer dan 4 miljard mensen met elkaar verbindt via het internet. Een land waar gezondheidszorg, onderwijs, mobiliteit, economie en andere maatschappelijke thema's worden aangepakt dankzij de mogelijkheden van de digitale revolutie.Dit uitdagende boek van Thierry Geerts is een krachtig pleidooi om in deze tijden van digitalisering de angst opzij te schuiven en de vooruitgang te omarmen. De digitale revolutie heeft immense maatschappelijke, culturele en economische implicaties en stelt ons voor grote uitdagingen: we moeten niet minder dan de hele wereld heruitvinden. Maar de boodschap is positief: de technologische vooruitgang biedt unieke kansen om onze samenleving te verbeteren.En waarom zou België, dat in het verleden aan de spits heeft gestaan van de industriële en computerrevolutie, niet de hoofdstad van Digitalis kunnen worden? Als ons land deze digitale trein niet wil missen, heeft het behoefte aan inspirerende en ambitieuze projecten. Dit boek zet alvast de bakens uit.Bron :


Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Société de l'information --- BPB1808 --- Informatique en nuage --- Médias sociaux --- digitalisering --- digitale revolutie --- digitale samenleving --- Informatiemaatschappij --- Cloudcomputing --- Sociale media --- Cultuurfilosofie. Cultuurpsychologie --- Computerarchitectuur. Operating systems --- 520.7. --- PXL-Media & Tourism 2018 --- communicatiemedia --- technologische verandering --- maatschappij --- Digitalisering --- Toekomstbeeldvorming --- Internet --- Trendwatching --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- информатичко општество --- informační společnost --- soċjetà tal-informazzjoni --- информатичко друштво --- informačná spoločnosť --- κοινωνία των πληροφοριών --- społeczeństwo informacyjne --- informacijska družba --- sociedade da informação --- információs társadalom --- societate informațională --- shoqëria e informacionit --- Informationsgesellschaft --- information society --- sociedad de la información --- informationssamfundet --- infoühiskond --- informatiemaatschappij --- tietoyhteiskunta --- an tsochaí faisnéise --- информационно общество --- informācijas sabiedrība --- informationssamhälle --- informacinė visuomenė --- società dell'informazione --- informacijsko društvo --- sociální média --- обществени медии --- друштвени медиуми --- soziale Medien --- medios sociales --- družbeni mediji --- sociālie mediji --- media sociais --- sosiaalisen median väline --- media społecznościowe --- na meáin shóisialta --- sociala medier --- sociale medier --- social media --- közösségi média --- sociale media --- μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- društveni mediji --- sotsiaalmeedia --- sociálne médiá --- media soċjali --- media sociali --- mijloace de comunicare sociale --- socialinė žiniasklaida --- mjetet e komunikimit social --- друштвени медији --- social network --- дружбени медиуми --- média social --- platformă (de comunicare) socială --- réseaux sociaux --- midja soċjali --- mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni soċjali --- sociālie plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- suhtlusmeedia --- ühismeedia --- sociální médium --- socialiniai tinklai --- rede social --- media sociale --- μέσο κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- réseau social --- platforma społecznościowa --- Social Media --- družbeni medij --- medium soċjali --- socialt netværk --- sociálne médium --- redes sociales --- друштвена мрежа --- mezzi tax-xandir soċjali --- közösségi médium --- социјални медиуми --- social medium --- обществена медия --- социална мрежа --- sosiaalinen media --- медиуми за општење --- redes sociais --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- cloud computing --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- Toekomstvisie --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Médias sociaux --- Société de l'information

Digitalis : comment réinventer le monde
ISBN: 9789401451024 9401451028 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles : Racine,

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"Bienvenue à Digitalis, un pays de plus de 4 milliards de citoyens connectés via Internet, faisant face au plus grand défi jamais rencontré: réinventer le monde entier sur base des nouvelles technologies numériques. Et pourquoi la Belgique ne pourrait-elle pas devenir la capitale de Digitalis?" questionne Thierry Geerts, directeur de Google pour la Belgique et le Luxembourg. Ce livre volontairement provocateur est un appel puissant à mettre de côté sa peur et à embrasser le progrès de la révolution digitale que nous vivons actuellement. La digitalisation a d'immenses implications sociales, culturelles et économiques et pose des défis majeurs, car nous devons totalement réinventer le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Mais le message de l’auteur Thierry Geerts est positif : ces progrès technologiques nous offrent des opportunités uniques pour améliorer notre société. Et pourquoi la Belgique – qui a été à la pointe de la révolution industrielle et informatique – ne pourrait-elle pas devenir la capitale de Digitalis ? Ce livre propose quelques pistes de projets ambitieux et inspirants dont notre pays aurait grand besoin pour ne pas rater le virage digital. Digitalis, Thierry Geerts, 2018, Racine


