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Finding God in a leaf : the mysticism of Laudato si' : a month of reflections
ISBN: 9781788120043 Year: 2018 Publisher: Dublin Messenger Publications

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God, Pope Francis affirms, is present in nature, and he wants us to share that perspective, because he believes that it can generate in us a sense of wonder, awe, reverence and love for nature in all its aspects. This sense will make us strong enough to dedicate ourselves to the demanding task of caring for what he calls ‘our common home’. Brian Grogan brings the background of Ignatian spirituality and a lived appreciation of God’s creation to his book of meditations on Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si. This book serves as a daily invitation to notice in ordinary creation the invitation of God to love and care for all God’s creation.


Catholic Church.

Associazione Italiana degli Slavisti : contributi Italiani al XVI - Congresso Internazionale degli Slavisti (Belgrado, 20-27 agosto 2018)
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The twenty-three essays contained in the volume represent the contributions of the Italian delegation to the XVI International Congress of Slavists, which takes place in Belgrade in August 2018. Written in Italian, English, Russian and Serbian, the essays are divided into three sections: linguistics, Slavic philology and literatures. As the range of themes touched is very wide, so is their chronological span, which goes from the pre- and protohistoric epoch to the present day. The topics covered in fact extend from the Proto-Slavic to the writing, linguistic and literary traditions of the ecclesiastical Slavic civilization, from the linguistic and cultural relations between Italy and Russia to a particular Illyrian dictionary of the eighteenth century. In the field of synchronic linguistics we find essays in which questions of dialectology and sociolinguistics are explored in the border area between Ukraine and Belarus, and then the ways of expressing the concept of completeness in Russian, some concessive constructs of Russian studied with the methods of ' constructionist grammar ', a particular aspect of the Russian and Bulgarian verbal systems, and the different suffixes used in the formation of aspectual pairs in the Resian dialect. In the literary field, on the other hand, it ranges from Gumilev and Chlebnikov to essays that talk about literature and ecology, from Armenian writers who write in Russian to the neo-Latin poem "Il canto del bisonte" and to humanistic and Renaissance reflections in modern Ukrainian literature, from an Italian scholar of Serbian literature of the first half of the twentieth century to the image of the 'strong woman' in Serbian literature of the same period. With their variety, these essays therefore offer as a whole a very concrete idea of ​​several of the current lines of research in Italian Slavic studies.


Catholic Church.

Vivants grâce à Dieu : comment les personnes très pauvres écoutent-elles la parole de Dieu ?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782873245894 9782896885770 2896885773 2873245891 Year: 2018 Publisher: Montréal: Novalis,

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« Lorsque des personnes très pauvres s’identifient à Bartimée parce qu’elles méditent ensemble l’Écriture sainte, qu’y a-t-il dans cette identification ? Qu’y a-t-il dans leur écoute ? Qu’entendent-elles, et comment l’entendent-elles ? Que voient-elles dans cette rencontre entre Jésus et un aveugle qui recouvre la vue ? [En d’autres termes], comment les personnes très pauvres écoutent-elles la parole de Dieu ? »D’une écriture limpide et d’une approche aussi sensible que rigoureuse, cet essai remarquable de François Odinet montre avec brio comment plusieurs personnes, et plus particulièrement des gens devant faire face à l’échec ou à la détresse, trouvent dans la méditation collective des textes bibliques une incomparable source de redressement et de vie transfigurée.

Confraternity, mendicant orders, and salvation in the Middle Ages : the contribution of the hungarian sources (c.1270 - c.1530)
ISBN: 2503578721 Year: 2018 Publisher: Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols,

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Catholic Church --- History.