BPB9999 --- BPB1808 --- Société de l'information --- Informatique en nuage --- Médias sociaux --- 007.5 --- P493 --- Informatiemaatschappij --- Cloudcomputing --- Sociale media --- informatica - cybernetica - Internet - Sociale media (zie ook 681.3) --- b --- Digital Digitaal --- Changement Verandering --- Civilisation Beschaving --- Internet --- Communication --- Technological innovations --- België --- Société numérique --- Technologies de l'information et de la communication --- Economic aspects --- Social aspects --- Société numérique --- Économie numérique --- Aspect social --- Économie numérique --- sociální média --- обществени медии --- друштвени медиуми --- soziale Medien --- medios sociales --- družbeni mediji --- sociālie mediji --- media sociais --- sosiaalisen median väline --- media społecznościowe --- na meáin shóisialta --- sociala medier --- sociale medier --- social media --- közösségi média --- sociale media --- μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- društveni mediji --- sotsiaalmeedia --- sociálne médiá --- media soċjali --- media sociali --- mijloace de comunicare sociale --- socialinė žiniasklaida --- mjetet e komunikimit social --- друштвени медији --- social network --- дружбени медиуми --- média social --- platformă (de comunicare) socială --- réseaux sociaux --- midja soċjali --- mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni soċjali --- sociālie plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- suhtlusmeedia --- ühismeedia --- sociální médium --- socialiniai tinklai --- rede social --- media sociale --- μέσο κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- réseau social --- platforma społecznościowa --- Social Media --- družbeni medij --- medium soċjali --- socialt netværk --- sociálne médium --- redes sociales --- друштвена мрежа --- mezzi tax-xandir soċjali --- közösségi médium --- социјални медиуми --- social medium --- обществена медия --- социална мрежа --- sosiaalinen media --- медиуми за општење --- redes sociais --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- cloud computing --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- информатичко општество --- informační společnost --- soċjetà tal-informazzjoni --- информатичко друштво --- informačná spoločnosť --- κοινωνία των πληροφοριών --- społeczeństwo informacyjne --- informacijska družba --- sociedade da informação --- információs társadalom --- societate informațională --- shoqëria e informacionit --- Informationsgesellschaft --- information society --- sociedad de la información --- informationssamfundet --- infoühiskond --- informatiemaatschappij --- tietoyhteiskunta --- an tsochaí faisnéise --- информационно общество --- informācijas sabiedrība --- informationssamhälle --- informacinė visuomenė --- società dell'informazione --- informacijsko društvo --- Technological innovations - Economic aspects --- Technological innovations - Social aspects --- Internet - Social aspects --- Médias sociaux --- Société de l'information

The Italian Renaissance nude
ISBN: 9780300201567 0300201567 Year: 2018 Publisher: New Haven : Yale University Press,

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The first scholarly monograph to focus on the inception of the Italian Renaissance nude, this lively study subverts the idea that the nude in this period was a triumph of classical revival. Looking again at familiar (even overly familiar) images by artists such as Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Titian, this book investigates the nude as a tool of colonialism and conquest, as a means of asserting the superiority of men to women, and of naturalizing power differentials by entrenching them in a fixed set of ideas about the body and its representation. Jill Burke uses new research on Renaissance sexual practices, material culture, and the history of medicine to contextualize the era's fascination with nakedness and the body in both art and life. The Italian Renaissance Nude invites readers to consider these celebrated nudes from beyond an aesthetic perspective-to consider why they were painted, whose gaze the images were created for, and how these artworks were used.


Nu --- Renaissance --- nudity --- human figures [visual works] --- Italian Renaissance-Baroque styles --- naakte man --- naakte vrouw --- History of civilization --- Art --- nudes [representations] --- anno 1400-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- Italy --- History of Italy --- Nude in art --- Art, Renaissance --- Art, Italian --- kunst --- schilderkunst --- beeldhouwkunst --- tekenkunst --- renaissance --- naakt --- lichamelijkheid --- vijftiende eeuw --- zestiende eeuw --- Italië --- 7.041 --- 7.034 --- Italian art --- Bamboccianti (Group of artists) --- Corrente (Group of artists) --- Cracking Art (Group of artists) --- Fronte nuovo delle arti (Group of artists) --- Geometria e ricerca (Group of artists) --- Girasole (Group of artists) --- Gruppo 1 (Group of artists) --- Gruppo Aniconismo dialettico (Group of artists) --- Gruppo di Como (Group of artists) --- Gruppo di Scicli (Group of artists) --- Gruppo Enne (Group of artists) --- Gruppo Forma uno (Group of artists) --- Italiens de Paris (Group of artists) --- Mutus Liber (Group of artists) --- Novecento italiano (Group of artists) --- Nuovi-nuovi (Group of artists) --- Origine (Group of artists) --- Sei pittori di Torino (Group of artists) --- Transvisionismo (Group of artists) --- Nudity in art --- Human figure in art --- Renaissance. --- geneeskunde --- mannelijk naakt --- menselijk lichaam --- mythologie --- vrouwelijk naakt --- 15de eeuw --- 16de eeuw --- (naakte) menselijke figuur; ‘Corpo humano’ (Ripa) --- (naakte) menselijke figuur; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - vrouwelijke figuur --- geneeskunde, medische wetenschappen --- Art, Renaissance - Italy --- naakt. --- menselijk lichaam. --- (naakte) menselijke figuur; ‘Corpo humano’ (Ripa). --- (naakte) menselijke figuur; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - vrouwelijke figuur. --- mythologie. --- geneeskunde, medische wetenschappen. --- 15de eeuw. --- 16de eeuw. --- Italië.

"Di Bisanzio dirai ciò che è passato, ciò che passa e che sarà" : scritti in onore di Alessandra Guiglia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9788894810189 8894810186 Year: 2018 Publisher: Roma Bardi edizioni

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Intelligent Transport System in Smart Cities : Aspects and Challenges of Vehicular Networks and Cloud
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319933320 3319933329 3319933310 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book presents a timely description of currently used and proposed technologies that involve the intelligent transport system to assist the manager of large cities. Therefore, it describes all concepts and technologies that address the challenges, bringing up a top-down approach, which begins from the vehicular network and central infrastructure to a distributed structure. For scientists and researchers, this book will bring together the state-of-the-art of the main techniques that involve intelligent transport systems to assist the manager of big cities. For practitioners and professionals, this book will describe techniques which can be put into practice and use to aid the development of new applications and services. Concerning postgraduate students, this book will provide highlights of main concerns and concepts and explain techniques that can assist students to identify challenges that they can explore, contribute to, and advance the current status of technology. .