Comment notre monde a cessé d'être chrétien : anatomie d'un effondrement
ISBN: 202138702X 2021387011 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Éditions du Seuil,

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Le recul du catholicisme en France depuis les années 1960 est un des faits les plus marquants et pourtant les moins expliqués de notre histoire contemporaine. S'il reste la première religion des Français, le changement est spectaculaire : au milieu des années 1960, 94 % de la génération en France étaient baptisés et 25% allaient à la messe tous les dimanches ; de nos jours, la pratique dominicale tourne autour de 2% et les baptisés avant l'âge de 7 ans ne sont plus que 30%. Comment a-t-on pu en arriver là ? Au seuil des années 1960 encore, le chanoine Boulard, qui était dans l'Église le grand spécialiste de ces questions, avait conclu à la stabilité globale des taux dans la longue durée. Or, au moment même où prévalaient ces conclusions rassurantes et où s'achevait cette vaste entreprise de modernisation de la religion que fut le concile Vatican II (1962-1965), il a commencé à voir remonter des diocèses, avec une insistance croissante, la rumeur inquiétante du plongeon des courbes. Guillaume Cuchet a repris l'ensemble du dossier : il propose l'une des premières analyses de sociologie historique approfondie de cette grande rupture religieuse, identifie le rôle déclencheur de Vatican II dans ces évolutions et les situe dans le temps long de la déchristianisation et dans le contexte des évolutions démographiques, sociales et culturelles des décennies d'après-guerre. Guillaume Cuchet est professeur d'histoire contemporaine à l'université Paris-Est Créteil. Il a notamment publié Penser le christianisme au XIXe siècle. Alphonse Gratry (1805-1872) (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017).


Catholic Church --- History

Dio creatore e la creazione come casa comune : prospettive tomiste
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788840190174 8840190171 Year: 2018 Publisher: Città del Vaticano Urbaniana University Press

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Creation --- Thomas, --- Catholic Church.

Paolo VI : il Vangelo nel mondo contemporaneo
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788862507493 8862507496 Year: 2018 Publisher: Milano Guerini e associati

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Paul --- Catholic Church --- History

Geschichte der Gesangbücher und Kirchenlieder im (Erz-)Bistum Paderborn : Band 2: 1726–1818
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3657788956 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paderborn : Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Die Paderborner Gesangbuchgeschichte 1726–1818 öffnet den Blick auf die Entwicklung der Bücher und Lieder des Barock sowie der Aufklärung und zeigt Kirchen- und Frömmigkeitsgeschichte aus neuartiger Perspektive. Dieser zweite Teil der Gesangbuchgeschichte für das (Erz-)Bistum Paderborn umfasst einen Zeitraum von rund 100 Jahren. In dieser Zeit ebnet das Gesangbuch als Begleitmedium dem Kirchenvolk den Weg zu einer verständigen Teilnahme an den Gottesdiensten und ist richtungweisend hinsichtlich der Liturgiereform des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils. Die Autorinnen untersuchen mithilfe kaum ausgewerteter Archivalien die kirchen-, kultur- und mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Rolle des Gesangbuchs; und legen umfassend die Rezeptionsgeschichte dar. Die Publikation wird durch umfangreiches digitales Basismaterial (Synopsen, Reproduktionen von Gesangbüchern) ergänzt.


Hymns. --- Catholic Church.

The Book of Divine Works
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0813231302 Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press,

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Roman sources for the history of American Catholicism, 1763-1939
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780268103811 9780268103835 9780268103842 Year: 2018 Publisher: Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Press

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Roman Sources for the History of American Catholicism, 1763–1939 is a comprehensive reference volume, researched and compiled by Matteo Binasco, that introduces readers to the rich content of Roman archives and their vast potential for U.S. Catholic history in particular. In 2014, the University of Notre Dame's Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism hosted a seminar in Rome that examined transatlantic approaches to U.S. Catholic history and encouraged the use of the Vatican Secret Archives and other Roman repositories by today's historians. Participants recognized the need for an English-language guide to archival sources throughout Rome that would enrich individual research projects and the field at large. This volume responds to that need. Binasco offers a groundbreaking description of materials relevant to U.S. Catholic history in fifty-nine archives and libraries of Rome. Detailed profiles describe each repository and its holdings relevant to American Catholic studies. A historical introduction by Luca Codignola and Matteo Sanfilippo reviews the intricate web of relations linking the Holy See and the American Catholic Church since the Treaty of Paris of 1763. Roman sources have become crucial in understanding the formation and development of the Catholic Church in America, and their importance will continue to grow. This timely source will meet the needs of a ready and receptive audience, which will include scholars of U.S. religious history and American Catholicism as well as Americanist scholars conducting research in Roman archives.


Catholic Church --- History

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