Computer science --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Smart City --- cloud computing --- computers --- informatica --- computerbesturingssystemen --- OS (operating system) --- computernetwerken --- computerkunde --- intelligent transport system --- satellite navigation --- telematics --- town traffic --- urban transport --- organisation of transport --- new technology --- innovation --- technological change --- communications systems --- Computer network architectures. --- Computer science. --- Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks. --- Computing Milieux. --- mestni prevoz --- městská doprava --- bytransport --- kaupunkiliikenne --- gradski prijevoz --- pilsētas transports --- trasporti urbani --- trasport urban --- transport urbain --- градски транспорт --- transport urban --- städtische Verkehrsmittel --- stadsvervoer --- mestská doprava --- miesto transportas --- transporte urbano --- linnatransport --- városi közlekedés --- αστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transport miejski --- stadstransport --- градски превоз --- mobilità urbana --- medzimestská doprava --- kaupunkien välinen liikenne --- transport interurbain --- mobiliteit in de stad --- kommunaler Nahverkehr --- trasporti interurbani --- rörlighet i städer --- městský provoz --- Mobilität im Ortsverkehr --- transport ndërqytetas --- υπεραστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transporte intraurbano --- ortsverbindender Verkehr --- intercity transport --- Personennahverkehr --- transport mellan städer --- mobilitet i byen --- helyközi járat --- Stadtverkehr --- меѓуградски транспорт --- tarpmiestinis transportas --- transport mellem byer --- starppilsētu transports --- transporte interurbano --- mobilidade urbana --- mobilité urbaine --- меѓуградски превоз --- interstedelijk vervoer --- međugradski prijevoz --- linnadevaheline transport --- transport interurban --- movilidad urbana --- helyközi közlekedés --- helyközi szállítás --- doprava ve městech --- liikkuminen kaupungeissa --- αστική κινητικότητα --- bytrafik --- gradski promet --- градски саобраћај --- městská hromadná doprava --- miesto eismas --- linnaliiklus --- градски трафик --- taajamaliikenne --- αστική κυκλοφορία --- pilsētas satiksme --- mestni promet --- trafic urban --- qarkullim rrugor qytetas --- traffiku urban --- circulación urbana --- circulation urbaine --- circulação urbana --- städtischer Verkehr --- stadsverkeer --- градски сообраќај --- mestská premávka --- ruch miejski --- városi forgalom --- stadstrafik --- traffico urbano --- promet u gradu --- satiksme pilsētās --- satiksme lielpilsētās --- asulaliiklus --- traffic in cities --- traffic in towns --- tráfego urbano --- tráfico en el centro de la ciudad --- trafic în orașe --- trafik në qytete --- suurlinnaliiklus --- сообраќај во градот --- κυκλοφορία στις πόλεις --- miestų eismas --- circulation en ville --- trafik i städer --- MHD --- urban traffic --- trafik i byer --- trafik urban --- урбан сообраќај --- Telematik --- teileamaitic --- telematica --- télématique --- telemātika --- телематика --- τηλεπληροφορική --- telematică --- telematiikka --- telemática --- telematika --- telemaatika --- telematyka --- telematik --- teleprocesare --- etäkäsittely --- teleinformatica --- dálkový přenos dat --- teleprocessing --- teleinformática --- nuotolinis apdorojimas --- τηλεματική --- teleinformatik --- datacommunicatie --- diaľkový prenos údajov --- teleinformatika --- téléinformatique --- Datenfernverarbeitung --- servizio telematico interattivo --- telepërpunim --- tālapstrāde --- kaugtöötlus --- materiale telematico --- систем комуникација --- комуникациски системи --- комуникационни системи --- sistemet e komunikacionit --- σύστημα επικοινωνίας --- komunikačné systémy --- sistema di comunicazione --- kommunikationssystem --- ryšių sistemos --- komunikační systém --- komunikacijski sistem --- communicatiesysteem --- komunikacijski sustavi --- viestintäjärjestelmä --- sistema de comunicação --- kommunikációs rendszer --- sistem de comunicații --- system komunikowania --- système de communication --- sidesüsteem --- komunikācijas sistēmas --- Kommunikationssystem --- sistemi ta’ komunikazzjoni --- sistema de comunicación --- sakaru sistēmas --- дигитални комуникациски системи --- аналогни комуникациски системи --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- cambio tecnológico --- technologische verandering --- teknologinen muutos --- technologinis pakeitimas --- teknologisk förändring --- mudança tecnológica --- trasformazione tecnologica --- technologická zmena --- технологична промяна --- bidla teknoloġika --- τεχνολογική αλλαγή --- tehnološka promjena --- technologická změna --- technológiai változás --- evoluție tehnologică --- changement technologique --- tehnoloģijas maiņa --- technologischer Wandel --- tehnološka sprememba --- tehnoloogiline muutus --- rozwój technologii --- ndryshim teknologjik --- технолошка промена --- teknologisk forandring --- athrú teicneolaíoch --- développement technique --- digitálna revolúcia --- технолошки развој --- technological progress --- tehnoloģiskā attīstība --- tekniska framsteg --- mutamento tecnologico --- technologický rozvoj --- tekniskt framsteg --- technischer Fortschritt --- digitalna revolucija --- digitális forradalom --- tehnoloogia areng --- rivoluzione digitale --- athrú teicneolaíochta --- aanpassing technische vooruitgang --- sviluppo tecnologico --- tehnikas progress --- технички напредак --- revolución digital --- technológiai változások --- προσαρμογή στην τεχνική πρόοδο --- aanpassing aan technische vooruitgang --- pielāgošanās tehnikas attīstībai --- digitaalinen vallankumous --- développement technologique --- ψηφιακή επανάσταση --- a műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- rewolucja cyfrowa --- technologische ontwikkeling --- rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- revoluție digitală --- tehnološke promjene --- mukautuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- развитие на технологиите --- progresso tecnico --- technical progress --- tehnoloģiju maiņa --- postęp technologiczny --- adaptare la progresul tehnic --- technologijos tobulinimas --- digitale revolutie --- teknologiska framsteg --- прилагођавање техничком напретку --- цифрова революция --- техническо развитие --- prilagajanje tehničnemu napredku --- technologische Entwicklung --- revolução digital --- anpassning till tekniska framsteg --- tehnikas attīstība --- tehnološki napredak --- приспособување на технолошките промени --- mutation technologique --- prispôsobenie technickému pokroku --- rozwój technologiczny --- tekniikan kehittyminen --- přizpůsobení technickému pokroku --- progrès technique --- tekniikan kehitys --- a műszaki fejlődéshez való igazodás --- teknologisk udvikling --- progreso técnico --- réabhlóid dhigiteach --- műszaki fejlődés --- adaptation au progrès technique --- digitální revoluce --- teknisk udvikling --- progress tekniku --- tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling --- zhvillim tekonologjik --- progreso tecnológico --- приспособяване към техническия напредък --- Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt --- kohandumine tehnika arenguga --- adaptación al progreso técnico --- технически напредък --- prisitaikymas prie technikos pažangos --- tekninen muutos --- desarrollo tecnológico --- dezvoltare tehnologică --- teknologinen kehitys --- změna technologie --- tekninen kehitys --- technikos pažanga --- teknisk fremskridt --- skaitmeninė revoliucija --- technologinis pokytis --- technological development --- teknikutveckling --- adeguamento al progresso tecnico --- tehnika arenemine --- technologijų raida --- technológiai fejlesztés --- techninė pažanga --- progrès technologique --- технички развој --- teknologiske forandringer --- technológiai fejlődés --- desenvolvimento tecnológico --- tehnološki razvoj --- prilagoditev tehničnemu napredku --- adattament għall-progress tekniku --- sopeutuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- attività tecnologica --- cambiamento tecnologico --- tilpasning til teknisk fremskridt --- tehnika areng --- технолошки напредок --- përparim teknologjik --- digitaalrevolutsioon --- tehnikaareng --- révolution numérique --- progres tehnic --- tehnoloģijas attīstība --- digitālā revolūcija --- adaptation to technical progress --- żvilupp teknoloġiku --- teknologins utveckling --- τεχνολογική εξέλιξη --- voortschrijden van de technologie --- tehnični napredek --- digital revolution --- sfida tecnologica --- digitale Revolution --- pielāgošana tehniskajam progresam --- technický pokrok --- adaptação ao progresso técnico --- technische vooruitgang --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- crise de adaptação tecnológica --- τεχνική πρόοδος --- adaptim ndaj përparimeve teknologjike --- prilagodba tehničkom napretku --- progresso técnico --- műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- сателитска навигација --- navigation par satellite --- satellitnavigation --- műholdas navigáció --- satelliitnavigatsioon --- satelitná navigácia --- satelītu navigācija --- navigație prin satelit --- navigim satelitor --- satellitnavigering --- satellietnavigatie --- сателитна навигация --- navegação por satélite --- satelitní navigace --- navegación por satélite --- satelitsko navođenje --- Satellitennavigation --- nawigacja satelitarna --- palydovinė navigacija --- δορυφορική πλοήγηση --- navigazzjoni satellitari --- satelitska navigacija --- satelliittinavigointi --- navigazione satellitare --- Európsky satelitný navigačný systém --- sistema global de navegação por satélite --- ГПС --- maailmanlaajuinen satelliittinavigointijärjestelmä --- navigation by satellite --- système de positionnement à capacité globale --- глобален систем за позиционирање --- глобални систем позиционирања --- ülemaailmne satelliitnavigatsioonisüsteem --- globalt system för satellitnavigering --- navigazione via satellite --- SGP --- Globalni navigacijski satelitski sustav (GNSS) --- palydovinė vietos nustatymo sistema --- globales Satellitennavigationssystem --- globālās navigācijas pavadoņu sistēmas --- Ευρωπαϊκό δορυφορικό σύστημα πλοήγησης --- Evropský systém satelitní navigace --- SGNS --- global positioning system --- Europski satelitski navigacijski sustav --- Sistem Global Navigimi Satelitor --- Sistema Europeu de Navegação por Satélite --- sistema europeo di navigazione satellitare --- Système européen de navigation par satellite --- глобални навигациони сателитски ситем --- satelītnavigācija --- GPS --- Europees satellietnavigatiesysteem --- programul de navigație prin satelit --- evropski satelitski navigacijski sistem --- Παγκόσμιο Δορυφορικό Σύστημα Πλοήγησης --- európai műholdas navigációs rendszer --- GNSS-rendszer --- European Satellite Navigation System --- globální družicový navigační systém --- sistema mundial de navegación por satélite --- ГНСС --- GNSS --- Global Navigation Satellite System --- europejski system nawigacji satelitarnej --- globaalne positsioneerimissüsteem --- европски сателитски навигациони систем (Галилеј) --- système global de navigation par satellite --- Европски систем за сателитска навигација --- sistema europeo de navegación por satélite --- globalni sustav pozicioniranja (GPS) --- europeiskt system för satellitnavigering --- Галилео --- Глобална навигационна спътникова система --- satelitní navigační a poziční systém --- Sistem Europian Navigimi Satelitor --- Sistema Ewropea ta' Navigazzjoni bis-Satellita --- Sistema Globali ta' Navigazzjoni bis-Satellita --- Galileo --- globális navigációs műholdrendszerek --- navigációs műholdrendszerek --- wereldwijd satellietnavigatiesysteem --- sistema globale di navigazione via satellite --- globalt satellitnavigationssystem --- sistem global pozicionimi --- globalny system nawigacji satelitarnej --- navigace pomocí satelitu --- сателитско наведување --- globálny satelitný navigačný systém --- globaalne asukoha määramise süsteem --- Sistem global de navigație prin satelit --- Evropský družicový navigační systém --- globalni satelitski navigacijski sistem --- globalios navigacijos palydovinės sistemos --- navođenje putem satelita --- navigim me satelit --- inteligentni prometni sistem --- интелигентен транспортен систем --- intelligentes Verkehrssystem --- интелигентна транспортна система --- sistemi ta' trasport intelliġenti --- intelligens közlekedési rendszer --- automatizēta transporta sistēma --- sistema di trasporto intelligente --- arukas transpordisüsteem --- intelektinė transporto sistema --- интелигентни систем превоза --- inteligentni prometni sustav --- intelligent vervoerssyteem --- intelligent transportsystem --- ευφυές σύστημα μεταφορών --- système de transport intelligent --- córas cliste iompair --- inteligentný dopravný systém --- sistem inteligjent transporti --- sistema de transporte inteligente --- inteligentny system transportowy --- sistem de transport inteligent --- älykäs liikennejärjestelmä --- inteligentní transportní systém --- integrált szállítási rendszer --- sistem de transport integrat --- integrated transport system --- integroitu liikennejärjestelmä --- pažangioji transporto sistema --- ITS --- inteligentní dopravní systém --- integrirani prometni sustav --- sistema de transporte integrado --- integruotoji transporto sistema --- integrēta transporta sistēma --- geïntegreerd vervoerssysteem --- sistema integrado de transportes --- ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα μεταφορών --- sistema di trasporto integrato --- ühtne transpordisüsteem --- integriertes Verkehrssystem --- inteligentní přepravní systém --- integrerat transportsystem --- integreret transportsystem --- e-doprava --- интегриран транспортен систем --- sistem i integruar transporti --- système de transport intégré --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- Innovation --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- nieuwe technologie --- ny teknik --- új technológia --- нова технология --- nowe technologie --- jauna tehnoloģija --- nuova tecnologia --- nova tecnologia --- nová technológia --- nueva tecnología --- teknologji e re --- nouvelle technologie --- nová technologie --- uus tehnoloogia --- uusi teknologia --- tehnologie avansată --- neue Technologie --- teknoloġija ġdida --- нова технологија --- νέες τεχνολογίες --- nova tehnologija --- ny teknologi --- naujoji technologija --- moderná technológia --- alta tecnologia --- Spitzentechnologie --- neuartige Technologie --- tecnología avanzada --- technique de pointe --- fejlett technológia --- advanced technology --- Hightech --- advanced technique --- kõrgtehnoloogia --- avanceret teknik --- alta tecnología --- progresivní technologie --- high-tech --- korszerű technika --- forkantteknologi --- teknikë e përparuar --- arenenud tehnoloogia --- spetsteknik --- špičková technika --- högt utvecklad teknik --- hoch entwickelte Technik --- arenenud tehnika --- high technology --- technologie avancée --- tecnologia de ponta --- висока технологија --- tecnologia di punta --- tecnica d'avanguardia --- avancerad teknik --- tecnologia nova --- geavanceerde technologie --- tecnología punta --- csúcstechnológia --- napredna tehnologija --- hoogontwikkelde technologie --- tecnica di punta --- speerpunttechnologie --- kehittynyt teknologia --- högteknologi --- teknologji e lartë --- τεχνολογία αιχμής --- pažangioji technika --- напредна технологија --- attīstīta tehnoloģija --- korkea teknologia --- højteknologi --- προηγμένη τεχνολογία --- technologie nouvelle --- augstās tehnoloģijas --- модерна технологија --- tehnică avansată --- haute technologie --- spitstechnologie --- tecnologia avanzata --- high tech --- aukštoji technologija --- attīstīta metode --- înaltă trhnologie --- spjutspetsteknik --- špičková technologie --- visoka tehnologija --- korszerű technológia --- moderná technika --- pažangioji technologija --- kehittynyt tekniikka --- fortgeschrittene Technologie --- tecnologia avançada --- hightech --- υψηλή τεχνολογία --- οργάνωση των μεταφορών --- Organisation des Verkehrs --- organizzazione dei trasporti --- организација саобраћаја --- organizarea transportului --- transporto organizavimas --- organizim transporti --- közlekedésszervezés --- organizacja transportu --- organizace dopravy --- organización de los transportes --- организација на транспорт --- transportorganisering --- organizzazzjoni tat-trasport --- organisation des transports --- organização dos transportes --- transpordikorraldus --- organizácia dopravy --- organizacija prijevoza --- организация на транспорта --- organisation af transport --- pārvadājumu organizēšana --- kuljetusjärjestelyt --- organizacija prometa --- organisatie van het vervoer --- organization of transport --- организација на превоз --- a szállítás szervezése --- организација на сообраќај --- organizatë transporti --- organizacija transporta --- Informatics --- Science --- Architectures, Computer network --- Network architectures, Computer --- Computer architecture --- Computer organization. --- Computers. --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Computer systems --- Cybernetics --- Machine theory --- Calculators --- Cyberspace --- Organization, Computer --- Electronic digital computers

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